\-\ I·· CONTRIBU1'IONS TO THN PATRIOTIC FUND COLLECTIlD Ui THI!: 8IlVl:ltAL 'l'OWNS AN D SErrrl'LEMEN'l'S OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. - ~.. ~ (~ H .\ H LOT T E TOW N: EDWAIW \\HBLAN, QUEEN'S PRINTER. 18iJf>. CONTRIBUTIONS TO TUR PATRIOTIC FUND, COLLECTED IN THE SEVERAL TOWNS AND SETTLEMENTil OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. MEETING OF THE CHARLOTTETOWN LOCAL COMMITTEE. At a meeting of' the Committee appointed to solicit sub­ scriptions in aid of the Patriotic Fund, held this day- PRESENT: Hon. CAPT. SWABEY, Chairman, Hon. GEORGE COLES, CAPT. ORLEBAR, Rev. GHARLES LLOYD, Rev. 1\lr. SNODGRA~S, JOHN LONGWORTH, Esq., HE:\'RY HASZARD, Esq., THEO. DESBRISAY, Esq., Treasurer. The Treasurer reported that the funds in hand amounted to the sum of £032 7s. 2d. The. Colonial Secretary having reported that His Excellency the Lieut. Governor was about to send to England the amount appropriated by the Legis­ lature in aid of the Patriotic Fund, it was resolved that an address be transmitted to His Excellency the Lieut. Gover­ nOf, as commissioner, requesting that His Excellency would (2) have the kindness to transmit the amount of subscriptions re- ceived, viz: £932 7s. 2d., with the Legislative grant. Resolved That the proposition of the Provincial Secretary. on the part of the Government, to publish in the Royal Gaz~tte the entire list of contributions, be acc~pted by the Committee, and that the Secretary be requested to furlilis~ 3 list, the Government furnishing a sufficient number of copIes, to be transmitted to the Treasurer of each of the Local Committees in the country, for general information. The following address was then agreed to, to be engrossed and presented to the Lieut. Govetnor:- TO HIS EXCELLENCY ,J;lOMINICK DALY, ESQ., LIEUT. GOVERNOR. :ThiAV,IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY; The Committee which has undertaken the collection and disposal of the voluntary contributions in aid of the Patriotic Fund, beg to apprise Your Excellency that, being de&irous that the amount collected should be transmitted, they have paid into the hands of the Provincial Treasurer the sum of £932 7s. 2d. There is a further sum not yet received, of which the Committee has certain knowledge, and which will likewise be paid over so soon as realized. The Committee request Your Excellency to cause its being sent to, England with the grant of £2,000 voted by the Legislature. The Committee further request Your Excellency to express to the Colonial Minister, for Her Majesty's information, the heartfelt satisfaction the people of this Island experience in' having, to the utmost of their ability, seconded Her Ma­ gracious wishes in this matter ~ the sufferings of their fellow subjects in arms in the Crimea, and the patience and exelD­ plary discipline with which, under God's Providence, they have been sustained, have awakened theit' utmost sympathy, whilst to provide for the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in their country's cause has .become an imperative and necessary duty, which Her Majesty's subjects of Prinoe Edward Island have most cheerflllly complied with. We have the honor to be, Your Excellency's most Obed't humble Servants, WM. SWABEY; Chairman. THEO. DESBRISAY, Sec'y & Tr• . (On behalf of the Meeting) OhMlottetown, April 24th, 1855. (3) SUBSCRIPTION LIST. Subscriptions at Public ]Jlleeting. The Lt. Governor £10 0 oTheo Desb.risay 1 10 0 R'Hodgson ' 6 0 o John Robertson 1 1 () 0 George Coles , 6 0 o Wm Snodgrass 1 10 0 H W BJl.yfield, R N 7 10 o H D l'ilorpeth 1 10 0 (In addition to same sum Edwar<!' Whelan subscribed ,in England) 1 10 0 Lt Col. Ansell 5 0 oThomas Pethick 210 0 (In addition to subscrip. J ohu Longworth 2 10 0 tion in England) H Haszard 2 10 0 John Orlebar, R N 5 0 OW H Pope 5 0 0 W m Forbes, R N 3 0 oJohn Barrow 3 0 0 Dr Stratton, R N 1 10 oThomas Owen 2 0 0 J Hancock, R N 2 10 0IA Mitchell 3 0 0 T Desbrisay, R N 2 0 oJohn Ball 1'10 0 J P Beete, late Major .J ohn Robins 1 .9 0 ·54th Regiment, 10 0 oJohn Murphy o 10 0 Joseph Hensley 5 0 o George W Owen 1 10 0 William Swabey 5 0 ----- JWarburton 5 0 £107 10 0 James Robertson 1 10 g/ From Han. lI1ajor J. P. JJeete 4- Rev. Mr. McMurray, £29 11 9. Wm Wright £0 10 O/John Beer £0 10 0 Cairns 0 1 6 A Friend 0 4 6 W'n Duchemin 0 10 o/wm Crabb 0 4 0 Mrs Duchemin 0 10 0 Christopher Cross 0 7 6 i4is8 J H Duchemin 0 5 °A Friend 0 6 0 Sophia Duchemin 0 5 0 John Kenny 1 0 0 Eliza Duchemin 0 5 0 C-- (j I 6 P'lla Duchemin 0 5 0 Angus McDonald 0 3 0 Vanidistine 0 1 6 Wm Forgan 1 10 0 F Harris 0 2 6 Robert Rennie 1 I 0 E[iza Seldon 0 0 9 Mark Butcher 0 15 0 Wm Jakeman 0 3 0 George Beer. 0 6 0 Thomas Essery 0 1 6 John Turner 0 10 0 Wm Snelgrove 0 1 G Ralph Brecken 5 0 0 John Godkin 0 2 3 Archibald Buchannan 0 5 0 Hon Capt Rice 1 0 0 John Stentiford 0 3 !J Cash 0 0 9 Silas Barnard 0 10 0 Mrs Crabb 0 3 !) John Fielding , 0 7 6 Samuel Westacott 0 3 !) Thomas Parsons (l 6 3 Daniel Boughton 0 1 6 Small Sums 0 4 3 Mrs Travers 0 0 9 Charles DesbrisBY 1 0 0 Samuel Martin 0 6 3 Charles Young 5 0 0 Thomas Crutchell 0 2 3 Henry Smith 0 10 0 Mary Matthew, 0 ·0 91Jobn McNeill 0 10 6 James Mallhewl 0 1 0 Benj ,Davies I 10 0 G Boer, junr. , ,1 10 0 Thomas Alley 0 In 0 ( 4 ) From Ru'. Charles Lloyd and Capt. Orlehar, Committee appointed to solicit Subscriptions in Ward No.1, £24 17s. James Purdie £1 10 OITerence McDonald £0 0 9 Donald Nicholson o 2 (3 Mrs O'Hara 033 James McLean o 6 0 George W Deblois 4 0 .() Mrs McLean o 6 0 Robert Hutchinson 100 Captain Dodd o !) 0 Mrs Hutchinson o 10 0 Mrs Williams o 0 !) Misses Hutchinson o 10 0 James Rotchfort o 15 0 Rev C Llovd 100 J Murphy o 1 61A Friend • II 8 3 Peter Lou2hran o 1 6 Judge Peters 500 Mr & Mrs Harvie o 12 6 Henry Cundall o 10 0 Miss Sarah Harvey o 5. O.r McQuarrie 049 Mrs Maloney o 3 o John Jury, jun. 016 Ann Maloney o 3 0 Thomas Dawson 100 J Flemin~ o 0 9 Wm Douse 1 JO 0 Patrick Clooney o 5 3 Rev Dr Jenkins 100 'Vm B Dawson o -10 0 James Carmichael 030 John C Bmns ] 0 0 Richard Burdett o 12 6 Mrs J C Binns o 6 3 George A Thresher 050 From John Longworth, Esq., and Hon. George Coles, Committee appointed to solicit Subscriptions in Ward No.4, £20 3s. George Birnie £3 0 0 George Moore £0 10 0 W B Davison 0 3 9 John Gates 0 10 0 Wm Cundall 1 10 0 Wm Moreton 0 5 0 John Gainsford 0 10 0 Ewen McDonald 0 7 6 W C Hobs 0 4 6 J H Gates I 10 0 James Milner 1 4 0 James Offer \ 0 6 3 Archibald Kennedy I 0 0 John.Harper 0 3 9 A Friend 0 1 6 John Yeo 0 6 0 Wm Smardon II 10 0 John Kennedy 0 4 6 James Canteilo 0 3, 9 Alex McKenzie 0 5 0 Wm Heard I 10 0 James Watts, jun (l 11 0 G P Tanton 0 6 3 Thomas Green I 10 0 A Friend 0 J 0 Philip Cabill 0 6 3 David Stewart 0 6 3 Job Bevan 0 2 3 George Ellison 0 6 3/'James Bevan 0 2 3 L W \V arren 0 15 0 R.ichard Menley 0 3 9 James Coles, jun. 0 10 0 Philip Laqa 0 10 0 James Coles, sen. 0 10 31Thomas Jaques 0 10 0 Charles Saunders 0 5' 0 Jomes Duncan 3 0 0 From Ret'. j17·. Snodgrass, one oftlte Committee appointed , to solicit Subscriptions in Ward No.2, £52 Is. A H Yates £1 10 0 Richard Locket £0 6 3 James Davis 0 10 6 Owen Connolly 0 3 9 J M Stark 0 10 0 Samuel Batt 0 3 0 W R Watson 1 10 0 James E S Bagnall 0 6 0 J C McDonald 1 10 0 H J Calbeck 0 6 0 Charles McNutt 0]5 O/Charles Dempsey 0 6 0 Dugald McNutt 0 10 0 John Costley 1 0 0 Wm Brown 0 15 0 Robert Stewan 1 10 0 (5) Neil Rankin 1 1 Opames N Harril 1 ]0 0 Jobn Scott 011 o Neil Blew 0 1 6 Malcolm McLean o ]0 o James McLeod o 10 0 Malcolm McDonald o 10 o Wm Sneeston 0 3 0 H Pope Welch 1 0 o John Stewart 0 5 0 William Welch 3 0 o George Foster 0 3 0 Charles Welch 1 0 o A Friend 0 2 3 John W Morrison o 10 o James Scantlebury 0 3 9 T A Montgomery 1 10 o Henry Palmer 1 10 0 J B Po\]~rd o 10 6 John Pollard 010 6 George Henderson 0 7 6 Ed ward P Love 1 0 0 James McCraith 1 10 o Charles Scott 0 3 9 W W Skinner o 10 o Thomas Mann 0 4 0 Daniel Davies 1 10 o Jamea Evans 010 0 Geor!!e Davies 0 9 o David A Bears 0 5 0 Jobn McGill 1 10 0iJames McLeod 0 1 6 W W Lord 6 0 o A Friend 0 1 6 Samuel Nelson 1 10 o Wm Duke 0 6 3 James Romans o 15 0IJames Bain 0 1 6 Friend 3 0 o Thomas Bertram 0 5 3 James Stanley 0 6 31John Rigg I 0 0 Wm Cooke 0 3 OWTP o ]0 0 James McLeod 0 3 3/Thomas Robinson 0 I') 0 John McQuade 0 3 o Miss Stewart 1 10 0 Kenneth McKenzie 0 6 3 ;.\lr8 C D Rankin 1 0 0 From Rev.
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