28776 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 16, 1974 B. International Longshoremen's and A. Pamela R. Warner, 121 2nd Street NE., A. Williams & Jensen, 1130 17th Street NW., Warehousemen's Union, 1188 Franklin Suite 5, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20036. Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94109. B. National Health Federation, 212 West B. Ward Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 849, D. (6) $4,000. Foothlll Boulevard, Monrovia, Calif. Conway, Ark. 72032. D. (6) $200. E. (9) $709.18. A. J.P. Trainor, 815 16th Street NW., Wash­ A. John C. Williamson, 1730 Rhode Island ington, D.C. 20006. A. Washington Office on Africa, 110 Mary­ NW., Washington, D .C. 20036. B. Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & land Avenue NE., Washington, D.C. 20002. B. Mobllehome Dealers National Associa­ St eamship Clerks, 6300 River Road, Rose­ D. (6) $16,424.67. E. (9) $12,720.96. tion, 14650 Lee Road, Chantilly, Va. 22021. mont, Ill. 60018. D. (6) $2,000. D. (6) $4,083.34. E. (9) $1,363.65. A. Janet H. Wegner, 1909 K Street NW., Washmgton, D.C. 20006. A. John C. Williamson, 1730 Rhode Island A. W. M. Trevarrow, 601 National Press B. American Association of Retired Per­ NW ., Washington, D .C. 20036. Building, Washington, D.C. 20004. sons/ National Retired Teachers Association, B. Mortgage Insurance Cos. of America, B. American Mot ors Corp., 14250 Plymouth 1909 K Street NW., Washington, D.C. 20006. 1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW., Washington, Road, Detroit, Mich. 48232. D.C. 20036. D. (6) $5,375. E. (9) $184.50. A. Arlene Weitman, 239 Cent ral Park West, D. (6) $2,000. E. (9) $185.37. New York, N.Y. 10024. A. Matt Triggs, 415 13th Street NW., Wash­ B. Consumer Action Now, Inc. A. John C. Williamson, 1730 Rhode Island ington, D.C. NW., Washington, D.C. 20036. B. American Farm Bureau Federation, 225 A. Terrell M. Wertz, 1608 K Street NW., B. National Apartment Associat ion, 1825 Touhy A venue, Park Ridge, Ill. Washington, D.C. K Street NW., Wa-shington, D.C. 20006 D. (6) $1,792. E. (9) $14.80. B. American Legion, 700 North Pennsyl­ D. (6) $2,000. vania Street, Indianapolis, Ind. A. J. Drake Turrentine, 815 Connecticut D. (6) $3,900. E. (9) $240.92. A. Wilmer, Cutler & Piekering, 1666 K Avenue NW., Washington, D .C. 20006. Street NW., Washington, D.C. 20006. B. Union Investment GmbH, Neue Malnzer A. Harry H. Westbay III, 1625 Eye Street B. Dealer Bank Association, P.O. Box 479, Strasse 33-35, 6 Frankfurt am Main 16, Fed­ NW., Suite 805, Washington, D.C. 20006. Wall Street Station, New Yor k, N.Y. 10005. eral Republic of Germany. B . St. Regis Paper Co., 150 East 42d Street, D. (6) $300. New York, N.Y. 10017. A. Joseph D. Tydings, 1120 Connecticut D. (6) $300. E. (9) $150. A. Women's Lobby, Inc., 1345 G Street SE., Avenue NW., Washington, D .C. 20036. Washington, D.C. 20003. B. Potomac Electric Power Co., 1900 Penn­ A. Edwin M. Wheeler, 1015 18th Street NW., D. (6) $10,638.55. E. (9) $12,531.67. sylvania Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. Washington, D .C. 20036. 20006. B . 1015 Fertilizer Institute, 1015 18th Street A. Burton C. Wood, 1625 L St reet NW., D. (6) $524.90. NW., Washington, D.C. 20036. Washington, D.C. 20038. E. (9) $25. B. National Association of Home Builders A. United Egg Producers, 1001 Interna­ of the United States, 1625 L. Street NW., tional Boulevard, Suite 1105, Atlanta, Ga. A. Leonard M. Wickliffe, Eleventh and L Washington, D.C. 20036. 30354. Building, Sacramento, Calif. 95814. D. (6) $5,671.89. E . (9) $583.57. E. (9) $1,575. B. California Railroad Association, Eleventh and L Building, Sacramento, Calif. 95814. A. World Federalists, U.S.A., 2029 K S treet A. United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Asso­ D. (6) $3,314. E. (9) $5,134.73. NW., Washington, D.C. 20006. ciation, 1019 19th Street NW., Washingt on, D. (6) $5,057.67. E. (9) $5,075.67. A. Williams & Jensen, 1130 17th Street D.C. 20036. D. (6) $2,385.27. E. (9) $2,385.27. NW., Washington, D.C. 20036. A. Carol Wyrick, 5607 Greentree R end, B. Bankers Association of Puerto Rico, Bet hesda, Md. 20034. A. United States Lawn Tennis Association, Care of Wender, Murase & White, 350 Park B. Women's Lobby, Inc., 1345 G St reet SE., Avenue, New York, N .Y. 10022. Inc., 51 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Washington, D.C. 2003. E. (9) $44. A. R. Dick Vander Woude, 10600 West Hig­ A. Wllliams & Jensen, 1130 17th Street NW., A. James S. Yonk. gins Road, Rosemont, Ill. 60018. Washington, D.C. 20036. B. Johns-Manville, P.O. Box 5108, G r een­ B. National Education Association, 1201 B. James G. Freeman & Associates, 1825 wood Plaza, Denver, Colo., 80217. 16th Street NW., Washington, D .C. 20036. Magnolia Avenue, Burlingame, Calif. 94010. E. (9) $320. D. (6) $251.93. E. (9) $75. D. (6) $100. E. (9) $10. A. Marlene Zendell, 12522 Windover Turn, A. Williams & Jensen, 1130 17th Street NW., A. Mary E. Vogel, 1107 National Press Bowie, Md. 20715; Building, Washington, D.C. 20004. Washington, D.C. 20036. B. Women's Lobby, Inc., 1345 G Street SE., B. Globe Feather Down Co., 1030 West B. National Organization for Women, Inc., & Washington, D.C. 20003. North Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 60622. 1107 National Press Building, Washington, E. ( 9) $94.65. D.C. 20004. D. (6) $2,749.98. E. (9) $26.95. A. Williams & Jensen, 1130 17th Street NW., A. John L. Zorack, 1709 New York Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20036. Washington. D.C. 20006. A. Wald, Harkrader & Ross, 1320 19th Street B. IU International Management Corp., B. Air Transport Association. NW., Washington. D.C. 20036. 1500 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. D. (6) $1,815. E. (9) $686.25. B. INA Corp., 1600 Arch Street, Philadel­ D. (6) $1,000. E. (9) $220. phia, Pa. 19101. A. Charles 0. Zuver, 1120 Connect icut Ave· A. Williams & Jensen, 1130 17th Street NW., n u e NW., Washington, D .C. 20036. A. DeMelt E. Walker, 1730 Rhode Island B. American Bankers Association, 1120 Washington, D.C. 20036. Avenue, NW., Washington, D.C. Connecticut Avenue NW., Washington, D .C. B. Credit Union National Association, Inc .• B. National Council for Health Care Serv­ ices, 407 N Street SW., Washington. D.C. 20036. 1617 Sherman Avenue, Madison, Wis. D. (6) $3,000. E. (9) $88.37. D. (6) $1,017. E. (9) $49.32. 20024. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS another, for the Administration and for j FIGHTING INFLATION Just before our new President succeed­ Congress, to face up to taking the stringent , ed to the office, the Northern Virginia measures required to really stop t he infla• · Daily, of Strasburg, Va., published an tionary gallop. editorial outlining the kind of policies HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Well said. ."t OF vmGINIA which the leaders of our Nation must follow if we are to get the cost of living I hope that the Congress and the ad- · IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES under control. ministration now will show the wlllpow­ Thursday, August 15, 1974 Based in part on remarks I had de­ er necessary to make the spending cuts . required to end the massive deficits which Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ livered in the Senate 3 days earlier, the August 8 editorial declared rightly: the Government has been running. Un- i dent, the job of fighting inflation, as til this is done, inflation will rage on. President Ford has said, is going to in­ It ls one thing to indulge in platitudes l I ask unanimous consent that the text.J volve some very tough decisions. about what needs to be done. It ls quite August 16, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF R,EMARKS 28777 of the editorial, "Byrd Told the Senate," Whether it be the establishment of a new of productive farms on the fertile river be printed in the Extensions of Remarks. and costly consumer protection agency, fed­ land. eral civilian employment, foreign aid, in­ Lapeer County's :first elections-to There being no objection, the editorial ternational development, food stamps, or wel­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, fare, this nation has arrived at the time of choose county officers-were held in as follows: reckoning. 1837, the year Michigan became a State. BYRD TOLD THE SENATE In concluding his Senate speech, Sen. Byrd Seven years later, in another election, On Monday, Senator Harry F. Byrd spoke st ated: Alvin Hart was elected a State senator to to his colleagues in the Senate on the sub­ "So there are some grounds for hope. serve one of the largest geographic areas ject of inflation and the cost of government. "The hope will not be realized, however, a Michigan State senator has ever repre­ As usual his remarks drove home the hard­ until Congress and the President, working sented: Lapeer, Oakland, Genesee, Shia­ line fiscal philosophy for which the senior together, dedicate themselves to cutting gov­ wasee, Tuscola and Saginaw Counties senator from Virginia has become noted. ernment spending. "The President, as I have said, must take and the entire Upper Peninsula of And, as usual, he was right. Michigan. On July 25th, President Nixon made a the lead enunciating a firm policy. n ationally televised speech on the state of "The Congress must have the will to hold "Lapeer Days," a celebration embed­ the nation's economy in which he promised the line.
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