4 Lax- :Vr lYl- IiAT\INTIR'.\l,'- IINIVERSITY (Abstract) Mass Communication & Joumalism (MCJ) Programme - under Choice Based Credit Semester System in Departments- Revised Scheme, Syllabus and Model Question papers U.O No. AcadlCll 5409 12015 Civil Station (PO 15-10-2015 Read: L U.O.No.AcadlC3l2049/2009 dared I 1/t0l}0t0 2. U.O.No.A cad/ C3 I 2049 /2009 dated, 0 5 / 04 120 1 l 3. Meeting of the Syndicate Sub-Comrnittee held on MlAlD0l5 4.Meeting ofthe Curriculam Committee held on 10/04/2015 5. U.O.No.A cad/ C4 I | 453 G I 201 4 dated 29 I 05 DA I 5 . 6.Meeting ofthe Depaftment Councilheld on 17/04/Z0lS 1i T.Letter from the course Director, Dept.of Mass communitation & Journalism. 8. Meering of the Curriculam Committee held on 0310912015 OI{.DER 1. The Regulations for P.G. Programmes under Choice Based Credit Semester System were implemented in the Schools,lDeparfments of the University with effect from 2010 admissions as per paper read (l) above and certain modifications were effected to the same vide paper read (2) . 2. The meeting of the Syndicate Sub- Cornmittee recommended to revise the Scheme & Syllabus of all the PG Programmes in the University Departments /Schools under Choice Based Credit Semester System (CCSS) w.e.f.2015 admission vide paper read (3) above. 3. As per the paper read (4) above, the meeting of the Curiculam Committee recommended to implement certain modifications/ additions to the Regulations for pG Programmes under Choice Based Credit Semester System and the Regulatiois were modified accordingly in the university w.e.f. 2015 admission vide paper read (5). 4.The Department Council vide paper read (6) above has approved the Scheme, Syllabus & Model Question Papers for Mass Communication & Journalism programme under Choice Based Credit Semester System for implementation with effect from 2015 admission. 5. The Cour-se Director, Dept.of Mass Communication & Journalism, vide paper read (7) above, has forwarded the Scheme, Syllabus & Model euestion nupl.s t. uu.s Communication & Joumalism Programme in tune with the revised Regulations for Choice Based Credit Semester System for implementation with effect from 2015 admission. 6. The meeting of the Curiculam Committee held on 3-09-2015 approved the Scheme,Syllabus and Model question papers for Mass Communication & Journalism Programme under Choice Based Credit Semester System in the Department vide paper read T', above' ?b- (Pro) 7'The Vice chancellor after considering the matter in detail and in exercise the powers of Academic council of conferred under s-ection 1l (l) of Kannur university act 1996 and all other enabling provisions read together with has accorded sanction to implement the Scheme, Syllabus and Model Question Papers for Mass Communication & Joumalism Programme' under choice Based credit Semester sfi; offered in the univ"rsity Departntent with effect from 2015 admission subject to refortuefore the Academic council. 8. Orders arg therefore, issued accordingly. 9. The *r,::g scheme, Syilabui and papers Model euestion effectivg.frorn 2015 admission are appended. sd/- JOINT REGISTRAR (Academic) FoT REGISTRAR To The course Director, Dept.of Mass communication & Journalism, K.U.Camp us,Mangattuparamba. Copy to: 1. The Examination Branch (through pA to CE). pA pVC 2.PS to VC/ to tpA to V pa to CE 3.JR/AR l(Acad). 4.The Computer programmer At (For-,, uploading --'- in the Website) W.t s.sF/DF/Fc/ ...,.t' '. \6tt&t' ,,i,,,"ri.i:i..;-',1-.,,. ., Forwarded/ByOrder secrrhKercen (U.O.No.Acad/C1/5409/2015 dtd,15-10-2015) KANNUR UNIVERSITY REVISED SCHEME AND SYLLABUS FOR PG PROGRAMME IN MASS COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM (MCJ) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SEMESTER SYSTEM (CCSS) FOR DEPARTMENT OF MASS COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM (MCJ) KANNUR UNIVERSITY. FROM 2015 ADMISSION ONWARDS PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT OF MASS COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM, MANGATTUPARAMBA, KANNUR UNIVERSITY. 1 MCJ Programme SYLLABUS for University Department Kannur University w.e.f 2015 MASTER OF COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM (MCJ) The syllabi of MCJ programme offered in the MCJ Department of the University under semester system have been revised in the light of the direction of Syllabus Review Committee. The revised syllabi under Choice based Credit and Semester System shall apply only to Mass Communication and Journalism Department of Kannur University with effect from the academic year 2015-16 (2015 admission onwards). 1. Duration of the Programme: The duration of the MCJ Programme shall be 2years, each year comprising two semesters, each semester consisting of 400- 450 contact hours distributed over 90 days. 2. Eligibility: Candidate seeking admission to the programme shall be required to have obtained a Bachelor degree (under 10+2+3) of this university or any other Indian or foreign University recognized by Kannur University as equivalent thereto and has secured a minimum of 45% marks or equivalent grade in part III / core graduate course are eligible to apply. However, candidate belonging to other socially and economically backward communities are eligible for a relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying examination. Those belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe having secured a pass in the qualifying degree examination are eligible to apply for admission to the programme. 3. Admission: Admission to the course shall be made in the order of merit of performance of eligible candidates in the Entrance examination. The 3 hour Entrance examination will assess the candidate’s language proficiency, general knowledge and aptitude for journalism field. 2 Mode of selection: Based on Entrance Examination -100 marks Weightage: 1. Holders of PG diploma in Journalism - 5marks 2. Three year degree holders with Journalism main -7 marks 3. Graduates with Journalism Complementary -5marks 4. Bachelors Degree holders in Multimedia Communication/Visual Communication/Film production/Video Production -5 marks. Weightage will be added to the total marks of Entrance test to prepare Rank List. Candidate will be given weightage in only one of the categories, whichever is higher, only on production of original certificates. 4. Intake: The intake shall be restricted to 25 for each batch. Reservation of seats for SC/ST and other backward community will be as per the reservation rules of the University. 5. Course Structure: Two kinds of courses are offered to the students in this programme. They are Core courses and Electives. Core courses are offered by the parent department offering the programme. Elective courses are offered either by the parent department or any other department. 3 6. Programme Structure & Subjects: I Semester -from June to October No Core & Subject/Paper Subjects. Hours Credits Marks Elective allotted Code per week Internal External Total MCJ 1 Core 1C001 Introduction to 05 04 40 60 100 Mass Communication MCJ News Reporting 2 Core 1C002 Principles and 04 04 40 60 100 Practice. MCJ News Editing 3 Core 1C003 Principles and 05 04 40 60 100 Practice. Elective* MCJ 1E001 4 * 05 04 40 60 100 Media Product Design & Page Make-up. Elective* 5 * MCJ 1E002 Health Communication Elective* 6 * MCJ Political 1E003 Communication. Practical Newspaper 7 1 MCJ 1C Production 04 0 4 10 20 30 Pr. 01 23 20 170 260 430 I- Semester Total ** Select one subject from the Electives. Practical-1. Students should produce and submit five single page newspapers for external valuation. 4 II Semester -from November to March Subject/ Paper No Core & Code Subjects Hours Credits Marks Elective allotted per Internal External Total week Advanced Communication Theory & Media 1 Core MCJ Studies. 04 04 40 60 100 2C 004 Advertising Theory 2 Core MCJ and Praxis. 05 04 40 60 100 2C 005 Broadcasting and Visual Media 3 Core MCJ Production. 05 04 40 60 100 2C 006 Business Journalism and Financial 4 MCJ Reporting 04 04 40 60 100 Elective** 2E 00 4 5 Elective** MCJ 2E Sports Journalism 005 6 Elective** MCJ 2E Agricultural 006 Journalism 7 Practical. MCJ 2C PSA 3 2 10 20 30 2 Pr. 02 8 Practical. MCJ 2C News Bulletin (TV) 3 2 10 20 30 3 Pr. 03 II- Semester Total 2 4 20 180 280 460 ** Select one subject from Electives Practical-2 & 3. Students should produce and submit a Public Service Advertising (PSA less than 3minutes), and TV News bulletin for external valuation, groups can be formed and the duration should be 25-30 minutes. 5 III Semester -from June to October No Core & Subject/Paper Subjects Hours Credits Marks Elective Allotted Code per week Internal External Total Public Relations and Corporate 1 Core MCJ 3C007 Communication. 04 04 40 60 100 Communication and Media Research 2 Core MCJ 3C008 Methodology. 04 04 40 60 100 Introduction to Film and 3 Core MCJ 3C009 Documentary. 05 04 40 60 100 Elective Photography and 4 ** MCJ 3E007 Photo Journalism. 05 04 40 60 100 Elective* 5 * MCJ 3E008 Magazine Journalism. Elective 6 ** MCJ 3E009 Technical Writing. Production of News Practical. Letter. 7 4 MCJ 3C Pr. 04 02 02 10 20 30 Documentary or Practical. Short Film 8 5 MCJ 3C Pr. 05 Production. 03 02 10 20 30 23 20 180 280 460 ** Select one subject from Electives. Practical 4 & 5. Students should produce and submit a News Letter and a Documentary or Short Film (5 to 20 minutes, groups can be formed), for external valuation. 6 IV Semester- from November to March No. Core & Subject/Paper Subjects Hours Credits Marks Elective code. allotted Internal External Total (CE) 1 Core MCJ 4C 010 Media Law & 05 04 40 60 100 Ethics 2 Core MCJ 4C 011 Development 05 04 40 60 100 Communication 3 Core MCJ New Media & 05 04 40 60 100 4C 012 Cyber Journalism 4 Viva MCJ 4C 013 Viva Voce 04 50 50 Voce -------------- ------------- 5 MCJ 4Pro.
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