A PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY OF THE AESTHETK STRUCTURE OF THE RAMAYANAS : With Special Reference to the Adhyatma Ramayana and the Ramayana by Bhanubhakta THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ARTS (PHILOSOPHY) OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL By SMT. BANI GHOSH SELECTION GRADE LECTURER IN SANSKRIT, KALIMPONG COLLEGE, KALIMPONG. DARJEELING ^ ^ J461G3 1 4 MAR 208 CONTENTS Page No. Preface — ^') Acknowkdgemcnt • • <'v) Abbreviations •• (^^ CHAPTER - 1 : Introduction 1.1 Statement of the problem with an — 2 account of the value of the Ramayana 1.2 Purposes of the Study 32 1.3 A brief Life History of the poet 36 Bhanixbhakta 1.4 Works of Bhanubhakta — ^9 1.5 Differences Between Adhyatma Ramayana ... 45 and Bhanubhakta' s Ramayana 1.6 Why did Bhanubhakta select Classical — 53 Sanskrit metres in his Ramayana? t 1.7 Significance of the Problem 58 1.8 Assumptions and Limitations 60 CHAPTER - 2 : Analysis of Previous Research and Writings on Bhanubhakta 2.1 Writings of the Nepali writers — 67 2.2 Writings of the writers other than ... ** the Nepalese 2.3 A brief Summary indicating areas of — W disagreement in findings 2.4 Agreement in findings in short — 103 CHAPTBi - 3 : Methodology Methodology or Procedures used ... 105 CHAPTER - 4 : Presentation and analysis of data 4.1 What is Metre? Necessity of Metres. ... m Two categories of Metres. 4.2 Definition and division of Vrtta; — H* Characteristics of Jati; Knowledge of Matra"; Classification of Vowels (Laghu and Guru); Definition of Ganas with examples; Definition and placing of Yati. 4.3 Definition and Antiquity of Metres 118 according to Nepali Prosodists; Importance and present position of Metres in Nepali literature; Definition of Metres (used by Bhanubhakta) along with notes and critical comments on them; Ten Ganas (used by the Nepali Prosodists) with examples. CHAPTBfi. - 5 : Condusion m'th Principal Findings Conclusion with a recommendation for ... 131 further research. Principal Findings of the Project ... 138 Endnotes ••• 142 Reference section 1 .Bibliography ... 147 2.Appendices ... 151 PREFACE It gives rrte immense pleasure to state ttxJt in thie year 1961 I passed M.A. examirx3tion in Sanslcrit (Group I, i.e. History and Epigraphy) from thie University of Calcutta and in the year 1966, I passed MA. examirxation in Sanskrit in another group (Group H, i.e. Pralcrit) from the same University. After two decades, with ttie grant of U.G.C., I was able to take up M.Phil course from the aforesaid University. I am glad to state that my thirty-five years' service at Kalimpong College, my close acquaintances with Nepali Community, my frequent attendance of several meetings, convened by Akhil Bharatiya Nepali Bhasa Samity, Kalimpong Branch my regukar atterxjance of Silver Jubilee Festival, organised by Nepali Adhyayan Samity. Kalimpong (field from y* to 9*^ June, 1990), my articles on Btxanubtxakta Ramoyana pubiistied in Surxitxari (a famous newspaper in Nepali language) dated 13.7.1997 and in Pashim Bangal (Nepali medium) dated January 1998 (Pashim Bangal is publishied by Inforrrxatton and Culturat Division, Government of West Bengal), my talk in English on thie literary works of Adikavi BtKinubhakta whuch txxi been broadcast through All Irxila l^dia (AIR), Kurseortg. on \he 2"^ of January. 1996, my deep interest in fslepali language arid literature which also helped me to compose nrxany poems in Nepali language, my sustained efforts to go through thie conterrts of Sarwkrit Adhyatma Ramayana and ttxat of Btxanubtxakta's Rarrxayarxa and above all my keen desire to work intensely arKi ceaselessly with profound devotion, unlimited dedication, strong determinatkDn and courageous efforts for achieving greater and satisfying success, iielped me to complete my thesis in spite of all obstacles. Due to my deep love for Nepali Language arxi literature as well as for Sanskrit metres, I have selected the topic: "A PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY OF THE AESTHETIC STRUCTURE OF THE RAMAYANA: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE ADHYATMA RAMAYANA AND THE RAMAYAf^iA BY BHANUBHAKTA" OS the title of my « * thesis. We krvDW very well that "Nepali is a language spoken by the people who are called 'Gorkhas' or 'Gurktxas' well known for their valour"'. In this connection it is to be noted that Nepali language had been included in the 8* Schedule (of the Constitution of India) which was a long felt demarKJ of tt>e Nepali people. The r»ews had been announced through Television and All India Radio on 20* August, 1992. A project on Nepali Sanskrit literature has long been my cherished desire. And it would not be unfair to claim my origirKJiity in regard to finding out all the nine classfcal Sanskrit metres Canto-wise, which my predecessor researchers have r>ot done. But in regard to matters and facts on Ihe poet Bhanubhakto's life history and his works, I hiad to depend upon various starKlard books on the subject . I hod made my best endeavour to incorporate many discussions to enrich my project and make it more useful to the readers. In conclusion, I may confidently say that the purpose of writing my thesis on Nepali-Sanskrit literature is to satisfy the students, teactiers, and researctiers whto are curious to study the works of the poet Bhanubhakta wtx), according to ' Dr Kumar Pradhan, A History of Nepali Literature, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi. First Edition, 1984, Preface, 1st Page Dr. Kumar Pradhan, "did not appear as a meteor in the sky, he simply marks ttie culmination of several successive poetical tendencies."^ I shall deem my labour amply rewarded if the teachers, researchers arxi students of comparative literature are benefitted by my effort or they feel an urge to know more about the subject. (J^OLrui 0iOS-^ ^ Bani Ghosh Selectkin Grade Lecturer (Retired) S^S^rid_ Novenilseh ^ 1999. KAUMPONG COLLEGE P.O. - Kalimporjg Dist. - [>3rjeeling ^ Ibid 1st Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My honest attempt to write this thesis and get it ready for submission to the University of North Bengal for Ph.D. Degree has been made possible because of the valuable help and encouragement received from a numtjer of people of Kalimpong and Calcutta. Hence I intend to acknowledge the help and assistance received from several sources. I am indebted to a large number of teachers, friends, and colleagues who helped me greatly at the various stages of this project. It is not possible to mention ail of them individually. But I must mention the names of a few academicians who were closely connected vwth this work. First and foremost, I should like to mention the name of Dr. Raghunath Ghosh, Reader, Department of Philosophy, University of North Bengal who was good enough to read the manuscript of my thesis and made a number of valuable suggestions on several points and made some important additions also. I am desirous to express my grateful acknowledgement to our Hon'ble Principal Dr. G. S. Yonzone (present Principal of Kalimpong College) to whom I am greatly indebted for his encouragement provided. I am extremely grateful to my landlady of Kalimpong residence Mrs. Devimaya Yonzone (Alt Maya Devi), a kind hearted lady as well as an author of the Book "Manda". written in Nepali language, who gave me special permission to stay at her Dinajpur Out House for five years. The calm and quiet atmosphere of this house helped me enormously in writing my thesis. I express my sincere thanks to the authorities of my college and other staff members (teaching and non-teaching) of Kalimpong College for their constant assistant, encouragement and Inspiration in completing this wori<. In particular I appreciate the effort of Sri B. B. Sharma, B. Com., LL.B. , Head Assistant of Kalimpong College, as well as the Secretary, Nepali Adhyayan Samity, Kalimpong, for his good suggestions and assistance in supplying me Nepali books on Bhanubhakta. To students, especially the students in Nepali Honours, I owe a vote of thanks for their enthusiastic support and interest in my project which gave me confidence to make the attempt eagerly and attentively. My intellectual debt to Late Dr. Parasmani Pradhan (who expired on 2™* February, 1986), is immeasurable. Dr. Pradhan, who is the author of several tx}oks, taught me Nepali Language and literature in the year 1978-79, at his own residence in Kalimpong. I am also grateful to the valuable help and encouragement received from Mrs. Ratnamaya Basnet (now 94 years' old lady), a very pious woman of Kalimpong, who in the year 1987-88 even igrwring political agitation, was very much interested in reciting Bhanubhakta's Ramayana regularly and taught me eagerly how to recite the slokas of the said Ramayana. Mention in this regard may t>e made of some eminent figures like Sri Bhaichand Pradhan (the author of the Book - Adikavi Bhanubhakta), Sri Sukheraj, Pariyar, an officer of Income Tax Department, Kalimpong, Sri N. K. Kumai, ex-Field Publicity Officer, Government of India, Kalimpong, Prof. Molla Rafique Ahmed (my old college), my meeting with whom have ever t}een a source of information and guidance. I acknowledge my gratitude to my dear colleague Sri M. N. Bhattacharya, M.A. (Calcutta), Selection Grade Lecturer in Political Science, who has always backed me by extending his assistance so ungrudgingly. I do not find words to express my feelings of gratitude for kind encouragement received from my husband Sri B.N. Paul. I am also too much grateful to my two dear daughters, Manjulika and Malabika whose whole-hearted co-operation was a great help in my labour. I also express my gratitude to Sri Kishore Dhar, the proprietor of M/S. Dhar Brotfiers (4, Ram Mohan Sarani, Calcutta : 700 009) and his well-mannered workers for their excellent service rendered to me. Finally, I must express my indebtedness to the host of scholars in Nepali and Sanskrit literature whose works i have freely consulted and followed.
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