The first digit of a CS course number indicates its general level of sophistication: 001-099 Service courses for nontechnical majors 100-199 Other service courses, basic undergraduate 200-299 Advanced undergraduate/beginning graduate 300-399 Advanced graduate 400-499 Experimental 500-599 Graduate seminars Emeriti: (Professors) Tom Binford, Edward Feigenbaum, Richard The tens digit indicates the area of Computer Science it addresses: Fikes, Donald E. Knuth,* John McCarthy, Edward J. 00-09 Introductory, miscellaneous McCluskey, William F. Miller, Nils J. Nilsson, Vaughan Pratt,* 10-19 Hardware Systems Jeffrey D. Ullman, Gio Wiederhold* 20-29 Artificial Intelligence Chair: Jennifer Widom 30-39 Numerical Analysis Associate Chair for Education: Mehran Sahami 40-49 Software Systems Professors: Alex Aiken, Dan Boneh, David Cheriton, William J. 50-59 Mathematical Foundations of Computing Dally, David Dill, Hector Garcia-Molina, Leonidas J. Guibas, 60-69 Analysis of Algorithms Patrick Hanrahan, John Hennessy, Mark A. Horowitz, Oussama 70-79 Computational Biology and Interdisciplinary Topics Khatib, Daphne Koller, Monica Lam, Jean-Claude Latombe, 90-99 Independent Study and Practicum Marc Levoy, Zohar Manna, Teresa Meng, John Mitchell, Kunle Olukotun, Yoav Shoham, Sebastian Thrun, Jennifer Widom, Terry Winograd Associate Professors: Serafim Batzoglou, Dawson Engler, Ronald The mission of Stanford‟s undergraduate program in Computer P. Fedkiw, Michael Genesereth, Christoforos Kozyrakis, Chris- Science is to provide a foundation of mathematics, science, and topher Manning, David Mazieres, Nick McKeown, Andrew Ng, engineering knowledge. Building on Stanford‟s core ideals of lib- Serge A. Plotkin, Balaji Prabhakar, Mendel Rosenblum eral education, the program combines fundamentals with practical COMPUTER SCIENCE Assistant Professors: Gill Bejerano, Jeffrey Heer, Sachin Katti, experience in problem solving, programming, communication, and Scott Klemmer, Vladlen Koltun, Jure Leskovec, Philip Levis, collaboration, allowing each student to realize his or her individual Fei-Fei Li, Tim Roughgarden potential. Professors (Research): John Ousterhout, John K. Salisbury Graduates of the program are prepared to pursue graduate study Professor (Teaching): Eric S. Roberts at the highest academic level, or advance into leadership positions Associate Professor (Teaching): Mehran Sahami in industry. The program creates an atmosphere that promotes Courtesy Professors: Russ Altman, Martin Fischer, Bernd Girod, innovative thinking, values mutual respect and diversity, supports Michael Levitt, Clifford J. Nass, Roy Pea, Fouad A. Tobagi scholarship and research, instills ethical behavior, and cultivates Courtesy Associate Professors: Ashish Goel, Dan Jurafsky, Vijay lifelong learning. Pande, Benjamin Van Roy Courtesy Assistant Professors: Paulo Blikstein, Atul Butte, Ra- mesh Johari, Ge Wang Lecturers: Gerald Cain, Nicholas J. Parlante, Robert Plummer, The department offers both a major and a minor in Computer Patrick Young, Julie Zelenski Science. The requirements for these programs are outlined in the Consulting Professors: Gary Bradski, Kathleen Fisher, Prabhakar “School of Engineering” section of this bulletin and described in Raghavan more detail in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Pro- Consulting Associate Professor: Federico Barbagli, Pei Cao grams published by the School of Engineering. The Computer Consulting Assistant Professors: Kurt Akeley Science major offers a number of tracks (programs of study) from Visiting Professor: Martin Abadi which students can choose, allowing them to focus their program * Recalled to active duty. on the areas of most interest. These tracks also reflect the broad Mail Code: 94305-9025 diversity of areas in computing disciplines. The department has an Phone: (650) 723-2273 honors program, which is described in the following section. Web Site: http:// www.cs.stanford.edu In addition to Computer Science itself, Stanford offers several Courses offered by the Department of Computer Science are interdisciplinary degrees with a substantial computer science com- listed under the subject code CS on the Stanford Bulletin’s Explo- ponent. The Computer Systems Engineering major (also in Engi- reCourses web site. neering) allows the study of areas requiring a knowledge of both The Department of Computer Science (CS) operates and sup- computer hardware and software, bridging the gap between tradi- ports computing facilities for departmental education, research, tional CS and Electrical Engineering majors. The Symbolic Sys- and administration needs. All CS students have access to the de- tems major (in the School of Humanities and Sciences) offers an partmental student machine for general use (mail, news, etc.), as opportunity to explore computer science and its relation to linguis- well as computer labs with public workstations located in the tics, philosophy, and psychology. Finally, the Mathematical and Gates Building. In addition, most students have access to systems Computational Sciences major (also Humanities and Sciences) located in their research areas. allows students to explore computer science along with more ma- Each research group in Computer Science has systems specific thematics, statistics, and operations research. to its research needs. These systems include workstations (PCs, Macs), multi-CPU computer clusters, and local mail and file serv- The Department of Computer Science (CS) offers an honors ers. Servers and workstations running Linux or various versions of program for undergraduates whose academic records and personal Windows are commonplace. Support for course work and instruc- initiative indicate that they have the necessary skills to undertake tion is provided on systems available through Information Tech- high-quality research in computer science. Admission to the pro- nology Services (ITS) and the School of Engineering (SoE). gram is by application only. To apply for the honors program, students must be majoring in Computer Science, have a grade STANFORD BULLETIN, 2009-10 | 1 point average (GPA) of at least 3.6 in courses that count toward the For scientific use: 106A major, and achieve senior standing (135 or more units) by the end For a technical introduction: 106A of the academic year in which they apply. Coterminal master‟s For significant use: 106A,B or 106X, plus 103, 107, and 110 students are eligible to apply as long as they have not already re- ceived their undergraduate degree. Beyond these requirements, students who apply for the honors program must also find a Com- puter Science faculty member who agrees to serve as the thesis adviser for the project. Thesis advisers must be members of Stan- The University‟s basic requirements for the M.S. and Ph.D. ford‟s Academic Council. degrees are discussed in the “Graduate Degrees” section of this Students who meet the eligibility requirements and wish to be bulletin. considered for the honors program must submit a written applica- tion to the CS undergraduate program office by May 1 of the year G preceding the honors work. The application must include a letter describing the research project, a letter of endorsement from the In general, the M.S. degree in Computer Science is intended as faculty sponsor, and a transcript of courses taken at Stanford. Each a terminal professional degree and does not lead to the Ph.D. de- year, a faculty review committee selects the successful candidates gree. Most students planning to obtain the Ph.D. degree should for honors from the pool of qualified applicants. apply directly for admission to the Ph.D. program. Some students, In order to receive departmental honors, students admitted to however, may wish to complete the master‟s program before de- the honors program must, in addition to satisfying the standard ciding whether to pursue the Ph.D. To give such students a greater requirements for the undergraduate degree, do the following: opportunity to become familiar with research, the department has 1. Complete at least 9 units of CS 191 or 191W under the direc- instituted a program leading to a master‟s degree with distinction tion of their project sponsor. in research. This program is described in more detail in a subse- 2. Attend a weekly honors seminar Winter and Spring quarters. quent section. 3. Complete an honors thesis deemed acceptable by the thesis Applications for admission to the M.S. program, and all of the adviser and at least one additional faculty member. required supporting documents, must be received by December 8, 4. Present the thesis at a public colloquium sponsored by the 2009. Exceptions are made for applicants who are already students department. at Stanford and are applying to the coterminal program. Informa- 5. Maintain the 3.6 GPA required for admission to the honors tion on these deadlines is available from the department. program. For University coterminal degree program rules and University application forms, see http://registrar.stanford.edu/shared/ publica- tions.htm#Coterm. Students arriving at Stanford have widely differing back- SCHOOL OF ENGINEERIN grounds and goals, but most find that the ability to use computers effectively is beneficial to their education. The department offers A candidate is required to complete a program of 45 units. At many introductory courses to meet the needs of these students. least 36 of these must be graded units, passed with a grade point For students whose principal interest is an exposure to the fun- average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) or better.
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