THE BEST OF THE YEARBOOK 2018 8550 Pontchartrain Blvd 504-486-4887 BOILED SEAFOOD • DAILY SPECIALS INTRODUCING Breakfast Menu BOTTOMLESS Every Saturday Mimosas & Sunday, Bloody Marys 7:30am-Noon Screwdrivers Mon-Thurs 11 am to 10 pm • Fri 11 am to 12 am Sat 7:30 am to 12 am • Sun 7:30 am to 10 pm INTRODUCTION he past year began with the Tricen- e ongoing assault of anti-Semitism status for longtime Congregation Gates tennial of New Orleans winding that had been building in recent years burst of Prayer leader Robert Loewy and the down, but controversy ramping up. upon our community in an ugly way later installation of Rabbi David Gerber there, TA controversial, non-binding pro-BDS (and in the year as we assembled to decry the Senior Rabbis Matthew Reimer of Temple anti-Israel) resolution passed the New Or- white supremacist epithets that had been Sinai and Alexis Berk of Touro Synagogue leans City Council in an unusual manner, spray-painted on the exterior of the North- also announced their plans to move away. eliciting protests on both sides as the matter shore Jewish Congregation’s sanctuary. Congregation Beth Israel’s popular Gabriel was debated and eventually withdrawn. en, the unthinkable happened in Greenberg also indicated he would not be us the journey began, but it was a year Pittsburgh, as hate spilled into the Tree of returning to another term in Metairie. that was rocky in other ways. Life /L’Or Simcha Synagogue and 11 inno- e year was also one of extreme loss as Newly installed Jewish Federation of cent victims were slain, the worst incident evidenced in our obituaries section at the Greater New Orleans CEO Arnie Fielkow, of anti-Semitism ever experienced in the rear with many great community leaders, who was at the front of the battle over the United States. Our community came to- family and friends. City Council, experienced a serious health gether in a meaningful fashion, but feeling issue that forced him away from the Cres- vulnerable and threatened as never before. Once again, it has been a pleasure to 8550 Pontchartrain Blvd cent City, but by year’s end, he had been e revolving door of the New Orleans serve you. We appreciate your support. reinvigorated and restored to a thankful rabbinate was also on the minds of many. Alan Smason, Editor 504-486-4887 Jewish community. Following the retirement to emeritus rabbi TABLE OF CONTENTS e Crescent City Jewish News presents e Best of... 2018 Yearbook 4..................... Best of January 29.....................Best of August 7....................Best of February 32.............. Best of September 9........................Best of March 34...................Best of October BOILED SEAFOOD • DAILY SPECIALS 11........................ Best of April 41...............Best of November 18.........................Best of May 46........................... Lagniappe INTRODUCING 24........................ Best of June 48............... Best of December 27..........................Best of July 51........................... Obituaries Editor Advisory Consultant Public Relations & Designer Advertising Alan Smason Arlene Wieder Communications Manager Jessica Simon Amy Thomas Breakfast Menu BOTTOMLESS Andrea Rubin Every Saturday Mimosas To advertise in our next of CCJN publications - Source 5779 or Yearbook 2019, email [email protected]. & Sunday, Bloody Marys 7:30am-Noon Screwdrivers Mon-Thurs 11 am to 10 pm • Fri 11 am to 12 am Sat 7:30 am to 12 am • Sun 7:30 am to 10 pm Crescent City Jewish News • Year in Review • 2018 3 JANUARY 2018 City Council withdraws controversial pro-BDS Resolution By ALAN SMASON, Special to the CCJN t took the New Orleans several missteps while trying to City Council a little over recover from the devastation of an hour and a half to undo Hurricane Katrina and related Iwhat they had passed two weeks ooding. “I believe this council earlier on January 11. made such a misjudgment two Mayor-elect and Coun- weeks ago with this resolution cilperson LaToya Cantrell, the and I applaud all of you for now author of the resolution, R-18- taking corrective action to reverse 5, said she intended its passage what was and is a harmful result to be supportive of “our city’s to the City of New Orleans,” commitment to human rights.” he said. Fielkow continued by She added, “After extensive dis- adding that the Jewish com- cussion and deliberation about munity has always exercised a the impact of this resolution, commitment to human rights, I can say that the unintended especially when considering the impact does not reect my com- concept of tikkun olom(repairing mitment to inclusivity, diversity the world). and respect for all in support of He reeled o a number of Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans CEO Arnie Fielkow speaks as protestors hold signs civil rights, human rights and past positions the Federation has behind him from the outside lobby. (Photos by Alan Smason) freedoms for all New Orleani- taken including opposing the ans.” discriminatory travel ban to six NOPPSC have worked on issues Fielkow, Ahlquist and others Cantrell, the District B Muslim countries, advocating like battling the proposed travel joined to thank the City Council representative, added: “e un- for DACA (Deferred Action for ban from six Muslim states by for the withdrawal. “By with- intended consequences I am very Childhood Act) and the Dream the Trump administration. He drawing the resolution, it allows apologetic for,” she said. “State- Act and other pro-immigration stated for the record that they the opportunity for a clean slate ments from outsiders now claim reforms as well as other programs have agreed on many issues and to begin to engage in meaningful, that New Orleans is one of the to erase racism and injustice. disagreed on others. “We need to transparent and inclusive dialogue largest cities in the United States “Unfortunately, on the topic dene was an ally is,” the council- on how this community advances supportive of BDS, a movement of BDS, we must respectfully man said. “Allyship, friendship, issues of civil rights and human aimed at delegitimizing the State disagree with the resolution whether it’s personal or political, it rights, and how we collectively of Israel.” proponents as we strongly oppose is not ownership. It does not mean build a better New Orleans reec- Cantrell then retorted: “is the BDS movement and feel that you own my voice on every tive of our commitment to these is totally inaccurate, untruthful does not in any way advance, vote. I think we all need to realize values, ” the statement read. “e and does not reect the values of what I hope is a common goal that there is a dierence between Federation, ADL, and the Jewish New Orleans. We are a city that is that everyone in this building a friend you are in disagreement Community Relations Council welcoming and open to all.” and everyone watching on TV, a with and a mortal enemy.” stand-by as willing partners and Speakers Aaron Ahlquist, the peaceful resolution of a historic More to the point, Williams participants in this discussion. South Central Region director complicated conict, so that all seemed to be perturbed that e withdrawal of the resolu- of the Anti-Defamation League forces can live with peace, security the council had become part of tion in no way reects a lack of (ADL), Rabbi Ed Paul Cohn and prosperity,” he said. a global discussion on human commitment to human rights, (Temple Sinai emeritus rabbi), “Being labeled a BDS city is rights and Israel and Palestinians. from either Federation, ADL or Barbara Kaplinsky (local presi- not benecial to New Orleans “I’m certain that folks on both the City Council. Rather, this dent of NCJW), explained why in any way,” Fielkow said as time sides agree with the black and important conversation can now they called for the withdrawal of ran out. white words on that resolution. happen in the light, with trans- the resolution. e speakers who spoke in However, how the New Orleans parency and inclusivity.” Rounding out the forces op- support of the resolution were City Council is reected interna- As the author of the resolu- posed to the resolution was Arnie Chicago Rabbi and Cantor tionally and how we are reected tion, Mayor-elect Cantrell added Fielkow, CEO of the Jewish Fed- Michael Davis of Congrega- nationally, that is up to the mem- her own statement late in the day: eration of Greater New Orleans. tion Makom Shalom, Tabitha bers of the City Council,” he “After extensive discussion and Fielkow, a former City Council- Mustafa, a member of the New contended. deliberation about the impact man-at-large himself, respectfully Orleans Pro-Palestinian Solidarity “No one else is going to inter- of this resolution, I can say that addressed the members of the Council (NOPPSC) and Chloe pret a resolution that comes from the unintended impact does not council, even as protest signs were Segal, a woman who identied this body,” William warned. He reect my commitment to inclu- placed suggestively above his head herself as a Jew and whose family then moved to withdraw the reso- sivity, diversity and respect and by pro-BDS supporters. had ed pogroms in Lithuania. lution, which received immediate support for civil rights, human Fielkow acknowledged that Council President Jason and unanimous approval. rights and freedoms for all New his own council leadership had Williams stated that he and the ree hours after the meeting, Orleanians.” 4 Crescent City Jewish News • Year in Review • 2018 JANUARY 2018 Dansker musical focused on Leonard Bernstein By ALAN SMASON of his lectures, Megan Kuckro, a soprano, and Jesse Reeks. Jesse is or scholar and music a talented player, composer and enthusiast George Dansker, arranger with a New Orleans mu- this year’s annual lecture on sical pedigree.
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