MAY 2015 AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION VOLUME XXIV NO. 3 PMA HOLDS In this issue: th 108 CONFAB The OWL@PMA 2 Editorial 6 The Philippine Medical Association be discussed in the Scientific Session #2 th will hold its 108 Annual Convention and entitled “Options for at-risk adults”. Scientific As I See It 8 Scientific Sessions on May 19-22, 2015 at the Session #3 entitled “Comparative effective Marriott Grand Ballroom in Newport City CPG – local data outcome” will tackle local vs The Vice President’s Complex, Pasay City. foreign CPG apprehensions re 2014 editorial Corner 10 on Cardio Vascular Disease management. Atty. Alexander A. Padilla, National Treasurer’s PhilHealth President & Chief Executive Session #4 dubbed as “Must know, Report 12 Officer, is the keynote speaker during the must comply” will tackle PhilHealth, BIR, Opening Ceremonies with Dr. Janette Loreto DOH, PRC and Ethics issues. Regional News 15-24 -Garin, DOH Secretary, as guest of honor. General Assembly will be held on APMA 24 With “One PMA, One Health, One May 21. Dr. Jose Rizal Lecture and Awards Life” as scientific session theme, the PMA- and PMA Awarding Ceremonies are slated on PMA-APPA Story 26 CME Commission headed by Dr. Ramon F. May 22. Abarquez, has introduced a major innovation On Higher Ground 27 for the scientific sessions. Instead of having Induction of the 2015-2016 PMA small breakout groups to conduct National officers, PMA Board of Governors, simultaneous symposia there will only be a and Component Society presidents will be total of four sessions for the whole duration of held on May 22, 2015 during the the convention with panelists from different Convention‟s Closing Ceremonies with DOH specialty divisions discussing the topics. Each Secretary Garin as the guest of honor and session will have a “take home message” inducting officer of the 2015-2016 PMA making the session an “Ask, Learn, Share” President. activity. 108th PMA Annual convention Scientific Session #1, entitled Organizing Committee is headed by Dr. “Parents not pre-determined, yet offsprings Realiza G. Henson, PMA Governor for risk-prone” will tackle what, in an apparently Quezon City Region, as Overall Chair with healthy maternal characteristics, have PMA President Dr. Maria Minerva P. Calimag prognostic influence on fetal programing and as Honorary Chair, Dr. Albert C. Guevarra as poor offspring outcomes of birth defects and Co-chair, PMA Secretary General Dr. would there be any growing-up management Marianne O. Dobles as Convention Secretary, implication. Dr. Maria Corazon S. Maglaya as Convention Assistant Secretary, and PMA National Will Lifestyle Modification prevent Treasurer Dr. Benito P. Atienza as fatal diseases, and if so, how? This issue will Convention Treasurer. be discussed in the Scientific Session #2 entitled “Options for at-risk adults”. Scientific Page 2 The Physician The OWL@PMA Online Webbed Learning @ Partnerships for Medical Advancement Maria Minerva P. Calimag, MD, MSc, PhD, FPBA, FPSECP PRESIDENT, Philippine Medical Association, Inc “Today with the emergence of the information age, the strength of a country is based on knowledge. National greatness will arise not from our national resources or our factories, but from our people—people with new ideas and skill,” Michael Milken Continuing Professional De- 5) be an essential component of pro- Association of Philippine Medical Col- velopment (CPD) is defined as the fessional and personal life, never an leges and the Professional Regulation education of physicians following optional extra. Commission, All licensed physicians completion of formal training. CPD is in the Philippines must participate in the acquisition of knowledge, experi- Filed in the Senate under recognized Continuing Professional ence and skills, as well as, the devel- Committee Report 95 submitted by Development activities in which they opment of personal qualities. It in- the Committee on Civil Service and demonstrate their commitment to volves both the acquisition of new Government Reorganization and the continued competent performance in skills, to broaden competence, and Committee on Finance, is Senate Bill a framework that is fair, relevant, the enhancement of existing skills to No. 2581 entitled, “AN ACT MAN- inclusive, transferable, and formative. keep abreast of evolving knowledge. DATING AND STRENGTHENING With the ASEAN Integration and the Among physicians, CPD consists of THE CONTINUING PROFES- requirements posed by the National any educational activity which helps to SIONAL DEVELOPMENT PRO- Equivalency Framework looming in maintain, develop or increase knowl- GRAM FOR ALL REGULATED the horizon, there is a need for 1) a edge, problem-solving, technical skills PROFESSIONS, CREATING CON- means to provide virtual and remote or professional performance stan- TINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVEL- opportunities for acquiring CPD cred- dards. Keeping up-to-date enables OPMENT COUNCIL, AND AP- its; as well as, 2) a means to docu- them to work legally and effectively PROPRIATING FUNDS THERE- ment them. all with the goal that they can provide FORE, AND FOR OTHER PUR- better health care redounding to pa- POSES”. As President of the Philip- tient safety. CPD includes 'formal' pine Medical Association and a activities, e.g. courses, conferences The Philippine CPD Council known advocate for Technology Inte- and workshops, as well as self- of Medicine is comprised of the gration in Medical Education and directed activities such as preceptor- tripartite representation from the Training, I initiated the OWL@PMA ship and self-determined learning. Philippine Medical Association, the Program for Continuing Professional According to the Chartered Institute Development of Physicians. of Personnel and Development OWL@PMATM is an acro- (CIPD) (Marchington. M. and Wil- nym that stands for Online kinson, 2006), CPD should be: 1) Webbed Learning @ continuous - professionals should al- Partnerships for Medical Ad- ways be looking for ways to improve vancement. This will be performance; 2) the responsibility of MOOC site using Moodle, an the individual learner to own and Open Source Learning Man- manage; 3) driven by the learning agement System that will needs and development of the individ- feature Moodle Analytics. ual; 4) be evaluative rather than de- Physicians will be recom- scriptive of what has taken place; mended educational and Volume XXIV, No. 3 Page 3 professional development tracks based Our Philosophy on their actual contexts. The intent is to provide an alternative platform for The OWL@PMA deploying learning materials via the online mode. Pre-tests and Post-tests Program is anchored on the will also be given to document learn- philosophy of heutagogy. ing from the online modules as well as Heutagogy is the study of from face-to-face encounters in self-determined learning Roundtable Conferences. (in contrast to self-directed learning in andragogy)… It Moreover, the OWL@PMA is also an attempt to chal- will feature a cloud-based portfolio lenge some ideas about assessment platform which will be a teaching and learning that virtual space for curating and archiv- still prevail in teacher centred learning Figure 1 http://bibblio.org/ ing of physician profile and evidences and the need for, as Bill Ford (1997) of learning from formal, informal and non-formal Continuing Professional eloquently puts it „knowledge sharing‟ Our Mission Development (CPD) encounters. rather than „knowledge hoarding‟. In CPD credits can be earned through this respect knowing how to learn is a To cultivate partnership and the Online Modules and Roundtable fundamental skill that is developed in understand the educational needs of Conferences; Certificates from local heutagogy. It looks to the future that the Filipino physicians at the PMA. and international conferences, semi- moves at pace with innovation and the nars and workshops; research out- changing structure of communities To deliver valuable medical educa- puts, creative works and outputs such and workplaces (Hase and Kenyon, tion programs that transform the edu- as infographics for health awareness 2000). cational experience and improve pa- advocacies, policy statements, posi- tient care. tion papers, lectures delivered etc. It recognizes that physicians The portfolio will provide the evalua- are not only lifelong learners but that To utilize mobile technology in tor with the following information, they are engaged in learning for life. delivering innovative educational so- i.e., 1) a reflection of the physician as lutions to provide medical education They learn through consultation and a professional; 2) a record of his pro- anytime anywhere. collaboration, self-study, and through fessional development; 3) proof of his conferences and meetings, seminars performance on-the-job or in class; 4) To bring together physicians, what he has accomplished (i.e., tangi- and workshops. Our goal is to create medical organizations, and other ble artifacts/evidence); 5) paper-, an alternative virtual platform that medical education stakeholders into computer-, or web-based evidence of will elevate the educational experi- one online community that fosters having learned new skills. ence of physicians by measuring their professional, peer-to-peer discussion learning and engaging them at their The portfolio within the and collaboration. own pace and convenience. It hinges OWL@PMA will be both a product and a process portfolio. A product on Mobile e-Learning as an enabler of Medical organizations and portfolio
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