Ton, Woodward, at * ITT—Harper and Frontenae PL

Ton, Woodward, at * ITT—Harper and Frontenae PL

Saturday, December 20, 1941 DETROIT TIMES FEATURE PACE PAGE 9 Walter Winehell On Broadway our favorite Trad* Mark R*gi»tar*d. Copyright, I*4l. » # THIS STAR THEATERS ? T O DAY it IDENTIFIES CO-OPERATIVE MOVIE¦ ¦ PRESS BOX: Walter Duranty, who cer- girls. Inspection revealed that his books An Hamilton, Woodward, at * ITT—Harper and Frontenae PL. CAI at Canfield fpiun—l.4*Bl Grand Rd.-Yaa Dyka ? 1 . 0347 t ICC||U—422l saw more ... MnßTnWU—^Sevea-Mlle rEtainly of the Soviet air force than were in order "s'" from LULIJLU.’I Cont 'K). WVAHU Open 10 30 A M Late Shorn UUlvlUnn Hey Kid*. You're Invtud to ROSEVILLE- ram Cont 12 Noon. Michael V. halen. I 1 Anita Loulee MANHATTAN,” n*N»*“MARK OF Lindbergh did, hoots at belittling Bradley, WOLF.” Hayden In "TWO IN’ TAXI." Perk Tree "CHARI.*VS Our Xmaa Party Saturday, Dec 20th Joan Davl* the latter’s of He was finally called in and asked how he Grace “MON OF THE Ruiaell A 10:30 PM Power, DameU. •IMF OP. IAW A V," Robt Sterling, Donna Plua “JESSE JAVIKs AT BAY," with AI .AT." Jack Benny “MOULD PKK- ‘ Matinee Only. Santa Clau* Will Be Here 1 ZORRO," Tyrone Linda It. In his book. “The could spend so much money on his S2O a week. Party Roy Ruga re. MILKE," John Barrymore. France* Farmer in Per*on With Free Gift* for AH. Extra' l Cartoon Reed. MAT. ONLY: Big Cartoon ' ! _ j One Hour of Cartoon*. Open 1:45. Aremlin and the “Very simple,” he explained, “I run a raffle CAI Hamilton, t anfteld W. Jtff«n«a. \I. 2-1247 * afIAMC—tlrmd < Irrua Park icriiu—432l at fD*WnC—*o24Im/VIUL DAlirc —YYeat Jefteraea Near Schaefer the corres- every week. I get a dollar a ticket and i ftUniHj Walter Huaton. Walter Brennan. LULIJLUIU LATE OWL SHOW. Mat 1 Pld Mat Only Carl WftßTffU/N—l Aeren-MII* Rd.-V an Dyke * KUUIIG Park Free. Open 1:13- Babs puts 100 Anne Baxter and Dana Andre** in I COME AS LATE AS W 30 P M. Party Richard Dt*. “HIE ROI.NDIP.” JlUiMUffit Open 1:49 free Parking c*r-: Sandy. “BA< HEI.OR DADDY." Plu# pondent Lind- aell to nearly people.” " them “SWAMP WATER. Plua France* Lang- AND SIC 1 THRICE FEATURES ••MOB TOWN," “Dead End'* Kid* t-.n Party Mat. Only “CHARLEY'S •OITIAWs OF THE CHEROKEE TRAIL, berg’s views down to In IT, MIDNIGHT SHOW | Pavla. “What prize doea the wlnne r recelxe?” asked ford “MW INQ SOLDIER.” —Woodward-Slbley. Al NT." Al*<> “RINGSIDE MAlslE." Bob Steele and Rufe the CAI nuiil Park Tree. his gullibility with nr. * fpiUT—Russell, near Holbrook * his boss. inU|p4| —Mark Mt. Jean. 1.F.. MBA LULUniRL Often All Night. River nt Southffeld MvMlMr4 Big Party Only. Stage 4:iVO, 3 00, 12 P M. Dor- UIWIIII open 1 P. M C<»nt. “14*1. AK k|Ap\l/CCT—Grand DnYV- Tempi# ? Berliners. scorn, AUITUIVAL Cartoon Mat. Showe: nUnTlLjl Park Free Open 12 45 Noon.; RUaI Open 24 Hour*. Free Parking. “Oh, that!’’ he said with “It’a my Open 12:30 Cont. Free Parking. Jack Benny, othy Lamour, Jon Hall In “AIJtMA op' vt.R," Kamou* Comic strip with Gran*l DUtrleh. - Hud and Ls>u Coatello In “HOLD Edw. G. Roblnaon. Marlen* Another correspond- Kay > ROUND- vllle Owen. “THE THUNDERING FKoN salary I” Krancia. “< iltKl.M At NT." Aiao THP: SOI TH SEAS." Plua “THE .THAT GHOST." Plu* Anne Shirley In “MAN POWER" tha Thrill-Packed “MVMTP.RV • IP," with Richard Dix, Patricia Morteon. TIER." Chat, fitarrett. Midnight Show. ent with a good book • • • MMIP." “WP.sT POINT WIDOW." “GREAT GUNN," Laurel A Hardy. haae, PA| —1344.16 Mack A»e. Park Free 4 rnrir I ivrc—ltnsn Grand River is Raymond Dnniell—- || fVCM—Ford Hoad-C Dearborn nt|V LARLj M4M IN THE NIGHT: In the Stork: ALI/Lit Open 12:tS Walter Pldgeon, Flor- LULUIyi open A:3O. <iin-1 UiVCAI Cont 1.30. Kre# Park- AA|fnAI C —Oakland at X Mile Road DAViI—1 Mile and Meyere UN. “Civilians Must Fight.” (ieo. Start* M Dorothy UAIVUALC Free La*t ence Rice in “PHANTOM HVIDP.KM." ger Roger*, Murphy. “TOM, DI4 K ing. I.a*t Show 10 P Brenda Joyce. Jane Harwell. nUIAL Open 12 30 Park SOUNDS“He’s a good city editor—hated by everybody Umour, Hall, Barry Darnell, who covered I Plua “KAROO RID," with Tim Holt. AND HARRY." “RISK THE BdVa 4.4H4D- Jon "AlOMt OK THE “PRIVATE MRsK." Don Red Show 10:30. Robert Taylor. Joan Crawford. raids, re- on the staff—except the circulation manager.” HYK," I>on Ameihe and Mary Martin. 1 Mil TH SRAM." “MAN POWi R," tilw. Lynn Merrick, “DEATH VALLEY till- Greer Garaon In “WHEN LADIES VIEET." the London lirCD—L. Warren at Outer Dr. Nl. 772* Q Robinson. Marlene Dietrich LAW." Plu* Jeffrey Lynn in “UNDERGROUND At La Conga: ALuLIV Only TW 2 :44)88 it (in Germany!) ports a iailure to chase Cartoon Show Matinee cau»ut—CeeaM Kirby Nasi Jack Benny in “< HARI.F.I \S At NT." LUnfini Mat. 12 45 Irene Dunne. Mel- rnrrk|U//W\n— Hamilton at West lUD—(("kland at Tenny*«n boy to cover “Don't speed—remember this: Even when the ul\LLnnUvU Wayne Hetty flmURIVUinU hts office Plua Ann B<>thern and George Murphy in > vyn Douglas “THEODORA DOES WILD.” John Field Open 12 45 “NAVY BI.IE -*¦“* when the bombers lights are with you—the odda ain’t." “KIM.HIDK, MAIMIP:." |"»IGN OF THE WOLF," Michael Whalen. “SHEPHERD OK THE H11.1..V* Wm. AND GOLD." Jame* Stewart. "I WAS .* Lundig*n, Shirley “KAU3)RH A ROYAL OAK MlUtaryr Ro*a. PRISONER ON DEV IE'S ISLAND.'*! Ann Rutherford. “WHISTLING IN THE came. The kid Bil I! Wnndward MA. 0254 it —West Vemor at * In. Versailles: UIMpDi—S42S miIDTECV with Donald Wood* Midnight Show. DARK.” “RAD LANDS Or DAKOTA. squawked ALaARIDM Cont from 1:45 Park Free. LUUaILJI “THK GETAWAY.” Robt Show IC F. 1L the under- “It’a been mighty lonely all these years for up Harper Lakewood Richard Dtx. Laat Complete ¦ Dorottur bamour in. iul .SMfkag “THB¥ MET 1 *N AHtJESTtNA." U4DDCD— at AR. 4<>2u dr fIiVU4M—^Woodrow Wilton at Gleudaia it ground hideouts were POWER," “The spider Return*.’’ nAIuLA annual xmas cartoon U/YnlTlAn some of us ‘W armongers* trying to get the people sot TH SEAS." “MAN Edward j Jamee Ellteon. open 1.13. TO. »-3«4» * Mlchlgaa, Nr. IJveraede LAal Cartoon* Book Night, Vol. 1(1. AND COMEDY PARTY SATURDAY CCMiTC—N4 4 it too risky. The last G. Robinson and Marlene Dletnch. _ Jack Benny. Kay Yrancli in “CHARLEV* JLIyAIL to wake up." SHOW MATINEE. FREE BAG OF XMAS “BALLYHOO" LAUGH BTAOB went down, he ¦ COMPLETE STARTS AT 11 P M. —Mulligan and flat Street 4 ALNT." Ann Sothern, Georg* Murphy in SHOW EVERY SATURDAY AT 11, F. M. time he rnuCTII CANDY TO EVERY CHILD “RINGSIDE MAISIE." At Club Midnight: —l5OOl < harletolx Tl. 2-2« IA * LnljlAL Cont. ituta 12 . VODVIL BAND. MILLION LAUGHS. lost $lO playing cards. I|AUI Noon. J ADULTS ONLY. “Always and ALUIuA on< 2PM F. Tone, Carol -OtTIJAWS OF THE ( HEROKEE TRAIL.' IIADDED—Harper at Lakewood AR. tMO A Elliott at Oliver 1 RECOMMENDED FOR remember that Hollywood ARGENTINA,’ George Alll/CB—Mt. Somerset Maugham, Bruce, “THIS WOMAN IA MINE." Bob Steel* 'THEY MET IN nnlULlt Open 12:45. Park Free. ULITLIX Gioy d Nolan. "DRESSED TO Broadway have more big names than big people.” Michigan. Nr. LJvemel* it in a foreword to the "WORLD PRP.MIP.KP..'’ John Barrymore. I Ja» EllUon. DOUBLE SHOW TONIGHT! Raft, Edward G. Robinson. "MAN KILL." Guy Kibbee. "SCATTERGOOD cruiTf—*424 POWER." LAurel and Hardy, “GREAT PLLI.s THE SI RINGS.''* “Jungle Girl." JLIYAIL Cont. from 12 Noon. Dorothy Darnell volume, explains In Reuben's: II t/IW ISSO7 Gd. Rlvrr-Nchaefer. Parking. niU/M—3340 GraUot lrosuol* PL. 23AA * I GUNS." Cartoon*. Ladie* GUt Lamour. Jon Hall, “AI3JMA OF THR ALTin Coot 1:30. Adm. 20c. Andy Hardy, U/YfflY TODAY . MATINEE „N I “GREAT GUNS,” “more MIW MATTHEWS “Tough? as tough trying to write a ONLY!! R. Mne-Mlle ! .SOUTH SEAS.” news censors as It’s as I “Jt DOE HARDY AND SON.” Gene IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR PRO- U 4 7CI PARK—John at Rd.# l.lnwood at Phila TV. 4-«4«« * Laurel and Hardy. U/U.LL I/Utß jane Nancy ftPini r to your Autry. “BA( . Wither*. UIaIULL anxious not to do the wrong thing than do the column about Broadway the day country j K IN THE SADDLE." GRAM . SaBU, the Boy Star of ‘THIEF open 1:13 P. M. Fran ! .OF BAGDAD," in a JUNGLE THRILLER I Kelly, “A VERY VOL NG LADY.” chot Tone, Carol Bruce In “THIS WOMAN I r—4411 Grand River Avenae right one.” goes to war." D'l>® J" h, ‘ R TO. H-4MM i “THUNDER 0\ EB THE PRAIRIE ' CFI/lljLVILLL . “THE ELEPHANT BOV." IS MINE." Plua John Hardy. ta • • • AmDAJjAIA/IVAmiMiMt— Open 12.30. “KINGMIDE Barrymore and Oliver Billie Burke At the Lord Tarleton: Frances Farmer In 'WORLD PREMIERE.' “ZENOBIA." “gl.ooa A TOUCHDOWN," VLAISIE," Ann Bothern. George Murphy. —*840 Gratiot-Iroquola PL. DM it MATTHEWS, the dancing star, getting soprano at the When she " hltl/U , »«* with Martha Raya, Joe R. Brown. Cartoene. "Hhe’s a Metopera. Also “IN OLD CHEYENNE U/Itlli Cont. from 12 Noon.

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