VOLUME XXXVII, Issue 11 FEBRUARY 1, 2011 Hysterical hypnotizing with Tony Lee Page 26 Lords lose again Page 34 By Caley Bedore ate accessibility and wheelchair It’sChronicle Staff a slippery, sliding slopeaccess. The question of stairs is just a matter of convenience.” eople are falling, sliding, The unit, which houses 27 skidding, climbing and three-and six-bedroom apart- Pstruggling to get to class. ments, was constructed to a spe- Outside the number-20 brick cific building code that did not townhouses there is a steep in- require direct stair access. cline that gives the most direct ac- Students say that although cess to the school but has no stairs stairs would be more convenient for students to climb. they would also improve safety There is a sidewalk leading because no one wants to walk through the parking lot to the col- around. lege but it is a roundabout way to “It’s really bad,” said Ahmed get to the school and students, be- Hameed, a townhouse resident ing students, are inclined to take and second-year Mechanical En- the shorter route, which means at- gineering student. “We always see tempting the slippery slope. people falling and we have fallen a “I fall quite a bit,” says Vickie de lot too.” Laplante, a second-year Graphic Students at the front of the Design student. “I have mastered unit have constructed their own the technique now, it’s to run fast “stairs” by tying a rope to a street down the slope. If I fall though, it post at the top of the hill and using could get messy.” it to assist in climbing the slope. Ten out of ten residents in the “People have talked to the unit say they have fallen down landlord about getting stairs be- the hill at some point, and all of cause it has become an issue,” said those students say they have seen Hameed. numerous people slide, skid and When asked about getting barrel down the icy incline. stairs in front of the building stu- “Sometimes we watch out our dent resident Kyle Minarsky was window and count the people eager to discuss the issue. “Yes who fall,” said Travis Hardcastle, a please,” he said. “I have heard that student living in the building. “So people have asked about it but many people go down.” nothing seems to be happening.” The issue of stairs in front of The landlord says stairs are a the 20-unit townhouse located on possibility for this spring. the west-side of campus has been “It is not plausible in the win- brought up for a couple years, says Photo by Kate Kemp ter to set the concrete necessary the current landlord of the apart- for the stairs but it is an idea that ments. CLIMBING TO CLASS: UOIT students and current townhouse residents Travis Hard- has been discussed for warmer “All the buildings are strictly to castle (front) and Ross D’Amico use their make-shift “stairs” to climb the slippery hill weather.” code,” he said. “There is appropri- outside the campus townhouses. By Natalie Finnemore to make sure that the network has the bandwidth in order SmartChronicle Staff connectionsto be able to accommodate all these devices.” Tablets and smartphones will not replace the need for oon students will be able to connect all their mobile students to use their laptops, but these technologies could devices, such as tablets and smartphones, to the continue to increase in popularity on campus in the years Scampus network with a new and improved Wi-Fi to come, said Larmer. system created to accommodate the increased traffic of “One of the challenges that we are going to have as an in- these devices. stitution is to be able to support these types of devices as they “We are researching with vendors within the industry come on campus,” he said. “The biggest challenge will be for to get the right (network) tools, and hopefully it will hap- us to provide a means for anyone who brings a wireless tab- pen over the spring and summer in preparation for this let on campus to connect to the campus wireless network.” coming September,” said Mike Larmer, director of cam- The new system will require students to self-register pus client and I.T. services. their devices, which will require a user name and pass- To meet the growing demand for wireless access word to allow them to access the network. This system on campus, the I.T. department has plans underway to will scan each device to make sure that these mobile change the current wireless network system to adapt to devices have the most recent antivirus and Microsoft up- the increased traffic of hand-held devices. dates to securely access the Wi-Fi connection. This year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, “Any device that has wireless capabilities could the- an annual trades show that showcases the latest trends oretically come on to this network and attach to this in technology, dubbed 2011 as “the year of the tablet” be- wireless connection,” Larmer said. “The registration is cause of its wide market appeal. The launch of countless one part of the process, what we call network access con- tablets planned in the coming year has introduced more trol, which is an infrastructure tool that allows people to competitively priced models into the market, making the- come on campus and self-register their device.” ses devices more affordable for students. This system will allow students to conveniently access The increased demand of tablets is comparable to the the Wi-Fi connection with any device they bring on cam- explosion in smartphone popularity throughout 2010. pus. These trends don’t seem to be slowing down as these de- “It takes a long time to plan, implement and test these vices become more affordable and readily available to the systems, because there are dozens out there and we want general public. to make sure it will meet our needs,” Larmer said. Photo by Natalie Finnemore “Probably 99 per cent of students who come on to this Students will have to wait patiently for improved ac- campus have a cell phone, and maybe 80 per cent have cess to the Wi-Fi network until the next academic year, GET CONNECTED: Smart phones and tablets like the Wi-Fi capabilities,” said Larmer. “So getting them access to but for a generation of technology junkies it’s worth the iPad above, may soon get more use with a campus ini- the network is the one thing to get past, and then we need wait. tiative to provide more accessible wireless service. 2 The Chronicle February 1, 2011 CAMPUS NEWS Healthy eating on a student budget Nutrition doesn’t mean dishing out tons of cash Centre, said students’ reception By Nathan MacKinnon of the event every year has been Chronicle Staff good. “Students are interested in he Campus Health Cen- health, whether it’s healthy eat- tre lured students in with ing, or a healthy lifestyle,” she Tsnacks and apple cider, but added. the healthy lesson they walked On top of answering students’ away with was the goal all along. questions, she was busy pouring The campus service, along cups of apple cider behind a table with Durham Region Health, held with a bowl of apples, both of their third annual nutrition fair in which were donated by Algoma vendor’s alley from 10 a.m. to 2 Orchards. p.m. Jan. 25. Apples weren’t the only things There were many resources students could take a bite of, available about living and eating though. Community food advis- healthy, and plenty of healthy, ers from the Durham Region student budget-conscious reci- Board of Health were there with pes. an interesting twist on a common Rebecca Rew, a public health snack. nurse with the Durham Region Gwen King and Millie Wagner health department was invited by were both eager to give students the campus health service along a bean and raisin muffin, a snack with a colleague to answer ques- they said is full of protein. tions and hand out resources. Wagner said people are “very “People are out on their own surprised” at the taste of the muf- for the first time, so it’s a good fin, mostly because the main in- Photo by Nathan MacKinnon time to help them make healthy gredient is a can of beans covered choices,” said Rew. in tomato sauce. STAYING HEALTHY AT COLLEGE: Gwen King (left) and Millie Wagner sample She said the overall message is For those less brave, the two healthy food that is nutritious as well as budget-conscious. to promote and raise awareness food advisers also offered bowls about healthy living to everyone. of vegetarian soup made entirely to work a can opener you can a slice of bread and a salad makes help students find healthy op- Teresa Engelage, one of the from canned foods. make this soup,” said King. She it a complete meal. tions on a budget while using nurses from the Campus Health “It’s very easy. If you know how added that pairing the soup with Engelage said the idea was to simple recipes. Refresh your resume for campus job fair By Siobhan Bothwell campus in Room 225. Chronicle Staff Company information is available for DC students through the Career Services portal, et your resume ready because the 2011 and through the Student Experience portal for job fair is just around the corner. UOIT students. G Durham College is hosting its semi- “They see exactly who is coming,” said Noble.
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