PAGE Wednesday, March 3, 1943 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOXE CHERRY 8800) 29 JOBS HELP WANTED JOBS - Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted 1 Female Help Wanted |Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted jFemale Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female TWO colored girl* .eteady work: mm* WAlTßESßES—Experienced. w»n*ed; new ready %o work apply 8-9 only; working coffee shop Apply immediately. Mist noura 9-3: no Sundays; caret are, good Nelson. Hotel Tuller salary'- 13*0 Gratiot. WANTED- Woman for specie! work ex-1 As sailing Woman to Act CITY WORK Experienced parterre not necessary no ealafv ! WAITRESSES Wanted Apply 4th floor Bldg, WESTERN steady; good pay. Helena. 928 Weat 14 1 A Wood- ward Ave TELEPHONE Mc.Nlchol* Road _ IS WAR WORK WHITE maid for small hotel Apply Hotel WANTED- Mlddls-aged woman to car# rsreived Hoover, Jefferson Application! will be dally WANTED c ft Cherry 12939 F.ast Po .icewoman WOMEN fr>r 2 children. 2 *Bl J hn R. |<>r th# following until further no* 3839. UNION tic*, unlaa* otherwise Indicated. OPERATORS 'WANTED—Woman hy week. Home nights. WILL TRAIN AND SUPERVISE Good pay. TYlsr 3-0448. Offers a Career Regular Placement TO LEARN I ~ Qualified girls and women MALE HELP Both Local and Long Distance THE MICHIGAN BANK for single needle power sew- Salaried Position FOR GIRLS Ssveral attractive position* are availab’e This is a Nurses for intelligent gins, age 23 to 30. sxpen- ing machine operations for enced. Please state age, experience, Principal and Senior ARE NEEDED AT ONCE ROOKKEFPERB immediate employment. Ap- 17-35 YEARS RIVETING TELLERS nationality and salary expected. AIRCRAFT ply In person, 8 to 10 a. m. of the and moat INTERVIEWERS With one oldest Machine starting Statistical Excellent wnrk'ng cnndiiione Good Only persona eligible under |Address Box A 260, Detroit stable industries handling vital THIH Isl YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO •alary with opportunity advancement. Operators ENTER WORK WHICH IB FASCINAT- NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Telephone CAd'Uec MOO appoiftmen* WMPC need apply. Times. WAR COMMUNICATIONS ~ ING EXTREMELY IMPORTANT WITH 'Partly fnp di'tephone. partly & PLEASANT. CLEAN SURROUNDNGB. TYPIST fur W. M. FINCK CO. Experience Unnecessary College Trained Aid* for gereral as*tstanr to department manager, 37f»8 GRATIOT. CORNER MT ELLIOTT very interesting work permanent conner- LEARNING Abetting, accounting and ~ WOMEN PAID WHILE AND ' lion A*k any weekday for Mr. Guet- TELEGRAPH OPERATORS personnel office and field Pay During Short Training Period •chow. MAdlson 9'A75. Good _ Don't he Ml# me*# davr We wtu teach Handling Telegrams Over Long poaitiona. THE SAME TIME ENTER WORK WOMEN Investigating AT WAITRESSES ycu how t o do credit We WHICH IS PERMANENT WITH AN OP- FOR LAUNDRY WORK need two woircrv, a** 2* to .V). Good Distance Automatic Circuit! Senior, Semi-Senior PORTUNITY FOR CONTINUOUS AD- axlary, car allowance. and chance for VANCEMENT EVEN AFTER THE WAR The only persons eligible for employment under [~X SODA DISPENSERS UNION WAGES advancement No pr#vlou» experience TELEGRAPH CLERKS heonet*# In targe store; good necessary, but must have ear. TELEPHONE OPERATORS and *7or iun< retail CH. 2S#o accounting clerks experience necessary. | the War Manpower Commission Employment salary w-rklng experienr# Splendid Working Conditions 162.3 National Sank H'dr No is and conditions: 9 Grand River, near Jr\ Rd Room 204 BRANCH OFFICE CLERKS Junior Accountants preferred hut not essential. Apply Personnel GRAND LAUNDRY Kreegt 5-3741. Stabilisation Plan need apply. In reply state age, Office over s. TY. You will be paid WEST LAFAYETTE IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT citizenship status and former employers. MONTGOMERY WARD 1250^ . * 30 A M TO 4 30 P M . ROOM 2*4 Service while learning. GRAND AT GREENFIELD I COLORED girl*—25 to 33 years old; clean, SHELBY AND CONGRESS STREETS War Placement riVF.R WOMEN wanted for bakery wmit; experi- ~ ~ in old YOU CAN T IN, PHON* ence not necessary. Apply Qrennan permanent, profitable employment IF COME Institution HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION RANDOLPH 3T60, EXT 6* WAITRESSES WANTED Baksry, Incorporated. 1234 Seventeenth be- THOSE EMPLOYED Hospital Attendant between a m and NECESSARY. Phone Mrs. Mowan IN DEFENS! . Street 9:SO 2r- m WORK NOT APPLY. Visit Our Write . DETROIT TIMES Experienced or Inexperienced tween 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. CAdUiac SHOULD WOMAN or girt, general houtework; good anno, I - APPLY Apply Luncheonette wages Telephone Birmingham 3911-J. ~ Employment Office i COLORED General houaework. a**!** BOX A-776 SEARS-ROEBUCK COLORED General houaewmrk, stay COLORED GIRLS with two children: good wag#*: «• night* good home, good wage*. Uni- laundry work; no expert- cooking; no heavy laundry: *tay night** ' Ror specialized DETROIT CIVILSERVICE Open 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. Grand River at Oakman versity 1-7204. ‘ ence necessary; eteady work 4737 Elmhurst. private room. Unlv*r*lty 3-3144. Monday through Saturday COMMISSION GIRLS CAFETERIA COUNTER 16th Floor, Water Board Bldg. 1365 CASS AVE. Ixparianc* not naraeaary; day wore, good ! «ikm; no Sunday! or hoin*)-!. maali and STOUFFER’S I 735 RANDOLPH STREET uniform* furnlahad Apply Mr. Wabar ! Metropolitan Building Caiattna. 33 John FEW ! ESTATE CORNER auaat A REAL • A. M. to 8 SO r. M. R HAVE Dally, F.acepl Saturday and fconday <SIRL For gantra,. no wattling c'»oltlna. MICHIGAN BELL private rorm and bath; p.rntv of free ItEXT • FOR lima; yung coupla; grv4 mtg*a. !tay in FOR SALE nighta. L'ntviraity 2-sti.*,o GIRL for general ofBit work knowi- TELEPHONE CO. edge of typing nacaaaarv. Fairmour.t Restaurant! Cr-vmary Mllwenitaa AA Kaf% CLERKS OiRL or w-man for d«»rtrr'i office ex- Work j tor PERSONS NOW ENGAGED IN OTHER perience unneceaaary >l7. Apply after Rentals Wanted 1 Furnished Rooms Rent i Houses for Salt ]Real Estate Wanted | WAR WORK SHOULD NOT APPLY? 3 HOUSE, fire rooms and bath, tn or near GRAND RIVER Joy road Neatly rvir-r DEARBORN, Roulo and Dlx—S-bedmom any devirabl# land contract purchased. GIRL or womin tot houaeviork. no chH- Dearborn. Two adult*. Call HOgarth! nished bedroom, excellent transportation, j cottage, oak floor*; garages; $3,000, MELVIN F. LANPHAR * COMPANY TYPISTS I 1 rlren. no cooking 4 or 3 hour* dully; >7 WOMEN, 40 to 50 9812 after 5 p m. Tyler 6-5704. terms. 6th Flear Lafayette Bldg. Cadillac 431§» oerk TRlnlty I-o»2d * CO. NEAT. c-B*n colored lady with reference I.NGLIK, 2398 (Ford Rouge »—O>mfortah;e ELSEA REALTY INVESTMENT AT ONCfe Cash for YourThmpettp East Side Defense Plant goda fountain, part #217 W. FORT. VI. 1-1400 Apartment*. gtrl dry clean- GIRL fur or full time wants kitchenette nr room rtirntehed. j front bedroom, employed couple, gentle- Single*, Flat* and EXPERIENCED courittr for BobLo, to vacant; ing store employment High No Bundaya. Club foot of GIRLS, 16 18 Trinity 1-3193. men. Reasonable. DEARBORN—Sman homes, Slsoi Edw. Henkel Co. Hammond Bldg. CA tSS> Must Be High School Woodward. to Realty, 3001$ Van »*g.t to itart. M33 Gratiot. 3 ROOM flat or income rorthwe«t. couple! Pennsylvania! aoss.'ieaforaliot; bed- *I.OOO dn. Martin CASH for colored home*, flat*. N. R» GIRI. for dry clearing atore Experience two 9 posi- Born Rd DEarborn $743. arrn, TE. Graduates. EXPERIENCED cook' and downstair* <hlldrer. and 11 Permanent room and kitchen. Cal. before 3 p. m _________ RM ED LEY.444 E.W 1-4153- girl: weekly. nay nigh**. not necaaaary. bleedy employment. **23 40 so 60 j tion; draft exempt. Lafayette 2800, Mr.I Ivanhoe 3235. FIELD AVENUE contract"; quick >22 UNiver- MEN, CASH for land aarvteeT Good Wages stiy 3-2 ML 1*426 Wildemere. GraMot Carter SHARE attractively Targe room IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NORMAN SKY. Real Eetate. TQ. _ aungry;. furnished. Brick. bedroom# h we. heat;- aod UIRI for light Kouaework no COLORED—Defence worker wiehe# fiat ¦ tn beautiful residential club.: 7 rooms. 4 ybum- t-A-J’EI bar-4 rooms; women** extra toilet; double gar.; s6,6ofi. Sl.ono CASH BUYER*—*6OO to *6.000 for aiav n;ght», g >od home, *l2. University „apt., house; two unfurnished ! Citizenship Proof Necessary machine »'fa. good wages. Reedy work BOYS, 16 to 18 j or Hifford 9877. Cadillac 0321 Town- equity. Crlgtr, R. O *ftO>. • • 3-2158. kttrhen privilegss. Fitxroy 5618. down. Mr Watts. or JIM M ET :¦ privileges; busi- evenings ~ SLEEPING room, kit-hen aend S-3H54. > GliiMKfi and In N. W. ieSdowT P.L or aged n.«, uu coi.u.. Experience unnecessary. Good salary, j reliable coupie wishes apart 2-fiat*. irXPffßirNri ii y».—uiw«, *ta- .'.il tnirtill! COLORED n»-*» woman Haverhill, near E- Warren HOMER WARREN A COMPANY ! from owner*. Ralph E. Toynton. 1440# top pa> Niagara itay Unjvaran y 2 ssso holidays. ment house both defense worker* line. NI. *045 . ____ No Sundays or 0313. Grand River, _nighte. __ 2512 E. Grand Blvd. Twinhrook 2-4318. 1 OAINNELL nr. Van'Dyke—V rm« . bath; VER. 6-1334. FEEDER*, f *'t ' press operators A SOMERSET 1343 (CtiarievolxV- Comfort- atores; transportation. Only lI.SOO. RELY EMPLOYMENT DLPT. Wgr.i#d. room*, east nr. AT ST. AUBIN Apply Ideal Laundry. 434 COLORKD* ft side;; able bedroom: kitchen privilege*; excel- *#oO down. ERB PUza 413 L M»;dru®. HOUSEWIVES defense worker; deferred; bonus. Flta- lent transportation; suitable glrL j Empire - 4437, Harper—A iooma.; _ EXCELLENT OPPORTI.NITY TO LEARN Room 612 Bldg. ro> 0986. i IROQUOIS. near WANT TO BUY CLERKS, IN PART TIME POSITIONS five’-, WARREN, Weat! 87l~Ciean. comfortable 3 bedrooms; immediate poeeeeelon. See I A HOUSE OR FLAT IN DETROIT. TYPISTS*" SELLING COLbß'tTr> touiie d«»ir# unfurnished i.-droom. call after 6 Tempi* 2-0473.
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