. , .. " . ' . .. ', ........ .. .... # • " ••••• ..... ..'. ::::: :::;;:: " ',' . ..... ... ..... .. .. .... .. .... ..... .. ;; i~ ~ iii j ~ ~\ ~ ~ :;' ::: .. .. .. .. .. '" ....... .. .. .. .. ...... .. •• ..... til •••••• • . .. ... .. .......... .......... .. ............ .. # .......... .. ......... .. ............ .. .. ............ • It .. ".. .. ~ c .- .. • 4 e • lit It- .. .. .. .. ~ • • .... .. .. ~ · ,. .. ,. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. · .. .. , .. .. ., • ' 1 <t r ( .. I .. ,. .. .. eo ~ • .. .. • .. , .. ,. ... " to • .. ,. .. , .... " ........ II. r .. ..... ,'.... .. ,... to • W' • r , .. .. • .. .. .. .. r .. .. .. .. .. , , .. • -. .... .... I9nWIII .. RCIAL PUBLIC SERVICE ESSON • TV DIARY .ff fte~ "fe£l~ CAME TO OUR SHOW. • • Uomorrow'j 9riendly oIudience . I :-:TI :'\TL Y FOLLOW' I~G every couched by the far - reaching word, 2,000 boys and girls sat in on a 4 - H program. W'LS broadcast July 9-a program In the audience were dozens 1 familiar in their homes from babyhood. who had contributed co the win­ It was \X'LS D inner Bell Time, America's ning of these annual WLS awards pioneer farm service program. -and hundreds more quietly stat­ ing their determination co be hon­ BLI THIS PARTICLTLAR DI~~ER BELL belonged co them. They were the ored next year. 2,000 4-H Club members from every And in this broadcast, with its 2,000 Indiana county, attending the annual studio visicors, is the explanation of 4-H Round-up on the Purdue Univer­ how WLS has become "one of the fam­ sity Campus. ily in Midwest America," a part of the Some of the Indiana 4.H Club boys and lives of the people in Indiana and Mich­ girls with the plaques awarded July 9 at ~EVFNTEEN OF THEIR COUN· Purdue. {above} Pori of the audience for WLS Dinner Bell Time TIF' were represented on the stage in igan, Illinois and \X'i6consin. Purdue's huge Music Hall, as WLS and This and complete weather serVice, Prairie Farmer awarded the gold, silver market reports, news, down-co-earth en· and bronze plaques honoring thes e tertainment exemplify the quiet, neigh­ seventeen counties for outstanding borly way WLS serves these people; achievement in 4-H work-calf-raising, coday's and tomorrow's friendly, cooking, clothing design, and all the receptive audience for your other facets of practical farm living program on WLS. 50,000 watts, 890 KC, American Affiliate, Represented by JOHN BLAIR & COMPANY, Affiliated in Management with KOY, Phoenix, ond the ARIZONA NETWORK - KOY, Phoenix • KTUC, Tucson • KSUN, Bisbee-Lowell-Douglas " Elsa jla.1:1vell says, Here's how to make your customers or your wife (or anyone else) love you all through 1947. '1 SEND THEM A SUBSCRIPTIO N TO CANDY-OF-THE-MONTH CLUB a I)ox of delicious candy each Illonth l EXCEPT JUNE, JULY, AUGUST J •\ froln leading confectioner s LIMITED MEMBERSHIP! GUARANTEED DELIVERY! ORDER NOW! • Brown & Haley's Almond Roco •••••••• Tacoma • liberty Orchards' Aplets .••••••••••. Cashmere THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS PRESENT for those important clients • Country Store's Nut Clusters .•.•••• Beverly Hills and business associates .• . a new, different, impressive gift that • Allie Adams' Chocolate Caramels •.•..•• Dallas • Jacobs' Pecan Pralines .••••..•••• New Orleans will rate you "ace-high" all year 'round! Yes, every month (except • Putman's Opera Creams ..•..•••••••• Cincinnati June, July, August) a beautiful box of famous candy will be sent • McNally-Doyle's Cocoanut Bolls •••••• Cleveland to each person on your list. Every box is a specialty, a real taste • Princesse de Conde's Chocolates •••••• New York treat ... shipped fresh from where it is made. A Candy-of-the. • D. Kopper's Swiss Chocolates •••••••• New York Month Club subscription is a constant reminder of 19 r - _ We reserve the right to substjtute candies. your thoughtfulness throughout 1947! SlIbrcripflon COJf $ 7 S I -- ................ r rprrrmfJ CIIrrmf ufad prrcu of fbur cam/iu, pluJ pOJfal,r, halld/i'll, I CANDy ---- alld IIIJllraIlU. 922 ArnbOF-rHE-MON ----_ I PI assad rH C -- ease Or Bid iUB IN --_ I send g. 5t L ' C -- eOch a "c '. Ou' • -- I 5 nOme On th ondY'of.th 's, Mo. i A colorful gjft cord bearing your nome I enders N e Ottoched 1~'Month" CI I is moiled before Christmas to each one I A orne 'st. ub subs . I on your list, announcing thot you hove ddress cr'Ptio,., to presented him with a subscription to the I I Condy·of.the.Alonth Club. I C~ I I ~he enclos I I (inClUding ed check f I -_ POSlo Or S --- - _ ge and pock----i.,gr;-COvers Ih 5 tOte I nd'Cotedon",~O".Of ----- I "/Sf"O;;--Subscri ' I • ------ ...... ....... ....... och~d h Pf,OrlS • ~ r -_ "r"wilh I ~ ~ aJ,-, v.,. """. --- _ . J ~ f AMBASSADOR BLDG. ST. LOUIS I, MO. - - The Battle for Ears the hghtll1g problem at studiOS to a mini­ Program Analyzing Wednesday and Thursday nights arc the mum. Program awards went to John Current research trend is towards finding battle grounds on which the networks Hoyal who master-minded the Louis-Conn out what makes programs tick just as much are fighting for audiences, with i\iles T\' presentation; to Standard Brands (Don as finding out who's listening. Captain Trammell warning i\BC stations that Stetler, ad-manager) for its 1/0117 Gla$s on Schwerin has /x'en doing for l\: BC (on a 19·16 19·17 will not be a walkaway for the \\'NBT; to Paul Belanger (CBS) for his contract basis) what C BS has been doing senior network. ABC is making its play dance programs; and Klaus Landsberg for some time with its Stanton-Lazarsfeld for \\'ednesday I1Ight with the morning (\\'GXYZ) for his scanning of }'O/IT TOIl'1I. program analyzer. lloth methods of what still under control. 1\IBS has the juvenile Third group of awards went to A. T.&T. is tabbed haven't come up with any re­ programs but it'll be fighting for the men for their \\'ork on the coaxial cable. \'olutionary impro\,ements in program rat­ audiences With ABC which has a sock ings although I Iarta Herzog, Lazarsfeld's promotional program under way (~ee page National Radio Week wife, has used the analyzer at l\tcCann­ 29 I, e\'en if the programs with established I'\ational Radio \\'eek has been penciled Erickson to consistently increase the ratings audiences are at 1\ lutual. in for November 24 30 by the ad\'ert ising of that agency's sho\\'s. l\ lore recently committee of the Hadio l\lanufacturer's Ernest Walker has been delivering to AFRA Scale Increase Association and executives of the National agencies and sponsors "laugh graphs" AFRA (American Federation of Radio Association of Broadcasters. of their comedy shows with Index figures Actors) will be asking for as high as which point the quick finger at what's 50 per cent scale increases when the wrong with the risibility ticklers. present contracts expire. Although K•• p I", up wltlt wit.,'. It. pp.".d Research's wonderful. Somelxxly oUj;ht to do something with it be­ this seems like a real hike it will wit, actually only affect the programs ."d sides pay for it. that pay scale minimums, \\'hich are The Radio Set Situation only the smallest part of the net work airings. The settlement will never­ \\'h ilecombination Fl\t-Al\l-Phono­ theless be for less t han 50 per cent. graph sets are being bought as rapidly as they are available on the market, Downey Did It First just as T V home equipment is, the It a ll depends upon who docs a midget sets that were first released thing, While there's a great fuss at prices around $30-S-W-S50 are not about Bing Crosby going network selling and manufacturers like Emer­ via transcriptions (October 16), it's son are switching their production been ignored that 1\ lorton Downey plans to sets a t around S20 and in the has been going over the M utual higher brackets. Although R C. network via e. t.'s for some time Cosgrove of the Radio l\ lanufacturers' without the network falling apart Association claimed 8,660,000 radio or the Downey rating doing any receivers manufactured by September fIipflops. first, government tax figures prove Nevertheless what happens to the that half that figure is nearer cor­ PhiIco-Crosby sho\\' will determine rect. And plenty of those 4.000,000 in part just what Bob HOt)e and a sets are still on dealers' floors. It number of other stars will want to isn't that the demand isn't there but do, come the end of their present rather that the demand for "good" contracts. The subject of trans­ sets is high and the demand for script ions is a touchy one at both small sets is for those at a lower price NBC and CBS. \\'hat happens to range than have been made available the show will have a bearing on thus far. what ABC will be in the future also. New Transcription Net? The Burl Ives show on 1\ Iutual for PhiIco is also transcribed. That Although the Keystone Broadcast­ fact hasn't even raised a ripple. ing System (1\lichael Sillerman hasn't skyrocketed but built slowly though George Washington Hill's Bequest firmly. it hasn't stopped other tran- The only indication that George \\·ash­ New Names for WEAF, WABC s~nption networks from dreaming. Latest ington IIill had died. as far as the Frank Both NEC and CBS ha\'e decided to take is Hay Green's Transcription Broadcasting l\10rgan and I lit Parade broadcasts during the whi~kers off their key stations and tab System. TBS is ~id to il1\'oh'e 160 stations the week of his death were concerned. was them for what they are, key outlets for all of which are promised ~O pro~am~ a that the lIit Parade didn't use its theme, the networks. Thus \\,EAF will become week.
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