Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 588 Recueil des Traitds Traite's et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies United Nations 9 Nations Unies New York, 1968 Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 588 1967 I. Nos. 8516-8531 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and international agreements registered from 12 January 1967 to 1 February 1967 Page No. 8516. Romania and Austria: Agreement concerning the settlement of outstanding financial questions (with exchange of notes). Signed at Bucharest, on 3 July 1963 . 3 No. 8517. Romania and Austria : Agreement concerning the international transport of goods by road (with Protocol). Signed at Bucharest, on 27 May 1964 .... ......... 29 No. 8518. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Malta: Agreement on mutual defence and assistance (with annex). Signed at Malta, on 21 September 1964 ..... ................ Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the civil dockyard in Malta. Malta, 21 September 1964 .... ............... Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the Flight Information Centre in Malta. Malta, 21 September 1964 .............. Exchange of letters (with annexed map) constituting an agreement amend- ing the Agreement on mutual defence and assistance. Malta, 8 July 1966 ............ ........................... 55 No. 8519. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Malta : Agreement on financial assistance (with annex). Signed at Malta, on 21 September 1964 ........ .................... 125 No. 8520. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America : Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending to Tonga the provisions of the Extradition Treaty signed at London on 22 De- cember 1931. Washington, 2 June and 6 July 1966 ... ....... 137 Traites et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies VOLUME 588 1967 I. NoB 8516-8531 TABLE DES MATILRES I Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris du 12 janvier 1967 au 16" fivrier 1967 Pages No 8516. Roumanie et Autriche Accord relatif au r~glement de questions financi~res pendantes (avec 6change de notes). Sign6 a Bucarest, le 3 juillet 1963 ... ...... 3 No 8517. Roumanie et Autriche : Convention concernant le transport international de marchandises par route (avec Protocole). Sign~e a Bucarest, le 27 mai 1964 ....... 29 No 8518. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Malte : Accord de ddfense et d'assistance mutuelles (avec annexe). Sign6 a Malte, le 21 septembre 1964 I~change de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux docks civils de Malte. * Malte, 21 septembre 1964 Rchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif au Centre d'informations a~ronautiques de Malte. Malte, 21 septembre 1964 tchange de lettres (avec plan annex6) constituant un accord portant modification de l'Accord de ddfense et d'assistance mutuelles. Malte, 8 juillet 1966 ...... ..................... ... 55 No 8519. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Malte Accord d'assistance financi~re (avec annexe). Signd a Malte, le 21 sep- tembre 1964 ........ ....................... ... 125 No 8520. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et ,tats-Unis d'Am6rique P-change de notes constituant un accord 6tendant a Tonga l'application du Trait6 d'extradition sign6 a Londres le 22 d6cembre 1931. Wa- shingfon, 2 juin et 6 juillet 1966 .................... 137 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 and Northern Ireland Page No. 8521. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Guyana : Public Officers Agreement. Signed at Georgetown, on 26 May 1966 . 143 No. 8522. United Nations and Finland : Agreement relating to a United Nations seminar on the civic and political education of women, to be held at Helsinki from 1 to 14 August 1967. Signed at Helsinki, on 7 December 1966, and at New York, on 16 January 1967 ...... .................... ... 153 No. 8523. Denmark and Syria : Agreement concerning the establishment and operation of a centre for the propagation and cultivation of seed potatoes. Signed at Damascus, on 28 December 1965 ...... .................... 163 No. 8524. Poland and Czechoslovakia : Agreement concerning cultural co-operation. Signed at Warsaw, on 22 January 1966 ........ ....................... ... 175 No. 8525. United Nations and Italy : Exchange of letters constituting an agreement relating to the settlement of claims filed against the United Nations in the Congo by Italian nationals. New York, 18 January 1967 ... ............ .. 197 No. 8526. Philippines and Israel : Agreement for co-operation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. Signed at Manila, on 10 June 1963 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending the above- mentioned Agreement. Quezon City, 24 September 1965, and Manila, 5 November 1965 ....... ..................... ... 205 No. 8527. United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund), United Nations, International Labour Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, World Health Organization, International Telecommu- nication Union, World Meteorological Organization, In- ternational Atomic Energy Agency, Universal Postal Union and Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization and Indonesia : Exchange of letters (with attachment) constituting an agreement by which the Agreement between the United Nations Special Fund and the Government of Indonesia concerning assistance from the Special Fund, signed at Djakarta on 7 October 1960, and the Revised Basic 1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds V Pages No 8521. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Guyane : Accord relatif aux fonctionnaires. Sign6 Georgetown, le 26 mai 1966 . 143 No 8522. Organisation des Nations Unies et Finlande : Accord relatif l'organisation k Helsinki, du 1er au 14 aofit 1967, d'un cycle d'6tudes des Nations Unies sur l'6ducation civique et politique de la femme. Signd A Helsinki, le 7 d~cembre 1966, et ii New York, le 16 janvier 1967 ....... ...................... .. 153 No 8523. Danemark et Syrie : Accord concernant la creation et l'exploitation d'un centre pour la repro- duction et la culture de pommes de terre de semence. Signd A Damas, le 28 d~cembre 1965 ...... .................... ... 163 No 8524. Pologne et Tch6coslovaquie : Accord de cooperation culturelle. Sign6 . Varsovie, le 22 janvier 1966 . 175 No 8525. Organisation des Nations Unies et Italie : P-change de lettres constituant un accord relatif au r~glement de r~cla- mations prdsentdes par des ressortissants italiens contre l'Organisa- tion des Nations Unies au Congo. New York, 18 janvier 1967 . 197 No 8526. Philippines et Israel : Accord de cooperation en matire d'utilisation pacifique de l'dnergie ato- mique. Sign6 k Manille, le 10 juin 1963 Echange de notes constituant un accord prorogeant l'Accord susmen- tionn6. Quezon City, 24 septembre 1965, et Manille, 5 novembre 1965 205 No 8527. Programme des Nations Unies pour le d6veloppement (Fonds sp6cial), Organisation des Nations Unies, Or- ganisation internationale du Travail, Organisation des Nations Unies pour i'alimentation et l'agriculture, Orga- nisation des Nations Unies pour l'6ducation, la science et la culture, Organisation de l'aviation civile interna- tionale, Organisation mondiale de la sant6, Union in- ternationale des t6l6communications, Organisation m~t6orologique mondiale, Agence internationale de I'6nergie atomique, Union postale universelle et Organi- sation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime, d'une part, et Indon6sie d'autre part : Rchange de lettres (avec piece jointe) constituant un accord portant remise en vigueur de l'Accord entre le Fonds spdcial des Nations Unies et le Gouvernement indon~sien relatif a une assistance du Fonds special, signd Djakarta le 7 octobre 1960, et de l'Accord de base revisd entre VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Page assistance between the -. Agreement for the provision of technical Organizations members of the United Nations Technical Assistance Board and the Government of Indonesia, signed at Djakarta on 29 October 1954, are deemed revised and applicable to activities of the United Nations Development Programme in Indonesia subject, as regards the second of those Agreements, to certain amendments thereto. New York, 1 November 1966, and Djakarta, 17 November 1966 and 25 January 1967 ..... ........... ....... .214 No. 8528. Belgium and France Convention on radiological protection with regard to the installations of the Ardennes Nuclear Power Station (with annexes). Signed at Paris, on 23 September 1966 ..... ................ .. 227 No. 8529. United Nations and Venezuela Agreement regarding the arrangements for the twelfth session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America at Caracas (with annexes). Signed at Santiago, on 18 November 1966 . :. .. 243 No. 8530. International Atomic Energy Agency and Pakistan : Project Agreement regarding arrangements for the transfer of therapeutic irradiation equipment. Signed at Vienna, on 21 December 1965 and 15 March 1966 .... .................. .......... 261 No. 8531. International Atomic Energy Agency and United Kingdom
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