XLVIII NO. Millburn, New Jersey, Friday, July 31,1 936 uiiwlfj Madison-Blues Here Tomorrow; Dr. Howell Heads ' ' OR. I AIMAS HOWELL Township P.-T. A. Active v,;« AMER. LEGION Overlook Hospital In Many Community Affairs Second Of Championship Series Dr Thomas Howell, superinten­ POST TO HOLD dent of the New York Hospital for twenty-six years, took over his Organization Established Student Loan Fund to Charley Hargreaves Released and Red Kiefer duties ns superintendent of Over­ Aid High School Graduates With Signed By Boston Red Sox—Ward Gets ANNUAL PICNIC look Hospital, Summit, July 15 He j follows Miss Elsie Slorah, superin- College Careers Calleran and Block All Invited to Join Out-1 tPndP2? slnce 'm wh<> rpsl'rned . L LI 1J e J 't0 beWiarrled. When in May 1928 the Millburn Committee. The health program BY BILL WESTBROOK form. Walsh was not effective last ing to be Held bunday : "i find the hospital well manned. Township Parent-Teachers’ Asso- being carried out In the Millburn week and Hruska was clouted out At Oldwick, N. J. j with excellent department heads elation voted to join the state or- schools thoroughly discussed and Tlic release of catcher Charley of the box Sunday by the Farmers j ■ - - ______ land staff ” Dr, Howell says, "and ganlzatlon, It had already had sev- the committee decided to -Anita «a Hargreaves and the signing of but that does not necessarily mean The Guy R. Bosworth Post No. | T hoP'‘ ,0 conllnui 'he excellent cihI years of service to the1 com- steps to establish a specific health that he will use a southpaw al-dj]4(1 munity behind It The P. T. A. program. shortstop Red Kiefer by the Bos­ American Legiop, will hold * lwork Hmt has bwn d(mp and wlth though there is that possibility in Scholarship Fund had helped many , At a- meeting of the Executive ton Red Sox were announced this picnic and basket party Sunday the cooperation of the trustees and view of the fact that the Colonels a young graduate of Millburn High Board in June, there was a general nPek by Manager Chuck Ward But nt Roekawav Grove, Olriwiek N the people of the communities It have an imposing array of left School to go to colleger and fre-1 discussion of plans for the season that does not mean that the Blues J All .members of the Legion and •ervos, expand the hospital's serv- handed batters quent, meetings and discussions 1929-1930 and it was decided to will be crippled for tomorrow's their friends are urged to attend |'ce had quickened community Inter- place school matters in charge of game here with the Madison Joe Press, Madison field m an­ and enjoy a real old-fashioned Dr. Howell brings to t iris work ager, has Jim Duffy, Emil Mosko- cst and brought about better un- one representative mother for each Colonels as Emil Gall will be used family outing wide experience in the hospital wltz, Art smith and Lefty Russo derstanding between the parents school to consult and act with the behind the plate and Heinie Block S C Perkins, chairman of the field, and an enviable lerord of New Superintendent of Summit (Continued on I'iiri Eight I and the school principal of that school. This plan a hard hitter, in right field. Jim |committee in charge, states that achievement. Graduated from Hospital. The next year with the township tworked out so successfully that In Calleran, who played second base I the partv will meet on Main street Dartmouth Medical School in 1886. P -T A. a.s a member of the state May 1930, it was moved that the with the Blues last year, has been j Just below Taylor street at 1 p m his former hospital connections In­ organization with Mrs A F Rose P -T A be re-organtzed to permit secured tor that post with George ,and will go In a group to the Grove clude seven years a.s Superinten­ means ol the latest methods in CLOSE WYOMING as president,,was a very active one.; each school In the township to Knot he being shifted back to short i which Is a thirty-three mile drive dent of Worcester City Hospital medical treatment and organiza­ Executive meetings were held form its own P -T A the local Kiefer, who this year played for . from Millburn and twenty-six years as Superin­ tion equal to that of the most pro­ monthly at Mrs Rose's home A units to function under a general Manhattan College and at Mt. Ver­ | All types of amusement are avail - tendent of New' Yolk Hospital, one gressive business houses and In the COMMUNITY course In Child Study was begun board composed of the officers non on Sundays, will be missed but '.able at the (irnve There will be of the largr.st and most beautiful development ol hospital associa­ and two groups of mothers were or elected at the annual meeting and it cannot be said that the Infield of j | found a game to amuse each mem­ of the great New York hospitals tions ganlzed by Mrs R C Mathers to ' representatives of the local units, Hie Knothe brothers, Calleran and ; ber of the family whether he be He lias taken active part in the Overlook hospital Is one of two study the problem of child train- This motion was passed at the next Benedict is anything to be sneezed ; grandpa or young son Those a t­ growth ol great humanitarian in- such agencies receiving approprla Ing A series of three concerts and < meeting according to a plan sub- at tills duo doing great work last tending may bring their own pic­ stltutions serving humanity by|tmns from Millburn Township an extra concert by the famed I milted to members by the Execu- year Is Beneficial Church and nic baskets or may purchase re planhit. Rachmaninoff, was spoil-! live Board freshments at the Grove at a nom­ Manager Ward was pleased with sored by the Scholarship Fund The following September the or- Community Ac­ inal cost the way Gall handled his pitchers Millburn Township Affected ganlzatlon of the various P.-T. A. Sunday as the Meadowbrooks tivity ' groups was discussed and it was dropped two Rames to the Farm­ I decided that each school should ers. 5-1 and 8-3 and believes that Wyoming Church Community have an Independent organization there will be a more willing spirit BLUES LOSE AS By Reduction In Bus Fares TOURNAMENT Clinic will be closed during the with Its own officers, the central now as Charley had a tendency month of August and the first Fri­ organization to consist of a board to ride" the hurlers. made up of Its officers, the presi­ day in' September, reopening on UMP. BANISHES Fares to Newark, Irvington and Morristown Are The release of Hargreaves was TO END OVER dent of each school organization, not prompted by the fact that he Friday. September 11 from 2 30 to Lowered- All Bus Lines In Morris County the .superintendent of schools and was ejected from last Saturday's 4 o’clock. HARGREAVES District Come Under New Rates WEEK-END i lie principal of the schools. g.ime by Umpire Rainey Conway, The Clinic, started as a lire Under Us new organization the but was made In the Interests of school well baby clinic meets everv centra! group could not Join the economy Friday and alms to serve the ad Bow to Colonels, H The recent reduction in thr local and through fares of Public Serv­ Many To Participate In date p -t a and the local groups l our Pitchers Ready ice bus lines serving the Morris County district came as a surprise to _ , . — . | were left to make their own de- jacent sections of Wyoming, Mode! G. Knothe Injured Ward, with his heart set on even- Millburn residents as investigation disclosed there had not been anv I uw nsnip IenniS leixlon.s as to whether or not they tune the series for the Lackawan- Park and South Mountain At Third agitation on the part of local townspeople to this purpose The lowered T o u r n e y 'would join During this year he . Prague title, will have four Its purpose, In addition to physi­ fares brings thr shopping facilities of such large municipalities as status of the Scholarship Fund was BY n il.1. WESTBROOK Newark. Irvington and Morristown within easv access to Millburn at a dismissed and It wax thought that i1 ai■ iiors ready tomorrow with Son- cal check-up and preventive treat , Beginning last Monday play has Twelve Madison base lilts amt r it probably would be changed into io. Walsh, George Hruska, George merits, Is to give Instruction to ^ nominal cnut The are between Millburn Center and Newark has been j rapidly gone rm In the Millburn raw derision by Umpire Rainey reduced from 20 to 15 cents, and the local fare to Irvington has hern a I-oan Fund the next fall Manfred! and Eddie Hell in uni­ mothers with regard to diet, hy j ! Recreation Department's Annual Conwnv gave the Col"iie i 5 After a thorough Investigation glrnle regime and behnvor prob lowered from 20 to 10 cents The fare to Morristown is now 20 rents a Tnwii hip wide tennis tournament triumph over our Blues ir firs reduction of ’0 cents The old 20 cent fare between here anil < hathnin and discussion this change took lenis and whatevei will make for ( wifi the final rounds nearing c o r game <2 a thro- out - f fi shows a five cent drop and the cost of bus transportation to Madison nliiee iiufti r R J Bretnall's pro­ 2 Township Residents the best psychological as well as pletii.n bv the routing week end has [seen lowered from .10 to 20 rents The bus fare between Millburn posed plan that the Scholarship physical development of the child , to the first round matches of the l a .unir f hampn»/, hip !.r ' S; and Summit still remains 10 cents The rate within the Township limits Fiit'il he organized a.s follows The Attacked By Do^s The clinic wo: k under an advisors Mri i sun: l«- I ol n beat O iinn; rl.iv ut M.uL’u.r.
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