F THECorvBiGHT, 1886, IT THE SPOBTIXO Liri PHLIBHINO Co. SPORTING IKTEEIPLIFE. AT FHIIA. POST Ornct AS SECOND CIASS MATTER. VOLUME 7, NO. 10. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JUNE 16, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ON THE FLY. park for Mike Kelly. I think him the greatest all- NEW YORK NEWS. round player in the country. That young Ryan is "Mat" Chuckling Over the Detroit'8 Con> another great player; in fact, gpaldiug has been so The Devlin Case— Need of Another Pitches ON SATURDAY. A LIE NAILED. lucky with all of his new men that 1 guesa I will run WELL DONE. —Review of the Past Week, Etc. tinned Success— A Dig at the Mew York up to Chicago next week and see if I can't make a Scribes, Etc. dicker w ith him for a man or two." NEW YORK, June 11. — Editor SPORTING Lire— Roe-BEsTER, June 10.— Editor SPORTIHO LIFE: We Anirf bee-n lucky with our new men, bnt I ven­ Devlin, who was recently signed by New York, —"Oh, just wait till they start out on their President Young Makes a ture to say that if Henry comes to Chicago bent upon Important Work at the As­ and whose contract was subsequently approved The Athletics Shut Out for a "dicker" he will return home disappointed, for the Eastern trip and they'll go all to pieces," was probabilities are that Anson will waat the entire four­ by President Young, has not reported here M the croaking c'omment on the Detroit Club dur­ Denial. teen, ponies and all, just at they stand, through the sociation Meeting. ordered, and it appears to be very doubtful now the First Time. ing the splendid record it made on the hone season. REHLAP. that he will. The letter in your last issue from grounds just before starting East. If the De­ the secretary of the Hudson River League does troit Club, which has just finished its Eastern FROM KANSAS CITY. not deny any of the material questions involved, Washington Beaten by Phila­ trip, is in a condition of disintegration, then the The League Not Run by ThfiSe Rules Adopted to Protect Um­ but seeks to evade the main issue under this management ot four Eastern clubs would desire Gratified With the Results of the Recent claim that section 2 of tho National Agreement delphia—New York Wins a nothing better than that their own teams should Clubs as Alleged in a Phila­ Trip—General Notes. pires and Preserve Order does not apply, bat he very singularly fails to become immediately disintegrated. "Their KANSAS CITY, June 9.—Editor SPORTING cite any sejtion of the Agreement that does Heat—St. Louis Beaten. pitchers will give out," was another remark delphia Paper. LICE:—Although the Cowboys are out sight at Games. apply in lieu of the section referred to. He made with frequency and satisfaction by the still, they are by no means forgotten by the certainly has had ample time to make a better croakers. No two pitchers in the League are in thousands of base ball admirers in this vicinity. defence to our claim herein, had any existed. IJSAGUE GAMES. finer condition to-day than Charles Baldwin and WASHIMTOX, June 11. —Editor SPORTWO Their playing is being watched very carefully. The fact that matters were reaching such a But this reference brings to mind a more im­ LIFE.—Sir: The following appeared in a daily There are dozens of cranks in this city who Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit and New Charles Getzein, and the work they have done crisis in the American Association as to warrant portant subject than the acquisition of this par­ since the opening of the season is superior to Philadelphia paper the past week: can tell you what every man has done to sus­ a meeting to take positive steps to enforce the ticular pitcher, to wit: the necessity of procur­ York Winners. -Good umpires are a scarce article. The demaad tain bis reputation and how many base hits The Washington Club gave the Phillies an­ that of any other three twirlers in the League, carrying out of the letter and spirit of the late ing a pitcher to alternate with Keefc and Welsh and the Detroit Club, as a whole, is in prime always exceeds the supply. 'But when a really good have been made by each. '•I'mpiro" circular, has for some time been in the box. About seven weeks of the ball other close shave Saturday, 12th inst. Casey umpire is discovered is it right to keep him for the As Jim Whitney is giving evidence of his old- known, but the suddenness of the call for the had another spell of wildness on him, seven condition; no lameness, no sore hands in the use of one or two clnbf?' This question is putty season have passed and New York has ninety- team; the only Besnett catching superbly, President A. J. Reach, of the Philade-lpi"- I'inii The time pitching form from day to day, no doubt meeting was as much of a surprise to many as four games to play. After September 10 the home batsmen reaching base on balls. Xothing but answer is 'No.' But why has Phil, ' ' '•••> his many friends in Boston have been ready the action taken at the meeting has turned out club plays twenty -one games on the Polo Grounds, the fine catching of McOuire and splendid field­ and in the pink of condition, and, perhaps most important of all, the utmost harmony and good umpire but Curry since the charnj i with an "I told you so," especially now after to be. The real object of the meeting was not and their pitchers must then be in fira-class condi­ ing throughout saved the home team from a opened? The answer is easy. John .. having disposed of the "Bean Eaters" with only tion and as effective as at any prior time if they hope feeling among the men. Not a sore spot York; Spa.ding, of Chicago, and Soden, ot i; - disclosed until the delegates met. The meeting to finish well up in the Leagne raee. defeat. Andrews started off in the first inning '• o solitary base hits in a recent game. Yes, was held at the Neil House, Columbus, 0., with a run on Barr's wild pitching and a hit to anywhere. Moreover, the club has been the League. President Young is their faitl Last season nineteen pitchets, whose records are materially strengthened. John C. McGeachy. late of About once a week Mr. Young receives a c is pitching great ball and batting better than Wednesday, June 9. The delegates were given in the League Guide,took part in seven bundled right field fence by Wood. In the third inning the Long Isl ind Kasteru League team, and a fine left which reads: 'Dear Nick, keep Caflney her • er. promptly called to order at 4 o'clock by Mr. and sixty-eight featiies, whkh is an average of forty they added two additional unearned runs on fielder, has b.jen signed. Charles Ganzel, catcher, re­ 'Day;' or 'Nick, old boy, send Gaffney cV The home management would like to trade Byrne, of Brooklyn, in his capacity as chairman, games and a small fraction for each; and while Clark- three single hits, an error by Crane and a wild cently released by the Philade'phia Club, has also signed 'Soden,' and Gaffney goes to New i.u*w« Bassett, Myers and Lillie for Dunlap, Glasscock Bon, of Chicago,had the greatest number \vith seventy, been secured by Manager Walking, aud makes the Mr. Wikoff acting in his role as secretary. The pitch. Barr was was very effective thereafter, every Boston. And Gaffuey is kept or sent, just as the c*M and Seery, of the St. Louis Maroons. Oh, how and lUldwin, who was with Detroit the hitter part of nan going out in the oreler of coming to the bat. team secure behind the bat. Under these very may be. When Gaffney cannot le had, Conno!tjr» clubs were represented as follows:—Athletic, tile season, had the lowest number with twenty, a ref< The Washingtons srarted their last inning with uo favorable circumstances the Detroit Club goes home sent, and so the two beat umpires in the League ha« they would strengthen the team; but from ap­ Lew Simmons; Baltimore, Wm. Barnie; Brook­ ereiice to the pitchers' record in Spalding's Guide for runs to to their credit. Gladaaan started the boom to play twenty -one straight games on its own been appartioned out since April 29, and Philadelphia pearance it would seem as though they will not lyn, C. II. Byrne and F. A. Aboil: Cincinnati, 1886 will show that the majority of playeis referred to with a base on balls. The next two men were retired. grounds. Visiting cluba may count on the warmest has had nobody but Curry. Mr. Curry is a g<^»l nw- be able to consummate the deal. With these C. H. Byrne, proxy; Louisville, Zach Phelps took part in from 32 to 49 games. Gladman reached second safely, although Bastiao was receptions they have received this season; especially pire, but the univeisil opinion is that he ^ :.ree (layers Kansas City would make an excellent There must ba a limit to a pitcher's ability, and offered an opportunity to put him ont. Kinslow the Chicagos. Anson's babies are going to have a better away from home. In hia evident d< - t >\ving, while the Maroons on Iho other hand would and J.
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