Queen’s University’s newspaper of record since 1969 n queensu.ca/gazette n May 15, 2018 WORLDMLEADING RESEARCH photo by lars hagberg Nobel Laureate and Professor Emeritus Arthur McDonald speaks at an unveiling event for the Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute, a partnership of eight universities and five affiliated research organizations, held Thursday, May 10 at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts. Institute named in honour of Nobel Laureate BY ANNE CRAIG, of the $63.7 million investment the the institute has been building porting astroparticle physics re- COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER university received in 2016 from “The launch of this new institute momentum, appointing a scien- search over the last 20 years, in- the Government of Canada’s represents a major step forward tific director and recruiting 13 new cluding the leading experiments Queen’s University is cement- Canada First Research Excellence faculty members (out of 15 desig- at the Sudbury Neutrino Observa- for our efforts to create a world- ing its reputation as a world Fund. nated positions) from around the tory (SNO) and the SNOLAB,” leader in astroparticle physics “The launch of this new insti- leading astroparticle physics world. In total, 100 people, includ- says Tony Noble, Scientific Direc- with the official launch of a new tute represents a major step for- research network, building on an ing faculty, staff, and students tor of the McDonald Institute. national research network dedi- ward for our efforts to create a area of research expertise for the across the country will be mem- “Although the dimensions of the cated to understanding some of world-leading astroparticle university and Canada.” bers of the institute, all working to particles we are studying are the universe’s deepest mysteries. physics research network, build- advance its research and outreach minute, the implications of these – Principal Daniel Woolf The Arthur B. McDonald Cana- ing on an area of research expert- goals. discoveries are monumental and dian Astroparticle Physics Re- ise for the university and “This new institute will bring fundamental to the very proper- search Institute is a partnership of Canada,” says Queen’s Principal together unique expertise from ties of science and our under- eight universities and five affili- Daniel Woolf. “We are also hon- researchers, Nobel Laureate and across Canada and leverages over standing of the formation and ated research organizations. oured today to be naming this Queen’s emeritus professor Dr. $255 million of federal invest- evolution of the universe.” Headquartered at Queen’s, the in- new institute after one of Canada’s Arthur B. McDonald.” ment, with matching amounts stitute came to fruition as a result most accomplished and celebrated Over the past year and a half, from provincial partners, sup- Continued on Page 4 campusnews queensu.ca/gazette n May 15, 2018 2 New interim provost appointed Volume 46, Number 9, 2018 EDITOR tom harris moves into role after benoit-antoine bacon is named next president of Carelton University andrew Carroll 613-533-6459, ext. 36459 BY COMMUNICATIONS STAFF of Ontario Universities, in his new [email protected] role as president of Carleton Uni- ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, NEWS AND Principal Daniel Woolf an- versity,” says Principal Woolf. “He PUBLICATIONS nounced on Friday, May 4 the ap- has demonstrated strong leader- peter Jeffrey pointment of Tom Harris as in- ship and has made significant con- 613-533-600, ext. 77491 [email protected] terim provost and vice-principal tributions to Queen’s; I wish him (Academic), effective July 1, 2018. success, and thank him for all he ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Dr. Harris will move to the role has done to advance our univer- peter gillespie from his current position as vice- sity’s academic mission, promote 613-533-6000 ext. 75464 principal (Advancement). He will research, strengthen our interna- [email protected] succeed Provost Benoit-Antoine tional presence, and enrich the stu- www.queensu.ca/gazette Bacon who announced on Tues- dent experience. Queen’s has a QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY VICEMPRINCIPAL day, May 1 his upcoming depar- long tradition of recruiting and NUNIVERSITY RELATIONSO ture from the university to be- training leaders, and I am sure that Michael Fraser come the president and Benoit’s experiences here, and in the Gazette is published biweekly during vice-chancellor of Carleton Uni- his prior roles, will stand him in the academic year (september – april) and versity in Ottawa this summer. good stead at Carleton.” monthly during the spring (May – June) by University Communications, richardson hall, “Vice-Principal Harris is an ex- Dr. Bacon joined Queen’s in Queen’s University. perienced and knowledgeable sen- Tom Harris, left, has been appointed interim provost and vice-principal 2016 from Concordia University submissions are welcome, and may be ior leader who will provide conti- (Academic) effective July 1, replacing Benoit-Antoine Bacon, right, who is leaving where he was also provost. Dur- emailed to [email protected]. the nuity on the university executive Queen’s to become the president and vice-chancellor of Carleton University. ing his time as Queen’s provost, editor reserves the right to edit or refuse any submission. Views expressed or implied are team and ensure progress on the he has worked with the deans to those of individual contributors or sources many strategic priorities being im- progress on our strategic direc- internationally-recognized re- design and implement an ambi- quoted and do not necessarily reflect plemented by the provost’s office,” tions. I’m looking forward to searcher for his work in mathe- tious five-year faculty renewal university policy. says Principal Woolf. “These in- working closely with people matical modelling and applica- plan aiming to hire 200 outstand- SCHEDULE clude such important initiatives as across the university as interim tions of statistics in chemical ing new full-time professors, Issue date: June 5 provost and vice-principal (Acad- ad booking deadline: May 18 enhancing indigeneity, diversity engineering. He is a fellow of the worked to enhance indigeneity, ad artwork deadline: May 25 and inclusion on campus, support- emic),” says Vice-Principal Harris. Chemical Institute of Canada and diversity and inclusion on cam- Noon editorial deadline: June 1 ing the hiring of 200 new faculty Vice-Principal Harris has deep Canadian Academy of Engineer- pus, and accelerated the imple- over five years as part of faculty roots at Queen’s. He graduated ing and received the Golden Ap- mentation of Queen’s Interna- Issue date: aug. 28 renewal, implementing our inter- from the university with a Bache- ple from the Queen’s Engineering tional Strategy. ad booking deadline: aug. 10 lor of Science in 1975 and returned Society for Excellence in Teaching ad artwork deadline: aug. 17 nationalization strategy, promot- He also led the negotiations to- Noon editorial deadline: aug. 23 ing research and innovation, and in 1986 as a faculty member and and Learning. wards Queen’s highly successful completing the $100 million Inno- Queen’s National Scholar in the Dr. Harris will be succeeded on second Strategic Mandate Agree- ADVERTISING POLICY vation and Wellness Centre.” Department of Chemical Engi- July 1 as vice-principal (Advance- ment with the Government of On- the Gazette is a newspaper published by Last summer, Vice-Principal neering. He was department head ment) by Karen Bertrand, who is University Communications (“publisher”) tario. for the primary purpose of internal commu- Harris announced he would be before serving as dean of the Fac- joining Queen’s from Guelph Uni- Committed to research and in- nication to its faculty and staff members. stepping down as head of Ad- ulty of Engineering and Applied versity where she is associate vice- novation at Queen’s, he made im- all advertising is subject to the pub- vancement at the end of June 2018. Science from 1996 to 2007. He then president, Major Gift Advance- lisher’s approval. the publisher reserves the portant modifications to the right to revise, reject, discontinue or omit His new appointment will see him became vice-principal (Advance- ment, as previously announced. budget model to better support re- any advertisement, or to cancel any advertis- stay on the university’s executive ment) in 2010 and successfully led Dr. Bacon will serve as the 15th search, contributed to the naming ing contract for reasons satisfactory to the team until a new provost is re- the Initiative Campaign, with president and vice-chancellor of publisher without notice and without any and expansion of the Dunin-Desh- claim for penalty. cruited, following a search process benefactors contributing $640 mil- Carleton University. pande Queen’s Innovation Centre, the publisher does not accept liability for that will include the university’s lion for a range of university pri- “This is an exciting opportunity and oversaw the construction of any loss or damage caused by any error in orities, well over the original tar- for Benoit, and I look forward to accuracy in the printing of an advertisement next principal. the $100-million Innovation and beyond the amount paid for the space actu- “The leadership at Queen’s is get of $500 million. continuing to work with him, in Wellness Centre which will open ally occupied by that portion of the adver- strong and committed to driving Vice-Principal Harris is also an my capacity as chair of the Council in the fall of 2018. tisement in which the error occurred. the advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher for any losses or costs incurred by the publisher as a result of publishing any advertisement, which is libelous or misleading, or otherwise subjects the Planning underway to welcome students for fall term publisher to liability. the publisher may insert the word BY COMMUNICATIONS STAFF “ advertisement” above or below any copy.
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