Electrical r ev iew October 6th, m s FERTILISER PRODUCTION F rr FOUNDED 18 7 2 Vol. CXXXVII. No. 3541 O C T O B E R 5. 1945 9d. W E E K L Y p o u t e c h n i w The Big Name in Lighting The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd. Crown House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2 E lectrical Review O ctober 5, 1945 PRESSED STEEL TANKS BHAITHWAITE & CO ENGINEERS LTD Temporary London Office: Telephone: W H Iuhall 3993 KINGS HOUSE HAYMARKET LONDON S.W. 1 October 5, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 the value ofm Many years ago, a Mr. Dunlop conceived the idea of a pneumatic tyre to eliminate the many bumps of solid-tyred cycles. To-day — all the world “ rides on air’’ thanks to Mr. Dunlop's pioneer idea. * * * More recently, Heatrae decided—after lengthy ex­ periment—that Monel was the ideal metal for Electric Water Heater Construc­ tion. Another example of a " Pioneer idea ” which must ultimately influence Water Heater design and vastly simplify Main­ tenance. leaders in electric water heaters H E A T R A E L T D ., N O R W IC H P H O N E : N O R W IC H 25131 . G R A M S : H E A T R A E , N O R W IC H W E M A K E TAG TERMINALS ELECTRIC WELDING MACHINES SPOT, SEAM AND BUTT W IR ELESS WELDERS AND SIM ILAR WIDE RANGE OF 35 years’ experience CONNECTIONS " SIZES IN STOCK Automatic or Non- R0SSC0URTNEV&Co.Ltd. Automatic ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N.I9 With or without Electric Control The quickest and most economical method of Welding Oil Drums, Bars, SPRING SEAT Tyres, Wheel Rims, II kVA Spot Welder Tubes and Angles. to the tpec- iflo require« menta of our T.. WESTMINSTER ENG. Ce.L» oustomers Victoria Road, Willesden Junction, N.W.IO Maker* of all types of re­ petition pro­ Dynamos, Motors, Alternators and ducts from the bar in all Transformers Rewound and Re-constructed. metals “ Westminster ” Brush Holders. Process Arc Lamps T elephone: T elegrams : MC Land RE PETITION LTD Elgar 7372 (2 lines) “ Regency, Phone, London Pool Lon« , Langlo^ , Bifm litjham . 2 , « 1 9 4 5 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w O c t o b e r 5. ELECTRIC LAMPS E.L.M.A. LAMPS MADE IN ENGLAND POPE’S ELECTRIC LAMP CO. LTO" 5.E ARNSHAW STHEiT.NEW OXFORD ST..L0ND0N.W.C.2 Telephone : TEMple Bar 6074. Telegrams : “ Duramentum, Westcent, London.” Branches holding stocks from which supplies can be obtained MANCHESTER : LEEDS : 18 Pool St., Market Street. 6 Park Square. LEICESTER : Tel. : Deansgate 5687. Tel. : Leeds 22119. 89 London Road. Tel. : Leicester '59028. , 2 ra m s: . - G ram s: Pope’s, Deansgate 5687.” “ Pope’s, Leeds 22119. ” Grams : BIRM INGHAM : 3 Grosvenor Chambers, “ Pope’s, Leicester 59028.” Broad St. Corner, Broad Street. BRISTOL: Tel.: Midland 2580. 123 V ic t o r ia S t r e e t . Grams : “ Pope’s, Midland 2580, Birmingham.” Tel. : Bristol 23239. Grams : “ Pope’s, Bristol 23239.” BELFA ST (Managers : Campbell, Gardner & Co I • 27 Fr » „ ¿ r " e l “ P c T el: Belfast 25.71. G r a m ^ ^ Liverpool Representative : Mr. B. Marks, 29 Lascelles Road, Liverpool 19 October 5, 1945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 3 Our Managing Director came to work on a horse. It took him 3J hours and a sore sit-me-down, but he says it proves his case and was worth it. He says it was a public gesture, and we’ve to tell all firms who don’t use power tools about his 3J- hour ride and his sore sit-me-down. And when they say : “ Why does he waste time like that when he could travel by train ? ” we’ve got to answer : “ You should talk ! ” He says there's a moral in it. DESOUTTER Specialists in Lightweight, Pneumatic & Electric Portable Tools DESOUTTER BROS. LTD., (Dept, R ), The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9, Telephone: Colindóle 6346-7-8-9. C.R.C. 152 E lectrical Review October 5, ¡9 4 5 Designed and manufactured by Specialists with over 40 years’ experience still stands as the unequalled name for u n e domestic electric healing appliances . Kettles, Fires, Irons, Toasters, Coffee Percolators, etc. PREMIER ELECTRIC HEATERS LTD., BIRMINGHAM, 9 O ctobers, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT The BTH Company has, during the past 50 years, borne a predominant reputation for the quality and reliability of its products, and has tontributed materially to the progressive efficiency and productiveness of British Industry. A large proportion of the electrical equipment used in industry is made in the BTH Works, and includes turbo-alternators ; generators, including heavy electrolytic generators ; switchgear ; transformers ; rectifiers ; mining and rolling mill machinery ; every kind of motor and control gear, including elec­ tronic and amplidyne control ; Mazda lamps, Mazda Fluorescent lamps, and Mazdalux lighting equipment. BTH has also contributed a generous quota to the efficiency of the aeroplane and especially to the development of Air Commodore W hittle’s gas turbine. 1n H P 1 1 J D i n RUGBY THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON COMPANY LIMITED. RIJCBY, ENCLAND. A 3552 6 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 5, 1945 They'll be worth pulling in PURCHASE T A X . Any lamp might do for getting first sales. But Kye Lamps are the sort that bring repeat sales. Your customers will be looking forward to a more plentiful supply of Kye Lamps. Kye were the champion sellers before the war, because they were reliable. They will be grand business-getters again. KY £ FOR GOODWILL AND SALES October 5,1945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 7 T h e C l e a n e s t w a y t o C l e a n B o il e r F l u e s E x t r a c t s a l l D u s t a n d D ir t R e d u c e s t h e L a b o u r I n v o l v e d Many units are operating successfully in power stations, gasworks, and industrial power plants. May we send you particulars? S t u r t e v a n t engineering Co. Lt d . 2 5 .W 0 RCESTER ROAD, SUTTON,SlIRREY. T e l e p h o n e : VIGILANT 2275 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w October 5, 1945 f few of the products of SANDERS WEDNESBURY 'th e examples of Sockets, Plugs, and Switch Sockets shown are indicative of the quality offered by Sanders Socket and Plug products. Sanders exclusive " Shutterlocked' ’ feature is incorporated in the Switch Sockets —the shutter covering the live contacts being locked or unlocked according to the position of the switch dolly, which is always free to operate. This ensures that no object can be inserted in the socket tube while the switch is 'on’ though the plug may be withdrawn, but not re-inserted with the switch in that position. W RITE FOR LIST 137 Wm. SANDERS 4 Co. (WEDNESBURY) Ltd., FALCON ELECTRICAL WORKS. WEDNESBURY. ENGLAND October 5, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 9 TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMEl• ' > » - 33—* /for service in all JTpar tJiii PRIVATE TELEPHONE SYSTEMS PUBLIC TELEPHONE EXCHANGES CARRIER - CURRENT EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE INSTRUMENTS OF ALL TYPES Contractors for cornplete PROTECTIVE APPARATUS • • • supp'y *"d '"TTelephone Exchanges RELAYS tomatic and Service. Automatic . Public and Pn all types of TELEPHONE CABLES d Manual T ru n k E x d Local Service, • * * ‘“ P h o - e ^ ;; ^dtpeater Equipment CARRIER - CURRE Carrler-Currem. CABLES 3r Telephone Lines. «■ * v * LOADING COI CELLS & BA TTERIES Dry, Fluid & Inert SIEM EN S BROTHERS & C?, LTP W OOLWICH t LONDON; S . & .IS FSTA&LiSHSO 1958 re¡qphone : woolwich 2020 10 Electrical Review October 5, 1945 GLOVERS TRAILING CABLES (Safety First) Incorporating Cord and Copper Braided Screen A Glover Screened Trailer working a “ B.J.D.” Cutter in a two-foot Yorkshire Seam Head Office : W. T. GLOVER & Co. Ltd. TRAFFORD PARK - - . MANCHESTER, 17 October 5, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 11 The equipment shown is installed in a Government factory. It comprises high- grade Meters, Summators and Printometers for measuring the total energy supplied to the factory and provides a printed record of the half-hourly kW demands. The experience gained in many years of dealing with the problems of summation and maximum demand metering is at your service. FERRANTI Ltd., HOLLINW OOD, Lancs. 1 L LONDON OFFICE: KERN HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C.2. 12 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w October 5, 1945 The ‘BELLING* Electric Streamline Cooker B eautiful ‘BELLING ric Stream line Cooke i 5k just lovely — ct-. a*.. *•/8 - 1i °„ extra. £)7-6: o. 1767J9 and'19)79i WORKS. 1,0 UVUU upptui mg the National -newspapers and mag azi ■ You can’t beat a BELLING & CO. LTD., BRIDGE WORKS, ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX TELEPHONE: HOWARD I2I2 October 5, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 13 BOXES YOU CAN BU M AND FORGET J a m a l aäää The design of HENLEY “ Cablegrip ” type Boxes is based on years of experience of practical jointing con­ ditions, and incorporates all those Note ample room features which facilitate jointing opera­ for splaying of tions.
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