www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com SERVING THE NORTH COUNTRY SINCE 1889 [email protected] 122ND YEAR, 33RD ISSUE LITTLETON, N.H., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2011 75¢ (USPS 315-760) Planning Board postpones decision on site plan for Sovereign Journey KHELA KUPIEC are hoping to sell their prop- [email protected] erty to Dr. Karen Fitzhugh, BETHLEHEM – A but the sale has been contin- woman’s quest to bring a gent on a special exception “therapeutic residential pro- for zoning and the site plan gram” to Bethlehem isn’t approval. over yet. Last week, the At the Planning Board’s Planning Board continued its first meeting on July 13, it meeting until Aug. 24 in revealed that the property order to get additional input needed a special exception and details on the project for the proposed “sanitari- planned for 2444-2442 Main um”; it was outside District 1 St. Main Street, which allows for The board is seeking a hospitals, convalescent revised site plan that homes and institutions of includes a smaller parking philanthropic use in addition lot, a hydrant, lights and ele- to sanitariums. The Zoning vation contours. It also Board of Adjustment granted wants input from Fire Chief that special exception last PHOTO COURTESY OF GWEN HOWE Jack Anderson on safety – week after two meetings, the Gwen Howe, 91, comes in for a landing after jumping out of a plane recently at 13,500 feet above the earth. specifically concerning the first of which drew heated driveway and parking access debate from the community. for emergency vehicles. The program will be Kevin and Donna Killeen SEE DECISION, PAGE A10 For Littleton resident, “living” means jumping out of a plane at 91 KHELA KUPIEC rides, and now she can add Littleton. So on a sunny in the open doorway and [email protected] skydiving to the list. Tuesday in August, her chil- she looked down at the LITTLETON – Gwen The mother of three, dren – who were in New patchwork land below her. Howe says she has “enjoyed grandmother of six, great- England for the family’s Then they jumped and start- living,” so you may wonder grandmother of 13 and 51st reunion – watched their ed falling, and Howe said why the 91-year-old recent- great-great grandmother of matriarch do what many she was intently focused on ly jumped out of a plane five said that she had read people would never dream everything Matt was telling above Lebanon, Maine. about the sport over the of doing, regardless of age. her to do. Actually, it’s simple. For years and just wanted to try Strapped to the front of “Exhilarating” was the Howe, living isn’t just exist- it out. She also joked that her tandem instructor, Matt word Howe used to ing – it’s staying busy, she didn’t want her two Becker, Howe was the first describe the skydiving, then dreaming up adventures sons, who were paratroop- in a group to leap out of the she took it back because it and making them happen. ers at one time, to have done Super Otter at about 13,500 wasn’t quite right. It’s possi- She’s traveled the world anything she hadn’t. feet above the earth. She bile that a word may not from Sweden to New Luckily, Skydive New said the enormity of what exist to describe the sensa- Zealand, taken hand-glid- England in Lebanon was is a she was doing hit her as tion of freefalling toward ing and hot-air balloon few hours away from they positioned themselves SEE JUMP, PAGE A11 Great Finds Shaheen touts education bill at Hubbard Brook KHELA KUPIEC Who is Edward Brown? [email protected] By Jeff Woodburn approximately 100 year-old WOODSTOCK – “The Antique shops often have photograph of Mr. Edward best way to get kids interest- stacks of old studio photos. M. Brown. He looks dapper ed is to get them excited,” Most are without names – in his period garb and said scientist John Aber, and and even if the subject’s slicked-back hair, serious the best way to do that, said name is scrawled on the eyes and a mustached-upper U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, is back, who would remember lip. My guess is that he’s in to give them hands-on expe- or care? As a teacher, I have his mid 20 or 30s when the riences. been surprised that many picture was taken. The pho- Shaheen visited Hubbard teen-agers know little about tograph itself is 5x7 inches Brook Experimental Forest their own family heritage – and in good condition (and last week to draw attention or even one of their eight priced at $20), but that’s not to the importance of keeping great-grandparent’s names. what makes it interesting. American students competi- Well there is a woman on The owner includes some tive in science, technology, eBay, who makes it her busi- great data – from the U.S. engineering and math ness to match these photos Census decimal reports from (STEM). A handful of scien- with names by utilizing old 1880 to 1920. The informa- tists, teachers and graduate U.S. Census information. tion is pretty simple and students spoke during the Bonnie Miller is selling an includes age and who else event, each sharing how the was living in the household the center has helped them at the time. Beyond the basic better their own and others’ genealogical information, lives and careers. The suc- cess of Hubbard Brook – a KHELA KUPIEC/THE LITTLETON COURIER the 1880 report asks whether Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (center) stands with scientists, students and teachers (not everyone is shown) last the subject “could not read leader in ecological research – highlights why innovative week at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. The event was meant to bring attention to the center and or write” or was “blind, deaf, to Shaheen’s education bill. dumb, idiotic or insane.” programs that get students Brown didn’t get a check excited about the sciences next to any of these cate- are important. The bill was first intro- was established in the gories. In April, Shaheen resub- duced in August 2010, but 1950s by the U.S. A quick perusal shows mitted a bill for the it didn’t make it out of com- Department of Agriculture that Brown was born in New Innovation Inspiration mittee, according to Al (USDA) Forest Service as a Dr. Hugh’s Dental PC Hampshire in 1877, but by School Grant Program. It Killeffer, of Shaheen’s staff. center for hydrologic Hubert W. Hawkins IV MPH DDS the time he was 3 in 1880 he would allow secondary The bill is now in the Senate research in the region, 209 Cottage Street, Littleton, NH was living in Waterford, Vt. schools to seek funds for Committee on Health, according the organiza- (603) 444-4141 with his parents, Franklin nontraditional STEM pro- Education, Labor, and tion’s website. Its focus was Beautiful Ceramic Crowns and Laura Brown, 10-year grams such as robot compe- Pensions (HELP), where it to “understand the rela- in One Visit. old sister, Celia, his maternal titions and engineering soft- is hoped a hearing will be tionships between forest ware challenges, according scheduled. cover and the response of DrHughsDental.com grandparents and two other to a press release. The Experimental Forest SEE SHAHEEN, PAGE A10 SEE GREAT FINDS, PAGE A10 Littleton, N.H., 36 pages INSIDE 33 Main Street LOCAL INSIDE LOCAL NEWS . .A2 CLASSIFIEDS . .B10 SPORTS . A17, B1 COURT . .A6 New restaurant Last chapter of EDITORIAL . .A4 FROM THE FRONT . .A10 in Bethehem A7 Towle Trailer Parks CARTOON . .A4 SPOTLIGHTS . .C1 REAL ESTATE . .B7 OBITUARIES . .A18 ends for former LETTERS . .A4 AREA NEWS . .A8 residents A2 POLICE . .A6 CALENDAR . .C8 A2 THE COURIER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2011 Local News Former Towle’s Park residents lose second round in supreme court Superior court’s decision in favor of owner upheld KHELA KUPIEC the 1960s, goes back at least refused to reconsider the went through, and constitut- [email protected] six, if not seven years. case, and the cooperative ed another change, accord- LITTLETON – The former According to court docu- appealed his ruling to the ing to the superior court residents of Towle’s Trailer ments, the residents formed state Superior Court, where decision. Park fought for more than the Willowdale Place it was upheld in January On June 25, 2010, the trial six years to keep their Cooperative in 2004 to buy 2010. court found that the first homes, but they lost their the park when they first Meanwhile the coopera- claim was negated by a pro- second battle in the state learned that the property tive also was suing Varney, vision in the original agree- Supreme Court on Tuesday. might be sold. The coopera- alleging that the residents ment that allowed the PHOTO BY JEFF WOODBURN The justices upheld a tive ended up not being able didn’t receive proper notice adjustment of the payment Sara Gradual Vivona and her son, Nicholas, try to convince their frog Grafton Superior Court deci- to do so, and the 131-acre when a change was made to price up to $20,000. to jump at the annual frog jumping contest on Saturday. sion that the former owner parcel that included the park the purchase agreement. For the second claim, the of the park, Joyce Towle was sold in June 2006 to According to the court court found that it wasn’t Varney, fulfilled her obliga- Smith and Groom. documents, the original deal supported by evidence as Things were tions to the residents The cooperative first consisted of $100,000 for 147 the modification would have throughout the sale of her lodged a lawsuit against the acres, but the buyers deter- required documentation, property to developers developers concerning a mined that there was a title which never occurred.
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