Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 22 AUGUST 1950 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 120 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. TUESDAY, 22 AUGUST, 1950. Hon. P. J. R. HILTON (Carnarvon) replied- Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. Brassington, "At 31 July, 1950-(a) 683, (b) 102, Fortitude Valley) took the chair at 11 a.m. (c) 96." QUESTIONS. STATE HOUSING CONTRACTS PRACTICE. WORK ON BURDEKIN DAM SITE. 1\'Ir. NICKLIN (Landsborough-Leader of the Opposition) asked the Secretary for 1Ur. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the Public Works, Housing and Local Govern­ Premier- ment- '' How many people are employed at the Burclekin clam site and what work are they '' 1. Is it a fact that in respect of performing~'' materials and fittings supplied by the State Housing Commission to its contractors, a Hon. E. lU. HANLON (Ithaca) replied- charge of 12i per cent. on cost is made' " Excluding the activities of the Clare If not, what percentage on cost is charged f War Service Land Settlement Scheme, 63 '' 2. Is it a fact that the commission men are employed in the area of the Burde­ insists on making all payments due to sub­ kin River Project. They are engaged on contractors~ If so, what is the reason for diamond drilling to test foundations at the such practice f'' site of the main storage clam and the diversion clam sitP; making, a det,ailed Hon. P. J. R. HILTON (Carnarvon) survey to determine the exact site of the replied- diversion dam; locating the access road '' 1. Yes; on purchase price to cover between Ravenswood and the Burdekin inward and outward handling and storage Falls Dam and an aciless road to the costs. diversion dam site; on survey work associa­ ted with the design of the dam itself, and "2. No." on a survey of the irrigable area below the diversion dam.'' CALLIDE COAL SHIPMENTS. HOMES FOR PENSIONERS, TOWNSVILLE. JUr. KERR (Sherwood) asked the Secre­ tary for Mines and Immigration- lUr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- '' 1. What was the tonnage of the stock pile of Callide coal at Gladstone as at '' Have representations been made by the 30 June last T Townsville branch of the Pensioners' Asso­ ciatiqn for an area of Crown land to be '' 2. What amount was shipped during set aside or vested in the To·wnsville City the month of JulyW Council for the purpose of erecting cottages '' 3. What was the tonnage as at for pensioners thcreon, and, if so, what 31 July~" decision has he reached on the matter~'' Hon. W. POWER (Baroona) replied­ Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando) replied- '' Yes. Pensioners' Associa tio11 was '' 1. The quantity of coal at the Govern­ informed that the area applied for-part ment stockpile at Barney Point, Glad­ of Cemetery Reserve R. 148-was required stone, at 30 Jm1e, 1950, >Yas 64,217 tons. for other purposes and could not be made '' 2. No coal was shipped from this available as desired. T'he Association was stockpile during the month of July. further advised that district office reports '' 3. The quantity of coal at tbs stock­ disclosed that the city council had ordered pile, at 31 July was 67,378 tons. There huts and shacks already erected on the are other stockpiles at Gladstone owned by area in question to be demolished, and the two Callidc ope.rators, but I have no that sites had be.en made available for information of the quantities of coal at pensioners at Happy Valley, which is part these stockpiles. '' of Pasturage Reserve R. 129. If the Townsville · City Coun~il, the letter con­ tinued, would submit to this department SOUTHPORT MATERNITY HOSPITAL. an application to have set aside an alter­ native area for the erection of cottages JUr. GA YEN (Southport) asked the for pensioners, such application would Secretary for Health and Home Affairs- be given due consideration. It was sug­ '' 1. What was the estimated cost of the gested the association might contact the maternity hospital now under construction ~ouncil in the matter.'' at Southport~ "2. What is the actual cost to date? STATE HOUSES UNDER CONSTRUCTION. "3. When was work on this job com­ Mr. NICKLIN (Landsborough-Leader of menced~ the Opposition) asked the Secretary for Public '' 4. How many men are employed on it~ Works, Housing and Local Government- '' How many houses are now under con­ '' 5. When is it expected to be com­ struction by the State Housing Commission pleted? -(a) in Brisbane, (b) in other cities, and '' 6. What is the present estimate of (c) outside city areas~" complete cost f ' ' Commonwealth Powers (22 AUGUST.] (Air Transport) Bill. 121 Hon. W. M. MOORE (Merthyr) replied- are working on the full surrender of Japan '' 1. £75,864. The estimated additional as the date of cessation of hostilities. We eost on account of increases in wages and remember that notice of the surrender of prices of materials since construction com­ Japan was received on 14 August, 1945, and menced is £10,895. on 2 September the formal surrender took '' 2. £65,346. place. In the Commonwealth Parliament the Australian National Airlines Act of 1945 was '' 3. 8 Se.ptember, 1948. amended in 1947 to allow the Common­ '' 4. Fifty-one. wealth airlines to operate in any State which '' 5. By the end of next February. had referred to the Commonwealth the matter '' 6. It is expected that the work will be of air transport intrastate services under the completed well within the estimates.'' conditions laid down by that State. The Act provides that where the Premier of a State signifies his approval in writing Trans­ PAPER. Australia Airlines may carry on an intra­ The following paper was laid on the state service, on condition, of course, that table:- it complies with the taxation requirements of the State, the same as any privately owned Regulations under The Inspection of airline company would have to do. That Act Machinery Acts, 1915 to 1946 (17 of the Federal Parliament hinges on the August). continuance of the reference of powers. If this reference expires, the Act would cease ADDRESS IN REPLY. to have any effect. We should then have to have fresh legislation referring powers to the EXTENSION OF TDiE FOR DEBATE. Commonwealth. This Bill is to extend that reference to permit the continued operation Hon. E. lU. HANLON (Ithaca-Premier): 'I move- of intrastate services by the T.A.A. on the same conditions as those existing at the '' That under the provisions of Standing present time. Order No. 17, the period allotted to debate on the Address in Reply be extended to T.A.A. has clone a very good service to seven full sitting days." Queensland since that arrangement was made. It has pioneered quite a few services and has Motion agreed to. established a number of branch services in Queensland. It has three minor services running COMMONWEALTH POWERS (AIR in New South ~Wales. For instance, it takes TRANSPORT) BILL. passengers between Sydney and Canberra on its flights between Sydney and Melbourne INITIATION. and vice versa. It also operates a service from Sydney to Hay. It has established a Hon. E. lU. HANLON (Ithaca-Premier) : service between Brisbane and important and I move- sparsely-settled country centres. One import­ '' That the House will, at its present ant service it has t>stablishecl in the North is sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of that from Cloncurry to Normanton and the Whole to consider of the desirable­ Burketown. It is quite obvious that a private ness of introducing a Bill to continue the airline company could not satisfactorily run reference to the Parliament of the Com­ an air service between such centres, as it is monwealth of the matter of air trans­ impossible to get revenue from them for the port.'' time being. It is a valuable service to the people in that isolated area. Motion agreed to. This Bill merely continues the arrangement INITIATION IN COMMITTEE. existing at the present time. It can be can­ celled at any time by the Queensland Govern­ (The Chairman of Committees, Mr. Manu, ment. Precaution is taken in the Bill in the Brisbane, in the chair.) matter of power to transfer these right'!. There was some doubt at one time as to Hon. E. l\1. HANLON (Ithaca-Premier) whether the States had power to do so subject (11.12 a.m.): I move- to limitations and the final opinion was that '' That it is desirable that a Bill be they had. This will continue the existing introduced to continue the reference to arrangement and enable T.A.A. to maintain the Parliament of the Commonwealth of its present services and establish other ser­ the matter of air transport.'' vices if the Government approves of them. Hon. members will recall that in 1943, after a conference between the Commonwealth lUr. Hiley: For any stated period? Government and all State Governments, and State Oppositions also, it was unanimously 1\Ir. HANLON: I am not putting a agreed that certain powers should be trans­ definite period in the Bill; it is at the will ferred to the Commonwealth for the duration of the Queensland Government. At any time of hostilities and five years thereafter. In the Government can withdraw the power. All this House we passed legislation transfer­ safeguards are taken to see that we are not ring certain powers to the Commonwealth giving anything away. until five years after the cessation of hostili­ I propose to introduce and have the Bill ties. Some doubt has been expressed as to printed today and leave the passing of the when hostilities ceased but the authorities Bill till Thursday.
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