I. 4* •........... 1 V^. PAGE THIBTY-TWO inanrl|p0t(r Emtthtg lirralb / ATcrafe Dally Net Press Ron See Our Other Ad On Page 16 For tNe tVeak Ended The Weather FREE PARKING - Rear of Store Magr S, IM I rocMMt 6t'V. a Wtethir Bwiae Oloodr, mOd fim lfht, oeeailderi 13,326 rain. Low, 4S-50. Friday oloody, Member ot the Andlt oool, oBfarioaal rate Ukely. Illgb Borera of OIraidetlon ss-eo. ynJL OJonjdahfuL Manchesterr—A City o f Village Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. (TWENTY-FOUR PA6ES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1961 ^ (ClaMifled AdVertlatng on Pago K ) PRICE nVE CENTS r - State N ew s SUNDAY, MAY 14 Factory Work \ Rounjdup -3 Nations plnlp-iii'iiiii; fREE GIFT WRAPPINCliiii I 'w ‘ ^ | 1 r i Itjnnninmljn * ‘ *' _ _ _ ** ' i > .• * - r Increase Noted House Upholds Washington, May 11 </P)—-9plpyin«nt — meaning workera Idle Demjpsey’s Veto The government reported to- for 15 weeks or Ionsigef' ’ increased by 266,000 in April in an Upward Of Taxes Break Say a “significant” increase of Laos trend that has been going on since In the factory work week in STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. MONDAY Thru SATURDAY ekrly last fall Hartford, May 11 (/P)— April, along with modest em- He said manufacturing employ­ OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 (3ov. John N. Dempsey’s veto plosmient gains in many job-' ment held steady, at 15.5 million In. scarce manufacturing indus­ April whereaa it usually declines of a bill granting a tax break • Butter - Soft by about 100,000 during the month. to the Clonnecticut Light & Z' Listen to Kathy tries. U.S. Offers Cease-fire Godfrey, W I N F- • Seymour Wolfbeln, Labor De- Power Co. has been upheld by CBS, Manchester . partment manpower chief, said the the House. I fir-, _^0:10''A.M.. Monday Changea reflect promleing over-ail The Wll Involved a 999-year Support to economic improvement. Dempsey Asks lease held by the utility on land Assurance thru Saturday. Con­ MARSHMALLOW But he said the real test of the and buildings owned by the Con­ test every day. atpength of the upturn remaina to Public Suppoi*t necticut Railway A Lighting Co. French-Smock be seen in terms of reduced long­ It would have saved Connecticut Asia Allies In London a term unemployment among heads Light A Power some $20,000 an­ of families and in various hard-hit Road Program nually In taxes. HANDBAGS occupations and industries. , Rep. Robert T. Calms, R-Madi- Saigon, South 'Viet, Nam, By CARL |(ARTMAN son, House chairman of the finance May 11 (JP )— Vice President I There were l.B million heads of Geneva, May 11 ( J f )— ^The ^ jjHartford, May 11 UP)—Demo­ committee, said the Governor’s Lyndon B, Johnson arrived in DUSTERS families without jobs in April and Big Three western power* GIFT nearly one out of five construction cratic Gov. John N. Oempeey has veto seemed "rather strange," but this strategic Southeast workers were idle. However, de­ called for popular eupport of his he recommended that It be up­ Asian^nation today^ bringing were reported ready to take spite bad weather, constnietlon held. He said 'the bill would have their seats tomorrow in a big In Drip Dry 1150 million highway bonding assurances that the United BOXED GIFT SPECIAL Employment climbed by 217,000 in corrected a\tax Inequity and was East-West conference about .99 April. program In the face of strong Re­ unopposed by the tax department. States will stand by its Allies ■* Wolfbeln gave the date in elab­ publican criticism. He added, however, that it was in this part of the world in the future of Laos, basing the each orating on a Labor Department re­ Dempsey said yesterday that he not worth a major fight. decision on word received in Broadcloth Values to 8,99 will demand a public hearing by the face, of Communist dan­ till '' ^ port last week showing that em­ Rep. William T. Shea, Meriden. ger. London today that organized ployment rose by 218,000 in April the legislature on the program Democratic minority leader, said fighting has ceased in the i f : to 65,734,000, while unemploy­ which calls for the building or re­ the bill was vetoed because the The 'Vice President, on a “round- construction of 90 miles of road­ the-world mission for President jungle kingdom. ment fell by 583,000 to 4,862,000. Governor viewed it as "class legis­ There was no official confirma­ . The wonderful new marshmallow-soft, leather like plastic Compared to a year earliei% em­ way. lation." ' Kennedy," came here for an on- "It is too important an issue to the-spot study of Communist ag­ tion from the United States, Britain .99 ployment was down 425,000 and and France that they had dropped that wipes clean with Jiist a damp cloth. A host of popular the idle total up 1.8 million. be settled by political leaders of gression In a guerrilla war in either party,” the Chief Executive 3 Bound Over which an estimated .400 to 600 earlier reservations to participat­ top handle styles to choose from in bone, white, coffee, Today’s new figures showed the said In response to the GOP at­ Hartford, May 11 UP) — Three Vietnamese are being killed every ing In the conference if a cease-fira aversge factory work, week in-, tack. Springfield, Mass., men have been month. was not certified. creased by 6 minutes to 39.2 hours, But sources close to the western cream, green or red. And now they’re just $4.99 each. Earlier In the day, the Repub­ bound over to Superior Court in Johnson stepped from his Wolfbeln called this significant be­ lican legislative leaders, Sen. Pet­ the theft of $15,000 in jewelry, delegations .said that, In -view Beautifully done In fine *• " cause there usually is a small de­ chartered PanAm 707 jet and took the London news from-Laos, they er P. Marian!, Groton, and Rep. tools and camera eqiupment from a salute from a sharp-looking cline in April. J. ’lyier Patterson, Old Lyntb, said King’s Department Store here. probably would agree tonight to cotton broadcloth with He noted that the work week, honor guard of 400 Vietnamese sit down at the conference table Dempsey's program was an ^ a m ­ The three, . Robert Rossi, 20; troops. Strict security precautions sfter seasonal adjustment, has ple of "politietd quackery." ’Hieir Roland Barlbeau, 22. and Ernest at the U.N. Palace of Nations tor billowing sleeves, 2-but­ risen a full half hour so far in 1961. are in force for Johnson's visit. morrow with their. eastern oppo­ I 't - joint statement amdunt^ to an Harrison, 21, appeared In Circuit , April brought small employment Court yesterday. The Vice President read a short sites. ton yoke, full shirred all official Republican declaration of statement pledging U.S. support increases. Instead of eeasonally ex­ war on Dempsey’s program. Rossi and Baribeau are charged U.S. Secretary of State Dean EARRING AND PIN SETS pected declines, among factory with breaking and entering and for hard-pressed allies in this part Rusk and President Kennedy’s around. Fashioned for workers in such Industries as pri­ Dempsey replied that "name- of the world. roving ambassador, W. AveriU calling never built a road In all theft. Harrison with receiving mary metals, principally steel; stolen goods. He is scheduled to hold a 2-hour Harriman, already^ are in Geneva. compliments in gold, metal fabricating and machinery history.” conference tomorrow morning So is Soviet Foreign Minister An­ .’These are all vital road proj­ Police jMld Rossi, Baribeau and A TRIMMED WITH manufacturing. a third man not yet arrested broke with pro-western President Ngo drei Gromyko. Red China's foreign apncot. turquoise. lilac. .99 The number of workers on non- ects essential to the future wel­ Dinh Diem. minister, Chen Yi, arrived tWa GENUINE fare of the people In the areas to into the store Sunday. Judge Rules in Favor of Love afternoon. farm payrolls roee by 400.000 to , Rossi’s bond was set at $10,000; During a stopover on Guam, Sizes S-M-L. CULTURED PEARLS just over 52 million, ah increase he served,’* he eald. "I certainly Johnson said the United States Mr. and Mrs. John Hyatt, both In their 50’s, sit In a Los Angeles courtroom yesterday as a judge de­ Lord Hpme of Britain and Mau­ think the people^should be entitled Baribeau’s at $7,000 and Harrison's substantially better than the usual at $8,000.^ will "stand up for freedom” any­ cided they're not too old to legally adopt the 4-year-old twins they’ve cared for as "boarding par­ rice Couvo de MurvUle of Franca April rise. to speak out on them." where In the world and will do ents” since 1958. The county Bureau of Adoptions said the Hyatts’ proposed adoption of Brenda wer«j;due later in the day pnd were Smart gift sets in several smart styles and designs . all Wolfbeln noted as 6ne unfavor­ Since unveiling the program on all it can to help drive out disease Louise (left) auid Linda Lee (right) was against the county’s adoption rules, but the judge heard reported planning to meet later Second Floor able sign Hiat long-term unem- Tuesday, Dempsey said he received 70 to 83 and poverty. the Hyatts’ tearful pleas of love and Instructed them to begin formal adoption proceedings at.once.
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