I f.l 'S, ïv. "p 'Y’A? S' Miss. Aid Deposits In Tri-State Bank Near $200,000 Mark • t' * READ THE c; MJ. ONLY NEWS % y Ml WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST 6c IN YOUR MEMPHIS PER COPY WORLD Lame m.ica«s stAk o/s,¿To 5' V MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, MARCH TS, 1955 PRICE SIX CENTS' VOLUME 23, NUMBER 74 i? 7* MWI ■vp 11 & ..1 H ..........Û i I ■ H Memphian To í>í i, i 'y- Ss- Attend Market Veto To Allo w fessure To Die I* K 1» LOCALIZER VERSIONS GIVE action to school boards in Tipton, -A SCHOOL BOARDS RIGHT TO Fayette and Haywood counties, blit iHm PICK SCHOOL TO'ATTEND orice these three become law -otheÀ-, H ■.?? By RAYMOND F. 1’ISBY counties could pass similar bills, ■O« WASHINGTON, D C. — Around With only four days remaining thereby continuing the segregatoci, three hundred sales and public re­ before the Tennessee Legislature schools in the state without lations representatives including adjourns Negroes and others thru­ "blanket” state law. ium April 2. Visiting the office are William F. Nabors of Memphis, are out tile state who do not wish to During the remaining tour days GETS JABBERWOCK BACK- expected in Nashville, March 18-20, 7 - GROUND—Nashville’s Eastern Air four Pi Sigma Chapter’s Steering see Tennessee become a "diehard" of the assembly Gov. Clement caa Committee (from left to right): for the annual marketing clinic, state on the school desegregation sign the bills into law veto them: Lines office is providing this Delta sponsored by Tennessee A. and I. Ï Sigma Theta quartet supplement­ Mrs. Virginia Edwards, Mrs. Edna problem arc hoping that Governor and send them back to the assem­ Morgan, Mrs. Mabel Leathers, pres­ University with the cooperation of Frank Clement defers action on bly with the possibility that the ary background for their Annual the National Association of Market | ■Jabberwock, keynoted "Twentieth ident of Pi Sigma Chapter and three localized versions of the legislature would override his veto’ Miss Wilhelmenia Bradford, cnair- Developers, and the NAMD’s sec- ■ Stalnback bill. or send them back to the legisla­ Century Flight,” and scheduled for ond annual convention to be held Nashville's War Memorial Auditor- man of the Steering Committee. ture without his signature and let at the Nashville Institution on At the Memphis World Press them become law. March 20. time. Gov. Frank Clement made no According to information from the action on . three localized versions However, during the last week of university officials, and Moss H. of the now "dead" state Senator the session, Gov. Clement has the Weekend Deposits Of $13,119 Këndix, NA'MD president Washing­ Charles A. Stalnback’s bill which right to hold any bill reaching’him ton. D. C.. a wide response has been would have given school boards until the Legislature adjourn» and received from invitation issued by throughout the state the right, un­ then veto them without the Legis­ Boost Total To $186,619 the institution's president. Dr. Wal­ der the "police power" of the state, lature having a chance to override ter S. Davis, to sales and public re­ to designate what school a student him. ’• Deposits of $13119 last week thers in Mississippi.'" lations people working for. leading shouldbUQUlU MVl/UXIU.attend. ■ ' . ■ The .latterwvvm. course— Is the------------- oneJ- ’ —num--—-, ’ brought the’total of new funds in Previous deposits include. NAACP. products and companies throughout The three localized bills, passed J| erous citizens thruout the stpte hop*hope the Tri-State Bank of Memphis $20,000; Metropolitan Detroit Mu­ i the United States. by the State Legislature, limits the the Governor will follow. f - ; . for loans to. hard-pressed Missls- tual- Assurance Co., AME Pension The university, likewise has ob­ sippians to $186,619. according ' to Fund, North Carolina Mutual Life tained some of the top experts in Roy Wilkins, NAACP administra­ Insurance Co., Mechanics and Far­ marketing and closely related' fields Network Broadcast Signals tor. mers Bank of Durham, N. C.; the to handle discussion areas pertain­ Prince Hall Masons of Oklahoma, ing to the Marketing Clinic, "Sell­ Rev. Adam Clayton Powell in- Mississippi and Pennsylvania; ing In the $15-blllion Negro Mar­ . formed the NAAOP that his church, Great Lakes Mutual Life Insur­ ket." This theme has been selected YOUTHS AID POLIO FUND — Members of the er is Charles Edward White, Jr. Other officers, 128th Year Of Negro Press Abyssinian Baptist in Harlem, had ance., Supreme Liberty Life Insur­ in order to aid persons engaged in Junior Mission for Christ beam proudly as their in addition to president Crittle, are Marilyn Gra­ ' sent $8,119 to the Tri-State Bank. ance Co., Edward Kivie Kaplan, selling in the Negro market, ac­ president John Lee Crittle (center right with ham, vice president; Willis Ward Wright, secre­ Louis E. Martin, edltok.’ of thè • B. T. Bradshaw, president-treasur­ United Automobile Workers, CIO; cording to University and NAMD As a feature of National Negro check) presents gospel disc jockey Ford Nelson tary; Gloria Murphy, assistant secretary; Larry Newspaper Week,, the National Chicago Defender, will present a re­ er of the Virginia Mutual Benefit Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Port­ sources. (center left) with the $10 they raised to aid the Lee Gillian, treasurer and ushers Alex Small Jr., sume of Negro newspapers' . PlADa Lite Insurance Company of Rich­ ers; AFL; Good Citizens Life In­ The clinic will be held on Fri­ Broadcasting Company network will carry a half-hour broadcast Mon- for the future. Ben Orauer, well* • mond, Va., told the NAACP that surance Co. of New Orleans; and day and Saturday, March 18-19. On polio fund drive. The class was organized in Vernéda Edwards, Laverne Holloway and Shirley Sept. 1954 by Mrs. Lelia Henderson. Their teach- day, March 14, at 10:30 p. m., EST. known NBC news commentator’ and his company' had deposited $5,000 Peoples Life. Insurance Co., $10,000 Satuiday evening', the Market Jean Small. — (Ernest Withers Photo) analysist will serve/ as moderator ■ In the Tri-State Bank. Previous de- each; Omega -Psi Phi Alpha Phi Developers will hold their Awards included on the program will be for the panel discussion. ’ positsjiad totaled $.173.500? Depos­ Alpha, and Scottish Rite Masons, Dinner on the university, campus a.. panel, .dl$(;ussion _ on_ the subjlect, The' broadcast '•wnTbe l? . r its are federally insuted up to $5,000 each. at which time Dr. Davis, Juliùs'-A'. "Desegregation in Our World To­ $10000. Thomas, National Urban League, Wilberforce President To Army Introduces of the 17th annual¡’felebratlotrc^ day" which will present Lester Bi Also, $1,000 each by Mrs. Ernest National Negro Newspaper. Week.;.Wis- (Continued on Page Eight) Granger, executive director of the Calling for,not,less than $500,000. A. Alexander and Mrs. J. E. Spin­ The, f-Rutowurm________ __ ______ Awards, _____^T... glvfen-------------- thia. - , Mr, Wilkins said' the great need to National Urban League; Roy Wil­ gam' and $500 by Morris S. Novik, Field Tents With year for the seventh time, are bè*bè- make funds available for loans to all of New York. kins, administrator of the NAACP; stowed annually upon ten persons,; Mississippi Negro citizens who ^"e James C. Evans, civilian aide to institutions or organizations ; wHoK being squeezed economically’ by a Melrose Slates Dr. Charles Leander Hill, Ph. D., I Membership: American Philoso- the Secretary of Defense and Dow- have made outstanding contribution ; ? campaign of the White Citizens president of Wilberforce Universi­ Iphical Society; British Institute of Picture Windows to a fuller concept of democratic , I ty, Wilberforce, Ohio, will deliver dal H. Davis, general manager of ■ Councils of the state is underlined Miss. Man Convicted ; Philosophy, Alpha Phi Alpha Fra­ the Kansas City Call and chairman principals throughout thè riatSon. i by the article in LOOK magazine the Men’s Day address at New Ty­ ternity; Listed in Who’s Who in What’s the Army coming to? The of the newspaper week observance and the world. Previous recipients- for March 22 by Hodding Carter. HomeEconomics ler AME Church Sunday, March 27, America, Who’s Who in the Mid­ have included President Dwight’D. Here As Bogus at 3 p. m. latest Innovation is -field tents fea­ sponsored by the National News­ Mississippi editor. Mr.’ Carter tells west, Who’s Who in. Methodism, turing picture windows. Sounds fri­ paper Publishers Association, .Eisenhower, former president Hauty of the vicious campaign to deny Telephone Worker Who's Who in Colored Methodism, volous, doesn't it, but it really isn’t. 9. Truman. Edward R Murroyy credit to Negroes to force them to Week Programs Dr. Hill is one of the most noted I Who's Who in American Education, Other features will be the pre­ Mrs. Eleanor Rooservelt, Thurgood ’ - ; A Blackhawk. Miss., man, Earl. Lack of adequate light in field accept .without protest an inferior educators of our times. He holds and the International Blue Book. tents has long been a gripe of sol­ sentation of the 1955 Russwurm Marshall, Jackie Robln»on,;f:tìày7.,y Pleasants, 38,' was sentenced to 11 the following degrees Education A. status and especially to accept seg­ Melrose High School is planning Author "Loci Commupes of Mel- diers in the tield. Rolling up side Award winners by William O. Wal­ Campanella, American Herl&ge.. regated schools despite the Su­ months and 29 days in the work­ a full week for celebration of Ten­ B., Wittenburg College, 1928; B. D„ ancthon, 1944." Author. An Exposi­ ker, secretary of the publishers as­ Foundation, Committee on.Govern*8 house in-.
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