.'.'iiSfe.'.f 4 ^*M. X*< i* / ^. ^m '># * « J » >!*<»• JVP^ft^fS *• Jt In vala will you found mis­ TIM sions and build schools, If you are aot able to wield the worthy offensive and defensive weap­ ons of a loyal Catholic press.—Pope Pius X* «75fe CalfiolicTamily Newspaper •WfMM .., ,.,,. ...iii, ..I,,, ,,„ .,IIIVU„,UI i nii.m^LUJjp^iiiP •*• m&kmt*~*'. SStn YEAR, SO. 51.' ESTABLISHED 1880 HBKU 17, iWd. X, 1, W. (T. NSW* MtfcUC* BoaoBBeonii-S. W-.HWfcAf**, .._*• "*. »efi ?j» -•<»» «->spvyi-jjfji*. i !io4jiift.( >.» •SB mmmmmmm mtammmmm mm mmmmt •*• urnmrnm^ SUNDAY SCHOOL •l#H Ml •4 !**t" *• i Sculptured Head *« Salt Lake Bishop, ALCOHOL STUDf t Rural Found at Jer ash American Finds Unworthy of Name, BY METHODISTS ,; May Be Christ's San. Watm aa|» > Rt. Rev. J. J. Mitty, Life Conference tty Dw. Alexander MomWlil At Beisan Prove lB«Uaa»«>U Ihd., afit>T^. Washington, Sept IS.—T*e alco­ (Jerusalem Corr«tpon«eut. Speak i»f M U»» 0»l«Bai»'ChlV hol problem and the reasons for pro­ h»n t«d»y at • r*Mftt«B ,4» hibition will be. studied systematic­ I : . J? OvW*C^ ?tew» $ervleei. " Bible Narrative Hoa JoaawJ PSfla^SWsmy JUMBX WL Is Consecrated ^eruaal«!Pft, Aa*« V&^Bro*. at Lab*r, Static* r ally in the Sunday schools of the r*" Methodist Episcopal Church this Cincinnati, Sept, 10.—The pretUav tm&t John, <5*rstan*> Djrectof ^r- ^ ^^JL ^^a*s ^•^^SH^^BS^W^^P^ ^^^^^^^^*w Watsoa (K«s ). wumdu «a th* «<aUUty at th* Q«fnM«t Bishop Given Purse By Clergy year. The Board of Education of the (nary program for the Catholic Rural :^f .AmtrqiwmesA in jftiMrttoft, ^ t?*tU*rt«to fi«ffe!!»i^4«lit N 0 W C Church has cooperated with the Mfe Conference to be held in Cincttv •f th* Uatlav atat«« aa« 4h* |« Of Archdiocese—His Diocese Board of Temperance in issuing a ttl October 20, and Si. bas Just beer* Ifeves that the remarlijahi* iastabtrity vt «a«r ««vWr»^ text-boob of elective lessons and s^lplured head, recently dis* meaca, said »» Largest In U. S. made- public by Res. Edwin •-¥; Hi,W nvni i>i.iii classes axe being organized for theO'Hara , qf Engeae, Oregon, *ecre* covered durjtng exavations of ' If yon jo Sow* Mot SMK> ?eru|»1*», Au|i tikrThs Moara- WHO, Cattfonfe tNt*»mL>*ti New York, Sept. 10.—A notable study. It is estimated that ly.MO tary of the Conference, and director the ruin* of the fifth«c^atttTry young people will take the course, of the Catholic Rural 34fe Bureau. tlona of the l»blUd«H>hla latvsrsiti flu barter mC>p«t «M WK 1m* gathering of American Catholics wit­ ChrlsUfctt basilica at Iwrasht Jin 3yrun*UTjjrw*t«h m*,&m wrrlsd out nessed the consecration of the Right We intend to see to it that the Phe Conference will be held under young people of pur Church know the patronage of Archbishop McJ?ich- ^Sansjo'irdiinia, and jprobahiy- Tititad *t«jha,,yw4 wig fjnVj Rev. John Joseph Mitty, D.B., Bishop tht dimtloa of Sir, M* *»*• °**« of Salt Lake, by Bis Eminence Fat- why prohibition was found necessary ojas, of Cincinnati, who; will preach dailng ifrom th» second C«B«|I^, pt yttvvttwi^ #k mm *^ " In dealing with the drink evil and at the opening Solemn. 'Mass* wjbjjcb; direct, h*H v*mv$ produos* \m- srWftrta«HM*Mtf$ - rick Cardinal Hayes at St. Patrick's pay be the earliest kn^wn tep- porUnt eonnrmatlott of, Blbllaal Cathedral last Wednesday morning. that they realize the inestimable will be celebrated at Sit, §t« .Hary's, 1 t •ihtr^toot^la >|( Seminary.,Wednesday morning* Octb reaentatlon ©f^Cf"**** o^ *>t t^» »Ut*m«at« xfiardta* ths Ph|itotb)«a that 4k wwfli #« _,. It was, oolncidentally,' the 34th an social and economic benefits of the in that PalMtlns t6wn. nlveraary of Cardinal Hayes* ordin­ law," said Clarence True Wilson, her 29. aceepteA Chri«t'type( in wblc^ •otl fc.ths" Mfi»AW !Ottrtiiard1#«oown *1^ a &*«#> Btl*n-~th. Il«th«an of <bt BlbU vraawats a« 4r ation in the same edifice. general secretary of the Board of A round table on the *jfcrehg$b W& He. at th* «Mt«ra and of gi« v»iti» Temperance. weakness of the. Cathode rural poj^- \ Professor 0artt*ng; »<»iat» out There were in attendance the Most of Jeaml. in'Hallsal^c *a« SomMil •i«rVtaw*4W Rev. Edward J. Hanna, Archbishop ulation will take place We4ne*d!*y ;"tb.fi 4tn*erenc« that exliti be-, tluiM it was called BcythoVolU aadj •r»msatfcor/la^ of San Francisco more than a score afternoon. At this session Dr. John iw^en the Jferaah he»dk *IM& 1|-«» ; wa» *h» tbihr chr of the DaoopolU of Bishops, hundreds of priests, A. Lapp will present ft •{&&»*>i th$ MaslM'J^ Miniature Cathedral rttArked wprewlon <j| nvpsteL or 1«*IM *f f*Mttpa> 1» th» -taath --- — Jy numerous distinguished laymen and Oatholle rural •paYisb.es of the tfnited Dies At Organ As ob«i«r of tht Brat fcook of ^taa a great throng of Bishop Mitty's fel­ Built By Chicagoan States. The problem of Catholic leak­ pain, and ih« claaajc, repr^sen- Ohrottlclsi v« ***& -tW »haa Skm low New Yorkers. age will he discussed by j?, P, Ken- , iailow of ZWK wWch it t&im? *ted,i1i* FhWitiima "|wt hit arsloor Chicago, Sept. 7.—-Anton Ander- kel, K.S.Gk, of St. Louis, and: Rev. She Plays Music To Bale Largest Diocese son of Chicago, builder of electric b\m to ^ certain degree. In, th* hou*» «* tHsJr *<>*« ««* ft* Bishop Mitty la one of the young M. V. Kelly, C*S.B., of St, Michael's tcnei hit h«A la to* W*&* M P«- pianos by day, has been by night a College, Toronto, Canada 01 Wedding March est priests ever elevated to the Amer­ builder of a miniature cathedral with l^t^lib*HA^w^ltifl**i»t awytyr ican Hierarchy and by -Bis-consecra­a congregation and a set of chimes. The annual business meeting will of th» First Boot Of" Bamutl - tba tion takes over a see which territor­ listen to the presidential address by my M. C, W^Or NewsrServle*) ^ .Li ii i [ i-uii rr-^t they i"eut off hU head, and atrltjHt Eighteen months ago Anderson Rev. Thomas R. Carey, of Lapeer, ially. Is the largest in the country began construction of his cathedral off, bt> armour »k4 *t»t unto tJ»s His jurisdiction is three times as Michigan, and a report of the editor Rochester, N/< Y„ Sept. $t~»Hlu with a knife, a wire cutter, and land ot th« ^htlhjaaw round aboat 7** f» large as New York State and em­ of "Catholic Rural Life Magazine," Mary Schuaart organist at, theto publlah |t In tht houa^ of th«Hr J|$3&& braces 20 parishes, nine Catholic chisel for his tools.'Today the min­ Rev. M.«B. Semite, of Bes Moines* Church of Our Lady of Perpetual iature edifice is completed. One and idol* and ip^Wii* v pirtaLorJf' educational institutions and the Ca Iowa. Rev. W. P, MeDermoW, of Help, died at the instrument a* %h» jL thedral of the Madeleine in Salt a half feet long, one foot wide and Racine, Wisconsin, who d« conduct­ was rehearsing selections fo^r a wed' •*And tosy'p^ W^rmour la^ha JK*^ Lake City. with a ti>wer two and a half feet ing a national essay contest on Cath­ diug march, and'a fewmlnut^a after- HOUM of A.toarQlh: and th«r£fa* !£-i high, the structure Is excellently de­ J The newest member of the Amer olic Rural Youth, will preieftt a re* she; had pla>ed for a requiem S^»)»» tened hi. bod?; to tfc^*t»»» ot'Utto ^ lean Hierarchy was born in Green­ signed and furnished to the most port on <the attitude of.farm boys lait Wedn««day^ Death was du* t6 a minute detail. and their parents to farm life* At • heart attack, wich Village, here. He was educated Regularly arranged pews occupied 4 in Catholic elementary schools, Man luncheon to b'e held under the.*tr* •fie1ative« of Mx» Schwhart roeallr fJni^Am*r<«ti| IN^MH^r ^^ by a doll congregation, a tiny organ, pices of -the National Council .of cor«mti — **"- ™- A—£ hattan College and St. Joseph's Sera sttvlMer exprewlng t»« whjh thfct »h» t^piSj ^ ^ *»•tv « inary at Dunwoodle. He is the first a email crucifix on the altar, a ptfeat Catholic Women the work of tbe ;u and a choir boy all have their places kngw ot no happier Way to rase* mid« 4ariB| ^iri\l> • alumnus at Dunwoodle to be elevat­ religious vacatonechopla whicVjhaye death jthart while playing the mus|c ed to the episcopate and for his mot­ in the interior. The main aisle is been 'held ih thirty dioceie*,the past on* und«K th covered with red velvet carpet Gen­ summer will he reviewed Aft inter­ p| Ihe Chnrqh^ji oas w^«r>ihiL; to he choee that of his seminary— It wai some .nilnute»"b«for» Rfr. "Mihi Vlvere Christus Est" (To Meuin e art glass for the windows gives esting feature of the conference, will JhfjaridtijoWMM to Live is Christ). an Interesting effect when the model be a paper on. rural lite among ih* Joha P. Schellhorn, rector, who. had flndiT •howa.thatt is lighted by insertion of an electric colored CatholiCf of the- tJnlt#d noted that the organ was •oundlnf ot "sjptner -1 The coat of arms he selected is same notes repeatedly, went V'\H J ' ' .'*'.*'-''•'•''.'".
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