March 20, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2187 cyber emergencies. We applaud your ongoing forward to continuing to work with both THE U.S.S. SOUTH DAKOTA leadership on this and other key technology Congress and the Administration on matters matters in the United State Senate. relating to security and critical infrastruc- Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I rise Microsoft is deeply engaged in security ture. today to submit a resolution honoring matters. Our Trustworthy Computing Initia- Sincerely, the 60th anniversary of the commis- tive, recently announced by Bill Gates, SUSAN A. BROPHY, sioning of the USS South Dakota. places a primary emphasis on security, pri- Senior Vice President, Domestic Public Policy, The USS South Dakota was the lead vacy and reliability across our products, AOL Time Warner. ship of a class of 35,000-ton battleships services and operations. and was officially commissioned on We agree with you that, in case of a na- f tional cyber emergency, the Federal Govern- March 20, 1942. Few ships in the history of the United States Navy have had ment should draw upon the brightest minds STATEMENTS ON SUBMITTED such a distinguished service record or in industry in its efforts to protect Federal RESOLUTIONS agencies and other critical entities. In fact, have been as integral to the defense of on September 11th our Chief Security Officer our Nation. The Resolution I am sub- was called to active military duty to support mitting today honors both the USS the government’s response to the attacks. He SENATE RESOLUTION 228—HON- South Dakota and her dedicated crew. recently left Microsoft to become the Vice ORING THE MEMORY OF THE The USS South Dakota served Chairman of the President’s Critical Infra- U.S.S. SOUTH DAKOTA AND ITS structure Protection Board. throughout World War II, and became We view your focus on a National Emer- WORLD WAR II CREW ON THE the most decorated American battle- gency Technology Guard, like our Trust- OCCASION OF THE 60TH ANNI- ship of the war having been awarded 13 worthy Computing Initiative, as a means to VERSARY OF THE COMMIS- battle stars. In addition, the South Da- strengthen America’s cybersecurity via bet- SIONING OF THE U.S.S. SOUTH kota became one of only four battle- ter trained personnel. DAKOTA ships to receive the Navy Unit Com- We thank you again for the opportunity to comment on this matter and commend you Mr. JOHNSON (for himself and Mr. mendation. once again for your ongoing leadership in cy- DASCHLE) submitted the following reso- While the South Dakota spent the bersecurity. lution; which was referred to the Com- majority of its service in World War II Sincerely, mittee on Armed Services: in the Pacific, it did serve in the Atlan- JACK KRUMHOLTZ, S. RES. 228 tic along with the British Home Fleet Director, Federal Government Affairs, from February to July 1943. However, Associated General Counsel. Whereas March 20, 2002, marks the 60th An- niversary of the commissioning of the U.S.S. no one can deny that the crew truly South Dakota; distinguished themselves in the Pacific AOL TIME WARNER, Washington, DC, March 19, 2002. Whereas the U.S.S. South Dakota and her Campaign. Very few of the battles crew served with distinction throughout Hon. RON WYDEN, fought in that theater of operation oc- World War II; Hon. GEORGE ALLEN, curred without the support of the USS United States Senate, Washington, DC. Whereas the U.S.S. South Dakota served in South Dakota. In fact, the South Da- DEAR SENATOR WYDEN AND SENATOR ALLEN: many of the major battles of the Pacific kota saw action at the battle for Gua- On behalf of AOL Time Warner, I would like Campaign, including the engagements in support of the battle for Guadalcanal, the dalcanal, the Battle of the Santa Cruz to express my appreciation for your efforts Islands, the invasions of the Gilbert Is- and leadership in the area of antiterrorism Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, the inva- and disaster response, including the develop- sions of the Gilbert Islands and Marshall Is- lands and Marshall Islands, the Mari- ment of legislation to address this critical lands, the Marianas Campaign, the Battle of anas Campaign, the Battle of the Phil- issue. the Philippine Sea, the invasions of Leyte ippine Sea, the invasions of Leyte and September 11th forever changed the way and Luzon in the Philippines, the invasions Luzon in the Philippines, the invasions our country thinks about crisis response and of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and attacks on of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and attacks emergency management, and has made all of the home islands of Japan; on the home Islands of Japan. All told, us realize the importance of working to- Whereas, from February through August of 1943, the U.S.S. South Dakota operated in the USS South Dakota was credited gether as a team when disaster strikes. Like with sinking three enemy ships and so many other organizations and individuals the Atlantic Ocean, and served there with across the country and around the world, we the British Home Fleet; downing 64 enemy aircraft during the at AOL Time Warner watched with horror as Whereas the U.S.S. South Dakota and her war. the tragic events of that day unfolded—and crew became the most decorated American The proudest moment for the crew did what we could to contribute to the im- battleship of World War II, having been may have been when the South Dakota mediate needs of the emergency response awarded 13 battle stars; served as the flagship for Admiral personnel, from financial and humanitarian Whereas the U.S.S. South Dakota became Chester W. Nimitz during the surrender one of only four battleships to be awarded assistance to technical support. of Japan in Tokyo Bay on September 2, Since that time, we have participated in the Navy Unit Commendation; numerous discussions, including several on- Whereas Admiral Chester W. Nimitz used 1945. For the ship, its crew, and our Na- going initiatives led by the Administration, the U.S.S. South Dakota as his flagship for tion, this signalled the end of World about both how to prevent such a catas- the surrender of Japan in Tokyo Bay; War II and our complete victory over trophe in the future and how to mitigate the Whereas the U.S.S. South Dakota served as the forces of fascism. Following the effects of such a disaster should the unthink- the flagship for Admiral William F. Halsey surrender of Japan, the South Dakota able occur again. It is clear from these dis- on the return of the Navy’s Third Fleet to was the flagship for Admiral William cussions and from our experiences on that the United States after World War II ended; F. Halsey during the return of the fleet and day, that one of the most critical objectives to the United States. in formulating a disaster response strategy Whereas the memory of those who served is to ensure the functioning of our commu- and those who died on the vessel are honored On the 60th Anniversary of its com- nications infrastructure in the event of an at the U.S.S. South Dakota Memorial in missioning, I would like to take this emergency. Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Now, therefore, opportunity to thank the crew of the Your legislation, ‘‘The Science Technology be it USS South Dakota for their service to Emergency Mobilization Act,’’ recognizes Resolved, That the Senate— our Nation. Their contributions to the the important role played by volunteers— (1) remembers the service of the U.S.S. freedoms we enjoy today is a debt we like those from our company and countless South Dakota and its World War II crew on can never fully repay. I ask my col- and countless others across the nation—in the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the providing technical assistance to enhance commissioning of the U.S.S. South Dakota; leagues to join with me in remem- communication in times of crisis, and cre- (2) commends the members of the World bering the USS South Dakota and hon- ates a mechanism for coordinating and de- War II crew of the U.S.S. South Dakota for oring the lasting legacy of her crew. ploying such assistance in a systematic fash- their dedicated service to the United States f ion during a national emergency. We believe during that war; that this type of voluntary partnership be- (3) pays solemn tribute to those who were SENATE RESOLUTION 229—CON- tween industry and government is vital to killed or wounded on the decks of the U.S.S. DEMNING THE INVOLVEMENT OF ensuring that disaster response and recovery South Dakota; and WOMEN IN SUICIDE BOMBINGS efforts are coordinated and effective. (4) honors the lasting legacy of the great We are grateful for your work on this issue fighting spirit of the U.S.S. South Dakota Mrs. BOXER (for herself, Ms. MIKUL- of such importance to our nation, and look and its crew. SKI, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mrs. VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:44 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S20MR2.REC S20MR2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S2188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 20, 2002 HUTCHISON, Ms. SNOWE, Ms. COLLINS, COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC Senate on Wednesday, March 20, 2002, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mrs. LINCOLN, Ms. CANT- WORKS at 2:30 p.m., in open session to receive WELL, Mrs. CARNAHAN, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I ask testimony on national security space and Ms.
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