Lake Union Herald "Am I my brother's keeper?" "I am debtor to all men." Voir.. X VI I I BERRIEN STRINGS, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1926 No. 10 Thirteen Years of Progress Thirteen years ago last October I became a mem- 1919 an addition was built to the women's dormitory ber of the College Board by virtue of my connection to take care of fifty students. The following year with the East Michigan Conference &s president. the men's dormitory with a capacity of one hundred For five and one-half years I served in that capacity, twenty-five was erected.. Following the men's dormi- and during that time saw Emmanuel Missionary tory came the expansion of the Normal School and College liquidate its liabilities and stand clear of all the Home Economics Building, then the central indebtedness, in 1916. This seemed to be the signal heating plant, and overhead the opening of the car- THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING for an advance growth in the College, however, pentry department. About 1921• the students put Professor Graff's health failed him which for a on a campaign for a music building and in the short time threw the College into rather embarrassing con- period of thirty days raised $6,000, the complete ditions and uncertain attendance. Following him amount for that purpose. Underneath this building came Professor Benson who remained but tempora- has been placed a strongly equipped science depart- rily. This further increased the difficulty and as- ment. surance of the growth of the school. These facilities so increased the attendance that In the year 1918 Professor Frederick Griggs was the old chapel was inadequate to take care of the chosen as president of Emmanuel Missionary Col- students, and for a number of years there have been lege and served contemporaneously with me as presi- more students in the school than the seating capacity dent of the Lake Union Conference. From the of the chapel. The old chapel has been divided into entrance of President Griggs into the school a period classrooms, offices, etc., and all our public exercises of growth and expansion began. In the summer of have been confined for the past three years to the 2 LAKE UNION HERALD like $3,500 cash in hand, with a number of pledges made; but of course pledges will not build the build- ing, so we are urging them to collect on the pledges as rapidly as possible and not to cease their efforts until the full $10,000 in cash is in hand. We earnest- ly solicit the cooperation of you, brethren, to assist the students as you receive letters from them. The demand is not simply for a place in which the stu- dents can meet, but that they may have better facil- ities in which to finish their education and prepara- THE BASEMENT tion for the mission field. The demands for young basement of the new chapel. For more than a year, men and young women to go to the mission fields the basement has been inadequate to seat the people. are far beyond our ability, and any one who has About one month ago the students put on a drive to been called of God and is- qualified for'ministerial raise $10,000 for the completion of the new chapel. work has to my personal knowledge had no difficulty At our last committee meeting this matter was in finding a place in the work, excepting sometimes brought before our Union Committee as it had been when our tithe was insufficient to give them adequate brought before the General Conference at the time support after going into the field. We solicit there- of the Fall Council, and the Union Committee not fore at the present time not only your cooperation only repeated their sanction for this move, but joined in the building of this institution, but also in bring- the students and faculty in a program to raise an ing into the storehouse the full amount of the tithe additional $30,000. At first thought this was to from every quarter. cover a period of two years, $5,000 to be raised by We are hoping to begin work on the new build- the Lake Union, $3,000 was alloted to me personally, ing immediately at the close of school, but we can go and $20,000 divided among the conferences on a only as far and as fast as the money that comes in will pro rata basis. However, the great need of the permit us,. for we are determined not to erect this completion of the chapel at once has led the strong- chapel leaving upon it a large debt when it is complet- er conferences in the Union to feel this should not ed. For the sake of your boys and girls and of other be stretched over a period of two years, and practi- boys and girls in the other conferences in North cally all of them have now by expression of their America, and the boys and girls to whom they will presidents, and some by actions of their committee, go in far-off lands, we appeal to you as the Lord promised to bring in the full amount this year. The first 50 per cent of the amount is to be paid in by the close of school, and the remainder before the Lake Union Herald end of the year. This will certainly be a great Published Weekly by the blessing to Emmanuel Missionary College. Plans have been outlined for the new chapel to be built of Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists wood with the same general arhitecture as the other and Printed by the College Press, Berrien Springs, Mich. buildings of the plant. This will be in keeping with the faith of the denomination, looking forward to Subscription Price, Eighty Cents a Year the near coming of our Lord and Master, and at Order through your Tract Society the same time providing seating capacity with gal- Mrs. Lou Kirby Curtis Editor leries for about 850 people. The student capacity Entered as second-class matter, November 3, 1908, at the post will be provided on the main floor for 500 only, and office of Berrien Springs, Michigan. it is hoped the school will not grow beyond this num- ber; in fact this makes an equalized plant, chapel, Lake Union Conferenc:. Directory Office Address, Lock Drawer C -dining room, dormitories, and all being full to capa- Berrien Springs, Michigan city with about the same number of individuals. Wm. GUTHRIE - - President W. E. ABERNATHY Secretary-Treasurer Doubtless you will be hearing from students as E. E. FRANKLIN Field Missionary Sec. they strive to raise the remainder of the $10,000. Wm. A. BUTLER - Home Missionary Sec. W. L. ADAMS • - Educational Sec. The last word I heard from them they had something GORDON. H. SMITH Missionary Volunteer Sec. LAKE UNION HERALD 3 appealed to the children of Israel in the days when on the prb rata basis. Chicago's share is approxi- they were building the tabernacle, and we trust the mately $3,000. appeal will meet with the same loyal support and This plan was submitted to our conference com- liberal contributions. May it be once said in the mittee about two weeks ago and met with a hearty history of the Lake Union Conference, that there is approval and action. We were able through mis- enough and we ask no more. I believe the day has cellaneous funds on hand, to remit $1,000 at once, come for us to rally to the support of Emmanuel and feel that we can assure the college of 'the Missionary College once again, to finish the work and remainder by the .end of the year. complete the plant so it may stand as a lasting mem- We know that our brethren and sisters who are orial not only to the loyalty and faithfulness of the friends of Emmanuel Missionary College will be Lake Union to the education of the young people glad to know that this much wished for and needed here in America, but also to their interest in the building can be provided. J. W. CHRISTIAN young people of the mission fields. WM. GUTHRIE NEWS NOTES CHICAGO CONFERENCE Elder G. J. Seltzer occupied the pulpits of the OFFICE ADDRESS, 619 SOUTH ASHLAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. Harvey and Chicago Heights churches, Sabbath, PRESIDENT, J. W. CHRISTIAN February 27. A little baptismal class is reported for each of these churches. It is encouraging to see WISHES COME TRUE the results of soul winning through literature work, For a number of years. the patrons, students, and both papers and books. former members hal're wished for the new chapel Elders Stemple White and J. I. Taylor are con- at Emmanuel Missionary College. Four years ago ducting a ten-day meeting at Kankakee. They began a program was launched in the anticipation and Friday evening, February 26. We know this effort realization of this longing. The foundation was will be a great encouragement to our church mem- placed and with a temporary roof ; the basement bers, and the time, we hope, for decision on the part has served as a chapel and as general assembly hall.. of some who are interested in the truth. With other financial problems in the Union Con- Elder S. T. Shadel met with the Aurora church ference, the erection of the superstructure of the Sabbath, February 27. He reports a very substantial chapel has been postponed from time to time to interest on the part of our church members in their the chagrin and disappointment of all.
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