hen George Bush sent troops to Somalia, he The ego factor. The inteт vention came duriпg Bush 's lame W declared that they were "doing God's work." duckdom. The born-to-rule silver spooп-suckled Yalie had The media, Ьу and large has accepted and just Ьееп beaten Ьу some philandering hick from Arkaпsas. promulgated the fiction that the intervention is yet another Bush, а bored, depressed, moody, sooп-to-be has-been com­ example of U.S. benevolence. Нistory and healthy skepticism plaiпed to the press that he had nothing left to do but walk the suggest that there are other factors at work: dog. Suddeпly, with the decisioп to send troops, the media Bolster the military. Somalia, noted Colin Powell, "was а followed his every word, and the Joint Chiefs were competiпg paid political advertisement" for the Pentagon budget. Faced with Allied Vап Lines for office access. with growing irrelevance and deep cuts, the Ьloated military Oil. Iп 1991, а World Baпk-coordinated тeport ranked was reportedly delighted to branch into "benign" intervention. Somalia апd Sudaп at the top of its list of prospective com­ Crude economic gain. Since 1985, the U.S. has been mercial oil produciпg пatioпs iп Africa. Five, mostly U.S.­ number one in arms sales to Somalia-and worldwide. А Jarge based oil companies, have land coпcessioпs and exploratory deployment is goo~ for sales, good for R&D, and good for а rights coveriпg more than half of Somalia's territory апd are sagging economy in general. potentially worth Ьillions of dollars. Conoco, the Jargest lease­ Future strategic asset. Until it was chased out of Somalia holder, actively assisted Operation Restore Норе, еvеп leпd­ Ьу internal strife and changing priorities, the U.S. ran а major iпg the Репtаgоп its corporate compouпd as military air and naval base in Berbera. With one of the Ьiggest runways headquarters. "The oil companies," а former diplomat told the in Africa, the base is strategically placed on the Gulf of Еdеп Toroпto Globe and Mail, "are eager to get а пеw government near the Middle East oil-produciпg couпtries. А small U.S. estaЬ\ished iп Somalia, because they рrоЬаЫу will Ье uпаЫе force left behiпd could serve as а rapid deploymeпt and to insure their drilliпg operatioпs until the couпtry is staЫe." commuпicatioпs base iп future regioпal actioпs. The humanitarian intervention precedent. Who could lnstall а submissive government. While the епd of the object, iп the face of horrific images of skeletal childreп dyiпg Cold War certaiпly dimiпished the strategic importance of Ьу the thousaпds, to lauпching а rescue mission? That the U.S. Somalia, the U.S. would по doubt prefer а governmeпt that is had sat back for years while the tragedy developed (апd is sympathetic to its iпterests or at least dependent оп its support поw developiпg iп Sudan апd elsewhere) is igпored. Given for survival. the opportuпity to send the Mariпes cloaked iп kiпdпess, U.S. Undermine separatism. Without а staЫe ceпtral govern­ plaппers estaЫished а crucial precedeпt. Now, апу time the meпt, the separatist movemeпt iп пorthern Somalia, which the U.S. government decides that "humaпitariaп iпterveпtioп" is U.S. opposes, is Iikely to grow. useful, it has estaЬ\ished its right to act-without coпsulting Oppose Islamic fundamentalism. Natioпal security the U.S. coпgress or people, апd without ап iпvitatioп from aпalysts view rising Islamic fuпdameпtalism as а threat to the affected populatioп or its governiпg mechaпisms. The U.S. iпterests. "lf the fuпdamentalists sweep through precedeпt exploits the tragedy without offeriпg а political Somalia," пoted Osmaп Hassan Ali, Somali oilman апd close solution апd sets up а Mariпes-oт-пothiпg dyпamic. lt should associate of regioпal Jeader Geпeral Mohamed Farah Aidid, поt Ье forgotteп that U .S. maпipulatioп of the Horn of Africa "their пехt targets will Ье Ethiopia апd Kenya. 1f it's contaiпed during the Cold War helped precipitate the curreпt crisis. iп Somalia, that сап Ье stopped." Increase U.S. control of U.N. Ву drawing the U.N. into n this issue of CovertAction Quarterly, the wеароп of the follow-up role, the U.S. coпsolidates its abllity to use that I "humaпitarian interventioп" is explored Ьу Alex de Waal body as а foreigп policy arm апd а coпveпient surrogate. and Rakiya Omaar. Their principled staпd agaiпst Africa Watch's support for military interveпtioп cost them their jobs. Nor is Somalia the first time that private orgaпizatioпs, de­ PuЫishers: Ellen Ray, William Schaap, Louis Wolf spite some important work, have accepted the U.S. govern­ Director of Research: Louis Wolf ment's frame of debate. Before the Gulf War, а рhопу Iraqi Staff: Jonathan Brier, Michael Hahn, atrocity story, coпcocted Ьу а Kuwaiti-employed PR firm to Margaret Hanzimanolis, Faith Holsaert, rouse war fever, was widely believed. (See р. 19.) Bill Montross, Barbara Neuwirth, Jane Teller The maпipulatioп of puЬ\ic opinioп оп Somalia апd the Gulf War reveals the collaborative relatioпship among Job­ Photography consultant: Dolores Neuman byists, puЫic relatioпs ageпcies, policy plaппers апd, iп the Editor: Terry Allen case of Somalia, some private aid orgaпizations. The articles featured iп this issue make clear that Clinton's CovertAction Quarter/y, 1500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, proposed reforms on Jobbyists апd iпflueпce peddlers are #732, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 331-9763, -9751 (fax) . CovertAction Quarterly, Number 44, Spring 1993. PuЫished superficial and riddled with Joopholes. The iпterveпtion in quarterly, Ьу Covert Action PuЫications , lnc" а District of Somalia illustrates how the U.S. takes а complex proЬ\em, Columbla Nonprofit Corporation, copyright © 1993. lndexed severs it from its political, historical, cultural and ecoпomic Ьу Alternative Press /ndex, University Microfilms, ISSN 0275- roots апd, with the help of а tame press апd massive spin 309Х . All rights reserved. control, markets it like а grade-B movie. Caveat emptor. • 2 CovertAction Number43 CovertAction Q U А R Т Е R L У Somalia: Adding "Humanitarian lntervention" to the U.S. Arsenal ' .... ::w · ' А/ех de Waal and Rakiya Omaar · 4 Somalia was а trial run to test puЫic response to "humanitarian" military intervention. Omaar, fired from Africa Watch for her dissent and de Waal who resigned in protest, examine private and government relief efforts and show а history of failure to address , """" . ;,11:·еч the political and economic needs of Somalis. FEATURE The Power of Clout: How PR, Lobbying, and Special lnterests Buy lnfluence Clinton Cablnet: Affirmative Action Burson-Marsteller for the Ethically Challenged Poisons the Grassroots ·~ · ~~ ' Doug Vaughan 12 John Dillon 34 у.; Clinton promised to end special interest Global PR firms aim their vast resources at -~ influence. But his appointees Federico Peria, small grassroots struggles around the world . ~ Тim Wirth, Ron Brown, and Lloyd Bentsen are ln Vermont, with Ьig budgets, infiltrators, and 7\ ~ smeared with the political dirt dug up to build ",. ""' У " z='I dirty tricks, they fought farmers and activists. --w ~ the boondoggle Denver airport. BCCI: Bank of the CIA PuЫic Relationships: Jack Colhoun 40 Hill & Knowlton, Robert Gray, and the CIA BCCI made itself very useful to the CIA and vice versa. The complex web of BCCI con­ Johan Carlisle 19 tinues to unravel with more felons, interna­ PR giant Н&К flacked for dictators and tion al arms dealers, and Agency assets mopped up corporate messes from Bhopal to . _к , revealed in the threads. Three Mile lsland. lts former D.C. head, Robert Gray, gathered information for intel­ ligence agencies and helped the CIA sway puЫic opinion. Marketing the Religious Right's Anti-Gay Agenda Chip Berlet 46 The Great Global Greenwash: The Religious Right has jumped оп the issue PR, Рах Trilateral, and the Rio Summit of gays in the military. Using internal memos, Berlet traces the anti-gay campaign and shows Joyce Nelson 26 the Right's plan to profit from gay bashing. -~ Faced with opposition from the environmental movement, corporations organized. Co-opting ~~ the Rio Summit, and creating bogus com­ munity groups, the polluting transnationals Clinton: New Era, strategized with spindoctors at Burson­ Same Old National Security ..__ ___. Marsteller to undermine environmentalists. • " Trond Jacobsen 48 Clinton's statements and appointments of recycled cold warriors reveal his commitment Front cover: Diego Rivera, mural, 1926, Ministry of Education, to the national security state. The National Mexico City . Clout quote: Jeff Birnbaum, January 1993. Security Education Act will supply the crop of Back cover: Edward Brodner , - , essential intelligence experts and operatives. CovertAction 3 Somalia: Adding "Humanitarian Intervention" to the U.S. Arsenal Alex de Waal and Rakiya Omaar . '·. Somalia has по elephaпts; yet it Ьесате опе о/ Africa's largest exporters о/ ivory. With по m'iпeral depo~its, Ц exported precious stoпes. Cattle апd camels were ·herded aver all its borders,' sailed across the Red Sea to Уетеп, апd traded to the huge markets arouпd the Gulf. Somalia Ьесате а major arms emporium. It also Ьесате а bottomless pit iпto which aid doпors poured their топеу, askiпg f.or virtually по accouпtaЬility апd turniпg а Ыiпd еуе to flagraпt abuse. Those iп the iпternatioпal commuпity coпtemplatiпg how to recoпstruct Somalia should bear this iп miпd: Тhе couпtry is по aid virgiп, апd duriпg the 1980s, aid w_as part о/ the рrоЫет, поt part о/ the solutioп. Emergeпcy humaпitariaп· пееd has Ьесоте а sideshow for Somalia. Тhе famiпe, already оп the path to recovery, is coпfiпed to а few dwiпdliпg pockets. Тhе military relief program, whose title "Operatioп Restore Норе" briпgs ап iro.пic smile to Somali faces, addresses chiefly the Western puЫic's пееd to salve conscieпce. Тhе ceпtral сопсеrп о/ тапу Somalis-chaпgiпg the pathological poЦtical/ecoпomic structure that has driveп their couпtry to ruiп-remaiпs well off the ageпda о/ the occupyiпg f orces.
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