///% D R K E. Is Wdcome 7ekes! inM Keep *Em Votin* T r I A Sides and Angles o f Drexel News Vol. XVIII 2^2 PHILADELPHIA, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 24. 1942 No. 19 Men Cast BaUots for Senior Spring Queen Spivali Set for Night of Eastern M eet P a g in g - M innich Coed G ra d s— Class of '42 In Service M ay 1 in Crystal Ballroom O f T ekes at Senior Prexy Of Bellevue Stratford News of Drexel men in the serv­ Calling all seniors — and seniors For N ext Y ear ices finds two men in the Naval Re­ Drexel’s Spring Queen, the loveliest senior coed as chosen by the D rexel Frat only. serves and one in the Army Air On Saturday evening. May 9, the vote of the male students, will be presented as the highlight at ihe 6th Corps. Annual Spring Prom in the Bellevue Ballroom on Mayl. Expect Fifty Delegates Student Union will be the scene of Sophomores Choose Vernon G. Rubincam, a commerce a senior party. This affair, for men Eaton for Leader; and engineering student, finished pri­ Charlie Spivak’s orchestra, one of the country’s leading bands, has Saturday and Sunday; and women of the senior class, will mary flight training in Jacksonville, been engaged to supply the music for the term’s social highlight. aid members of the 1942 graduating Result of Frosh Ballot Florida, and was sent to the Naval Balloting on the Spring Queen is still in progress with tomorrow class to become better acquainted Air Station at Miami, Florida. After Eliot Speaks at Dinner with one another. At the election of all women’s as the deadline for the votes of the industry students. The ballots will completion of this training, he will — then be tabulated by the Prom Com* Drexel’s chapter of Tau Kappa Ep­ Admission to the party will be by class officers, Mary Alice Minnich be commissioned as an Ensign in mittee headed by Erv Bickley, but silon will be host to approximately class dues cards. Only those students and Jerry Eaton were chosen to lead the Naval Reserves. fifty delegates and guests represent­ who have paid dues to the present the next year’s senior and junior E xperts T alk the Queen’s identity will be kept W. W. Carty began his Ensign’s secret until the presentation at the ing eleven colleges and universities. senior class treasury and will gradu­ classes, respectively. training at Notre Dame University They will participate in discussions ate in June are invited to attend In the senior class, other officers Ball. on April 15. A cooperative business Girls who have been nominated of fraternity problems at the TKE this social. elected were, Elaine Clayton, as vice- administration student, Carty com­ O n M arriages eastern conference this Saturday and Games, prizes, dancing, and enter­ president, Doris Forebaugh, as sec­ for the Royal Position are Ruth pleted his course at Drexel in the Latta, Betty Allen, Dorothy Kift, Sunday, April 25 and 26. tainment are scheduled for this eve­ retary, and Jean Miller was elected winter term. Leland F. Leland, national secre­ ning of fun. Since it is necessary for into the treasurer’s position. This A t Y. W . M eet Peg Riley, and Doris Schaffner. A graduate in the 1941 class of Tlie Queen will be attended for the tary of TKE, editor of “Fraternity the committee to have an idea of is the second term of\ office as treas­ commerce and engineering students, Month” magazine and the TKE na­ the number of students planning to urer for Jean Miller. evening by a court of four girls who Richard Spencer was commissioned War Marriages Topic will be selected in the same manner tional magazine, will be here to help attend this affair, all seniors are Officers for the coming junior class, as a second lieutenant in the quar­ lead the conference. urged to return the stubs on their in addition to Jerry Eaton, as presi­ To Be Discussed at as Her Highness. termaster corps. He has been as­ With the signing of Charlie Spi- Representatives will register Sat­ Senior Week letters as soon as pos­ dent, include Jean Ide as vice-presi­ signed to the Wellston Air Depot, urday from 9 to 10. The rest of the sible. dent, Helen Lintern as secretary, and Lodge Weekend vak, the prom committee has ful­ Robins Field, Georgia, as assistant filled the wishes of the student body morning will be spent listening to Barbara Shepherd as treasurer. quartermaster. Next Saturday and Sunday, April Dr. F. B. Scott, province hegemon, In a second balloting on Wednes­ 25 and 26, the Y.W.C.A. will hold its that they sign a top-flight band. Spivak’s music is well known to most whO' will speak on “War and Its Ef­ day, Jane Scanlon was elected presi­ annual spring weekend at the Lodge. of the school as his popularity as a fect on Fraternities,” and Rupert Fraternities and dent of the sophomore class for next “War Marriages,” a timely topic, will radio artist is now at its peak. Lewis, New* York province hegemon. year. Five M en Bid be the problem for discussion. Election of the sophomore officers Beginning promptly at two o’clock The band features the singing of Remaining plans for the day include Sororities Compete the Stardusters’ quartet and the male lunch at the house and discussion was delayed when one of the candi­ Saturday afternoon, Dr. Lovett dates’ names was omitted from the Dewees and Mrs. Merlyn Bishop, ex­ voice of Garry Stevens and, of groups in the afternoon. By H onorary course, the sweet trumpet of the re­ George H. Eliot, secretary of the For Bridge Trophy presidential ballot. In addition, a perts in the field of marriage rela­ tie resulted in the first election be­ tions, will present opinions from the nowned leader. Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, Drexel’s five sororities and six fra­ The dance will last from nine P. M. will be the guest speaker at the tween Jo Beach and Polly Tallman Pi Tau Sigma Elects standpoint of their professions. Each ternities will “lay their cards on the for secretary. will lead discussion groups later in Friday until two the next morning. banquet in the girls’ dormitory, on table” this Saturday afternoon. The cost of tickets is $4.00 per Saturday evening at eight o’clock. Final results of the election Pre-Junior Engineers the day. The speakers hope to show Why? Because the annual bridge showed Peggy McVickers as vice- the importance of the proper de­ couple and the scene is the Crystal Discussion groups will be the order tournament will be held that after­ New members of Pi Tau Sigma Ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford. again on Sunday morning. The after­ president, Jo Beach as secretary, and cision for every couple of the nu­ noon at 2 o’clock in the Student were elected at a meeting held on merous questions involved in war All students are urged to purchase noon will be spent at a business Nellie Matus, treasurer. Both Jo and building. March 31 in the Student Union build­ marriages. their tickets from their class repre­ meeting and dinner at the house. Nellie were re-elected to their office. Some sort of bridge will be played ing. Five pre-juniors were chosen On Sunday, Mr. Roy McCorkel, sentatives. All classes bear a pro­ Among the colleges represented at where North and South stay in place, for membership in the mechanical former professor at Swarthmore Col­ portionate part of the expense of the meeting will be Cornell, Rutgers, or North goes West or South goes engineering honorary fraternity. lege, will have charge of a brief the Prom and must sell a certain Penn State, University of Pennsyl­ North. Anyway it sounds pretty com­ T au B eta Pi William E, Bauer, member of A. S. worship service. In addition to dis­ quota of tickets. vania, University of West Virginia, plicated to old pinochle fans, but M. E. and recipient of the Pi Tau cussion groups and guest speakers, Rhode Island University, Gettysburg, to the four-man teams representing Sigma sophomore award; William J. recreation plans have been made for Hamilton University, George Wash­ each group it’s like falling off a log. Elects C orr Allister, member of the A. A. Council, Saturday afternoon and evening. ington University, New Hampshire Other rules restrict signals—at least the freshman football team, and the Entire cost for the weekend will Pi O m ega Pi University, and Drexel. don’t make them obvious, and the A. S. M. E.; Pete E. Marenholtz, be $1.00 for members and $1.25 for use of more than one deck up the Fletcher and Billings member of the Rouge and Robe and non-members. Trolley tickets to the B ids Juniors sleeve. On Executive Council of the Pi Kappa Phi; Frank A. Votta, Lodge may be purchased half price Curt Grundberg and Dottie Satter­ member of the Industry Club and A. in Miss Schultz’s office. At the regular meeting of Tau S. M. E., and Kenneth E. Werner, Bids were offered to six juniors to R aynes C alled field are handling all arrangements. Jeannette Sperr heads the commit­ become members of the honorary Beta Pi, officers were elected for the A. S. M. E. member, accepted bids Prizes will be awarded to the top tee for the excursion, while Peg commercial teachers’ fraternity.
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