Published by Authority

Published by Authority

REPUBLIC OF NAURU Published by Authority Nauru No. 7 12th FebruaIyl 1975 G.N; No. 23/1975 n~ THE SUPREME COURT Land Appeal No. 20 of 1974 OF Ni\uRu Appellants VB. AGIEFOJDI & CYl'HERS Resp:mdents .. .Against the decision of the Nauru Lands Ccmnittee in respect of Paction No. 96, 'V knt:::M:l as "&rluwo", in Baitsi District, published in Gazette No. 48 of 1974. The 16th day of Jan\laIY1 1975. Mr. Justice I. R. Thompson, Chief Justice. The appeal is allCMoo. The resp:mdents are not entitloo to be beneficiaries of any part of JimNereiy's estate. A settlenent has been recorded in Land Appea:!. No. 19 of 1974 and an o:tder has been made in that appeal as to the persons to b€;beneficiaries of the land to which this appeal relates ••In consequence no further order requires to be made in this appeal. R. L. de SILVA, . RI'l3ISTRl\R, SUPREME COURT. G.N. No. 24/1975 IN THE SUPREME COURT ) ) land Appeal No. 18 of 1974 OF NllliRU ) ADIEDABWE & BOY ~RE Appellants vs. SELlN1\. EIDIE BILL £. CYl'HERS Respondents .Against the decision of the 'Nauru Lands Ccmnittee in respect of Portion No. 138, kn= as "Anetsiuw", in Anetan District, published in Gazette No. 47 of 1974. The 28th day of Jan\laIY, 1975 Mr. Justice I. R. Thanpson, Chief Justice. The application is alloWed. The det:ermiilation in respect of Portion No. 138 published as Gazette Notice No. 328 of 1974 is set aside as void. The question of the identification of the land and of its CMnership II1USt be determined afresh by the Nauru Lands Ccmnittee and its new detennination published in the Gazette. Persons dissatisfioo with that detennination will have a right ·of appeal to this (burt against it. R. L. de SILVA. REXiISTRl\R, .. SUPREME COURT. G.N. No. 25/1975 IN THE SUPREME COURT ) ) Land Appeal No. 19 of 1974 OF NllliRU ) ANfON JIMWJ':REIY Appellant Resp:mdent Against a decision of the Nauru Lands Ccmnittee published in Gazette No. 48 of 29th November, 1971 in respect of - Portion Ib.s 10 & 11, kncwn as "Iangan" in Anibare District. 2. No. 7 12th February, 1975 Nauru G.N. No. 25/1975 (cont'd) Portion No.s 170 & 171, knCMn as "Ibonge" in Neneng District. Portion No. 174, knCMn as "Ibonge" in Meneng District. Portion No. 256, knCMn as "Anabe" in Anibare District. Porti.on No. 60, knCMn as "O:J:uore" in Uaboe District. Portion No. 301, knCMn as "Anibare" in Anibare District. Portion No. 96, knCMn as "Eeduwo" in Baitsi District. Portion No. 156, knCMn as "Daradae" in Baitsi District. Portion No. 158, known as "Iateiderarnira" in Baitsi District. Portion No. 359, known as "Ibonge" in Meneng District. Portion No. 199, knCMn as "Ianaeae" in Nibok District. Portion No. 165, knCMn as "Ibori" in Baitsi District. Portion No. 197, knCMn as "Betio" in Baitsi District. Portion No. 372, knCMn as "AWrnararo" in Meneng District. Portion No. 66, knCMn as "Yaren" in Yaren District. Portion No. 242, Jcna..n as "Anibare Eigarabawin" in Yaren District. Portion No. 72, k:no<.'1l1 as "Iar09i" or Eidienbuaga" in l'oe District. Portion No. 172, known as "Ubunge" in Meneng District. Portion lib. 173, known as "Ubungel! in Meneng District. Portion No. 99, known as "Jbada" in Yaren District. Portion lib. 163, knCMn as"EiYedurlerere" in Yaren District. Portion No. 64, knCMn as "Yaren" in Yaren District. 'Ihe 16th day of January 1975. Mr. Justice I. R. 'Ihcxtq?son, Chief Justice. ORDER (by consent) : l\ppeal to be discontinued on terms that the dete:r:minations published in Gazette 48 of 1974 in respect of the beneficiaries of Jiltwereiy's shares of the follOtling portions are to be set aside and the follOtling persons are to take the follOtling shares of those portions:- (1) Portions no.s 10 and 11, Iangan, C.L., Anibare - Rubenit 1/60 Debao 1/60 Anton J. 1/60 Agodi. Kingrae 1/360 Eigagabwit R. Tanang 1/360 Eidienda B. DOtliy09o 1/360 Linsia E. Edae 1/360 Teresia Kingrae (Kingrae, trustee) 1/360 Kingrae (LTO) 1/360 Eiwadangin Jone ) 1/300 GtlIlWaer Jane ) Eiyawet J., trustee 1/300 Denedoa Jane ) 1/300 E'a:rn.oIerer T • .Adam 1/300 Eiyawet Jone (LTO) 1/300 (2) Portions no.s 170, 171 and 174, Ibange, C.L. Meneng - Rubenit 1/40 Debao 1/40 Anton J. 1/40 Agodi K. 1/240 Eigagabwit R. T. 1/240 Edienda B. D. 1/240 Linsia E. E. 1/240 Teresia Kingrae (Kingrae, trustee) 1/240 Kingrae (LTO) 1/240 Eiwadangin J. l 1/200 GtlIlWaer J. ) Eiyawet - trustee 1/200 Dernedoa J. ) 1/200 Earrwerer T. A. 1/200 Eiyawet J. (LTC)' 1/200 (3) Portion no. 256, Anebe, P.L., Anibare - Rubenit 1/75 Debao 1/75 Anton J. 1/75 Ago:1i K. 1/450 Eigagabwit R. T. 1/450 'Edienda B. D. 1/450 Linsia E. E. 1/450 Teresia Kingrae (Kingrae - trustee) 1/450 Kingrae (LTO) 1/450 3. 12th 1975 Nauru N:>. 7 FebruarY' G.N. N:>. 25/1975 (cont'd) Land Appeal ND.19 of 1974 (3) cont'd. Eiwadangin J. ) 1/375 GI,IrWaer J. ) Eiyawet - trustee 1/375 Demedoa J. ) 1/375 Ean~ T. A. 1/375 Eiyawet J. (LTO) 1/375 (4) Portion 00. 60, ();[uOre, P.L., Uatoe - 1/360 Rubenl.t 1/360 Debao 1/360 Anton J. 1/2160 I;god:i K. 1/2160 Eigagabwit R. T. 1/2160 Eidienda B. D. 1/2160 Linsia E. E. Teresia Kignrae (Kingrae, trustee) 1/2160 Kingrae (LTO) 1/2160 Eiwadangin J. ) 1/1800 Gtmwaer J. ) Eiyawet, trustee V1800 Demedoa J. ) 1/1800 1/1800 ~T. A. ..,.' - Eiyawet J. (LTO) 1/1800 e (5) Portion 00. 301, Ani.bare, C.L., Anibare - Rubenit 1/45 Debao 1/A5 Anton J. 1/45 lIgodi K. 1/270 Eigagabwit R. T. 1/270 Eidienda B. D. 1/270 Linsia E. E. 1/270 Teresia Kingrae (Kingrae, trustee) !/270 Kingrae (LTO) 1/270 Eiwcrlangin J. ) 1/225 Gum.4aer J. ) Eiyawet J., trustee 1/225 . Demedoa J. ) 1/225 EarnWere T. 1/225 Eiyawet J. (LTO) 1/225 (6) Portion 00. 96, Beduwo, C.L., Baitsi, portion 00. 156, Daradae, C.L., Baitsi; portion 00. 158, Iateideramira, C.L., Baitsi; portion 00. 359, Ib:lnge, P .L., ~g; portion 00. 199, Ianaeae, C.L., Nibak; portion 00. 165, Ibori, F.L., Baitsi, portion 00. 197, Betio, P.L., Baitsi:- Rubenit 1/25 Debao 1/25 Anton J. 1/25 1IgOdi K. 1/150 Eigagabwit R. T; 1/150 Eidienda B. D:lwiyogo 1/150 Linsia E. E. 1/150 Teresa RiiIgrae (Kingrae, trustee) 1/150 Kingrae (LTO) 1/150 EiWi:rlangin J. ) 1/125 Gunwaer J. ) Eiyawet J., trustee 1/125 Demedoa J. ) 1/125 ~ T. A. 1/125 " Eiyawet J. (tTO) 1/125 (7) Portion 00. 372, J\rrwararo, C.L., Me:neng - Rubenit 1/50 Debao 1/50 Anton J. 1/50 lIgodi K. 1/300 Eigagal:Mit R. T. 1/300 Eidienda B. D::Miyogo 1/300 Linsia E. E. 1/300 Teresia Kingrae (Kingrae, trustee) 1/300 Kingrae (LTO) 1/300 4. No. 7 12th February, 1975 Nauru G.N. No. 25/1975 (coot'd) Eiwadangin J. ) 1/250 Gunwaer J. ) Eiyawet J., trustee 1/250 DerredoaJ. ) 1/250 Eamwerer T. A. 1/250 Eiyawet J. (LID) 1/250 '!he original details of beneficiaries cf the shares of those portions awned by Jjm,;ereiy are set aside and the details set out above substituted for them. RICHA!ID LAI'JREN:E DE SILVA, RroIS1'RI\.R, SUPREME ro.JRI'. G.N. No. 26/1975 . PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1961-1971 SECTION 20 - PR(MJI'ION OF OFFICERS '!he provisional prcrrotioo of following officer is notified with effect fran 13th January, 1975. DEPARIMENr OF I'DRKS &..CCM1IJNITY SERVICES Praroteii Fran Pro:roted To Kamti Ketner Tradesman 1st Class $2623-2923 (A) FOreman plumber $3523-3683 (N lmy officer of the Public SerVice may appeal against the above prcrnotion as provided under Section 25 of the Public SerVice Act. Appeals should be baSed on one or other grounds set out in Section 25 (2) and be lodged in writing stating the grounds' of appeal, with the Public Service Ccmnissioner within seven clays after the clate of this gazette. Dated this 11th clay of February, 1975. L. R. NEWBY, ACTING PUBLIC SERVICE C(H.lISSIOOER. G.N. No. 27/1974 PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1961-1971 PR:MJrION '!he provisional prcuotioo of the following officer is notified for infonnatioo. DEPARIMENr OFrSLAND DEVEWPMENr AND INDUSTRY DlRECroRA'I'E OF LANDS AND SURIIEY Na!re Pro:roted Fran Pro:roted To Mr. Julian Capelle Trainee SUrvey $2523-2923 (Al Field Assistant ((SUrvey) lmy officer of the Public Service may appeal against the kve prcuotion as provided under Sectioo 25 of the Public Service Act. Appeals should be based on one or other grounds set out in Sectioo 25 (2) and be lodged in writing stating the grounds of appeal with the Public Service Comnissioner within seven days after the clate of this gazette. Dated this 11th day of February, 1975. L. R. NEWBY, ACTING PUBLIC SERvICE CXM[ISSIOOER. G.N. No. 28/1975 Nl\I.JRU PUBLIC SERVICE Applications are invited fran Nauruan both inside and outside the Public SerVice for appointment, prcrnotioo or transfer tc the following positioo: EDUCATION OEPARIMENI' Position Liaison Officer (Ai-wo Pr:irnal:y School). Salary $3290-3690 tActual) Adult M3.1e. Duties Under the direction of the Headmaster, tc maintain a record of truancy, supervise and direct cleaners, maintain student I s record cards, supervise assembly of children ----------~---- "--'-"~-~"--------- 5.

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