JuLIus Caesar 2.0 Game Turns The Roman Calendar Few Romans knew or cared what year it was, There are five Years in the game, each but those who did counted the years from the divided into five Game Turns. Each game semi-fabled founding of Rome by Romulus in turn has three (3) Phases, played in the 754BC. Hence the civil war began in 705 (49BC ), sequence below. and the assassination of Julius Caesar occurred in 710 (44BC ) of the Roman Calendar. 2.1 Card Phase Julius Caesar established the Julian Calendar There are twenty-seven (27) cards: in 709 (45BC ). This Calendar corrected a two twenty (20) COMMAND cards and seven month error in the solar cycle and established (7) EVENT cards. At the beginning of each the leap year concept to keep it accurate. Year, the cards are shuffled and six (6) The month of July was renamed after Caesar. cards are dealt to each player. Examine With minor revisions to leap years, this is the your cards and discard one (1). The discard Calendar we still use (in the West) today. is not revealed. Victory Each player starts a game turn by City VP s total 13. POMPEY starts the game playing one (1) card face-down. The cards holding 7VP while CAESAR has only 1VP (Massilia). are then revealed. Card values are Moves Rome, Athens, Byzantium, and Ephesus are Vacant. The burden of attack lies with CAESAR to (banner) and Levies (circles on banner avoid an early defeat. staff). The player with the higher MOVE card is Player 1 that game turn. Event Cards The deck contains seven (7) event cards, each ImPOrTanT: If the cards played are of them named after a major Roman deity. 1.0 InTrOduCTIOn equal (Move number) CAESAR is Player 1. These cards allow special actions to occur that Julius Caesar brings the drama of the Event cards have a special action break the normal rules. See each card for details. most famous and significant Roman Civil defined on the card. The player of an Game Turn Example War (49–45 BC) to life. Players take control Event card is always Player 1. However, •Card Play: CAESAR 2/1, POMPEY 2/2. Cards are of the legions of CAESAR or POMPEY and if both plays are Event cards, both events tied (compare only Moves) but CAESAR is Player fight to determine the future of Rome – are cancelled and the game turn ends. 1 on ties. republic or empire. nOTe: Players must play a card, but can •Ca e s a r (Player 1): 2 Moves then 1 Levy elect to take less moves/levies if desired. •Po m P e y (Player 2): 1.1 PLayers 2 Moves then 2 Levies Commands cannot be saved for future use. •Battle Phase: Resolve any battles in the order The game is intended for two players. chosen by Player 1. One player represents JULIUS CAESAR , the 2.2 COmmand Phase other POMPEY THE GREAT . Player 1 moves and levies (or executes an Event), then Player 2 moves and levies. 1.2 VICTORY The game is divided into five (5) Years, • move: Each move allows one Group each with five (5) game turns. After each (any/all blocks in one location) to move Year ends, a Winter Turn (8.0) is played one or two cities; Navis can move one when players check to see if either has or two seas. Blocks cannot attack or mOVe 3 won. reinforce if they move two cities/seas. To determine victory, after each Year, Blocks entering a city or sea containing LeVy 2 players score the total value of Friendly enemy blocks must stop. See 6.0 for cities, plus one Victory Point (1v P ) for each details. enemy leader killed. To win, a player must • Levy: for each Levy, one (1) step can have 10 (or more) VPs. be added to one (1) existing block, or If neither player wins by the end of one (1) new block can be chosen from Year 5, the winner is the player with the a player's Levy Pool and deployed on higher VPs. If still tied, the game is won the map at strength I. Choose levies by the player holding ro m e . Otherwise the after all movement is complete – they game is a draw. cannot move in the same turn. See 6.4 for details. 1.3 COnTenTs • Game Map 2.3 BaTTLe Phase Battles are fought between opposing • 63 blocks (31 tan, 31 green, 1 blue). blocks in the same city or sea. They are • Label sheet (for blocks) fought one at a time in any sequence • Cards (27) determined by Player 1. See: 7.0 for details. COMMAND • Dice (4) • These Rules Copyright © 2010 Columbia Games 1 Version 1.1 JJuuLIus CCaesaraesar 3.0 armIes 3.22 Legions Label sheet Legions are identified by The red labels on the die-cut sheet are for One label must be attached to the face an Eagle icon. They have CAESAR (tan blocks) and ochre labels for POMPEY of each block. Lightly position each label, a number ID on the top (green blocks). The Cleopatra label goes on the ensure it is straight, and then press firmly blue block. left, and a levy city on to the block. the bottom. Legions have Fog-of-War Blocks Labels combat ratings of C2, C3, Surprise is an exciting aspect of this game. CAESAR Tan Red or C4, with veteran legions having the Except when fighting a battle, active blocks stand upright facing the owner. This promotes POMPEY Green Ochre higher ratings. bluff and innovative strategies because players CLEOPATRA Blue Blue 3.23 auxilia are uncertain of the strength or identity of an enemy block. 3.1 block DATa Both players have four (4) 3.11 strength Auxilia, two light infantry The current strength of a block is the (B1) and two archers (A1). Equitatus Roman numeral on the top edge when the These troops can be raised Romans were never considered exceptionally good block stands upright. Blocks can have a in any Friendly city. horsemen, at least not after the connection between cavalry and the aristocracy was abandoned. By the maximum strength of IV, III, or II. time of late Republic, the Equitatus was generally Strength determines how many six- made up of non-Roman horsemen from Gallia, sided dice (d6) are rolled for a block in 3.24 equitatus Germania, Hispania, Numidia, Syria, and Thracia. combat. A block at strength IV rolls 4d6 Equitatus (cavalry) are Caesar used Germanic cavalry to fight the Gauls (four six-sided dice); a block at strength I rated B2 or B3. Like and also to serve as his formidable bodyguard. rolls 1d6. legions, they are raised in specific Friendly cities. For each hit taken in combat, the These cities have a nearby Elephants block’s strength is reduced by rotating the OM P EY AESAR equitatus symbol on the There is one Elephant block for P . C block 90 degrees counter-clockwise. The would not have elephants in his army believing them map. Caesar has four (4) equitatus. Pompey sidebar shows the same block at strength to be fragile and unpredictable. has three (3) equitatus, but also one III, II, and I. Elephant (7.41). 3.12 Combat rating The Combat Rating is indicated by 3.25 Ballista Each player has one a letter and number, such as a2 or B3. (1) Ballista. They have The letter (initiative) determines when different combat values for a block has a battle turn. All a blocks go defense and offense, see first, then all B blocks, then all C blocks. 7.42. They can be built in If tied, the Defender has the first battle any Friendly city. turn. The number (firepower) indicates the maximum roll that will score a hit. See 7.3. 3.26 navis 3.13 name Players have five (5) Navis to represent the warships Legions have a city name where this sTeP reduCTIOn block must be recruited when deployed used by both sides. They from the Levy Pool. have D2 or D3 combat. In a sea battle this "D" rating 3.2 BLOCk TyPes has no impact since all Navis have the same rating, but they are 3.21 Leaders vulnerable in land battles. Navis must be strength III strength II strength I Both sides have three (3) built in Friendly major ports, identified on named leaders: the map with a Navis symbol. Ca e s a r , ANTONIUS , OCTAVIAN LeGIOn sTrenGTh Po m P e y , SCIPIO, BRUTUS . 3.27 Cleopatra (13) (Maximum III) Cleopatra represents the Leader blocks include forces of EG YPT and is their significant guards, rated C1. She is not a generally elite cavalry. Players start the leader per these rules. game with two leaders. The third may be Cleopatra starts play on brought into play if a leader is killed (see: the POMPEY side, but can 7.51). fight for either side. See: 7.52. LeVy COmBaT CITy (C3) (raVENNA) CopyrightCopyright © © 2010 2008 Columbia Jerry Taylor Games & Columbia Games Inc. 22 VersionVersion 0.901.1 JuLIus Caesar 4.0 maPBOard 4.4 seas Battle sites There are nine (9) seas: Atlanticus, The main battles of the war are shown on the The mapboard depicts the Hispanum, Tyrrhenum, Internum, map, red for victories by CAESAR and green for Mediterranean Sea and surrounding Hadriaticum, Egypticum, Aegaeum, Propontis, POMPEY . territory. The CAESAR player sits at the and Pontus Euxinus. These seas can only be Ports north edge of the map, POMPEY player at occupied and controlled by Navis.
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