UGHTING-XJP TIME 7.58 p.m. WEATHER FORECAST Light southwesterly winds; weather clear TIDE TABLE FOB JUNE or fine Date High Water Low Water Sun­ 8un- YESTERDAY'S WEATHER A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. rise set 19 11.31 UJS 5.45 5.30 5.11 7_28 Maximum temperature 78.8 20 — 12.35 6.30 626 5.11 7.29 Minimum temperature _____________ 74.0 VOL. 26—NO. 143 HAMILTON, BERMUDA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1946 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM BERMUDA BOAT REACHED British Ambassador Expected to SPECIAL EXEMPTIONS FOR RUSSIA'S VETO PREVENTS SPANISH ARUBA INJEIGHT DAYS SERVICES ON MOTORS Sign Bases Agreement in 2 Weeks QUESTION GOING TO U.N. ASSEMBLY "Winifred Maris" Employed Consideration by Council By Netherlands Government By WILLIAM HARDCASTLE Extends to licence Issues WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuter)— the Civil Aeronautics Authority on AWAIT HIGHER KHZ FOR British officials said today that the American side. ONLY SOVIET UNION OPPOSES Bermnda Receives Wide they hoped the British Ambassador, The discussions will not be con­ MR. W.E.S. ZUILL CANT LOCAL PRODUCE IN D.WJ. Lord Inverchapel, would be in a posi­ cerned with matters of policy which SEE PEACETIME FAVOURS Publicity in Yachting tion before the fortnight was over already have been agreed on — that RESOLUTION BYJVUSTRALIAN The eighty-ton Bermuda-built, to sign the agreement giving the tte United States shall have the de­ Over tte strong objections of the two-masted schooner "Winifred United States certain civil aviation sired military and civilian rights — Hon. W. E. S. Zuill and Major the In what could easily lie NEW YORK, June 18 (^P).—Russia today invoked tiie veto Maris," which left Hamilton on May rights at Antigua, Bermuda, St. hut merely witt technical and legal Hon. R. W. Appleby, the Legislative called a "Bermuda" issue, on a resolution backed by a majority of members in the Security 25 on her maiden voyage to tte West Lucia, Trinidad, Jamaica and Brit­ problems involved in implementing Council yesterday agreed to grant­ Yachting Magazine's June edi­ Indies, has been employed by the the principles already laid down. Council which would have sent fhe Spanish question to the Gen­ ish Guiana, thus giving American ing exemptions in favour of His tion has given Bermuda con­ Dutch Government in carrying sand airlines valuable stepping stones eral Assembly for action. M. Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet dele­ The chief Bases under discussion Majesty's and the United States siderable publicity. between Aruba and Curacao, accord­ across tte South Atlantic to the are those at Bermuda, Antigua, St. gate, had proposed an immediate rupture which would have led to Forces regarding payments of licence The cover lists Yachting ing to a letter received yesterday by Middle East, Africa and South and Lucia and British Guiana. fees, inspection of motor cars, and ihe United Nations making war on Spain. Editor Herbert L. Stone's arti­ Mrs. Joseph H. Soares, wife of the Latin America. Sir Howard Trott will attend the qualification requirements of appU­ It was the first time ttat tte cle "Sailing tte Bermuda builder, owner and skipper of the A four-man mission, headed by the discussions as an observer for Ber­ cants for drivers' licences. veto had been invoked by a big Course" which carries a map vessel. Colonial Office legal adviser, Mr. K muda. Mr. Soares reported a good trip all Remarking that so long as these power since tte United Nations be­ U.S. Congressmen Against of Bermuda, soma of the O. Roberts-Ray, and Mr. W. J. Bigg, (Otter representatives from Ber­ vehicles belonging to the two mili­ gan operations in tte TJnited States, courses sailed during the 1938 the way. As he had predicted in an began work at the State Depart­ muda are reported here to be Capt. tary establishments were using the and it is the second veto in Security Appeasement With Russia race, and gives tte ocean interview wtth a representative of ment on drafting the agreement tte Hon. Bayard DUl, Wing Com­ highways of Bermuda, tte Govern­ Council history. racers some advice on tte con­ The Royal Gazette shortly before which was foreshadowed by the Ber­ mander E. M. Ware and Dr. Wallace ment should be responsible for Tbe Council voted nine to one in WASHmGTOK, June 18 (ff).—Four ditions likely to he met in this embarking on tte vessel's initial muda air agreement and the ex­ Macky). them, Mr. ZuiU said that he doubted year's contest. ocean voyage, tbe "Winifred Maris" change of notes between the British favour of the compromise resolu­ members of the House of Represent­ British sources here do not expect whether to Great Britain, Canada or atives* Foreign Affairs Oommittee In addition to this article, ran into head winds on leaving Ber­ Embassy and the State Department the discussions, on which a consider­ the United States any special ar­ tion for a break with Spain's Gen­ urged the "immediate abandonment muda. These winds prevailed for five on May 6. able amount of preliminary work al­ eral Franco in September, or what­ there is a double-page spread rangements were made, but that in of any semblance of appeasement in of pictures of tte Bermuda days, by which time the schooner The Anglo-American discussions ready has been done, will take long those countries the military would ever action the Assembly deemed our negotiations witt Russia." was in sight of Puerto Rico. which, it is hoped, will lead to final or will raise any stubborn problems. best at tte time It considered the race winners from 1923 to 1938, have to conform with local law? Representatives Gordon and Ryter, an article by George W. Mixter The 75-foot boat travelled the agreement of the tentative pact Main concern at the opening meet­ He asked why these persons should Democrats, and Mundt and Bolton, entitled "Sextant and Skillet In thousand odd miles to Puerto Rico arrived at during the Bermuda air ing was the agenda and methods be put in a special category in time COMPROMISE FAILS Republicans, reported after a two the Bermuda Race," more than in six days, averaging 168 miles per conference on the use of British whereby the problems couldr be most of peace. The Netherlands abstained from months' trip to Europe: "It has he- a full page of the Amorita Cup day. Her average speed during the Empire air bases in the Caribbean quickly thrashed out, and the real work will not start until Wednesday. The Hon. J. T Gilbert said that voting. The final count showed come very evident in Moscow that series illustrated witt a pic­ Journey was six knots. Without tte area opened here today. The discussions are being carried These discussions are merely con­ this had been tte law ever sines nine nations for tte compromise each time we have taken a stiffer ture by David Knudsen, an delaying head winds, the "Winifred Maris" made the 450 mile journey on by a small London Colonial Office cerned with putting into formal the Motor Car Act of 1943 was pass­ advanced by Dr. Herbert Evatt,'tte attitude and refused to yield any article on tte British yawl ed. and every Soviet demand, oar Em­ Latifa, which has entered the from Puerto Rico to Aruba (Dutch delegation and advisers from the draft the principles already agreed Australian representative. The West Indies — off the northern Colonies concerned on the British on giving the United States certain WHY REPEAT MISTAKE chairman, Senor Francisco Castillo bassy found it increasingly easier to race, and a letter to the editor deal with Russian officials," and coast of Venezuela) in 46 hours, indi­ side, and by State Department and civil aviation rights in those areas. Najera, announced that the recom­ on the coming ocean race to Pointing out that this had been urged "no greater privileges should Bermuda. cating an average speed of 7.81 knott passed in time of war, Mr. Zuill re­ mendations were vetoed. be extended to tte Russians in tte PRODUCE STORED AT ARUBA plied that If a mistake had been The first vote was taken on a United States than are extended to CONSTITUTION ADOPTED I ZIONIST LEADER REPLIES made in 1943. there was no reason proposal by Sir Alexander Cadogan, Americans in Russia." Arriving at Aruba at 1.30 p.m. on to continue it on to perpetuity. of Britain, to send tte Spanish ques­ They urged a Truman-Stalin meet­ Conn & Louis Measurements June 2, the crew of the "Winifred BY ART ASSOCIATION TO BEYDfS UTTERANCES The Hon. F. G. Gosling said that tion to tte Assembly without recom­ ing to determine "What poUcies and Maris" were greeted at the docks by most' of the drivers of service cars, mendations. That was lost with purposes can be implemented which For Heavyweight Title Bout Mrs. Soares's brother, Mr. Clarence both British and American, were only the British and Netherlands will tend to bring Russia and tte Avery, who has been living in the Junior Membership for Jewish People Offer "Hands local men, and he felt they should be delegates voting for tt. United States closer together," and NEW YORK, June 18 (JP\— Measure­ butch colony for the past number examined and have a Ucence. declared the United States acted too ments of Joe Louis and Billy Conn of years. Two ships had called at After the chairman announced Those Under 16 Set Up In Amity to Arab Peoples" Although not speaking authori­ that the Evatt resolution had been hastily in granting even a condition­ for their second title fight tomor-1 Aruba a short time before the Ber al recognition of the provisional gov­ tatively, the Hon.
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