\ I THtJRSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 19Bt' ,PAGE EI&HTEEN jStahrlrPBtrr lEorning %rralb /* AversKC Daily Nat Press Run Tht Weather F o r th e W eek Vlnded Fereeoat ef C. 8. Weather JtaiM F eb ru ary 3 t, 1958 Ohoaee of few ecattared Cathv, 11-year-old daughter of Mias Marjorie A. Reid, daughter amoke. At 8:40 a.m. today, they control him. Thi inmaU report­ responded to k call from AS-Jo- Jury Clears Aide edly received two broken rib*. showere tealght, aorthweai wlMde Mr and Mrs. Russell Vennard of of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Reid, 1S-1S m .^ . Lew 85-48 CNaNAtr- About Town 70 W eaver R d . and hef cousin, 28 Marble St., i; on the dean's hon- seph St. where a fireplace flareup Both men were discharged Imme­ . 12.642 had '^prompted the call. Firemen diately after the incident which; able cleudineM Saturday. High la Lvnn Skeyes. also 11. daughter of o. list for the first semester at Of Hitting Patient Member ef the Audit 40a. Westbrook Junior College. Port­ squelched the blaze In the fireplace occurred. April 38, 19.57. Bureau e t Circulation •'A tAnditrsjJ*" l» th» titl« of tho Mr. and Mrs. Rus.selt Skewes of ; GlaAtonbui y. foi mcMy of this town, land. "Maine. A senior, she la a sec­ and no damage waa reported. ' Chamberlain and a 13-year-old Manche$ter-—A CUy of yUlage Charm picture of the month chosen by the R obert J'. B retton, 20, of Dan- patient, who claimed he sew the : O Cce-U :« Mnnehester Fine Arts Assn. I are seeing the sights in Florida retarial major. I during school vacation week. Mr. The Ztpser Club will hold" Its Iclaon waa found Innocent of cruel­ alleged beating, testified aa State's; Painted by Mrs, Nora Addy Drake, witnesses. (Cloaained Adverttelng en Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTff ! and Mrs. Joseph Windsor, now llv- Mrs, Herbert \y. Robb. 94 Bran­ Saturday eVening card party this ty to perabha at Mansfield State (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2», 1958 tt will be on display at the Mary \yaek at the clubhouse, 35 Brainard. Atty. Joalah Greenstein of Nor­ ROASTING CHICKENS VOL. LXXVII, NO. 127 Cheney LibrAry. At their Friday i Ing in Rockville and Lynn's parents ford St., a member of the Cosmo­ T raining School by a 6-m ember ' are also in the group which left P lacX ‘ wich, defending Bretton, objected' meeting the association showed politan Club, yesterday attended Jury In Tolland County Superior to testimony of the youthful In- five films on art entitled, "I^eonardo I Bradley Field hy plane Monday for thelexecutlve board meeting of the Court today. People are ■till lellinR un how eIa<1 they pre that we I Miami and plan t«vteturn Sunday. Lawrence R. LaPolla, a Junior In mtae, l{ut Judge Loiselle permitted . ' da Vinci." "UndCnvaler Painting." State Fe leration of Woman’s Clubs ' Edwar(l M. Chan(bcrlaln, 31, of the testimony to be entered. Dr. are aeUinR chickeiw aRain. “We tried others but they "On American Art." “Silversmiths I in Waterbury. Prior to the lunch­ the College of Liberal Aria at Tufts Sterlin|(, who had pleaded guilty University, Medford, Mass., has Nell A. Dayton, superintendent of; never tante quits the same/* one said. “You’ve spoiled ns. at Work." and the "Strange and I Barry R. Schaller, son of Mr. and eon meeting a meeting of the to the samp charge previously, the training school and Leslie' Interesting . Ways that Art is board of directors was held to com­ teen named to thi dean'w list for w as 'fined >100 by Judge Alva P. Mrs. Raymond T. Schaller, 218 the past semest.r. He is the son Shawver, director of nursing, also Uaetl." Parker St., has been elected to the plete plans for the book-author Lolaelle. of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaPolla, testified for the State. The case! ROGER OLOOn IMO board of the Yale University luncheon to ’-e hjld in April. Mrs. Both m an w ere psychiatric hiS'ea had been spiraled from Mansfield! Bus Falls in River: 23 Otis St. The Buckingham Pilgrim Fel- literary magasine. A member of Robb Is a member o' that commit­ at the training school and had Justice court Where both men had 403 West Center Street Mitchell S-78BS lowahip will conduct a Military the class of 11160. he Is a candidate tee, in charge of Uckets. been charged with punching a 14-- been given 60 day sentences to be tVhtst Saturday evening at 7;30 In for the bachelor of arts degree in Corp Cadets will meet tonight year-old patient while tr^^ng- to suspended after 30 days. N l Firemen from the 8th District at 6:30 with their leader, Mrs. Has Molar Out the parish hall of the chtirch. English. Fire Department were called to 91 Peter Stevenson, at the Salvation Alton St. yesterday afternoon, Army Citadel. Major and Mrs. K ing David I^odge, lOOF, wnll Miss Mary Ann Welland, 17 Washington, Feb. 28 (/P)_t Heferrtng to the «(tractlon meet tomorrow at S p.m^ In Odd Pidge St., has as her guest for a where an overloaded washing ma­ John Pickup will be In charge of the midweek service to follow at Nagerty aald; Fellows Hall. A social wfll follow few days Miss Joan Vanessa of chine had burned out the motor President Eisenhower had a "It waa all very quick and very and caused a large amount of 8 p.m. the business session. G^ptdn. crackffd tooth extracted todaj’ aimple." . - A at Walter Rjsed Army Hospi­ T n t tooth wae pulled after the ' tal, and staj'ed there for a Preatdent had been given a local physical check-up tomorrow. ar>aeaUietic. 'The- extraction w u . V handled by Col, Robert B. Shlra of The White House reported the the Walter Reed dentel »Uff. He Probe Told Boats Hunt PINEHURST OPEN extraction “normal and sucr waa aaeiated by Lt. Col. Bdward H. cessful.” Btleameyer and MaJ. Robert D, . c.0Mg.« The examination will be a fql- Youmana. I W E^ EN D low-up to the minor atroke BSaen- Hagerty alao diacloaed that, the Of Kohler’s For Vehicle hower- auffered laat Nov. 24. It damaged tooth waa x-rayed at the : Thurs. and Fri. Until 9 will be conducted by three of the W hite Houae yeaterday by Lt. Col. tieurologlcBl apeciallala called in at Jamea Fairohild,. who la aaaigned Gun Buying InKentucky the tim e of th a t Ulneaa. to the Pentagon. Today’a tooth extraction took Hagerty replied "no" when aaked *nly about 15 mtnutea. Elaenhower whether the ipllt tooth had been- ' Washington, ?'eb. 28 (I'P)— j PrcBtonsburg, Ky.‘, Feb. 28 A* went to the hoapital froAi the catialng the Preatdent pain. JA Senate racket.^ investigator, ' (/P)—A school bus carrying an HALE’S SeK Serve and Meat Dept Whlta Houaa at mld-momlng af- "But rather than take any i testified today the Kohler Co- j i estimated 38 children struck a ter Bitting In at part of a cabinet' chance on Infection, they recbm- , wrecker, sideswiped an auto- m eettng. i mended extraction." Hagerty aald. : purchased shotguns, pistols Arrangementa for the extraction ' Reaponding to another queatlon. and large .stored of ammuni­ I mobile, then plunged into the had been made yesterday, it waa |Preaa aecrvtary aald Eiaenhow- tion after the United Auto I Levisa Fork of the Big Sandy dlecloaed by White Houae preaa; doee not know for aure when i Workers (UAW) won bar­ I River near here todaj'. BRAND . aecretaiw James. C. Hagerty. I ‘““th *'■" damaged. He added. gaining rights for Kohler; state Police feared at leoat 20 He told newanjen the tooth, a ' however, that a declaion had been j workers. I children and the bui( driver. John / NEWJ hack molifr. was split recently i retract it e-.en before Kla- M ickey’s Girl I A Kohler official said moat of : Alex Derosaett. were trapped In 30 When the pirtsident bit down on ,'^hower went to T^omaaville. Oa... , feet of water. Sixteen othera wera AclreaB Liz Ilcnny. who waa the arms were for a plant trap­ known to have escaped through a some hard aubatance. - ‘ shooting < liib and for training ' , .. ^ Hagertv aald. too. that the de- quealinned in New York about rear door. Six were hoapltallz^. ; ^ I clalon to have the Prealdent remain the unsolved aiaying of mob- plant guards More than four hours after the read thia statement to reportera at I hoapital overnight la a pre- aler Albert Ana.ataaia. an- Carmin? Bellino. an invealigalor j acrldent on U.S. 23. reacue work­ the hoapital: 1 caution againat anv exre.«aive awera an airport page call for the Senate Racket.s lnve.«liga- ■ ers still were unable to locate the NieKORY-SMOKEP upon her. return to lj>n An­ ling tiinimitlee. said Kohler rec-] ’"The Prealdent had a aimple **-1 bleeding. bus. Small boats cruised the area tracUon of an upper molar tooth After the extraction the Pieai- geles and a probable dinner Olds show the purchase of thoii- ■'vA searching for bodies. that he had apllt prevloualy while ,j,„t (he ViP (very im- date with Mickey Cohen, for­ .sand.s of rounds of ammunition, 18 "I waa sitting directly behind tht SStlng. ‘ porlant |>erannal aiiite which he mer !..oa Angeles gambling shotguns, and 20 pistols in 1952. V "The extraction waa normal and ^aa occupied at the hoapital on kingpin.
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