THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 48, ISSUE 22 | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Sexual assault prompts prayer service Members of the Notre Dame community gather at the Grotto to pray for an end to sexual violence By MARGARET HYNDS community has received News Writer this school year, sparked the prayer service, which kept Roughly 100 members of the with a tradition started by University community gath- student body president emer- ered at the Grotto on Monday itus Alex Coccia and student afternoon for a student-led body vice president emeritus “Prayer service for healing,” Nancy Joyce last fall. sponsored by Notre Dame’s Senior Francis Vu opened student government. The the service with a prayer. prayer service was organized “We gather in the peace of following an e-mail alert the sacred Grotto, joined to- sent by Notre Dame Security gether, united in Christ to Police (NDSP) on Friday af- support and pray,” he said. ternoon informing students, Vu asked those in atten- faculty and staff that a sexual dance to pray not only for the assault had been reported in healing of the victims, but for a women’s dorm on the north- the perpetrators as well. ANNMARIE SOLLER | The Observer eastern area of campus. Senior Allison Leddy speaks at the prayer service on Monday evening at the Grotto, where members of the The alert, the first one the see PRAYER SERVICE PAGE 5 Notre Dame community gathered in light of the recent sexual assault report. Project HEAL promotes healthy living Professor By HALEIGH EHMSEN Woods said eating dis- Associate Saint Mary’s Editor orders affect roughly 30 and team million Americans, yet the Saint Mary’s senior diseases are often over- Mackenzie Woods has looked, especially on Saint discover seen Project HEAL make Mary’s campus. Project a difference on campus HEAL is a resource for since it was recognized those who are faced with as a campus organization unhealthy body images star last spring. HEAL stands and eating disorders, pro- for Help to Eat, Accept and viding women with a posi- By DAN DeTORO Live, and the Saint Mary’s tive outlet and support News Writer chapter is one of several system, she said. in a larger national non- “Project HEAL’s national Dr. Timothy C. Beers, Notre profit organization that goal is to provide scholar- Dame Chair in Astrophysics, aims to contribute to edu- ship funding for people and an international team cation about eating disor- with eating disorders who of astronomers have discov- Photo courtesy of SMC Project HEAL ders and support for those cannot afford treatment, ered a low-mass star in the At Activities Night, the Saint Mary’s Project HEAL chapter, headed by who struggle with such Milky Way galaxy that could senior Mackenzie Woods, recruited new members. diseases. see PROJECT HEAL PAGE 4 Rivers receives Award of Appreciation By OWEN LANE served as an advisor to un- and better programs for the College of Arts and News Writer dergraduates applying to undergraduates.” Letters obtain opportuni- chair in astorphysics the Institute’s student pro- McGreevy’s predeces- ties through the Kellogg Beers C. Timothy Assistant Director of grams. McGreevy read a sor as dean, Mark Roche, Institute. the Kellogg Institute for laudatory recommendation created the College of “[Rivers] has helped assist help explain the origin of el- International Studies Holly letter from a faculty mem- Arts and Letters Award of students with opportunities ements in the universe. The Rivers received the 11th ber at the award ceremo- Appreciation 14 years ago. in undergraduate research star exhibits the peculiar College of Arts and Letters’ ny, according to a Kellogg McGreevy said the award is going towards a senior chemical abundance ratios Award of Appreciation from Institute press release. typically given to someone thesis, study abroad and associated with the process Dean John T. McGreevy on “Holly is the life force of who assists in the mission sometimes even language of creating new atomic nuclei Sept. 10. an astonishing array of un- of the College of Arts and learning,” McGreevy said. (nucleosynthesis) in a first- Rivers received the award dergraduate programming Letters. “It is much more likely generation very-massive star, for her 12 years of work at the Kellogg Institute,” McGreevy cited Rivers’s than it was a generation ago according to a University at the Kellogg Institute, McGreevy read. “She works efforts as being crucial where she has primarily endlessly to innovate new to helping students in see RIVERS PAGE 4 see STAR PAGE 5 NEWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 7 SCENE PAGE 8 FOOTBALL PAGE 16 MEN’S GOLF PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com If you could study abroad anywhere in the world where would you choose? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Christina Fernandez Ryan McMullen Ann Marie Jakubowski Managing Editor Business Manager sophomore sophomore Brian Hartnett Alex Jirschele Ryan Hall Keough Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Isaac Lorton Asst. Managing Editor: Kevin Song “Barcelona.” “Lithuania.” Asst. 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News Sports Kelly Konya Greg Hadley THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Email [email protected] Catherine Owers Alex Carson Peter Durbin Josh Dulany Graphics Scene Keri O’Mara Allie Tollaksen Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Photo Viewpoint Karla Moreno Tabitha Ricketts Faculty and Staff ND Alert Test Mindful Meditation Women’s Tennis Women’s Tennis Mass Campus-wide Coleman-Morse Eck Tennis Pavilion Eck Tennis Pavilion Log Chapel 1:45 p.m. Center All day All day Corrections 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Test of emergency 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Free and open to the Free and open to the RSVP only. alert system. Open to all students. public. public. The Observer regards itself as a professional publication and strives for the highest standards Four:7 Catholic Are You Getting the “Beneath the Labor Cafe Saturday Vigil Mass of journalism at all times. We do, Fellowship Signal? Harvest Sky” Geddes Hall Basilica of the Sacred however, recognize that we will make Cavanaugh Hall McKenna Hall DeBartolo Performing 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Heart mistakes. If we have made a mistake, please contact us at (574) 631-4541 so 8:15 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. 7 p.m. Arts Center Forum on work and 5 p.m.- 6 p.m. we can correct our error. Praise and worship. Improv show about 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. labor issues. Music by the Women’s gender issues. Free film. Liturgical Choir. NEWS NDSMCOBSERVER.COM | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 | THE OBSERVER 3 SMC professor delights at Chinese universities By EMILIE KEFALAS wonderful and memorable one For his experimental, more had invited him served as his really overwhelming, the gener- News Writer for Jacob, but the best part for modern recital, Jacob was un- personal translator, as he is osity of the Chinese.
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