Methodology of living standard survey sampling in the Republic of Tajikistan Sampling for the living standard survey is in general to provide representativeness of the population therefore it was based on the number of population of the republic, urban and rural population i.e. specific gravity of the urban and rural population, and also administrative territorial division i.e. in oblast levels (see Appendix). Number of population as to Jan 1, Number of population points 1998 (in thousand) (p/p) Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total: in Republic 6043,9 1629,4 4415,5 125 34 91 including: Dushanbe 509,3 509,3 - 11 11 - RRS 1352,1 174,2 1177,9 27 3 24 Leninabad oblast 1850,4 525,1 1325,3 38 11 27 Khatlon oblast 2135,7 395,6 1740,1 44 8 36 Gorno Badakhshan 196,4 25,2 171,2 5 1 4 Sampling was done in two stages. At the first stage the number of territorial units (points) were selected so called initial units of sampling (IUS) in each oblast separately urban and rural population each village of Jamoat with the number of population and household was considered as the territorial unit of sampling. The first stage of sampling consisted of the development of the sampling basis and the number of the population of the republic in towns, rayons, Jamoats, villages of Jamoat in each oblast were taken into consideration. Territorial units consits of a territory or administrative unit like rayons, towns and Jamoat-village in rural area. Selected units inspite of their characteristics are called initial units of sampling (IUS). Initial units of sampling are the territorial units. Units of the second stage sampling are the households consisting of the number of households per on IUS that is 16 households. It was necessary to select 125 population units in total all over the country i.e. IUS including 34 urban and 91 rural populatin units. The scheme of the sampling of the country is attached. Lists of the towns, rayons and within rayons (Jamoats—villages) were prepared manually, number of population was indicated then cumulative number of population was taken into consideration in each oblast separately, and then the initial territorial units were selected and al 125 population points from all over the country were selected including 34 IUS in urban areas and 91 IUS in rural areas, and in each IUS 16 households were selected which makes 2000 households, and out of them 544 households in urban areas and 1456 households in rural areas. When the lists were made for each oblast separately for urban and rural areas in accordance with the selected population points or IUS the total cumulative number of population was calculated and further this number was divided in accodance with the selected population points which determines sampling interval then this sampling interval was calculated and the selection of population point or IUS was made, the same approach was used to all separate oblasts, urban and rural areas. After the analysis of the sampling the actual aggragate selection of IUS to be covered by the survey was determined. 1 Unites of the two-stage sampling consists of the households, containing the number of household for one IUS which is usually about 16 households. After dividing into different weighted analytical areas within the boundaries of each IUS, the two-stage sampling was made. The second stage of the process of sampling always means field work i.e. on the spot it’s a place of the collection of data which is called sampling and making the list of households to be covered by the survey. Selection procedure of the household in urban areas within the IUS level. For the forthcoming census in 2000 the list of all houses in urban areas was made and on the basis of schematic plan of the urban population that is divided into districts (quarters), and there is a list of houses for each district. On the basis of these lists households were selected within each IUS. For example: In Yavan a list of houses were made to select 16 households, there were 770 houses which were divided into 16 households that makes sampling interval – 48 houses then 16 households were selected. Sampling scheme is attached: 770: 16 = 48 Yavan Settlement Number of Cumulative Selected Sampling houses number of houses interval houses 1. district 37 37 - 48 2. district 27 64 1 3. district 42 106 1 4. district 36 142 - 5. district 33 175 1 6. district 53 228 1 7. district 26 254 1 8. district 19 273 - 9. district 45 318 1 10. district 31 349 1 11. district 35 384 1 12. district 28 412 - 13. district 23 435 1 14. district 44 479 - 15. district 9 488 1 16. district 64 552 1 17. district 66 618 1 18. district 72 690 2 19. district 80 770 2 TOTAL 770 On the basis of the selected houses the list of households with the address of the household and the location, and also the name of the owner was prepared. In rural areas the selection of the households was made on the basis of the list of the population points of Jamoats—villages i.e. list of the villages within Jamoat with the indication of the number of households and number of population and the distance between the population point and the centre of Jamoat. 2 The sampling scheme of the rural areas is attached: 2000: 16 = 125 sampling interval (SI) Shaartuz rayon Population point Distance to Number of Number of Cumulative Number of the centre households population number of selected hh (hh) households Jura Nazarov 30 km 2000 13250 including villages: 1. Lubiyokor - 398 2350 398 3 2. Tajikabad 6km 349 2086 747 2 3. Khoshadi 10km 297 1870 1044 3 4. Jamiyat dehon 6km 295 1893 1339 2 5. Aivaj 10km 661 5051 2000 6 Selection in rural areas was made on the basis of the administrative and economic activity accounting where each rural population point has the accounting—registration of each households, and also there are ordinal numbers for each household within Jamoat-village i.e. ….. In accordance with the cumulative numbers of the households, the selected households’ owners and their addresses are submitted to the supervisors and Jamoat representatives help to clarify and to find their location. Furthermore the coding of population points and the households was done. In urban areas 38 population points were chosen i.e. codes from 001 to 038, and the codes of households from 0001 to 0608: in rural areas the population codes are from 039 to 140 and households codes are from 609 to 2400. 3 Selection and distribution of the households on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan Households Need in personnel Average need Total Town Village P/p Town Village Total Super- Inter- Super- Inter- visor viewer visor viewer p/p Republic: 2400 544 1456 125 34 91 60 12 48 10,4 50,0 Including Dushanbe 176 176 -- 11 11 -- 5 1 4 11 44,0 RRS 592 48 384 27 3 24 15 3 12 9 49,3 Leninabad 608 176 432 38 11 27 15 3 12 12,7 50,7 oblast Khatlon 944 128 576 44 8 36 22 2 18 11 52,4 oblast Gorno 80 16 64 5 1 4 3 1 2 5 40,0 Badakshan 4 URBAN POPULATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN UP TO JANUARY 1, 1998 (in thousands) Cummulative Needed number of number of Number of hh to be selected Total sampling interval selected p/p Total in Republic: 1629,4 34 544 Including City Dushanbe 509,3 46,3 11 176 Including: Zeleznodorozni 105,2 105,2 2 32 Rayon (r-n) Octaybirski r-n 91,3 196,5 2 32 Frunzencki r-n 195 391,5 4 64 Centralni r-n 117,8 509,3 3 48 Gorno 25,2 Badakshan Khorog 25,2 25,2 1 16 RRS 174,2 58,07 3 48 1. Kofarnihon 44,1 44,1 2. Rogun 9,1 53,2 3. Tursun-zade 38,1 91,3 1 16 Settlement (s) 2,3 93,6 Takob s. Garm 6,0 99,6 s. Navabad 4,8 104,4 s. Hissar 22,4 126,8 1 16 s. Sharora 7,9 134,7 s. Darband 1,0 135,7 s. Leninski 16,7 152,4 s. Navabadski 5,9 158,3 s. Obi Garm 9,0 167,3 s. Oktaybrski 6,9 174,2 1 16 Leninabad oblast 525,1 47,7 11 176 including: Khujand 152,6 152,6 3 48 Isfara 36,1 188,7 Kairakum 12,0 200,7 1 16 s. Adrasman 12,2 212,9 s. Altin-Topkan 4,4 217,3 s. Kansai 4,6 221,9 s. Naugarzan 0,8 222,7 s. Sirdariynski 2,6 225,3 s. Choruh-Dairon 3,2 228,5 Kanibadam 42,0 270,5 1 16 Penjikent 32,7 303,2 1 16 Taboshar 16,1 319,3 Ura-tube 53,8 373,1 1 16 Chakolvsk 23,0 396,1 1 16 s. Palas 3,0 399,1 s. Zaravshan 2,5 401,6 s. Shaidan 11,9 413,5 5 s. Ganchi 8,4 421,9 s. Zafarabad 12,6 434,5 1 1 s. Mehnatabad 8,1 442,6 s. Pakhtakoron 7,5 450,1 Shurab 5,9 456,0 s. Kim 2,2 458,2 s. Nefteabad 4,2 462,4 s. Buston 11,9 474,3 s. Kuriksay 3,0 477,3 1 16 s.
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