Ration Calenclar PROCESSEO 1'000 slam"" n, Sand T elCl>lr. Sept. Cooler 30; rUEL OIL coupons 0 expIre Sept. 110; IUAT ......p. X . Y and Z and A m ..t sl.m"" In book 3 aplre Oct. 2; PROCESSEO I'OOOS mmpa U, V and W ex­ plr. Oct.'-20; SUGAR stamp 14 and home tannin, ,tamp. 10, 18 expire Oct. 31; FVJ:L OlL per, 1 OOUPGrw, ,"... '". expire Jan. 3, '". Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 1'8. A.tOo~T.D .&11. IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER IS. 19-43 " •• ANO(:lAnD P .... VOLUME XLID NUMBER 295 ermans egaln• .·ro·un at a erno; • mitst I vacu.ation 0 Bryans : I. ITALIAN WARSHIPS STEAM INTO MALTA UNDER EYES OF ALLIED CHIEFS Withdrawal Breaks Nazi -Line l Reinforcements Flow to Help hfore Dnieper as Reds Gain British, Yanks BaHling Enemy \ LONDON (AP)-The Germans announced the evacuation of pefortress city of Bryansk yesterday, but the daily Russian com­ As Berlin (Iaims Decisive Win ~ niql1 made no mention of the city other than to say th.at "sev. I popuilltcd places" were caplured in the Bryansk sector. ALLIED HEADQ ARTER I T N RTI! .j\J"lH A (AP)­ The Berlin radio told of the withdrawal, which apparently un­ Heavy reinforcements poured in by ell last night to aid the d . inged the main Nazi defense line before the Dnieper river, p rately bes t American and Brit' h troop yielding ground on ortly after Moscow reported that the Red army was closing in their lender, 24-mil bridgehead uth of 'alpmo and th Briti II nth e almost comptelely encircled stronghotd. Eighth armr advanced 8wirtly up from southern Italy to within FoUowing the German announcement of the abandonment of 100 mil oC th battle as blood ' as Gallipoli. pryansk, Moscow declared today that the Red army had cut the Bari and Cosenza fell to the Briti 11 in the south. Crimean railroad north of Melitopol by a swift mechanized thrust But on til beach. of lerno, til American Fifth army (OURbf. ~ross the flatlands of the !;Outbern Ukraine. hand to hand with clem ntl'! of three rint' German di\ri. ion on th The Red banner now has been carried back half way f~om ixth <Lay oC combat and WitJ1Stood th torture of German -milli- IIG€tov to OdeSl·s. m ter cannon whi h command d th~r ition witl] ae 'urat I Still ignoring thc German announcement of the Nazi with. plunging gunfire from heights 0\' rlooking the battl . r drawal from the key rail city Mar hal Alb rt K . Iring w making a. 8uprem bid to throw of Bryansk, a supplement to the Firth army into tb 8 a. and th alii d communiqup said; the Russian rllidnight communi· "Heavy fighting continues on the Fifth army front. The Ocr. ulk of Japs que broadcast by Moscow and man 8rC count r·attacking d .' * * * recorded here by the Soviet pcrately a~d at c rtain point. 0 III I ., monitor ·told of the southern have re~8lDed some of th Mus s nI Ukraine drive-Qne of tbe Bwllt­ Itround pl' viou Iy tak n by l' Salamaua est 'forward surges of the lted . army's summer offensive. llS~'he extreme depth of the Ta ke s 0ve r A Reuters dispatch from Mos­ beachheads was /lix or seven. l1}lles. cow said Red arm,. lorces were at some places. The Mediterran- ~ow Destroyed stormln.- Bryansk while the Nalls fou.-ht to pin time for ean was alive with ships landing Nazis Say Duce their torch squads to fire or of the Allted. Mediterranean men and materiel and pumping Enemy Stronghold blow UP everythln.- U1at could chief, Gen. Dwl&'ht Eisenhower deadly salvoes into the enemy. Seeks to Cancel not be moved. The city of Salerno (population At Lae Crumbles By their sweeping advance (arrow, top picture) and Admiral Italy's Surrender 77,OOOj remainC<l in allied hands. Before Allied Drive north of the Crimea, on the south­ Sir Andrew Browne Cunninrham LONDON (AP) - Berlin an~ ern extremity of the long Russian (behlnd Eisenhower). part of the The air was streaked with In­ cessant dogfIghts as the Germans nounced yestorday that Benito ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN tront, Soviet forces have plunged Italian fleet nrlves off the Brit­ IHE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, forward more than 100 miles due hurled more and more fighter­ Mu oUnl had Inken control ot the sland of Malia kI join the Al­ fe4nesday (AP)-The bulk of the west of Mariupol, the Sea of Azov a bombers Into the batlle. Allied new puppet' Fascist national re~ Ilplinese garrison TOuted from the port, since its capture less tnan lied sea. forces. Below. General planes, 150 miles from their near­ glm~then turned out another Jirand shipping base of Salamaua, two weeks aao. Eisenhower, commander-In -chief est usable landing field, bombed chapt l' In the confusing stream ot narrations on the recent adven­ New Gulnea, has been destroyed Melitopol is 88 miles due west of all Allied forces In the Medl­ roads and railways leading to and the small scattered groups of the lower Dnieper river and Salerno, striving mightily to delay tur of the number one Fascist. terr,.nean, and Admiral Cunnlnr­ llbicfl got away into the jungles 108 miles south ~nd slightly east or prevent German reinforce­ In announcing MURSOlini's new flee certain annihilation, Gen. of Dnieperopetrovsk. ham, naval ohlef, talk over the ments. role, the Nazis said he had sought Im,las MacArthur's headquarters The communique gave no de­ italian surrender and acquisition (A German broadcast aid to cancel Italy's surrender to tho mnounced today. aUles and had decreed an end to tails of this newest drive deep into of the Italian ships. At latest re­ Nasi tank formations had swept Another triumph of even greater the Prlchernomorsk plain directly from the mounlaln hel,hts be­ the rule of the House ot Savoy, proportions seemed in the making port , 58 un Its of the Italian fled The addition 10 the slory ot north of the land bridge to the were in Allied hand, Included fore alerno onkl the coa lal at Lae, 18 miles above captured Crimea but listed Federoxka, plains and were "en.-a.-ed In Mussolinl's acUvitles Inco his de­ SaJamaua, as enemy strongholds among the warships were the po itlon came via the Berlin radio Malaya Mikhailovka and Bol­ 35,000· ton battleshIps llalla and breaklnr enemy resistance on mnnbled before the weillh t of shaya MikQailovka as among the when It told the world that Mus­ forces above and behind that big Vlctorio Veneto, the 24,ooO-ton the coasts of the lea." The solini had been held on a 9.500-foot air base. towns captured. Andrea Dorea and Dullo and the enem)' broadcast claimed lb.at Federovka Is on the Crimean pill tea u in the mountainous "At Salamaua the enemy 15 23,ooO·ton GluJio Cesare. They stronr allied detachments bad rallw.,. that conned. Sevallkl­ Abruzzi e Molise department east compleleiy routed and his forces a~ been cut off from their laDdln.­ poi with Zaporosbe Just east of are I'll the port of VaUela, of Rome. ~royed," today's communique poln&!'l the Dnieper river. It Is 15 miles One third of the German sol­ id. Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgolt\­ diers employed in relea Ing him "Only small scattered groups re­ north 01 MeHtopoL The two MI­ ery's Eighth army was beaUng kballovkaa He alonc the Ame "fell into an aby and have not lIlin, neeing in hilla and Jungles • r swiftly up the Italian Mediter­ been seen since," It was reporled. aallY miles northwest of Sala­ railroad approxtmatel;r 15 miles ranean and Adriatlc coasts "un­ farther north. "How many arc still living Is not Daua itself (in the general direc­ Three U. S. Vessels OWl Head Predicts- checked except by demOlitions," known at present." tion of Lae.) The Russians were apparently F•D '.R ·•. Reported Against,Move General Eisenhower's headquar· This narration, recorded by The "Their eventual annihilation is making certain that they had the ters announced. Associated Pre , topped a long nn. town of Bryansk securely in their Destroyed in Action Cosenza (population 40,000) is series of almo t unconnected tales "Quantities of the enemy equip­ grasp before making any an­ 'Phony near the top of the Italian toe, 120 concerning withdrawal of the poo­ IItn!, including heavy and lield nouncement of its capture. Re- WASHINGTON (AP) - Three To ,Prevent Draft ' of Fathers airline miles from the cIty ot derous-Jawed Mussolinl from Ital­ Irtillery, wgre captured." garding tJte fighting in that area United States vessels _ a sub- Salerno. It feU after a 10-mile Ian custody to the protective wing How many enemy troops were the communique said that the. of Adolf Hitler. out at Salamaua was not Red army troops "continued their marine and two submarme chas- British advance. Bari (population Revolt' President to State the subject would begin today, 200,000) is on the Adriatic 112 The Italian army reportedly was but the encircled Japanese offensive and captured several ers - b~ve gone down in action miles across the southern Apen­ solldly against Mussollni, and the in the Lae-Salamaua sector populated places." against the enemy, the navy re­ and that members of the army and Views in Message navy high command wouid be nine mountaIns from Salerno. It united nati005 radio at Algiers estimated to have num­ "The enemy is oUerlng desper- poriect yesterday, bringing to 114 SYRACUSE,* *(AP * l - German sald bitter opposition to the Ger­ at one time.
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