, 7 64 BISHOP S WALTHAM. HA:\1PS HIRE. [ KELLY 8 Silvester Henry William, farmer, West Hoe Warner Frederick Isaac & James Charles, solicitors, . SmHh Harry, shopkeeper, Post office, Newto-wn commissioners for oaths, & agents to the Church ol Sparks Robert John, farmer, Park house England Fire & Life Insurance Co. & Legal & General Spratt Harriett (Mrs.), laundress, Ashton Life Assurance Co. The Square Symes Charles, White Hart P.H Westbrook Henry Richard, farmer, Wesb Hoe Taylor .Alfred, butcher, High street, & farmer, Ashton 1Vbittindale J. J. Gnffiths L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin. Terry Henry, farmer, Albany farm surgeon & certifying factory surgeon, Lime house Thomas Kate (Miss), tobacconist & patent medicine Wilkinson Edward Ernest, station master vendor, High street Williams John, engineer, Basingwel1 street Tickner William James, ironmonger, High street Winter William, painter, Basingwell street Tilbury Charles, farmer, Gosport road Woodford William, boot maker, High street Townley Frank, Crown hotel & agent to the London & ·woodman S. & Son, harness makers, High street South West ern Railway Go Woottens, brewers; stores, Brook street Trigg Edwd.Sydney,farmer & dairyman,North Brook farm w·orkman's Hall, Basingwell street Wall William, Grapes P.H. St. Peter's street Wright Phebe Caroline (Miss), ladies' school, Lithend Ware Gilbert, hair dresser & tobacconist, High street Young Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy repository, Bank street West .Alfred Charles, butcher & farmer, Square Young Harry, Fountruin inn, The Chase BISTERNE is a tithing, parochial chapelry and small the Rev. William Douglas Bodkin M.A. of that college. village, in the valley of the Avon, and on the ;road from who resides at Ringwood; the Rev. Frederick George Ringwood to Ohristchurch and BoUTnemouth, 3 miles Walker B.A. of T'rinity C<Jllege, Dublin, has been curate south from Ringwood station, on the LondQn and South in charge Mnce 1897. Bisterne Park is the seat of John Western railway, and 6 miles north from Christchurch Mills esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and principal land· harbour, in the Sew l<'orest division of the oounty, Ford- owner; the mansion is a large but :plain building, pleas• ingbridge county court district, union and petty sessional antly seated in a park of I So acres. The soil is loam; division of Ringwood, in the rural deanery of Ohrist- subsoil, gravel. Th-e crops are various. The population church, and archdeaconry and diocese of Winchester. included in Ringwood. The church of St. Paul, erected in 1842 by the late John Sandford is a hamlet, 3 miles south-east of Ringwood. Mills esq. is an edifice of brick with stone dressings in Parish Clerk, Harry Sainsbury. the Gothic style, consisting of chancel and nave and a Letter Box cleared at 7.30 p.m. week days. Letter• western tul'll'et containing one bell: the east .and west received through Ringwood, which is the nearest money windows are stained, and there are 200 sittings.. The order & telegraph office, arrive at 7 a. m register of mauiages dates from the year I864; baptisms School (mixed), built in I84o, for 40 girls & infants, sup- and burials from 1874· The living is a chapelry, ann~xed ported by Mrs. MillSI & government grant; the boys with Harbridge to the vicarage of Ringwood, in the attend the school at Ringwood; average attendance, 38 ; gift of King's College, Cambridge, and held since 18a4 by :;\lrs. Esther Leech, mistress Mills Jolm J.P., D.L. Bisterne park COMMERCIAL. Pearce Thoma.s, farm bailiff to John Walker Rev. Frederick George B.A. Ba•rne.s John, farm!lll', Wick farm Mill& esq, Bisterne farm (curate-in-charge), Parsonage Cooper Jas. head gardener Bisteme rk Rugers Charles, farmer, Sandford Mintey Eli, fa1'ffier, Sandford Witt George, Swan inn, Sandford BITTERNE is a village, and formed into a parish in Raymond, is situated in well-timbered grounds m 2z 1894 under the " LocaJ. Government. .A.ct, I888," it acres. Oak lodge is the property and residence of Thoma~ haVIng been an ecclesiastical parish since 18s3, out Needharn Wilson M.A. ami Oakfield, the property and of South Stoneham, and under the " Redistribution Tesidence {)·f 1\I['s. Price. The Ecclesiastical Commis­ of Seats .A.ct, I885,'1 included within the extended sioners are lords of the man<Jr. The principal landowner~ parliamentary borough of Southampton, it has a are H. W. Richardson esg_. Lieut.-Col. Henry Douglas­ station called Bitterne Road, on the London and and H. H. Culme-Seymour esq. M.A. The population in South Western railway, and is about 2 miles north- 1891 was 2,253. east from Southampton, in the Southern division of the Parish Clerk, James Hodkinson. county, Mansbridge hundred, Southampton county court Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery. distr:ict and petty sessional division, South Stoncham Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office. William union, and in the rural deanerry of Southampton and Gaffe, sub-postmaster. Letteor& arcive by mail cart archdeaconry and diocese of Winchester. The village, from Southampt<Jn ail S a.m. 1.30 & 6.s5 p.m.; dis- situated on the ea:-:.t bank Qf the estuary of Itchen river, patched at 10 a.m. 5.30 k 9·35 p.m.; Sundays, 9·35 p.m communicates by :Northam bridge with Southampt.on, Wall Letter Boxes, at Brook road, cleared at 9·45 a.m. & and by the C{)bden Free bridge, higher up, with South· 8.25 p.m. ; High street, cleared at Io a.m. & ampton, St. Deny's and other places TOlmd. Bitterne 9·45 p.m. ; sundays, 9·45 p.m.. & Bitterne Park, cleared' PaJrk being now included within the borough of South- at 7· 15 a.m. 3.30 & 7.20 p.m ampton (under the Borough Extension Act), the inhabi- Public Establishments. ta.nts will be found under Southampton. The church of the Holy Saviour, consecrated! in I853, lis a building <Jf Police Station, William Jacobs, inspector; Charles .A. stone in the Gothio style, consisting of clerestoried nave )larsh, sergeant & 3 constables of five bays, aisles, north porch and a tower, with spire, Workman's Hall, Brook road containing one bell: the .south aisle was erected in 188S Volunteers. at 8i oost Qf [1,440, defrayed by the Rev. Henry Usborne 1st HamJ>shire Artillery Volunteers, Southern Division B.A. vicar, 1852-87: there are about 6so sittings. The Royal Artillery (No. 6 Battery), Drill hall, High street register dates from the year I8S3· The living is a vicar­ Schools. age, net yearly value £zzz, including pew rents, in the Clmrch (bDys & girls), built in 1853 & enlarged !in I897• gift of the Bishop of Winchester, and held since 1887 by for 149 boys, 160 girls & 172 infants; average attend­ the ltev. Edward BaJlachey Hm M.A. ofWadham College, ance, 149 bQys, ISO girls & 168 infants; Henry William Oxford. Here are Congregational and Wesleyan chapels C()oke, master; Miss M. C. Gibbs, mistress; Mrs. and a meeting room for the Brethren. The reading room, Prydderck, infants' mistress established by the Rev. H. Usborne RA. ]ate vicar, is used as a. parish room. The Workman's Hall, in Brook Rruilway Station, Bitterne Road, Walter Strickland, sta­ road, was founded in 1882 by the late Miss Martin, of tion master Bitterne Lodge. Bitterne Manor House, near Northam Conveyance. bridge, stands on part of the site of the Roman station Rockett's van, I2 to I p.m. through Northam to railway Clausentum, and as the seat of Lady Macnaghten. Sydney terminus, Southampton, daily is the property and residence of Sir J. W. O'Bryen Hoare Roberts Charles, carrier, to Sholing, Woolston & South­ bart. D.L., J.P. Heathfield House, the residence of Mrs. ampton, daily PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Claydon Thomas, May Trees, High st Errington George Henry, Merry Oak .A.dcock William, Fir cottage Court Henry, Hillsbrow Graves Lord, Midanbury Bassett Charles R bert, Gordon villa Coxwell Charles L. High street Grose John. The Laurels Baverstock J oo ph, I Mount Pleasant Cruickshank John, Peartree house Gurney Arthrur L. Cromer Beatson Mrs. Sydney cotta.ge Diaper James C. Balaclava road Hamilton Mrs. Bitterne grove Biggs Walter S th, Oakmere, High st Doucett Charles, Woodbine HaySoOm George, Wesotwood Doulcott 0 pt. Herbert C. The Pines Douglas Lieut.-Col. Henry ~Iitchell Herbert John E. Pearlree avenue Bucknill Lieut.-Col. John Townsend ShDlto, Moorlands Hill Rev. Edward Ballachey M.A. The­ R.E. Thornfield Elliot Lady, Brydone Vicarage Cannon Mornington, Ridgway Elliott Wm.G. Breret<Jn ho.Chapel st Hooper Mrs. Harlow villa .
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