SMITH’S REPORT On the Holocaust Controversy No 163 | www.codoh.com | July 2009 See back issues at www.smithsreport.com Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 THE CAMPUS CAMPAIGN FROM THE WASHINGTON JEWISH WEEK TO YALE UNIVERSITY, ETC. Bradley Smith he Summer 2009 CODOH being raised in class, or by another Example. It was a Monday T Campus Campaign began academic at lunch? Not many? morning, 22 June, and I was at the to make its presence known at uni- Probably not many. VA Hospital in La Jolla in the versities around the country the A short revisionist text placed muscular/skeleton clinic to see a middle of June. It’s still very early, before fifty-thousand-plus new doctor about the pain in the back but the Eisenhower ad has run or is folk? It’s worth the effort. And and leg. It had been an over- running in the Daily Lobo at the maybe another 50,000 shortly? nighter, I hadn’t slept well, but University of New Mexico, the It takes a lot of man hours to when my cell phone rang I pretty University Chronicle at St. Cloud run a campaign like this. Submit- much woke up. For all I knew, it University (Wisconsin), and The ting the ad is painless, but follow- was someone I would want to talk Helmsman at the University of ing up with it is where the time is to. Memphis. Three other are to begin spent. No issue with those who It was. A young man named the week of July 6th. ignore the ad (most of them), or Gallagher was calling from adver- The size of student populations those that contact us to make cer- tising at BG-News, Bowling Green during summer classes is larger tain we know that they will not run State University. I was immedi- than I would have expected—at it. With those who are agreeable to ately aware that he and my right the first three campuses alone it running the ad there is the back hand man (I’ve been calling him adds up to some 48,000 students and forth regarding formatting, Hernandez but I think I’ll start and 2,550 faculty. How many of scheduling, changes in scheduling, calling him Roberto) had been in a these 48,000 students have ever emails gone astray, contracts lost, back and forth about running the been exposed to any sensible text faxes not arriving (we’re in Mex- Eisenhower ad. whatever that implies that some- ico), contracts signed, sealed, de- Gallagher told me the BG-News thing might be wrong with the gas- livered and then renounced—I wanted to run the ad, it had been chamber story? How many of don’t think renounce is the right worked out between him and Ro- these 2,550 academics have ever word. Maybe it is. berto, and all that was left to do had to think about such a question was to arrange payment. I said I could do that in the moment, we Green State University. For the writing at Wellesley College. His did it using my Visa debit, Galla- moment. doctorate is in religious studies, he gher thanked me, with some enthu- As part of the Campus Cam- coordinates the Yale Journalism siasm I thought, and there we paign I would be obligated to write Initiative. That’s not all, but it’s were. I wonder how many grown Mr. Bortel a letter. I did. Mr. Bor- enough to demonstrate that The men, particularly grown men my tel felt personally obligated to re- Washington Jewish Week is read age, would get so much pleasure spond. He did. I posted both letters by informed people in Washington from such a simple business trans- on my Blog. Then I wrote him a D.C. and at Yale University as action with a college student. second, more critical letter and well. So of course I was obligated I was still sitting there a few posted that on my Blog. Haven’t to give him an interview. minutes later when Gallagher heard from him. But now of course Oppenheimer was going to be called back, apologized, and said I feel obligated to distribute my in the Pasadena area and maybe we the BG-News could not run the ad. response to Mr. Bortel’s letter to could meet in the “middle” some- I asked why. He didn’t want to talk Mr. Bortel’s colleagues. And obli- where. Sure. When I understood he about it, but told me that the Direc- gated perhaps to write to the presi- was going to be in the Pasadena tor of Student Publications was dent of his university. area I asked if he were going to see standing there if I wanted to talk to Michael Shermer of Skeptic Maga- him. I figured, what the hell, un- At the same time, though zine, but he did not respond. Any- derstanding that it would be a use- I didn’t know it, another sto- how, that was none of my busi- less exercise. ness. We could meet in San Cle- Mr. Robert Bortel was a per- ry was developing because of mente. fectly civil adult who, while he the Campus Campaign. We did. Irene and Li’l Brad was not a professor, explained to You will remember that the went along for the ride. Irene real- me that he had spent a good Washington Jewish Week pub- ly went to chaperone me, I had amount of time studying the his- lished an article on the Campus only recently ended my 10-month tory of World War II. We talked Campaign on 18 February (my struggle with lymphatic cancer and about ten, twelve minutes maybe. birthday, but I believe that was she didn’t trust me to be “on the The drift of what he said was that almost certainly a coincidence) road” by myself. The most obvious he had read widely in the orthodox titled “Local College Papers say place for Oppenheimer and me to literature, it was obvious that the ‘No’ to ad challenging the Holo- meet was at the Starbucks on the Holocaust happened, and that it caust.” I reported on it here in the main drag. Irene took Li’l Brad for would be “offensive” to many at March issue (#159). The journalist, a walk while I took a nap in the car BGSU if the News were to run the Adam Korbel, was straight with to wait. I was pretty tired, I went ad that suggested it did not. He me, something that doesn’t always right to sleep, probably with my used the words “offend” and “of- happen with journalists writing for mouth open. Here is how the pro- fensive” a number of times. It was any publication. fessor describes our meeting. a fine example of civility used in Unknown to me, a young Ph.D. the service of suppressing a free professor of history who teaches at “[….] the elderly Smith was exchange of ideas. Yale University, Mark Oppen- kindly enough to endure the traffic I brought up a few ideas that he heimer, read the article and was jam at the Mexican-American bor- seemed unprepared to deal with intrigued by the idea of doing der and meet me at the Starbucks directly. You would be familiar something with the core story it in San Clemente, California, the with them. When I had the impres- represented. Early in April he con- beach town where Richard Nixon sion that he was about to hang up I tacted me, asked for an interview, began his exile. Smith had left a would suggest a new line of and I said sure. I googled him and message on my mobile phone say- thought. He would hold on. In the found that he is a real guy. ing that he would wait for me in end it was as it was. Censored. I learned that he is a writer for the parking lot, and that’s where I And so it goes, as we used to The New York Times Magazine, found him, snoozing behind the say. I heard my name called, it was Slate, The Boston Globe, The For- wheel of his pickup truck. I rapped my time to see the doctor about my ward, and other publications. In on the window, and the aging rad- muscular and skeletal arrange- the school year 2008-2009 he’s ical opened his eyes with a lecturing in the English and Politi- ments, such as they are, and that was the end of it with Bowling cal Science departments of Yale Continued on page 13 University, and teaching creative 2 My article described the two- Dead Sea Scrolls,” CJN, June 11). LETTERS thousand fold differential as ‘the Otherwise, we will end up with a central axis around which future generation that defines their Juda- Nick Kollerstrom, PhD, discussion of ‘the Holocaust’ will ism by hysterically defending it [email protected] have to revolve.’ May these figures without even knowing what they assist that revolution. I’d be happy are defending. In my ‘Leuchter 20 years on’ if anyone wants to check through Remember that your paper is article (issue 153 Smith’s Report), them, they are all in the Rudolf called the Jewish News, not The I showed graphs of the data of Ru- Report and Mr. Desjardin’s CO- Canadian – Oh, Woe Be Us, the dolf and Leuchter combined, for DOH article (slight differences are Hated People News three distinct groups: wall cyanide possible, where more than one samples from the delousing cham- analysis was done per sample).
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