E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2014 No. 121 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The BRING JOBS HOME ACT called to order by the President pro clerk will report the motion. Mr. REID. Mr. President, Henry tempore (Mr. LEAHY). The assistant legislative clerk read Wadsworth Longfellow wisely noted: as follows: ‘‘It takes less time to do a thing right PRAYER Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 488, S. than it does to explain why you did it The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- 2648, a bill making emergency supplemental wrong.’’ fered the following prayer: appropriations for the fiscal year ending In about 1 hour, Senators will be on Let us pray. September 30, 2014, and for other purposes. the floor and have an opportunity to Wondrous God, angels bow before SCHEDULE follow what Longfellow said; that is, to You, heaven and Earth adore You. Mr. REID. Following my remarks do the right thing. We have a bill that As the days pass swiftly, we pause to and those of the Republican leader, protects American jobs. The Bring Jobs thank You for surrounding us with the there will be 1 hour for debate equally Home Act tackles the growing problem shield of Your favor. Your anger is only divided prior to a cloture vote on S. of American jobs being shipped over- for a moment, but Your favor is for a 2569, the Bring Jobs Home Act. If clo- seas. It is called outsourcing, shipping lifetime. ture is not invoked, there will be an jobs overseas. Today, lead our lawmakers to greater immediate cloture vote on the motion maturity and wholeness in You. May We Democrats are lined up against to proceed on S. 2648, the emergency outsourcing. The Bring Jobs Home Act they grow in grace and in a deeper supplemental appropriations act. knowledge of You, becoming better would protect about 21 million jobs in Following those votes, there will be our country. prepared to be Your ambassadors, rec- voice votes on confirmation of the Today in the United States, anytime onciling the world to You. May they Akuetteh, Moritsugu, and Kennedy an American company closes a factory continue to be controlled by Your Spir- nominations. it, always walking on the road that or a plant in America and moves oper- ORDER OF PROCEDURE ations to another country, American leads to life. Give them, O God, a com- I ask unanimous consent that the mon commitment to the crucial cause taxpayers pick up part of that moving time from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. be under the bill. It is hard to believe, but it is true. of keeping America strong. control of the Republicans and the We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. A company moves from America, and time from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. be controlled American taxpayers help them with f by the majority. the move. If they want to move, Amer- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ican taxpayers shouldn’t help them at The President pro tempore led the objection, it is so ordered. all. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: MEASURE PLACED ON THE CALENDAR—S. 2685 The Bring Jobs Home Act ends sense- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. REID. Mr. President, S. 2685 is less tax breaks for these outsourcers. It United States of America, and to the Repub- due for a second reading. ends the ridiculous practice of Amer- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ican funding outsourcing of their own indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. clerk will read the bill by title for the jobs. f second time. The Bring Jobs Home Act doesn’t RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY The assistant legislative clerk read just fight to keep jobs here in America, LEADER as follows: it also brings jobs back. A bill (S. 2685) to reform the authorities of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The This bill provides a 20-percent tax the Federal Government to require the pro- credit to help American companies majority leader is recognized. duction of certain business records, conduct with the costs of moving operations f electronic surveillance, use pen registers and trap and trace devices, and use other forms back to the United States. The Bring MAKING EMERGENCY SUPPLE- of information gathering for foreign intel- Jobs Home Act will protect 150,000 jobs MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ligence, counterterrorism, and criminal pur- in Nevada. It could potentially save as THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEP- poses, and for other purposes. many as 325,000 at-risk jobs in Ken- TEMBER 30, 2014—MOTION TO Mr. REID. I would object to any fur- tucky and jobs all over the country. PROCEED ther proceedings with respect to the Economically speaking, what else Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to bill. could be more important than ensuring proceed to Calendar No. 488, S. 2648, the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objec- our working Americans’ jobs are pro- emergency appropriations supple- tion is heard. The bill will be placed on tected. Regardless of what Republican mental act. the calendar. leaders said and what the Republican ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5075 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:02 Jul 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.000 S30JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2014 leader has opined, helping our constitu- alone won’t meaningfully impact glob- a political turnout strategy ents stay employed is our duty as a al CO2 levels. masquerading as a serious environ- Senator. They don’t seem to care that their mental policy. Not only could they end Frankly, a vote against this bill is a regulations would devastate the lives up making the environment worse vote against American jobs. There is of whole families in my State, work- rather than better but they threaten to absolutely no excuse, no justification, ing-class Kentuckians who just want to hurt countless middle-class families in for any Member of this body to vote put food on the table and give their the process while shipping American against this legislation. But as of late, children a better life. jobs overseas. Senate Republicans have repeatedly They don’t seem to care that their So they need to be stopped. The ad- blocked legislation, such as the Bring regulations threaten to undermine ministration needs to be stopped. Ken- Jobs Home Act, which is good for the Kentucky’s traditionally low utility tuckians aren’t going to take this American people. rates, splinter our manufacturing base, lying down. We are going to keep fight- Remember, the Longfellow quote and shift well-paying jobs overseas. ing back. They don’t seem to care that the peo- that I mentioned at the beginning of RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ple who stand to be hurt most by their my remarks: ‘‘It takes less time to do The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under a thing right than it does to explain regressive policies are those who can afford it the least. the previous order, the leadership time why you did it wrong.’’ is reserved. The wisdom of Longfellow’s quote is As a candidate President Obama there, and each time another good bill wasn’t just open about his plan to f make American energy bills skyrocket, is blocked by the Senate Republicans BRING JOBS HOME ACT we must think of Longfellow and what he was pretty cavalier about it too. For he said: ‘‘It takes less time to do a him it was a necessary sacrifice to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under thing right than it does to explain why achieve an ideological aim. the previous order, the Senate will re- you did it wrong.’’ But for a working mom in Ashland, sume consideration of S. 2569, which Each time after Republicans have KY, a skyrocketing utility bill can the clerk will report. voted against legislation that is good mean the difference between an annual The assistant legislative clerk read for working families, an odd scene has trip to Lake Cumberland and a tearful as follows: developed on the Senate floor. A pro- apology to her kids. It can mean choos- A bill (S. 2569) to provide an incentive for cession of Republicans makes it way to ing which bills to pay this month and businesses to bring jobs back to America. the floor and individually Senators which to put off just a little longer. It Pending: begin to explain why they voted can mean birthday disappointments Reid amendment No. 3693, to change the against a good bill, trying to explain and missed credit card payments. enactment date. why Americans don’t deserve a fair These types of consequences may not Reid amendment No. 3694 (to amendment be a big deal to the President, but for shot. For example, after voting against No. 3693), of a perfecting nature. many people in the country and many Reid motion to commit the bill to the an increase in the minimum wage, in Kentucky, they are a very big deal. Committee on Finance, with instructions, after voting against equal pay for Families have had to put up with Reid amendment No. 3695, to change the en- women, after voting against cost-cut- enough in nearly 6 years that this ad- actment date.
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