<p> GRAND SHAFTER OPENING FASHION SHOE & WASCO 252 CENTRAL AVE, SHAFTER, CA. 93263 1001 7TH # A WASCO, CA 93263 (661)630-5324</p><p>Periodical Postage UPDATES ONLINE AT THESHAFTERPRESS.COM AND WASCOTRIB.COM PAID Shafter, CA Permit 491700 FREE!</p><p>Vol. 93 No. 31 • Shafter, <a href="/tags/California/" rel="tag">California</a> Thursday, January 28, 2021 Vol. 43 No. 31 • Wasco, California Newsom lifts stay-at-home order</p><p>TONI DEROSA WASCO since Tuesday, Jan. 19. There have been 1,382 recovered from Wasco Tribune Since the city’s population includes the virus compared to 1,189 as of Jan. 18, On Monday, Jan. 25, Gov. Gavin New- purple tier now. Wasco State Prison inmates, Correctional which means 193 patients have recovered som released the state from the curfew and While still restrictive, this change will Lieutenant of the Wasco State Prison Josh- from the virus in one week’s time. On Jan. placed 54 counties back in the most-restric- now resume outdoor dining and hair and ua Farley stated that the prison as of Tues- 25, there were 1,061 reported as assumed tive purple tier. Newsom also lifted his stay- nail salons are allowed to be open. Bars that day, Jan. 26, had 2,143 inmates. That means recovered while on Jan. 21, there were 822 at-home order. only serve beverages are still closed. Wasco — without counting the inmates — assumed recovered. In just one day, from According to Newsom, the San Fran- On Monday, 4,569 Wasco residents have has almost 18% of the population testing Monday, Jan. 25 to Tuesday, Jan. 26, 149 cisco Bay Area, San Joaquin Valley and tested positive for covid-19 while that num- positive at one time since the beginning of additional people tested positive for the vi- <a href="/tags/Southern_California/" rel="tag">Southern California</a> counties are in the ber has increased by 126 new positive tests the pandemic. rus. Distance learning Wasco High celebrates continues through Reopening Day third quarter</p><p>TONI DEROSA Wasco Tribune Sports practices have begun in the Wasco Union High School District although the district will be continuing dis- tance learning throughout the third quarter and likely WASCO through the rest of the year, Superintendent Rob Cobb said. “However, some students are returning to ‘in-person’ instructional support for distance learning beginning this week,” Cobb said. Cobb is currently working on a document that will be posted online on the district’s website explaining how ac- tivities will be reintroduced. The athletic programs at Wasco High School are man- aged by the California Interscholastic Federation Proposed Plan for the Return of Educational-Based Athletics. Students, parents and coaches are anxious for their stu- dents to be able to return to in-person learning, sports and other co-curricular activities that are important to physical and mental wellbeing, Cobb said. “All Season 1 sports resumed practice last week,” Cobb said Wednesday. “Season 2 sports are scheduled to begin conditioning next week.” Wasco High staff welcome some students back with their signature black and orange spirit. STORY ON PAGE 3 Because covid-19 transmission rates have been quickly See SELECT Page 4 First full-service car wash to come to city</p><p>JAMIE STEWART SHAFTER area at the Wonderful Logistics Park. They There are several factors that attract pro- The Shafter Press are in preliminary talks, with the intentions spective companies to the city, such as the New businesses are popping up in the Shafter. It will add approximately 30 jobs of calling Shafter home in the near future,” fiber optic network that Shafter offers new city as the pandemic lingers in the nation. and will also offer a deli-market as well. he said. businesses, Meadows said. The newest addition is going to be the This will be the family’s second car Meadows said that the car wash will be “It is important for these companies, Countryside Car Wash, which will be lo- wash, with the operation of similar busi- the first of its kind in the city, with the more especially the distribution centers and also cated at 406 Central Ave. The city sold the ness in Taft. complete car wash experience compared to medical buildings, that they have a fast and property to Rick Jara, whose family owns According to Bob Meadows, business self-service car washes. reliable network, which Shafter offers,” he and operates Taco Bell in town. development director, there is even more to “Their family is very supportive of the said. “We are the only city in the county The property used to house Brookside come. city of Shafter and are looking forward to that offers a complete high-speed fiber op- Deli and the Shafter Press office. Jara will “There are a couple of nationally-known adding this business to community,” said tic network.” be building the first drive-thru car wash in companies discussing coming to the Shafter Meadows. See OTHER Page 4</p><p>Wasco man killed in shooting A big move for </p><p>TONI DEROSA WASCO The Press and Tribune Wasco Tribune A 23-year-old city resident was sidewalk at the scene. killed after being shot on Poplar Avenue Regalado’s killing was ruled a homi- The Shafter Press and Wasco Tribune the Press is now, moving there 10 years the day after Christmas. cide after cause of death was declared will have new offices beginning Mon- ago after a fire destroyed its previous of- The Kern County Sheriff’s Office multiple gunshot wounds. day, Feb. 1. The paper's new address: 455 fice near Five Points. reported that on Dec. 26, Vicente Hi- If anyone has any information re- Kern Street, Ste E., Shafter, facing Cen- Office hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m, nojosa Regalado was shot in the 1500 garding this shooting, contact the sher- tral Avenue. Monday through Friday. Masks are re- block of Poplar Avenue. He died on the iff’s office at 661-487-4553. The City of Shafter is selling the quired, and appointments at are greatly building at 406 Central Avenue where appreciated by calling 661-292-5100.</p><p>Te ofrecemos más Trenea Smart geico.com/bakersfield que sólo seguros 661-431-1780 para autos. 2720 Calloway Drive, Bakersfield</p><p>Aplican limites. Visita geico.com para ver más detalles. GEICO y afiliados. Washington, DC 20076 © 2020 GEICO 20_259643 Page 2 THE SHAFTER PRESS | WASCO TRIBUNE Thursday, January 28, 2021 Community Calendar Mystery history</p><p>As activities restart and businesses reopen, we will try to update readers on the status SHAFTER of events and activities throughout the area. Please contact Erica Soriano with additions and changes at [email protected] or call 661-292-5100 by Monday at 4 p.m. for that week’s paper.</p><p>ONGOING CAPK y el Condado de Kern “Programa Warm clothing drive — District 4 Su- FOOD2DOOR” atienden a personas may- pervisor David Couch is collecting blan- ors de 65 años . Una caja de comida de 70 kets, coats, gloves, hats, scarves and socks. libra cada mes se entrega directamente en Donations will benefit families in District la puerta. El programa no se basa en los 4. To schedule an in-person pickup, call ingresos, está diseñadopara mantener a 661- 868-3680. las personas ensus hogares y mantenerse Utility bills — The City of Wasco re- saludables para que podamos vencer al minds residents that the city’s official web- COVID-19. Llame al 661-498-7831 ext. site is the only authorized avenue to pay 1310 Para averiguar si es elegible para el your utility bill online. programa e inscríbase hoy mismo. Covid-19 testing — There will be free TUESDAY covid-19 testing Wednesdays and Sundays Senior lunch program — The senior at the Wasco Library, 1102 7th St., Wasco. sack program gives out lunches to seniors If you have insurance, they will be billed. every first and third Tuesday of the month Appointments can be made at lhi.care/co- at 11 a.m., sponsored by the Golden Glean- vidtesting or call 888-634-1123. Donde? ers. Griffith Avenue Baptist Church, 408 Biblioteca de Wasco 1102 7th St, Wasco. Griffith St., Wasco. Si no tiene acceso de internet llame al THURSDAY (888)634-1123. Wasco Recreation & Park Board — Reopened — Shafter City Hall has re- Meetings are on every 3rd Thursday of the Here’s this week’s challenge, courtesy of the Shafter Historical So- opened to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. month at 6 p.m. at the Hall at Barker Park, ciety. If you know the location, circumstances, exact or rough date Hours for the finance department are 9 a.m. Wasco. and/or people in the photo, send your educated (or semieducated) to 5 p.m. Call 661-746-5000. FRIDAY guess to The Press, 406 Central Ave., Shafter 93263, or e-mail it to mysteryphoto@The ShafterPress.com. Winners will be revealed Food2Door — The program delivers 70 Food giveaway — The Impact Pro- here next week. LAST WEEK: 1976-77 Original Shafter Depot Dean pounds of food once a month to seniors 65 gram is a weekly food giveaway provid- Forney Location 13 and older, sponsored by the City of Shafter ed to anyone in need, Fridays beginning CAPK and Kern County. Call 661- 498- at 7 a.m., first come, first serve. Griffith 7831 ext. 1310 to find out if you’re eligible Avenue Baptist Church, 408 Griffith St., WASCO for the program. Wasco.</p><p>SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM. • Read • Advertise • Contribute to The Shafter Press and Wasco Tribune</p><p>ARREST REPORT</p><p>SHAFTER flicted corporal injury onto Shafter, was arrested for As reported by the Shafter spouse. possession of controlled sub- Police Department Roberto Portillo Ma- stance while armed, trans- Jan. 17 rio Rodas, 27, of Shafter. ports and sells of narcotics Anthony Zuniga, 22, of was arrested on an outside and possession of controlled Shafter, was arrested on felony warrant, burglary in substance paraphernalia. an outside agency warrant, the state of emergency, pos- BUTTONWILLOW misdemeanor bench war- session of controlled sub- As reported by the Button- rant and outside agency stance and receiving stolen Here’s this week’s challenge, courtesy of the Wasco Historical Society. willow Substation If you know the location, circumstances, exact or rough date and/or warrant. property. Jan. 24 people in the photo, send your educated (or semieducated) guess to the Rafael Cervantes Rome John Zaragoza, Rome John Zaragoza, Tribune, 406 Central Ave., Shafter 93263, or e-mail it to mysteryphoto@ Ramirez, 32, of Shafter, 42, of Shafter, was arrested 42, of Shafter, was arrested WascoTrib.com. Winners will be revealed here next week. LAST WEEK: was arrested for alter fire- for disorderly conduct: un- Miller Green is showing his 1955 calendar to Richard Lively. Miller Green in the 18800 block of Beech was located at 1342 F St. arm ID Mark and concealed der the influence of drug. Avenue in Shafter for tres- firearm within a vehicle. Jan. 22 passing and resisting/ob- Jan. 18 Vincenzo Rafael Osuna, structing a peace officer. Kris Kristoferson Sousa, 30, of Shafter, was arrested He was booked into the 42, of Shafter, was arrested Drive and Griffith Avenue Jan. 22 date victim and exhibit dead- for theft/extortion, receiv- Kern County Jail. Daniel Malanche, 19, of on an outside agency war- on her active felony bench ly weapon. He was booked ing stolen property and pos- Wasco, was arrested in the rant. WASCO warrant and misdemeanor into the Kern County Jail. session of burglary tools, driving without a license. 1700 block of Poplar Av- Jan. 20 As reported by the Was- Jan. 24 malicious mischief to vehi- enue in Wasco for attempted Andy Chavez, 21, of co Substation She was booked into the Pedro Alejandro Soria cle, driving with suspended murder, felon in possession Shafter, was arrested ob- Jan. 19 Kern County Jail. Huerta, 48, of Wasco, was license and on an outside of a firearm, no serial num- struction and resisting, Lorenzo Diaz-Gomez, Osvaldo Castaneda, 18, arrested in the 1600 block felony warrant. ber on firearm, felon carry- obstruction of public offi- 36, of Wasco, was arrested of Wasco, was arrested in of Poso Drive in Wasco on Jan. 23 ing loaded firearm, unlawful cer and on a misdemeanor in the 700 block of F Street the 700 block of F Street a misdemeanor warrant. He Carlos Westine, 51, of possession of firearm, will- bench warrant. on his active misdemeanor on his active misdemeanor was booked into the Kern Shafter, was arrested for ful discharge of a firearm, Joe Samuel Vasquez, 59, bench warrant. He was cit- bench warrant. He was cit- County Jail. disorderly conduct: under prohibited to own ammuni- of Shafter, was arrested for ed and released at the scene. ed and released at the scene. Francisco Morales Gon- the influence of drugs. tion, participate in a criminal possession of destructive Jan. 20 Jan. 21 zales, 66, of Wasco, was Maria Louredes Men- street gang, possession of a device, felon in possession Manuel Orozco Alanis, Ana Lopez, 48, of Was- arrested in the 500 block dez, 39, of Shafter, was controlled substance, pos- of a fireman and disorderly 46, of Wasco, was arrested co, was arrested in the 700 of F Street in Wasco for arrested on a felony bench session of paraphernalia, as- conduct: alcohol. in the 1200 block of High- block of F Street on her public intoxication and on warrant. sault with firearm on person, Alex Anthony Sanchez, way 46 for felony posses- active misdemeanor bench a misdemeanor warrant. He Betty Villalpondo, 61, and battery. He was booked 45, of Shafter, was arrest- sion of a stolen vehicle, fel- warrant. She was cited and was booked into the Kern of Shafter. was arrested for released at the scene. into the Kern County Jail. County Jail. ed for concealed firearm, DUI alcohol, impede the ony vehicle theft, and on his possession of firearm, active misdemeanor bench Gerardo Santiago, 35, of Jan. 23 Jorge Alberto Millan, flow of traffic and unsafe or Angel Manuel Uribe, 24, conspiracy to commit warrant. He was booked Wasco, was arrested in the 20, of Wasco, was arrested backing. of Wasco, was arrested in the crime, 1st degree crimi- into the Kern County Jail. 700 block of F Street on his in the 700 block of Adams Jan. 24 1300 block of Via Barcelona nal storage of firearm and Rozon Nicole Butler, active misdemeanor bench Street in Wasco for spousal Dirk Barton Underwood, Court in Wasco for carjack- receiving known stolen 41, of Wasco, was arrested warrant. He was cited and battery. He was cited and 50, of Shafter, was arrested released at the scene. ing, criminal threats, intimi- released at the scene. property. on a misdemeanor of bench at the intersection of Poso Jan. 21 warrant and an outside felo- Daniel Barajas Jr., 44, of ny warrant. Shafter. was arrested for in- Jorge Cuevas, 21, of </p><p>What does The Shafter Press (#491700) is published each Thursday energy do for us? Wasco Tribune is published each Thursday and is and is available at no charge at locations throughout the available at no charge at locations throughout the Wasco Shafter area and by subscription at $49 per year. Send area and by subscription at $49 per year. Send payment, payment, along with name, address and email address, to Call us Today to Learn more! along with name, address and email address, to P.O. Box 789, P.O. Box 789, Shafter, CA 93263. Shafter, CA 93263. Adjudicated a legal newspaper by Superior Court Adjudicated a legal newspaper by Superior Court Order Order No. 29926. Entered as Periodicals at Shafter Post 661-488-7189 No. 183950. Entered as Standard Mail at Wasco Post Office. Office Aug. 1, 1935, under Act of Congress. Postmaster: Send change of address to Wasco Tribune, Postmaster: Send change of address to The Shafter P.O. Box 789, Shafter, CA 93263. Press, P.O. Box 789, Shafter, CA 93263. Periodical postage paid at Shafter, California, permit PE491700. Publisher: Michael Schroeder (661-292-5100; [email protected]) Publisher: Michael Schroeder (661-292-5100; [email protected]) General Manager: Diane Givens (661-292-5100; [email protected]) General Manager: Diane Givens (661-292-5100; [email protected]) Editor: Toni DeRosa Brannen & Powell (661-292-5005; [email protected]) Editor: Jamie Stewart (661-292-5005; [email protected]) th Office Manager: Erica Soriano Our 46 year serving Shafter - Wasco (661-292-5100; [email protected]) Office Manager: Erica Soriano and the surrounding communities. (661-292-5100; [email protected]) Production Manager: Bobby Sirois • Bookkeeping & Payroll Services Production Manager: Bobby Sirois • Income Tax Returns & Tax Planning Distribution Coordinator: Romero “Mickey” Enriquez (661-292-5100; [email protected]) Distribution Coordinator: Romero “Mickey” Enriquez • Business Counseling & Business Planning (661-292-5100; [email protected]) Contact the Wasco Tribune at P.O. Box 789, Shafter. CA Our 46th year serving Shafter - Wasco TIM POWELL, EA, CFP 93263. Office hours at 406 Central Ave., Shafter, are from 8:00 Contact The Shafter Press at P.O. Box 789, Shafter. and the surrounding communities. [email protected] a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. E-mail [email protected] CA 93263. Office hours at 406 Central Ave., Shafter, are from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. E-mail info@ (661) 746-3305 • (661) 327-0100 • (fax) 746-3143 or call 661-292-5100; fax 661-292-5077. Production by Central Connecticut Communications LLC. TheShafterPress.com or call 661-292-5100; fax 661-292-5077. P.O. Box 1598 • 455-B Kern St. • Shafter, CA 93263 Production by Central Connecticut Communications LLC. Thursday, January 28, 2021 THE SHAFTER PRESS | WASCO TRIBUNE Page 3 Wasco High celebrates Reopening Day, sports practice begins</p><p>SARAH VELARDE Wasco Tribune WASCO The high school opened this week for support with their distance learning. some of its students that need additional The school celebrated Reopening Day at Wasco High along with launching the beginning of sports conditioning. “Reopening day was for the 20% of students that opt in for in-person instruction to supplement their distance learning.” Superintendent Rob Cobb said. “Some- Staff welcome some students back with their signature black and orange spirit. times it’s just hard for some students to be motivated in 11:15 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, to offer before they are allowed into the gate to class. They check in from that extra support to ensure our students are train, they will be assigned to cohorts, no home, while still in PJs, getting the help they may need.” mingling will be allowed outside their as- it’s very easy to fall in the Conditioning for fall sports is also un- signed cohort to minimize the possibility of cracks. We’re on a home- derway although it’s going to look a little spread, and students will be donning masks room schedule; 8:30 a.m. - different. The athletes will be monitored and the 6- foot rule will be enforced. City reinstates online utility payment option</p><p>JAMIE STEWART SHAFTER The Shafter Press Residents can now pay their utility bills tion of the Shafter Community Develop- online again after the payment system was ment Agency, as the Successor Agency took restored. over the city’s administrative operations. Customers may pay online or via tele- By state law in 2012, all cities in the phone. The recent bills were sent the week state were required to dissolve their respec- of Jan. 11 through Jan. 15. These bills did tive Development Agencies. The agencies not include payments made on or after Dec. oversaw the distribution of tax proceeds 1, 2020. that would have been paid to the Redevel- Autopay will resume Feb. 2. opment Agencies. In other business, the City Council Currently, there is a single Oversight unanimously approved the administrative Board of Kern County that reviews each budget for fiscal year 2021-22 last Friday cities’ administrative budgets and distribu- Members discuss approving the administrative budget. during a special meeting. It also unani- tion of proceeds from property taxes paid mously approved the proposed payment to it. is the amount approved for Shafter. pez. Council members Gilbert Alvarado schedule for the city. Each city is allowed to claim an admin- Present at the meeting were Mayor and Chad Givens were absent with excused This move is required since the dissolu- istrative budget of at least $250,000, which Cathy Prout, Pete Espinoza and Cesar Lo- absences. City cleaning up residents’ leaves, limbs</p><p>JAMIE STEWART The Shafter Press SHAFTER The city is still offering free brush and 1-foot wide. The city is also asking those limb collection until the end of February. residents who have palm trees to set palm Those residents who live south of Le- trees in a separate pile. rdo Highway can expect the city to pick up Residents cannot mix leaves and limbs, limbs in their neighborhoods from now to and the city is also asking for customers to Jan. 31, and Feb.16 to Feb. 28. Shafter resi- not mix limbs of different types of trees. dents who live north of Lerdo Highway will Additionally, residents cannot block walk- get serviced from Feb. 1 to Feb. 15. ways or gutters. Leave piles of leaves in public streets, not Piles that do not meet these require- in alleys. Residents also need to make piles ments will not be removed and will be the less than 10 feet in length, as well as leaving residents’ responsibility. This free service is at least two feet of space between piles. offered only to the city’s refuse residential Customers who have stumps and limbs customers. For more information, call 661- must make sure that they are smaller than 746-5002. City workers collect limbs and brush from a residence on Atlantic Avenue. Peters Funeral Home in Arvin ‘total loss’ after fire</p><p>TONI DEROSA REGIONAL Wasco Tribune Peters Funeral Home in Arvin was one The funeral home at 600 Tucker St., of several businesses damaged after a num- two abandoned buildings and an antique ber of fires in the area. boutique off Bear Mountain Boulevard sustained damage after four fires ripped through the area. Mayor Olivia Trujillo visited the sites of each of the fires and expressed her concern about the large number of fires in such a short period of time. The Kern County Fire Department re- ported that the two businesses were burned down. “The building will most likely be a to- tal loss,” Peters Funeral Home Owner Rick Woody said. “Most estimates put the dam- age above $250,000, due to the amount of smoke and water damage.” He also stated that Peters will have to re- Additional damage to the funeral home’s interior. build from the studs up. “We will continue to do business in the cal. Peters Funeral Home Office Manager city of Arvin at a location still to be deter- Woody would like to thank the Kern Elena Gomez said most likely sched- The interior of Peters Funeral Home mined as the rebuild is conducted,” Woody County Fire Department for their “amaz- uled Arvin funerals would be moved to shows a significant amount of damage said. ing effort at saving this unique building in Shafter because it is the closest facility caused by the fire. He said the cause of the fire was electri- Arvin.” to Arvin.</p><p>Wolfgang H. Renken OD Inc 1301 Seventh Street, Wasco, CA 93280 (661) 758-6320</p><p>• Eye Examination • Primary Care • Eye Glasses • Contact Lenses</p><p>“Because life is worth seeing” Page 4 THE SHAFTER PRESS | WASCO TRIBUNE Thursday, January 28, 2021 Select cohorts back for some in-person learning</p><p>From Page 1 explain how the districts can proceed with county and the sport is authorized. more than two teams are not currently rising in the state, communities must con- these practices. Athletes can continue to Teams are located in immediately bor- permitted. Exceptions may be made, with tinue to take action to limit the spread. learn skill building and training outdoors dering counties and the sport is authorized authorization from the local health de- The CIF asks everyone to continue wear- with 6-feet of physical distancing as well as in both counties. Out-of-state competition partment, for the following sports where ing a mask, practicing social distancing and establishing team cohorts. is not allowed at this time. The county- individual competitors from multiple limiting the mixing between households. Some activities may be conducted in- based authorizations outlined in the docu- teams are routine: track and field; cross- This is the way to ensure the best chance doors consistent with the Gym & Fitness ment apply to the locations/counties in country; golf; skiing and snowboarding; for CIF competition to commence, as al- Center Guidance Capacity. which the teams, schools, and leagues are tennis; and swimming/diving. Schools lowed by the guidance from the California Competitions, meets, races, or similar functionally based. (Where the players re- must still follow all guidelines from their Department of Public Health. events are authorized only if side and where facilities are located, etc.). local county and the governing board of The CIF has provided several links that Both teams are located in the same Any tournaments or events that involve each district. Fiesta Market is all about the customer</p><p>TONI DEROSA WASCO Wasco Tribune Management at Fiesta Market pride it- ly 50 employees. self with its customer service. Fiesta doesn’t experience too much theft Manager of the store at 915 Poso Drive, because every employee has a keen eye out Abraham Obaid is one of family members for anything out of the ordinary, Obaid said. who work at the Fiesta, Fiesta Latina mar- Cameras are placed strategically through- kets in Wasco and Bakersfield. They are out the store and someone is always watch- part of a family-run supermarket chain. ing the monitor in the office. Obaid’s focus is on making sure his “We may get the person who has spent a customers have a good experience at the lot of money on groceries and feels they are store, he said. Fiesta is just one of the sev- owed that candy bar,” Obaid said. eral stores that will deliver groceries to Fiesta Market wants to be the “one-stop- residents who might not be able to shop in shopping experience” in town, he said. person. “Customers can pay their utility bills, “We get our beef from Harris Ranch and get money orders and homemade goodies our chicken from Tony Sanchez,” Obaid from the bakery as well as premium qual- said. “We also get our fruits and vegetables ity meats,” Obaid said. “Customers are also from the Los Angeles Produce District.” able to order online and receive home deliv- Obaid added that they grind their own ery through Instacart.” cornmeal and make their own cornbread Fiesta Market can be reached at 661- without using flour. 758-2586. “We also make our own tortillas (flour Other stores that deliver food include and corn.)” Fiesta Latina Market on 7th Street. Both From left, employee Mercedes Villalobos, Store Manager Abraham Obaid and Ca- Fiesta Market on Poso has approximate- stores are open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. shier Manager Carmelita Lombarde stand by their fresh produce display. Other businesses showing interest in city</p><p>From Page 1 75% discounts to their permit and building provements to the core downtown city,” he names or details. Meadows also said that the new BEAR fees. said. “But I can tell you that the city of incentive program has been attracting in- “We have had interest on how the pro- Meadows also said that there are a Shafter, even in this uncertain time, is terest in existing businesses and new busi- gram works and we think that this will be couple of other businesses that are nation- attracting folks to the city and letting nesses. This program gives the owners of a valuable asset to the community as these ally known that are in negotiations with the Shafter become their next home,” he businesses in the core downtown area up to businesses start building and doing im- city, but it is still premature to mention any said. Property crimes on the rise in the city</p><p>JAMIE STEWART SHAFTER The Shafter Press There has been a rise in property ing a more sophisticated criminal, with a lot crimes, including theft, in the last year, of them carrying guns.” Shafter Police Chief Kevin Zimmermann Zimmermann also noted the slacking of said. laws that punish criminals not deemed to be He said one factor that has played a dangerous. “more significant role” than the pan- “Now, we can stop someone for hav- demic in drug and property ccrimes has ing meth, or heroin, but we have to just cite been the release of thousands of state them,” he said. “We keep arresting these The Shafter Police Department with members of the scouts. Zimmermann said that inmates ordered by Gov. Gavin Newsom criminals over again until the judge gets he is hoping this pandemic will be taken care of and they can resume their en- in July. tired of seeing them and might send them gagement with the community. “We have found a different type of crim- away for a while.” inal now,” Zimmermann said. “Instead of a Zimmermann said he hopes sometime “Of course [the pandemic] has had an forts to protect the city, and it has resulted low-level criminal who we do not consider soon to be able to host community events effect [on the department], but we believe in more arrests and the safety of our city,” as very dangerous necessarily, we are see- such as Coffee with a Cop. that we have stayed aggressive in our ef- he said. What to do if you have been exposed to covid-19</p><p>TONI DEROSA WASCO chills, cough, shortness of breath or dif- they’re exposed and they’re often the most Wasco Tribune ficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body infectious two days before they develop If you are one of the millions of people vider to get tested, you should do so im- aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, symptoms and up to a day after their symp- that have been exposed to the covid-19 vi- mediately. People should get tested by their sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nau- toms start. rus, or you suspect you have, you should healthcare provider or local or state health sea or vomiting and diarrhea. The Center for Disease Control has not contact your physician and request a test. department. Everyone should be aware that if you get issued any guidelines on testing after the vi- The virus has an incubation of 2 to 14 Many doctors explain that everyone tested immediately after being exposed, your rus exposure. It’s best to do what your doc- days, so you will need to personally quaran- should be aware that the covid-19 tests are test may come back negative. You need to tor requests. tine for at least 14 days to protect those you not exactly accurate. Someone could test have a certain viral load (the amount of virus Doctors at Kaiser Permanente in Ba- live with and work with. It doesn’t matter if a “false” positive or even a “false” nega- present in your body) for the test to detect. kersfield are requesting their covid-19 pa- you feel sick or not during that timeframe. tive. Scientists continue to study the virus If you have a false negative, it can be tients have no temperature for three days in Exposure is when a person has symp- because it’s difficult to predict how it will dangerous because you could be spreading a row, then continue to isolate for 10 days toms or who have been in close contact affect each individual person. the virus without realizing it. You still need and finally confirm with your doctor that within six feet for a total of 15 minutes or After you have been exposed to the vi- to isolate and quarantine for two weeks. you can return to normal activities. more over a 24-hour period with someone rus, it can take a few days to show symp- A study from the American College of If you get a positive result on the test but with a confirmed case of covid-19. toms. Cardiology also found that most people don’t have any symptoms, you need to iso- If you are asked by your healthcare pro- The main symptoms include a fever or develop symptoms about five days after late for two weeks after you were exposed.</p><p>SHAFTER GRAND & WASCO OPENING Quality gas for a very low price!!! FASHION SHOE(661)630-5324 252 CENTRAL AVE, SHAFTER, CA. 93263 Purchase 10 Gallons or more and get a free Fountain Drink!!! 1001 7TH # A WASCO, CA 93263 Breakfast & Grill 3AM-12PM Call in your order Periodical Postage 127 S Shafter Ave, Shafter, CA 93263 Hot Deli All Day PAID at 661-746-6082. Shafter, CA Open Mon-Sat 3AM-2AM • Sunday 5am-1am Ice Cold Beer AND WASCOTRIB.COM Permit 491700 Western Union, Money Orders, Pay Bills Authorized for City of Shafter and PG&E Bills THESHAFTERPRESS.COM UPDATES ONLINE AT UPDATES ONLINE AT THESHAFTERPRESS.COM AND WASCOTRIB.COM FREE! Periodical Postage PAID Shafter, CA FREE! Permit 491700</p><p>Support your local paper. Vol. 43 No. 29 • Wasco, California Thursday, January 14, 2021 Vol. 93 No. 28 • Shafter, California Vol. 93 No. 29 • Shaft er, California Thursday, January 7, 2021 Vol. 43 No. 28 • Wasco, California </p><p>Before the deadline, they received fi ve bids. The lowest qualifi ed10% bid was from of city has coronavirus ment Program Program for the city to con- Council OKs survey of HighwayNexus 3D Consulting,43 LLC. The bid was struct paved roadway shoulders at Santa Fe SHAFTER for $22,130. After reviewing and assessing Way between Los Angeles Avenue and Gal- JAMIE STEWART the proposals, staff determined that Nexus JAMIE STEWART pin Street. This construction funding is in The Shafter Press The Shafter Press sibility of the project to the needs of the 3D Consulting, LLC can completeThe citythe proj-is still being bombarded by new SHAFTER project. the FTIP for the fi scal year 2021-22. coronavirus cases, as there were 127 new Utility bills can still be paid at the window. Highway 43 between Los Angeles and In preparation for this project, the city ect and has experience working for the city. The city is working hard to slow the The city has turned to companies to An appropriate budget tocases cover last their week. pro- This brings the total of con During this time, they will not be impos- Galpin streets may be expanding after the spread of the virus, with the continuation ing late fees to bills that are not paid by the complete the survey in a timely manner so released a request for proposals to seven See COUNCILfirmed cases Page in 3Shafter to 2,450. - City Council approved a survey. qualifi ed fi rms to complete the topographic of the Wear to Care mask campaign, which posted due date. Shoulder work will be done along this they will be able to use the funds available. This figure is very high on a case per has gained a lot more support in recent In 2019, Shafter received $1.5 million survey. population graphic. For example, in the Ba Restaurants in town went back to take- route, increasing the safety of the roadway. weeks. The city is also providing sugges- out and delivery options, with a number of Read it. from the Federal Transportation Improve- kersfield 93308 area code, which includes- tions to prevent the spread of the virus. The work has been discussed for months, Oildale and northern parts of Bakersfield, the businesses offering a full menu. with studies being done to compare the fea- City buildings are still closed to the pub- they have a population of over 50,000 peo Local stores have stayed open with face This virus is no lic, with customers being served at a win- covering and social distancing guidelines ple and have just 600 more confirmed cases- dow at the back, in the alleyway. of the virus than Shafter, with our popula in place, helping to keep the customers and They also are working to repair the dam- staff safe and healthy. tion of just over 20,000 people. This calcu- age done to the IT system that took place For more information on the city’s ser lates to about 10% of our population. - when the system suffered a malware attack Subscribe by calling Erica Soriano at 661-292-5100. In your mailbox every joking matter vices that are offered in this time of the- that caused the systems to be shut down. pandemic, call the city hall building at 661- TONI DEROSA 746-5001. Shafter is using these digital signs for Wasco Tribune its Wear to Care campaign. Covid-19 isn’t something to take lightly. From personalexperi- week, it’s only $49 a year. Or pick up a free copy at drops all over town. WASCO ence, Starting the it can be terrifying when you continue having new and dif- ferent symptoms on a daily basis. comeback year I am one of the lucky ones who did not experi- Toni DeRosa It was a year many of us will remember for all the wrong ence a high fever to give me Editor’s Note reasons. an idea I had it. The fever Never has there been so much change in so little time. is what let me know I still The coronavirus took us all by surprise, never realizing had the virus; however, what I got was a horrible headache how it would affect our lives. How could we have expected before I knew I had been exposed and infected.See THIS Regular Page 3 everyone to wear face masks and asking those close to us to stay away (well, at least six feet). Or the stock market to reach new records every day of the week the last week of a year in which we hit over-the-top levels of unemploy ment and spent trillions - of dollars we didn’t have Mayor receives to keep the economy from sinking? And in the OUR VIEW middle, protests and counterprotests throughout the coun covid vaccine try about the treatment of minorities at the hands of institu Contribute to it. - tions, and even the movement to “defund police.” - And then there was a presidential election like there never was before, with The Bengals became national cheer champions. this environment as The Colours Fun Run is always one of the favorites of the weekend. a backdrop. No tra- ditional conventions, Call Editor Jamie Stewart with news tips at jstewart@TheShafterPress. a campaign (mostly) “Bring hope waged in social media Wasco was full of ups and televised debates, through what Colours Festival followed by a fractious vote that extended over a month and almost you do.” and downs in 2020 took longer to count. Even these papers com or 661-292-5100. Call or e-mail Erica Soriano with calendar items canceled for 2021 had to make moves we never expected, combining the strength of two communities into one. SHAFTER JAMIE STEWART But we came through it all, despite it all. We end the JAMIE STEWART Photo provided by AleWASCO Garcia. TRIBUNE The Shafter Press Starrh, along with several other 2020 will always be referred to WASCO Chuck Soblewski presented two year with hope. We’re starting to get vaccines that may al Mayor Ale Garcia receives his fi rst covid-19 low us to get back to what we remember as normal life. The Shafter Colours Committee community members, wondered a as the Year of the Virus, but the city options to the council to get rid of - vaccination on Wednesday, Jan. 6 through his concerned on the increase of crime. Back to being together, sharing meals and special times has announced that the 2021 festival few years ago what would happen employer at Universalmanaged toUrgent thrive Careduring in theBakers- pan- They cited instances of drug-related graffiti. Option 1 included hiring if they brought together a group of demic. two new personnel, purchasing a with those that we care about. Being able to see our loved has been canceled. fi eld. He is scheduled for his second dose oncrimes, as well as instances of shots ones to share good times and bad. Being able to be there “We are sorry that we have had events, all related to a form of trans- Here is a brief look at the year. being fired. They questioned the new vehicle and graffiti abatement at [email protected] or 661-292-5100. formed art. They welcomed theater, One of the awards in the chili Feb. 3. JANUARY equipment with Measure X funds, when we are needed most. to come to this conclusion, but we council on how often deputies patrol will see you all in 2022,” said Larry an art gallery, movies, sculptures, cook-off went to Zeke Smith. In January, at a City Council the streets and how many deputies which would cost the city $651,000 See THERE Page 8 Starrh, one of the founders of the See COLOURS Page 5 meeting, three people said they were are on shift at one time. over five years or $130,000 per year. festival. Deputy Public Works Director Option 2 called for adding overtime See BOND Page 4 City manager blames crime on state moves, Page 8. their doors to the public, with residents Councilrequired to wear masks in the building,meets as to address rise in crime supermarkets and stores in town have been well as practicing social distancing as rec- Virus surges with overenforcing 230 the state-recommended new policy covid cases SHAFTER ommended by the state. Adoptions are also of all customers and workers wearing face JAMIE STEWART being offered now as well. According to JAMIE STEWART coverings. Wasco Tribune The Shafter Press paign in place for over two months now, Freshstaff on at the the heels Shafter of Animalthe second Control ho- offi ce, Customers at the city buildings can pay WASCO in question and what law enforcement of- The city has seen the number of new with the aim to slow the number of cases micide theyin the have city no in availablea one-week dogs period, at this a timeing for community members Hector Moreno, utility bills and other transactions through a ficials are saying. of Wasco. cases of covid-19 increase last week, de- in the city. As people are wearing masks in roundtableadoption. discussion was held to address Orquida Ocampo, Elizabeth Maartinez walk-up window located in the alley at the “In both shootings, law enforcement of- Martinez said that one main reason that spite campaigns to slow the spread. growing numbers, the virus has still main- the issue. Dial-a-Ride services have not startedand up Tracy Clendanan of the Orange Hearts tained its grip on the city. back of the city building. Hosted by council members Tilo Cortez ficials believe that they are gang related,” is given for the uptick in violent crime in Last week, there were 237 new cases, Residents who need to see the city man- again, following the rest of Kern County,Foundation. said Martinez. “With the way the shooting Restaurants are offering take-out and and Vincentwhich Martinez, has halted the theZoom services meeting until further town is the lenient policies in place when bringing the total number of confi rmed cas- ager, building staff, or Public Works are Martinez, who is a former sheriff’s dep- was done, it appears that it was a gang hit.” delivery options, as well as outside dining. had over 20 people in attendance includ uty with the Kern County Sheriff’s Depart- it comes to arresting individuals and how es to 2,698 since the start of the outbreak. notice. In recent years, the violence has esca- Hair salons and barber shops have stayed seen by appointment only. - ment, gave the group an update on the cases they are sentenced. Martinez gave an ex Of those cases, there have been over 800 Shafter Animal Control have opened lated in the city, which has residents very Advertise in it. open during this last move to the purple tier, ample of one of the suspected shooters. - cases confi rmed as recoveries and over 500 concerned and frightened about the future “The suspected shooter in one of the cases assumed recovered. with safety guidelines in place. All of the Shafter has had a face covering cam- See POLICE Page 3 Hi, neighbor! Trenea Smart </p><p>Reach Wasco people to sell your products or services fast! Contact Trenea Smart Drop by anytime. geico.com/bakersfield 2720 Calloway Dr 661-431-1780 Te ofrecemos más 2720 Calloway Drive, Bakersfield que sólo seguros Bakersfield</p><p> para autos. Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government661-431-1780 Employees Insurance Company, Washington, D.C. 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. © 2019 GEICO Kathy Smithee today to find out what’s best for you. Aplican limites. Visita geico.com para ver más detalles. GEICO y afiliados. Washington, DC 20076 © 2020 GEICO 20_259643 She’s at 661-661-5100 or [email protected] Your hometown newspaper. Thursday, January 28, 2021 THE SHAFTER PRESS | WASCO TRIBUNE Page 5</p><p>Library offering in-person ALL POSITIONS COMPETITIVE PAY NOW 401k WITH A appointments, curbside services HIRING GENEROUS EMPLOYER SARAH VELARDE WASCO book is updated weekly with new Sto- Wasco Tribune rytime readings, virtual craft time, up- CONTRIBUTION The Kern County Wasco branch p.m. and 2 p.m. The half-hour slots in dates and information,” Picman said. library is making the most out of its between are used for sanitizing the li- “As long as you have a library card EXCELLENT BENEFITS limited hours, librarian Ethan Picman brary, Picman said. you can still check out up to 30 items PTO & PAID HOLIDAYS said. The half-hour slots have been at a time.” The library is currently open Mon- working well, Picman said, and most The library is still a free covid-19 day and Tuesdays from noon to 6 p.m. library business such as browsing, testing site as well; Wednesday to Sun- 13606 Gun Club Rd. Wasco, CA 93280 “It’s important we do what we can computer access, printing, copying, day, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., by appointment. to stay open to the public,” Picman faxing, account services or reference You can call 1-888-634-1123 to make said. “Access to the internet or the services can be done in that time. an appointment or visit the LHIcare ability to print or fax can really affect Along with the appointments, the website. Wasco hiroractic someone’s livelihood.” library is offering curbside pickup for Pruebas por COVID-19, Miercoles Appointments are made at the top holds. Benefi ts of Chiropractic Care ost a Domingo,7 a.m. – 7 p.m., mejor con nsurances of each hour, for example noon, 1 “The KCL- Wasco Library Face- una cita, 1-888-634-1123. Reuces muscle spasms Reuces recovery time cceted nances immune system Improves oxygenation Increases nutrient fl ow Reuces stiness an pain PASTOR’S CORNER Promotes relaxation Improves igestive unction Improves atletic perormance ncourages tissue regeneration O hysicas Stop by and see Dr Carol today- Breathe again for truc drivers you’ll be glad you did! 4 th Street Wasco 66-- MARIO GOMEZ me, it looked like a scene from an out- A doctor comes in the room, “Mr. Shafter Christian Fellowship break movie, sick people everywhere. Gomez your vitals look good and you As they rush me to the emergency God was up to something, God was are going home.” All I can do is cry, at room in the ambulance, I wondered about to doing something. that time I didn’t know if I was going R UTO EPAIR how bad my situation was. The fear of I had remembered New Life to die in the hospital or go home. The ’S A & not knowing was killing me. How se- IA SE Church was having a revival and so I doctor hugged me and I hugged her, C R rious was covid affecting me? grabbed my phone and tuned in. The she cried and said “You are my Covid R V A I We get to the emergency room and C worship music was hitting my heart, Survivor.” We hugged again and we G it was a scene of organized confusion. tears ran down my face. I lifted up cried together. E A doctor asking each patient their con- my hands right there, I was desperate I had felt a roller coaster of emo- dition and she starts pointing where to for God to turn my situation around. I tions, I had said my peace to God and take each person. didn’t care who was watching, I was my wife while I was in the hospital. “Take Mr. Gomez to the second- going to worship my God. I balled my God turned it around, my hope is in ary E.R.” What does that mean? I eyes out. I couldn’t get through a song the name of Jesus. God is doing some- thought. As they wheel me into the without crying. I started feeling peace, thing right now, even if we cannot see FULL SERVICE & EXHAUST REPAIR square shaped room I am surrounded peace had come over me. it. He is healing, and saving someone. by other sick patients, lined up like As I sat in my hospital room I can Be encouraged He is moving moun- JAIME GARCIA sardines against the walls and a wom- hear a person pulling off their mask, tains, making a way for someone right 676 EAST an in a chair by the bathroom. I can “I can’t do this anymore.” The sounds now. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the 661-240-5426 LERDO HWY feel despair starting to come over me. that would echo off the hospital floors plans I have for you,” declares the A feeling of deep sadness and loss of would bring fear at times. I was sitting Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to hope for my situation. I thought, is this in a chair during the fourth morning harm you, plans to give you hope and TP M • PEE EIEEI it, am I going to die? Chaos is around of my stay. a future. EE • TILE WO EIE • TMIIO • E TE-P • TTE • LTETO PET OF THE WEEK IOTI • TOM ET TEM P TE • O</p><p>Skip is looking for a family MON TO FRI 7AM to 5PM FIND US ON SAT 7AM TO 4PM Skip came in as a stray. He is approximately a 2-year-old SUN CLOSED GARCIASAUTOREPAIRS male Pit Bull Terrier Mix, and has a medium apricot/beige short coat length. Skip is slightly timid with strangers, and his behavior will be monitored daily. He is great with other dogs, and he has been tested with large and small dogs. At the time it is unknown if Skip is house/crate trained. Dogs are not tested with cats and children. Skip will be available for adoption/rescue on Feb. 1. Ad- Hello, ditional information is not available at this time. If this is your dog, please contact the shelter right away. neighbor! Everyone is welcome to adopt from the facility. Adopt- ers can be from out of town or local. Call on the day of availability to set up an appointment to visit Skip. First call, first serve. Appointments made be- Ramona Herrera, Agent fore his availability or by email are not available. If he is Insurance Lic#: 0D28304 Please stop by and say, “Hi!” reclaimed by his owner before his availability, he will be 551 Central Avenue I’m looking forward to serving Shafter, CA 93263 removed from Petfinder immediately. Bus: 661-746-3961 your needs for insurance and All dogs will be neutered/spayed once adopted. Depend- financial services. ing on the availability of our local vet, it is not a guarantee Here to help life go right.® that the animal will be spayed/neutered the same day CALL ME TODAY. The Wasco Animal Shelter will not accept animal sur- Shelter, email the shelter two references and a copy of your renders until further notice. 501(c)(3) form. Rescue is a nonprofit organization with a tax exempt If you have any questions, call 661-758-7240. The shel- 501(c)(3). If you never pulled from the Wasco Animal ter is located at 5409 7th Street.</p><p>Check us out online SHAFTERPRESS.com </p><p>Something new every day! & WASCOTRIB.com 1801132 State Farm, Bloomington, IL</p><p>DENTAL Insurance Medicare does not cover dental care1. That means if you need dental work done, it can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars out of your own pocket. Get Dental Insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. It helps cover over 350 procedures — from cleanings and fillings to crowns and dentures. 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Certifi cate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN); Rider kinds B438/B439 (GA: B439B). 6255 Page 6 WASCO TRIBUNE Thursday, January 28, 2021 200 new virus cases this past week in the city</p><p>JAMIE STEWART SHAFTER classrooms again for in-person learning, or- wasn’t a unanimous decision. The Shafter Press dering Richland School District employees Churches have gone back to in-person servic- The city had 200 new cases of covid-19 The campaign to get residents to wear back to work. es, with the majority of the churches following in the last week, according to reports. That masks has seen higher participation, en- A petition has been circulated stating social distancing guidelines and wearing a mask. brings total number of cases since the pan- abling residents to go shopping or get gas that a number of teachers do not want to re- Shafter High School is following guide- demic began to 3,085 with about 1,135 pre- with their masks on. turn to school. The Richland School Board lines put forth by the Kern High School sumed as recovered. The school district has begun opening approved in-person learning, although it District, continuing distance learning. City man charged with felony firearm offenses</p><p>TONI DEROSA WASCO lawful discharged of a firearm. They found weapons charges, participation in a crimi- Wasco Tribune Daniel Malanche, 19, of Wasco, was a load- nal street gang, an active felony warrant, A city resident was charged with mul- The Kern County Sheriff’s Office depu- ed firearm. and additional misdemeanor drug charge,” tiple firearm offenses after a shooting days ties responded to the 1700 block of Poplar “Malanche was arrested and booked said Sgt. Peter Martinez. before. Avenue on Jan. 22 at 10:30 a.m. for an un- into the Kern County Jail for various felony </p><p>PUBLIC NOTICES</p><p>PUBLIC NOTICE de usted o de la otra parte. the court clerk. The City of Wasco promotes fair hous- Si no puede asistir a la audiencia the Department of Industrial Relations Fictitious Business The name and address of the court are 10. Attorney for petitioner: Mykhal N. ing and makes all its programs avail- pública, puede enviar comentarios pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 Name Statement (El nombre y dirección de la corte son): Ofili, Esq. able to low- and moderate-income por escrito a la ciudad de Wasco, 746 [with limited exceptions from this re- ``Let’s Go’’ RV Rentals Superior Court of California County of 5455 Wilshire Blvd., 21st Floor families regardless of age, race, color, 8th Street, Wasco, CA 93280, o puede quirement for bid purposes only under 2020-B5693 Kern Los Angeles, CA 90036 religion, sex, national origin, sexual llamar a Keri Cobb (661) 758-7200. Labor Code section 1771.1(a)]. ``Explore’’ Recreation Vehicles 325 Central Valley Hwy 909-212-7679 preference, marital status or handicap. Además, la información está dis- Bids are required for the entire work 2020-B5694 Shafter, CA 93263 Publish Wasco Tribune January 28, /s/Maria O. Martinez, City Clerk ponible para su revisión en la dirección described herein. EZ RV Rentals North Division February 4, 11, 2021 anterior entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 5:00 Bids must be submitted on the Bid 2020-B5695 The name, address, and telephone CIUDAD DE WASCO p.m. de Lunes a Viernes. Proposal form provided by the City of 975 Redwood Ave number of the petitioner’s attorney, PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICIA PÚBLICA La ciudad de Wasco promueve la vivi- WASCO. Each bid must be accompa- Wasco, CA 93280 or the petitioner without an attorney, CITY OF WASCO POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO de que enda justa y pone todos sus programas nied by one of the following forms of County:Kern are: (El nombre, dirección y número de PUBLIC NOTICE el Concejo Municipal de la Ciudad de a disposición de familias de ingresos bidder’s security equal to at least ten Mailing address of business: teléfono del abogado del demandante, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Wasco llevará a cabo una audiencia bajos y moderados sin importar la percent (10%) of the bid amount: (1) 975 Redwood Ave o del demandante si no tiene abogado, Council of the City of Wasco will con- pública el 2 de FEBRERO de 2021 a las edad, raza, color, religión, sexo, na- cash; (2) a cashier’s check made pay- Wasco, CA 93280 son): duct a public hearing on FEBRUARY 2, 6:00 pm, en el Ayuntamiento de Wasco, cionalidad, preferencia sexual, estado able to the City of WASCO; (3) a certi- Rosa Isabel Ocampo Magdalena De Jesus Arevalo 2021 at 6:00pm, at the Wasco City Hall, 746 8th Street, Wasco, CA 93280 (por civil o discapacidad. fied check made payable to the City of 975 Redwood Ave 2518 Krista St. 746 8th Street, Wasco, CA 93280 (via teleconferencia), con el fin de discutir /s/Maria O. Martinez, City Clerk WASCO; or (4) a bidder’s bond signed Wasco, CA 93280 Wasco, CA 93280 teleconference), in order to discuss an una solicitud de financiamiento para el Publish Wasco Tribune January 28, by a surety insurer who is licensed in Ernesto Ocampo 661-438-6041 application for funding under the State próximo año fiscal (1 de Julio al 30 de 2021 California, made payable to the City 975 Redwood Ave Date: (Fecha): 9/11/2020 administered Community Development Junio) Programa de Subvenciones en of WASCO. Each bidder must be a li- Wasco, CA 93280 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) /s/Tamarah Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario PUBLIC NOTICE censed contractor as required by law The business is conducted by: Married Harber-Pickens COVID-19 NOTE: These meetings will (CDBG) administrado por el estado. LEGAL NOTICE at the time the contract is awarded. Couple /s/Erica Bravo, Deputy (Asistente) be held by telephone consistent with NOTA COVID-19: Estas reuniones NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The bidder who is awarded the proj- Date the business commenced: N/A Publish Wasco Tribune January 14, 21, the Governor’s Executive Order N-25- se llevarán a cabo por teléfono de Notice is hereby given that the Plan- ect contract will be allowed pursuant A new Fictitious Business Name State- 28, February 4, 2021 20 and N-29-20 issued on March 18, conformidad con la Orden Ejecutiva ning Commission of the City of Wasco to Public Contract Code Section 22300 ment must be filed before the expira- 2020. The purpose of this is to provide del Gobernador N-25-20 y N-29-20 will hold a public hearing on the project to substitute securities for the payment tion. The filing of this statement does PUBLIC NOTICE a safe environment for staff and the emitida el 18 de Marzo de 2020. El listed below in this notice. The public of funds withheld under the contract. not of itself authorize the use in this Fictitious Business public to conduct City business, while propósito de esto es proporcionar un hearing will be held on February 8, In addition, the successful bidder must state of a Fictitious Business Name in Name Statement allowing for public participation. These ambiente seguro para el personal y el 2021 at 6:00 P.M. or as soon as pos- furnish: (1) a faithful performance violation of the rights of another under Rainbow Clothing Department meetings will be held by teleconfer- public para realizar negocios de la Ciu- sible thereafter. Due to current CO- bond in the amount of one hundred federal, state or common law (see 2020-B5662 ence only unless the emergency has dad, permitiendo al mismo tiempo la VID-19 restrictions, this meeting will percent (100%) of the contract price; Section 14411 et seq., business and 625 F Street been lifted before the meeting date. participación pública. Estas reuniones be conducted utilizing teleconferenc- and (2) a payment bond (also referred professions code.) Wasco, CA 93280 Members of the public are encouraged se llevarán a cabo por teleconferencia ing and electronic means consistent to as a labor and material bond) in /s/Rosa Isabel Ocampo County:Kern to participate by phone or email at únicamente, a menos que la emergen- with Executive Order N-29-20, issued the amount of one hundred percent Date Statement Filed: 12/22/2020 Mailing address of business: [email protected] or by sub- cia se haya levantado antes de la fecha by Governor Gavin Newsom on March (100%) of the contract price. All bonds Date Statement Expires: 12/22/2025 625 F Street mitting written comments at City Hall de la reunión. Se anima a los miembros 17, 2020. For more information, or to must be in a form approved by the City Mary B. Bedard, CPA, Wasco, CA 93280 prior to the hearing. At least 72 hours del público a participar por teléfono o confirm the format this meeting will be of WASCO and must conform to Cali- Auditor-Controller-County Clerk Maria Luisa Mendoza before the meeting the Agenda will be correo electrónico a cityclerk@cityof- conducted in, please contact the City fornia law (see Code of Civil Procedure By: /s/M Hernandez 516 E Street posted at the City Website at www. wasco.org o enviando comentarios of Wasco City Clerk at 661-758-7215 section 995.010 et seq.). All docu- Publish Wasco Tribune January 14, 21, Wasco, CA 93280 cityofwasco.org and posted at the fol- por escrito al Ayuntamiento antes de or [email protected] ments submitted in compliance with 28, February 4, 2021 The business is conducted by: Indi- lowing locations 746 8th Street, 748 F la audiencia. Al menos 72 horas antes Parcel Map 12398 the requirements of this bid package vidual Street and 764 E street. Please check de la reunión, se publicará la agenda Project: A subdivision of one 36.57- and the contract must be scannable PUBLIC NOTICE Date the business commenced: 06- the Agenda for additional ways to par- en el sitio web de la Ciudad de Wasco acre parcel into 4 parcels (1.31 acres, and photocopiable. The City hereby in- SUMMONS (Family Law) 11-2006 ticipate in this matter. en https://www.cityofwasco.org y en 1.31 acres, 1.43 acres, 1.31 acres vokes its protest right under California Notice to Respondent (Name): A new Fictitious Business Name State- The City Council will consider potential las officinas indicadas 746 8th Street, and a designated remainder of 30.88 Code of Civil Procedure 995.660 for Paulino Arellano Aguilar ment must be filed before the expira- CDBG-CV programs and provide direc- 748 F Street y 764 E street . Consulte la acres) on existing Rural Residential any proposed surety bond submitted in Aviso al Demandado (Nombre): tion. The filing of this statement does tion for staff to prepare an application agenda para conocer formas adiciona- zoned land in the City of Wasco. satisfaction of the requirements of this You have been sued. Read the informa- not of itself authorize the use in this in response to the release of the No- les de participar en este asunto. Location: The project site consists agreement if the submitted bond is not tion below and on the next page. state of a Fictitious Business Name in tice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for El Ayuntamiento considerará posibles of 36.57 acres north of Gromer Av- issued by an admitted surety rated A-, Lo han demandado. Lea la información violation of the rights of another under CDBG-CV funds for COVID-19 related programas CDBG-CV y proporcionará enue between Annin Street and Griffith VII or better by Best’s Rating Service. a continuación y en la página siguiente. federal, state or common law (see activities that benefit low-and moder- instrucciones al personal para preparar Street. Bids shall be sealed in an envelope Petitioner’s name is: Magdalena De Section 14411 et seq., business and ate-income residents. una solicitud en respuesta a la publi- APN: 487-010-20 marked City of WASCO – 2021 SB1 Jesus Arevalo professions code.) On March 27, 2020, Congress passed cación del Aviso de disponibilidad de CEQA: Categorically Exempt pursuant STREETS OVERLAY - VARIOUS LOCA- Nombre del demandante: /s/Maria Luisa Mendoza the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Eco- fondos (NOFA) para fondos CDBG-CV to 15315 Minor Land Divisions TIONS - addressed to the City of WAS- Case Number (Número de Caso): SFL- Date Statement Filed: 12/22/2020 nomic Security (CARES) Act in re- para actividades relacionadas con CO- Applicant: Frank Sanchez CO Public Works Department attention 20-000099 Date Statement Expires: 12/22/2025 sponse to the impacts of the COVID-19 VID-19 que benefician a bajas y mod- The project and supporting documents City Clerk, and be delivered thereto on You have 30 calendar days after this Mary B. Bedard, CPA, pandemic. The State Department of eradas -residentes de ingresos. may be reviewed during normal busi- or before the day and hour set for the Summons and Petition are served on Auditor-Controller-County Clerk Housing and Community Development El 27 de Marzo de 2020, el Congreso ness hours at the Planning Department opening of bids in the notice inviting you to file a Response (form FL-120) By: /s/M Hernandez (HCD) is will be publishing a Notice of aprobó la Ley de Ayuda, Alivio y Se- located a 764 “E” Street, Wasco, CA sealed bids, and shall bear the name at the court and have a copy served Publish Wasco Tribune January 21, 28, Funding Availability (NOFA) for Commu- guridad Económica por el Coronavirus 93280. Any person wishing to testify of the bidder. It is the SOLE responsi- on the petitioner. A letter, phone call, or February 4, 11, 2021 nity Development Block Grant Corona- (CARES) en respuesta a los impactos on the above project may appear be- bility of the bidder to see that his bid is court appearance will not protect you. virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security de la pandemia COVID-19. El Depar- fore the Planning Commission at their delivered and received in proper time. Tiene 30 días de calendario después PUBLIC NOTICE (CDBG-CV2 and CV3) funds. Eligible cit- tamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Co- hearing of February 8, 2021 or may Any bid received after that scheduled de haber recibido la entrega legal de Notice of Petition to Administer ies and counties may submit applica- munitario del Estado (HCD) publicará submit written comments on or before closing time for receipt of bids shall be esta Citación y Petición para presen- Estate of: tions for CDBG-CV funds under the up- un Aviso de Disponibilidad de Finan- February 8, 2021. returned to the bidder unopened. tar una Respuesta (formulario FL-120) Kinuyo Honda Watt coming NOFA. It is estimated that The ciamiento (NOFA) para los fondos de If you challenge this proposal, or any The contractor shall possess a Class ante la corte y efectuar la entrega legal Case Number: BPB-21-002021 City of Wasco will be eligible to receive Ayuda, Alivio y Seguridad Económica aspect of it in court, you may be lim- A license at the time this contract is de una copia al demándante. Una carta 1. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, funds based on a formula allocation del Coronavirus de Subvenciones en ited to raising only those issues you awarded. This contract is subject to o llamada telefónica o una audiencia contingent creditors, and persons who provided by HCD. The State will receive Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario or someone else raised at the public state contract nondiscrimination and de la corte no basta para protegerlo. may otherwise be interested in the will $113,263,490 in CDBG-CV2 funds and (CDBG-CV2 y CV3). Las ciudades y hearing described in this notice, or in compliance requirements pursuant to If you do not file your Response on or estate, or both, of: Kinuyo Honda $ 18,031,478 in CDBG-CV3 funds. condados elegibles pueden enviar so- written correspondence delivered to Government Code, Section 12990. time, the court may make orders af- Watt Eligible activities paid for with State licitudes para fondos CDBG-CV bajo el the City of Wasco Planning Depart- Inquiries or questions based on alleged fecting your marriage or domestic 2. A Petition for Probate has been filed CDBG funds must meet one of the three próximo NOFA. Se estima que la Ciudad ment, 764 “E” Street, Wasco, CA patent ambiguity of the plans, specifi- partnership your property, and custody by: Ayami Mitsui in the Superior Court National Objectives listed in CDBG Fed- de Livingston será elegible para recibir 93280, at, or prior to the public hear- cations or estimate must be commu- of your children. You may be ordered of California, County of: Kern eral Statutes as follows: benefit to low- fondos según una fórmula de asig- ing. nicated as a bidder inquiry prior to bid to pay support and attorney fees and 3. The Petition for Probate requests income households or persons (also nación proporcionada por HCD. El Es- If you need special assistance to par- opening. Any such inquiries or ques- costs. that: Ayami Mitsui be appointed as called Low/Mod Benefit), slum and tado recibirá $ 113,263,490 en fondos ticipate in the meetings described in tions, submitted after bid opening, will Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, personal representative to administer blight (addressing physical problems in CDBG-CV2 y $ 18,031,478 en fondos this notice, please contact the City not be treated as a bid protest. Tech- la corte puede dar órdenas que afecten the estate of the decedent. specific neighborhoods) or meeting ur- CDBG-CV3. Clerk’s Office at (661) 758-7215 to nical questions should be directed to su matrimonio o pareja de hecho, sus 5. The petition requests authority to gent community development need (a Las actividades elegibles pagadas make reasonable arrangements to BHT Engineering, Inc., (Contact: Juan bienes y la custodia de sus hijos. La administer the estate under the Inde- need resulting from a state or federal con fondos estatales de CDBG deben ensure accessibility to these meet- M. Pantoja, (661) 558-4641 or juan@ corte también le puede ordenar que pendent Administration of Estates Act. declared disaster or posing unforeseen cumplir con uno de los tres objetivos ings. Telephone (661) 758-7215 or via bhtengineering.com. pague manutención, y honorarios y (This authority will allow the personal risks to health and safety). In addition, nacionales enumerados en los estatu- California Relay Service (Hearing Im- All contract documents, plans, and costos legales. representative to take many actions eligible activities must be used directly tos federales de CDBG de la siguiente paired Only). Requests for assistance specifications must be obtained from For legal advice, contact a lawyer im- without obtaining court approval. to prevent, prepare for or respond to manera: beneficio para hogares o should be made at least two (2) days in the City Clerk (661) 758-7214. A PDF mediately. Get help finding a lawyer Before taking certain very important COVID-19 and meet CDBG require- personas de bajos ingresos (también advance whenever possible. copy of the plans and specifications at the California Courts Online Self- actions, however, the personal repre- ments as provided and directed by HCD llamado beneficio bajo / moderado), If you have any questions, you may can be requested from the City Clerk Help Center (www.courts.ca.gov/self- sentative will be required to give no- in the published NOFA and outlined in barrios marginales y deterioro (abor- contact the Community Development free of charge by emailing mamarti- help), at the California Legal Services tice to interested persons unless they their plan as follows: dar problemas físicos en vecindarios) Department at (661) 758-7200. [email protected]. Cityclerk@ website (www.lawhelpca.org), or by have waived notice or consented to Public services to respond to COVID-19 o satisfacer una necesidad urgente de /s/Maria O. Martinez, City Clerk cityofwasco.org. Upon written request contacting your local county bar as- the proposed action.) The independent impacts desarrollo comunitario (una necesidad Publish Wasco Tribune January 28, for the electronic bid documents, the sociation. administration authority will be granted Public facility improvements to in- resultante de un desastre declarado 2021 contractor will be added to the Regis- Para asesoramiento legal, póngase en unless an interested person files an ob- crease capacity for healthcare facilities estatal o federal o que presente riesgos tered Plan Holders List. contacto de inmediato con un abo- jection to the petition and shows good and improve public facility safety imprevistos para la salud y la seguri- PUBLIC NOTICE The City of WASCO affirms that in any gado. Puede obtener información para cause why the court should not grant Housing facilities for persons experi- dad). Además, las actividades elegibles NOTICE TO BIDDERS contract entered into pursuant to this encontrar un abogado en el Centro the authority. encing homelessness, including acqui- deben usarse directamente para pre- CITY OF WASCO DEPARTMENT advertisement, disadvantaged busi- de Ayuda de las Cortes de California 6. A hearing on the petition will be held sition and rehabilitation venir, prepararse o responder a CO- OF PUBLIC WORKS ness enterprises will be afforded full (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en el sitio web in this court as follows: Economic development to support VID-19 y cumplir con los requisitos de Sealed proposals for the work shown opportunity to submit bids in response de los Servicios Legales de California a. Date: 02/25/2021 Time: 10:30 A.M. needs of local businesses to retain CDBG según lo dispuesto y dirigido por on the PLANS entitled: City of Wasco to this invitation. (www.lawhelpca.org) o poniéndose en Dept.: P and bring back jobs impacted by CO- HCD en el NOFA publicado y descrito Department of Public Works Project Pursuant to Section 1773 of the La- contacto con el colegio de abogados b. Address of court: Superior Court of VID-19 en su plan de la siguiente manera: Plans For: 2021 SB1 STREETS OVER- bor Code, the general prevailing wage de su condado. California, County of Kern, 1215 Trux- The City of Wasco anticipates submit- • Servicios públicos para responder a LAY VARIOUS LOCATIONS; will be re- rates in the county, or counties, in NOTICE – RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE tun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Me- ting an application under the NOFA los impactos del COVID-19 ceived at City of WASCO City Hall at- which the work is to be done have ON PAGE 2: tron Justice Building published December 18, 2020. The • Mejoras en las instalaciones públi- tention City Clerk, 746 8th St., WASCO, been determined by the Director of These restraining orders are effec- 7. If you object to the granting of the City of Wasco does not expect to ex- cas para aumentar la capacidad de las CA 93280, until 2:00 PM on February the California Department of Industrial tive against both spouses or domestic petition you should appear at the hear- pend CDBG Program Income dollars in instalaciones sanitarias y mejorar la 25, 2021, and read aloud. Relations and available from the Cali- partners until the petition is dismissed, ing and state your objections or file the contract term. seguridad de las instalaciones públi- Bid forms for this work are entitled: fornia Department of Industrial Rela- a judgement is entered, or the court written objections with the court before The purpose of this public hearing is to cas. City of Wasco Notice to Bidders & Spe- tions’ Internet web site at http://www. makes further orders. They are en- the hearing. Your appearance may be in give the public an opportunity to make • Instalaciones de vivienda para per- cial Provisions For: 2021 SB1 STREETS dir.ca.gov/DLSR/PWD. Future effective forceable anywhere in California by person or by your attorney. their comments known regarding what sonas sin hogar, incluida la adquisición OVERLAY VARIOUS LOCATIONS general prevailing wage rates which any law enforcement officer who has 8. If you are a creditor or a contingent types of eligible activities the City of y rehabilitación General work description: have been predetermined and are on received or seen a copy of them. creditor of the decedent, you must file Wasco should apply for under the State • Desarrollo económico para apoyar The work to be done consists in gen- file with the California Department of AVISO – LAS ÓRDENAS DE RESTRIC- your claim with the court and mail a administered CDBG program. las necesidades de las empresas lo- eral of, but is not limited to cold plane, Industrial Relations are referenced but CIÓN SE ENCUENTRAN EN LA PÁGINA copy to the personal representative If you require special accommoda- cales de retener y recuperar los traba- proof roll subgrade, pulverize, grade, not printed in the general prevailing 2: appointed by the court within the later tions to participate in the public hear- jos afectados por COVID-19 compact, and overlay of existing wage rates. Las órdenes de restricción están en vi- of either (1) four months from the date ing, please contact Maria O. Martinez, La Ciudad de Wasco anticipa presentar roadway surface at various locations; The U.S. Department of Transporta- gencia en cuanto a ambos cónyuges o of first issuance of letters to a general City of Wasco, 746 8th Street, Wasco, una solicitud bajo la NOFA publicada el Install underground electrical conduits tion (DOT) provides a toll-free “hotline” miembros de la pareja de hecho hasta personal representative, as defined in CA 93280, or you may telephone (661) 18 de Diciembre de 2020. La Ciudad and boxes; Install traffic stripes, pave- service to report bid rigging activities. que se despida la petición, se emita un section 58(b) of the California Probate 758-7215. de Wasco no espera gastar dólares de ment markings, and signage. Other Bid rigging activities can be reported fallo o la corte dé otras órdenas. Cu- Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of If you are unable to attend the public ingresos del programa CDBG durante items of or details, not mentioned Mondays through Fridays, between alquier agencia del orden público que mailing or personal delivery to you of a hearing, you may direct written com- el plazo del contrato. above, that are required by the typi- 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Eastern haya recibido o visto una copia de es- notice under section 9052 of the Cali- ments to the City of Wasco, 746 8th El propósito de esta audiencia pública cal sections, Standard Specifications Time, Telephone No. 1-800-424-9071. tas órdenes puede hacerlas acatar en fornia Probate Code. Street, Wasco, CA 93280, or you may es darle al público la oportunidad de or the special provisions shall be Anyone with knowledge of possible cualquier lugar de California. Other California statutes and legal telephone Keri Cobb (661) 758-7250. dar a conocer sus comentarios con performed, placed, constructed, or in- bid rigging, bidder collusion, or other FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the fil- authority may affect your rights as a In addition, information is available for respecto a qué tipos de actividades stalled. Perform Roadway Finishing as fraudulent activities should use the ing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver creditor. You may want to consult with review by appointment at the above elegibles debe solicitar la Ciudad de specified in Section 22 of the Standard “hotline” to report these activities. The form. The court may order you to pay an attorney knowledgeable in Califor- address between the hours of 7:30 Wasco bajo el programa CDBG CV ad- Specifications. “hotline” is part of the DOT’s continu- back all or part of the fees and costs nia law. a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday ministrado por el estado. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for ing effort to identify and investigate that the court waived for you or the 9. You may examine the file kept by the and 8:00am – 5:00pm every other Fri- Si necesita adaptaciones especiales February 09, 2021 at 10:00 AM, at highway construction contract fraud other party. court. If you are a person interested in day. The State Action Plan Substantial para participar en la audiencia pública, WASCO, Public Works Dept. Yard, lo- and abuse and is operated under the EXENCIÓN DE CUOTAS: Si no puede the estate, you may file with the court Amendment for the CARES Act funding comuníquese con Maria Martinez, a la cated at 801 8th Street, WASCO, CA direction of the DOT Inspector General. pagar la cuota de presentación, pida a Request for Special Notice (form DE- may be accessed at: https://www.hcd. ciudad de Wasco, 746 8th Street, Was- 93280. Bidder’s attendance at this All information will be treated confi- al secretario un formulario de exención 154) of the filing of an inventory and ca.gov/policy-research/plans-reports/ co, CA 93280, o puede llamar al (661) meeting will not be mandatory. dentially, and caller anonymity will be de cuotas. La corte puede ordenar que appraisal of estate assets or of any index.shtml#aap. State CDBG NOFA’s 758-7214. Además, el plan propuesto No contractor or subcontractor may respected. /s/ Maria O. Martinez, City usted pague, ya sea en parte o por petition or account as provided in Pro- can be accessed at: https://www.hcd. está disponible para su revisión en el be listed on a bid proposal for a public Clerk completo, las cuotas y costos de la bate Code section 1250. A Request for ca.gov/grants-funding/activefunding/ sitio web de la ciudad de Wasco en works project (submitted on or after Publish Wasco Tribune January 28, corte previamente exentos a petición Special Notice form is available from cdbg.shtml. https://www.cityofwasco.org. March 1, 2015) unless registered with 2021 Thursday, January 28, 2021 THE SHAFTER PRESS Page 7 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE ment must be filed before the expiration. Date the business commenced: N/A 12/18/2020 vided to the City Council and applicable observe the meeting will be available. Statement of Abandonment Of The filing of this statement does not of A new Fictitious Business Name State- A new Fictitious Business Name State- Staff, for review and consideration by You are strongly encouraged to observe Use Of Fictitious Business Name itself authorize the use in this state of a ment must be filed before the expiration. ment must be filed before the expiration. the City Council prior to taking action the Planning Commission meetings Henry Vander Poel and Son Dairy Fictitious Business Name in violation of The filing of this statement does not of The filing of this statement does not of on any matters listed on the agenda and live via YouTube https://www.youtube. 11495 Jumper Ave the rights of another under federal, state itself authorize the use in this state of a itself authorize the use in this state of a are incorporated into the official record com/user/CityofShafter/. If you wish to Wasco, CA 93280 or common law (see Section 14411 et Fictitious Business Name in violation of Fictitious Business Name in violation of of the City Council meeting. make a comment on a specific agenda County: Kern seq., business and professions code.) the rights of another under federal, state the rights of another under federal, state Yazmina Pallares, City Clerk item or public comment, please submit Mailing address: /s/Brian B. Hicks, President or common law (see Section 14411 et or common law (see Section 14411 et Dated: January 22, 2020 your comment via email by 5:00 P.M. PO Box 8012 Date Statement Filed: 12/15/2020 seq., business and professions code.) seq., business and professions code.) Publish Shafter Press January 28, 2021 on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 to the Wasco, CA 93280 Date Statement Expires: 12/15/2025 /s/Michael C. Young, President /s/Mohammed Ali Mohsen City Clerk at [email protected]. If Agnes Vander Poel, Trustee of the sur- Mary B. Bedard, CPA, Date Statement Filed: 1/5/2021 Date Statement Filed: 01/11/2021 PUBLIC NOTICE you wish to submit written comments, vivor’s trust created under the Henry Auditor-Controller-County Clerk Date Statement Expires: 1/5/2026 Date Statement Expires: 01/11/2026 SHAFTER PLANNING COMMISSON mail to City Clerk, 336 Pacific Avenue, Vander Poel Family Trust By: /s/M Hernandez Mary B. Bedard, CPA, Mary B. Bedard, CPA, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Shafter, CA 93263. If you wish to make 2200 Norwich Way Publish Shafter Press January 14, 21, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk Auditor-Controller-County Clerk NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Feb- a comment during the live meeting, call- Bakersfield, CA 93311 28, February 4, 2021 By: /s/N Franco By: /s/M Hernandez ruary 9, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., the Shafter ers must first register with the City Clerk Robert J Vander Poel, Trustee of the Publish Shafter Press January 14, 21, Publish Shafter Press January 28, Feb- Planning Commission will conduct a at 661-746-5012 before the meeting Robert and Elizabeth Vander Poel Fam- PUBLIC NOTICE 28, February 4, 2021 ruary 4, 11, 18, 2021 public hearing to consider the following: begins to receive instructions and the ily Trust Fictitious Business Conditional Use Permit No. 21-114: A call-in number and code. Please call 16855 Griffith Ave Name Statement PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE request by Day Smith, SOS Recycle, by 5:00 pm on the Monday prior to the Wasco, CA 93280 The Reformed Society Fictitious Business Notice of Public Hearing to establish a Large Recycling Collec- Planning Commission meeting to allow Elizabeth Vander Poel, Trustee of the 2020-B5505 Name Statement Shafter City Council tion Facility at 5600 Doolittle Avenue, ample time for sign up. You will need to Robert and Elizabeth Vander Poel Fam- Redeemer Design Co. M Ledezma Farm & Dairy Mobil NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March in the eastern area of Shafter-Minter provide your name, phone number and ily Trust 2020-B5506 Services 2, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., the Shafter City Field Airport, approximately a quarter the item number you wish to address. 16855 Griffith Ave 517 Brightwood St. 2021-B0073 Council will conduct a public hearing mile north of East Lerdo Highway and All public comments are provided to the Wasco, CA 93280 Bakersfield, CA 93314 401 Cotton Ave. to consider the Unmet Transit Needs a quarter mile west of State Route 99, Planning Commission and applicable I declare that all information in this County:Kern Buttonwillow, CA 93206 for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. Said hear- in the City of Shafter. The project is a Staff, for review and consideration by Statement is true and correct. (A regis- Mailing address of business: County:Kern ing is open to the public and all persons recycling process center to recycle CRV the Commission prior to taking action trant who declares as true information, 517 Brightwood St. Mailing address of business: interested are invited to attend and be (California Redemption Value) materials on any matters listed on the agenda and which he or she knows to be false, is Bakersfield, CA 93314 401 Cotton Ave. heard. Any person wishing to be heard, and bale and ship materials collected are incorporated into the official record guilty of a crime.) Rodrigo Navarrete Buttonwillow, CA 93206 or wishing to present evidence either for from other SOS Recycling centers. The of the Planning Commission meeting. Business was conducted by: General 517 Brightwood St. Jose Manuel Ledezma Rodriguez or against the approval of said project following materials will be collected and Dated: January 22, 2021 Partnership Bakersfield, CA 93314 401 Cotton Ave. is hereby notified and directed to either processed: plastic, aluminum, glass, Yazmina Pallares /s/Robert J Vander Poel, Partner The business is conducted by: Individual Buttonwillow, CA 93206 appear at the time and place aforesaid cardboard, and mattresses. All recycling City Clerk Original FBN Statement File Number: Date the business commenced: The business is conducted by: Individual or send written comments to the City activities will occur within the existing Publish Shafter Press January 28, 2021 2019-B0536 11/01/2020 Date the business commenced: N/A Clerk, City of Shafter, 336 Pacific Av- on-site warehouse structure. All collect- Original FBN Statement Filed on: A new Fictitious Business Name State- A new Fictitious Business Name State- enue, Shafter, CA 93263. Should anyone ed materials will be stored within the ex- PUBLIC NOTICE 01/23/2019 ment must be filed before the expiration. ment must be filed before the expiration. challenge any proposed action which is isting on-site warehouse structure. The Fictitious Business This statement of Abandonment filed on: The filing of this statement does not of The filing of this statement does not of the subject of a Public Hearing listed on project is exempt from the provisions of Name Statement 12/17/2020 itself authorize the use in this state of a itself authorize the use in this state of a this Notice, that person may be limited the California Environmental Quality Act JJ Genel Trucking I hereby certify that this is a correct copy Fictitious Business Name in violation of Fictitious Business Name in violation of to raising those issues addressed at the (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 of the 2021-B0226 of the original statement on file in my the rights of another under federal, state the rights of another under federal, state Public Hearing, or in written correspon- CEQA Guidelines. A Notice of Exemption 5630 Olympic Ct office. or common law (see Section 14411 et or common law (see Section 14411 et dence delivered to the City Clerk at or has been prepared for the proposal. Wasco, CA 93280 Mary B. Bedard, CPA seq., business and professions code.) seq., business and professions code.) prior to the Public Hearing. Said hearing is open to the public and County:Kern Auditor-Controller-County Clerk /s/Rodrigo Navarrete /s/Jose Manuel Ledezma Rodriguez Consistent with Executive Order N-29- all persons interested are invited to at- Mailing address of business: By: /s/M Hernandez, Deputy Date Statement Filed: 12/15/2020 Date Statement Filed: 01/08/2021 20, in person participation by the public tend and be heard. Copies of the above 5630 Olympic Ct Publish Shafter Press January 7, 14, 21, Date Statement Expires: 12/15/2025 Date Statement Expires: 01/08/2026 will not be permitted and no physical documents are on file in the office of Wasco, CA 93280 28, 2021 Mary B. Bedard, CPA, Mary B. Bedard, CPA, location from which the public may ob- the Planning Department at City Hall, Juan Jose Castrejon Genel Auditor-Controller-County Clerk Auditor-Controller-County Clerk serve the meeting will be available. You 336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, California, 5630 Olympic Ct PUBLIC NOTICE By: /s/N Franco By: /s/M Hernandez are strongly encouraged to observe the and are available for public review. Any Wasco, CA 93280 Fictitious Business Publish Shafter Press January 14, 21, Publish Shafter Press January 21, 28, City Council meetings live via YouTube person wishing to be heard, or wishing State of Incorporation or Organization: Name Statement 28, February 4, 2021 February 4, 11, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/user/Cityof- to present evidence either for or against CA Bakersfield Realty Shafter/. If you wish to make a com- the approval of said project, is hereby The business is conducted by: Individual 2020-B5532 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ment on a specific agenda item or public notified and directed to either appear Date the business commenced: BakersfieldRealty.com Fictitious Business Fictitious Business comment, please submit your comment at the time and place aforesaid or send 01/06/2021 2020-B5533 Name Statement Name Statement via email by 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, written comments to Wayne Clausen, A new Fictitious Business Name State- 10111 Rosedale Hwy., Suite 100 Magnolia Nut Company Delano Discount March 2, 2021 to the City Clerk at City- Planning Director (661-746-5002) at ment must be filed before the expiration. Bakersfield, CA 93312 2021-B0019 2021-B0102 [email protected]. If you wish to sub- City Hall, 336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, The filing of this statement does not of County:Kern 34929 Flyover Ct 1030 Main Street mit written comments, mail to City Clerk, California 93263 or by e-mail at wclau- itself authorize the use in this state of a Mailing address of business: Bakersfield, CA 93308 Delano, CA 93215 336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263. [email protected]. Anyone challenging Fictitious Business Name in violation of 14334 Searspoint County:Kern County:Kern If you wish to make a comment during any proposed development entitlement the rights of another under federal, state Bakersfield, CA 93314 Mailing address of business: Mailing address of business: the live meeting, callers must first regis- listed in this notice in court may be lim- or common law (see Section 14411 et Hicks Holding Corporation 34929 Flyover Ct 1030 Main Street ter with the City Clerk at 661-746-5012 ited to raising those issues addressed seq., business and professions code.) 14334 Searspoint Bakersfield, CA 93308 Delano, CA 93215 before the meeting begins to receive at the public hearing described in this /s/Juan Jose Castrejon Genel Bakersfield, CA 93314 Wegis & Young Property Management, Mohammed Ali Mohsen instructions and the call-in number and notice or in written correspondence de- Date Statement Filed: 01/20/2021 State of Incorporation or Organization: LLC 1924 Brown Way code. Please call by 5:00 pm on the livered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the Date Statement Expires: 01/20/2026 CA 34929 Flyover Ct Dinuba, CA 93618 Monday prior to the City Council meet- public hearing. Mary B. Bedard, CPA, The business is conducted by: Corpora- Bakersfield, CA 93308 State of Incorporation or Organization: ing to allow ample time for sign up. You Consistent with Executive Order N-29- Auditor-Controller-County Clerk tion State of Incoporation or Organzation: CA CA will need to provide your name, phone 20, in person participation by the public By: /s/N Franco Date the business commenced: N/A The business is conducted by: Limited The business is conducted by: Individual number and the item number you wish will not be permitted and no physical Publish Shafter Press January 28, Feb- A new Fictitious Business Name State- Liability Company Date the business commenced: to address. All public comments are pro- location from which the public may ruary 4, 11, 18, 2021</p><p>CALL 661-292-5100 <a href="/tags/Central_California/" rel="tag">Central California</a> Directories Please fax signed proof to: PROOFTO SHEETADVERTISE FAX (559) 432-9821 CLASSIFIEDS Date: 02/27/19 6770 North West Ave. Ad Size: DQCW Suite 101 2 AUTO/MOTORCYCLES cation, Tax Deductible, Free Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or surance. We have the best R500 R11 R113 R114. Con- Ad #: SFW19.04509b.eps 17 REAL ESTATE Fresno, CA 93711 RETIRED COUPLE (559) 432-0681 DONATE YOUR CAR, BOAT Towing, All Paperwork Taken [email protected] rates from top companies! venient. Certified Profession- LONE Client:STARWise Real EstateRETIRED COUPLE $$$$ for OR RV to receive a major tax Care Of. CALL 1-844-491- Call Now! 1-888-989-4807. als. Call 312-291-9169 or Directory: Shafter businessWasco 2019 purpose Real Es- Classification:Has $$$$ Realto lend Estate on deduction. Help homeless 2884 (Cal-SCAN) ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! (Cal-SCAN) visit RefrigerantFinders.com PLUMBING tate loans. Credit unimport- California Real Estate* pets. Local, IRS Recognized. The NEW Inogen One G5. 1-6 (Cal-SCAN) – Certified Plumber – Pleaseant. V.I.P. TrustReturn Deed Com This- Proof Within 3 Days Top Value Guaranteed. Free WANTED! Old Porsche flow settings. Designed for ARE YOU BEHIND $10k OR Centralpany California www.viploan.com Directories will not be held call responsible for proof corrections after 3 days or incorrect information 661-573-1049 approved by the customer. Failure to return AdvertisingV.I.P. Proof withinTRUST 3 days DEED will indicate COMPANY approval of all ad copy. Estimate and Pickup. LA- 356/911/912 for restoration 24 hour oxygen use. Com- MORE ON YOUR TAXES? Stop 9 BUSINESS 1-818-248-0000. Broker- • Repairs • Remodels • Systems PETSALIVE.ORG 1-833-772- by hobbyist 1948-1973 Only. pact and Lightweight. Get a wage & bank levies, liens & OPPORTUNITY principal DRE 01041073. No OVER 40 YEARS OF FAST FUNDING Lic#1046399 2632 (Cal-SCAN) Any condition, top $ paid! Free Info kit today: 1-844- audits, unfiled tax returns, Become a published Author. consumer loans. (Cal-SCAN) Principal (818) 248-0000 Broker</p><p>PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE 359-3976. (Cal-SCAN) payroll issues, & resolve tax We want to Read Your Book! WWW.VIPLOAN.COM *Sufficient equity required-no consumer loans DONATE YOUR CAR OR 1-707-339-5994. Email: debt FAST. Call 1-855-970- Dorrance Publishing –Trusted SAVE BIG on HOME INSUR- VISIT US ONLINE! TRUCK TO HERITAGE FOR porscherestoration@yahoo. ATTENTION: Oxygen Users! 2032 (Cal-SCAN) by Authors Sine 1920 Book ANCE! Compare 20 A-rated CA Department of Real Estate, DRE #01041073 SHAFTERPRESS.COM & Private Party loans generally have higher interest rates, THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- com (CalSCAN) Gain freedom with a Portable manuscript submissions insurances companies. Get WASCOTRIB.COM points & fees than conventional loans Oxygen Concentrator! No 6 MISC WANTED currently being reviewed. a quote within minutes. Av- 5 MISC. FOR SALE more heavy tanks and refills! BE WARY OF out of area com- Comprehensive Services: erage savings of $444/year! 17 REAL ESTATE HOW TO The difference in winning and Guaranteed Lowest Prices! panies. Check with the local Consultation, Production, Call 1-844-410-9609! (M-F losing market share is how Call the Oxygen Concentra- Better Business Bureau be- Promotion and Distribution. 8am-8pm Eastern) (CAL- ORDER YOUR businesses use their adver- tor Store: 1-844-653-7402 fore you send any money for Call for Your Free Author’s SCAN) WISE REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED tising dollars. We deliver the (Cal-SCAN) fees or services. Read and Guide 1-877-538-9554 or largest consortium of trusted understand any contracts visit http://dorranceinfo.com/ Stay in your home longer DomingoResidential Castro (CalBRE#: • Commercial 01456828) IN PERSON news publishers in California ATTENTION DIABETICS! Save before you sign. Shop around Cali (Cal-SCAN) with an American Stan- Wise Real Estate (OfficeFarm Land Lic.: 01456828) and beyond. For more info on money on your diabetic sup- for rates. dard Walk-in Bathtub. 760 E. Lerdo Highway,OFFICE: 661-746-3341 Shafter, CA 93263 Our Offices at multi-market solutions call plies! Convenient home ship- 10 SERVICES Receive up to $1,500 off, Primary:C ELL661-428-9658: 661-428-9658 406 Central Ave., Shafter. Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or ping for monitors, test strips, FREON WANTED: We pay $$$ including a free toilet, and Open 8:00 a.m. to Secondary:Serving Shafter, 661-746-3341 Wasco & Kern County [email protected] Lowest prices on Health In- for cylinders and cans. R12 a lifetime warranty on the Domino [email protected] Mario Nuñez 4:00 p.m. Martinez tub and installation! Call Broker 760 East Lerdo Hwy. • Shafter, CA 93263 Realtor The difference in winning 5 MISC. FOR SALE Home Repair & us at 1-844-252-0740) Lic # 01456828 Lic # 02077489 BY MAIL www.WiseRealEstate.net Cell 661-472-7746 and losing market share is Remodeling (Cal-SCAN) HOUSE FOR SALE Mail your ad, or prepay- how businesses use their ad- Drywall, Electrical, Roofing, 330 E Orange Ave, Shafter ment to our office: vertising dollars. Mark Twain Eliminate gutter cleaning OFFICE FURNITURE Framing & Painting Asking price $179,950 vShafter Press, P.O. Box said, “Many a small thing forever! LeafFilter, the most 789, Shafter, CA 93263, has been made large by the FOR SALE: Miguel 661.340.5888 advanced debris-blocking Beautiful house, Offers 2 big bedrooms, 661-292-5100 right kind of advertising”. So 2 formal upholstered décor gutter protection. Schedule a one bathroom and a finished one car why spend your hard-earned Water Damage to Your Home? FREE LeafFilter estimate to- garage.House has been remodeled with BY FAX dollars on social media chairs $75 each. 2 large Call for a quote for profes- day. 15% off Entire Purchase. new kitchen cabinets, new tile flooring, new Fax your ad to where you already have an framed pictures $25 each. sional cleanup & maintain the 10% Senior & Military Dis- interior & paint, all new doors. A must see! 661-292-5077. audience? For more info call value of your home! Set an counts. Call 1-855-424-7581 Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or Large oak office desk with appt. today! Call 1-855-401- (Cal-SCAN) ONLINE [email protected] 5 drawers & keyboard tray 7069 (Cal-SCAN) www.WiseRealEstate.net Send an email to clas- The difference in winning $100. Large L Shape oak office 7 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY sified@theshafterpress. 17 REAL ESTATE and losing an election is how desk with 5 drawers $100. com or classified@ campaign dollars are spent. wascotrib.com Selling separately or all for Is Phone Number Correct? Yes ___ No ___ Get the best ROI by using our Is Address Correct? Yes ___ No ___ deep relationships in every $500 OBO. HOW TO ADVERTISE RICHLANDApproved EFFECTIVELY AND community in California. Our Call 661-292-5100 or come by on-the-ground knowledge is SCHOOL DISTRICT ___ Ad OK as is ECONOMICALLY 406 Central Ave, Newspaper office indispensable to campaigns Yard Duty Supervisor (2 positions) -Signature Date ___ Ad OK after indicated changes Our sales representatives that want results. For more M-F 9am-1pm are pleased to help you info on multi-market ethnic 3.75 hrs/day, minimum qualifications: High compose the most effec- and non-ethnic solutions call school diploma or equivalent. tive ad at a minimum cost. 7 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY To review the essential job functions and apply, Sherry Knapp Here are two key points to visit the Richland School District website at: Loan Offi cer, DRE#01174802 • NMLS#242213 remember about your ads: We the family www.rsdshafter.org 1. If it’s an item you’re sell- Distribution Operator Deadline: February 1, 2021 (661)758-3003 ing, remember to include of JR Richards Agricultural Irrigation District is seeking Equal Opportunity Employer Cell: (661)303-9556 as much information as would like Fax: (661)758-3670 possible The more potential candidates for three available Distribution buyers know about the item to thank you Operator positions. These positions are full 7 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 1001 7th Street, Suite E • Wasco, CA 93280 you have for sale, the more for all your time positions with excellent health and re- E-mail: [email protected] interest they have in calling kindness shown tirement benefits. you. to us during this Positions require working day and night 2. Our reputation for Clas- shifts, weekends and irregular hours in the sified Advertising results is 17 REAL ESTATE difficult time. field. Experience working in a hand-on envi- excellent. But not every po- Your many cards, tential buyer will read your ronment with tools, equipment and comput- HOME FOR SALE ad on the same day. The calls, flowers, ers is helpful but not necessary. Attitude is Amazing contemporary majority of our private party food and prayers everything and we will train the right can- advertisers take advantage have been to didate. Valid California driver’s license is riverfront home with of our discount rates. This mandatory and a DMV printout is required 4 bdrm / 6.5 bath on simply means that you order important and so with application. WELDERS your ad for two consecutive appreciated. aprox 2.97 acres. issues, but should you get Pre-employment physical and drug screening Full Time O/T Benefits the results you desire before A special thank is required. Starting hourly wage is $14.50. $775,000 the ad has expired, you may you to Melissa Applications are available at 17207 Indus- Apply in Person or online ARE YOU LOOKING TO BUY call and cancel the ad and Martinez who trial Farm Road, Bakersfield, CA. 93308 OR SELL A HOME IN 2020? be refunded for the days the and will be accepted in person, during regu- Frank Russellinc.com Take the first step and call today! ad did not appear. Except for facilitated our lar business hours. A current DMV printout GR – no refunds or changes Edwyna Lawrence, Realtor being able to FRANK RUSSELL INC CalBRE# 01291831 accepted. must be submitted with application and will FaceTime with JR not be accepted without. 341 Pacific Ave, Shafter CA 661-428-8882 THANK YOU FOR in the hospital. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYER [email protected] YOUR BUSINESS.. (661) 746-4939 www.edwynalawrence.com Page 8 THE SHAFTER PRESS | WASCO TRIBUNE Thursday, January 28, 2021 OBITUARIES Juan Diego Cantú Adame con sus nietos y hijos. Teofilo Farias beth Ann Seton Church. He Nov. 30, 1965 – Juan Diego estuvo April 11, 1961 – enjoyed coaching his daugh- Jan. 8, 2021 casado por 31 anos con su Dec. 21, 2020 ters and nieces’ softball Juan Diego Cantú, de esposa Josefa. Tiene cuatro Teofilo Farias Jr., 59, teams and was involved in 55 años de edad, falleció el hijos Juan Angel, Diego passed away on Dec. 21, the local 4H for many years. día 8 de Enero del 2021 en Armando, Miguel, y su hija 2020, at Mercy Southwest He found joy in attending Wasco. El nació en el día Julissa. Tiene cinco nietos Hospital in Bakersfield. family sporting events; and 30 de Noviembre del año Damian, Julian, Daniel, Born on April 11, 1961 in was always on board for a 1965 en General Nuevo Matthew, y Abigail. Galveston, Texas, to Teofilo fishing and camping trip León México. Sus padres Visitacion y Rosario: and Lupe Farias, Teofilo with family and friends. son Aureliano Cantú y su Lunes, 25 de Enero, a las was one of 12 children. Teofilo is survived by madre Ramona Adame. 5-9 p.m. Growing up in Shafter, his wife, Cathy; his daugh- Juan Diego creció en China Rosario a las 7 p.m. Teofilo graduated from ters Constance, Valerie and Nuevo León y se graduó de Basham & Lara Funer- Shafter High School in Destiny; son-in-laws Mi- General Bravo Secundaría. le encanto decir chistes y al Care, 343 State Ave., 1979. After high school he (Cathy) Gutierrez in 1985, chael and Juan; grandson Juan Diego trabajo por hacernos reír. Diego tenia Shafter, 661-746-4200 attended Bakersfield Col- and they were happily mar- Logan; and numerous sib- 35 años haciendo solda- un rancho en donde pasaba Misa: Saint John’s Cath- lege, where he studied auto ried for 35 years. He loved lings, brother in-laws and dura, troquero y mecánico. su tiempo con sus nietos olic Church, Martes, Enero mechanics. He worked for his family and his sports and sister-in-laws, nieces and A Diego le encantaba la dándoles de comer a los 26 a las 10 a.m., Wasco. the City of Shafter and re- was an avid 49ers fan. He nephews. música y bailar con su es- caballos y chivos. Su gran Cementerio: Wasco Cem- tired in 2010. was a man of faith who loved And he will be missed posa Josefa. Diego siempre alegría era siempre estar etery Teofilo married Concha God and attended St. Eliza- by all!</p><p>Dollie Imogene Burrow of her life. Wakefield, Hughie Whit- dren, Adrian Sanders Jr., ing. She hardly ever missed Aug. 20, 1942 – Dollie worked at the mire and Loreese Wiseman, Emilee Sanders, Jeniah the Pledge of Allegiance Jan. 18, 2021 Richland School District and her grandson, Michael Sims, Elizabeth Sanders, daily with Neal McCoy. She Dollie Imogene Burrow, for many years. She vol- Tweedt. Laisha Sims, Dominick watched his online concerts 78, of Shafter, passed away unteered at the schools, Dollie is survived by her Sanders, Mallory Sanders, every weekend. She loved to on Jan. 18, 2021, in Bakers- worked as a classroom aide husband of 57 years, Floyd Jonathan Sims, Kamryn Es- listen to all genres of music, field. and as the district library E. Burrow.; her daughters, tes and Kaiden Estes; her especially gospel and coun- Dollie Imogene (Whit- secretary. Vanessa Sims and husband sister-in-laws, Rose Stock try music. mire) Burrow was born in Dollie was preceded in Edmond Sims, and Kara and Millie Bentley; and Dollie always had a Kenefic, Okla., to William death by her parents, Wil- Tweedt and husband Keith numerous nieces, nephews smile and an ear to listen E. Whitmire Sr. and Min- liam E. Whitmire Sr. and Tweedt. her grandchil- and cousins. when others needed it. She nie M. Ritchie on Aug. 20, Minnie M. (Ritchie) Whit- dren, Cody Tweedt, Leslie Dollie enjoyed traveling always made friends where 1942. She went to school in mire, her siblings William Tweedt, Steven Tweed and the United States with her ever she went. Quanah, Texas. E. Whitmire Jr., Marie Amy Tweedt; and her great- husband. She enjoyed her She will be deeply Dollie married Floyd E. They then moved to Shafter, Sharber, Estlene Norman, grandson, Ethan Tweedt; time with family and friends. missed by who loved and Burrow on Sept. 6, 1963. where she lived for the rest Arlis Whitmire, Geneva her step-great grandchil- She loved sewing and quilt- knew her.</p><p>Antonio G. Reyna state of Texas. lic and attended St. John’s field; and sisters Guadalupe Reyna Valdez and Carmen June 13, 1937 – He worked for Arm- Catholic Church in Wasco. Reyna Lopez of Wasco, and Reyna Sandoval; and broth- Jan. 16, 2021 strong Nurseries in Wasco Antonio is survived Maria and Jesus Sanchez er Eleno Reyna Sr. Antonio G. Reyna, 83, as a farm labor where he by his sons, Tony, Jose of Bakersfield; his grand- A funeral service will be passed away on Jan. 16, worked for 40 years. and Jaime Reyna all of children Joey, Eilina, Alex, held at St. John’s Catholic 2021 in Bakersfield. He Antonio enjoyed most Shafter, and Ruben Reyna Adam, and Reese; and nu- Church 1129 9th Pl, Wasco, was born on June 13, 1937 of all attending gatherings of Bakersfield; his brothers merous nieces, nephews at 10 a.m. on Jan. 29, 2021. in Gregory, Texas to Severo with his family and friends. Carlos and Paula Reyna, and other relatives from Visitation will be held at and Andrea Reyna. He was a life-long Dallas Ramon and Letty Reyna, Arizona and Texas. Basham & Lara Funeral Antonio grew up in Cowboys fan and a favorite Juan and Rosalinda Reyna Antonio was preceded in Home, 343 State, Shafter, Texas and Arizona and later pastime of his was watching all of Wasco; Jose Reyna death by his parents, Severo at 5 p.m. on Jan. 28. Burial made his home in Wasco. the games on Sundays. An- of Shafter, and Manuel and Andrea Reyna, his sis- will follow the funeral at He attended schools in the tonio was a devout Catho- and Pam Reyna of Bakers- ters Eladia Reyna, Petra Wasco Cemetery in Wasco.</p><p>DEATH NOTICES Lucio C. Torres, 55, of Care, Shafter. tonwillow, Basham & Lara Shafter, passed away Jan. Nazario Rios Hernan- Funeral Care, Shafter. 23 in Bakersfield, Bash- dez, 64, of Wasco, passed Frank Montes, 47, of am & Lara Funeral Care, away Jan. 23 in Bakersfield, Wasco, passed away Jan. Shafter. Peters Funeral Home, Was- 24 in Bakersfield, Bash- Sabas Graciliano Car- co. am & Lara Funeral Care, rizalez, 88, of Buttonwil- Pedro Ramirez Ser- Shafter. low, passed away Jan.20 rato, 88, of Bakers- Brandon Fields, 38, Ba- in Buttonwillow, Basham field, passed away Jan.20 kersfield, passed away Jan. & Lara Funeral Care, in Lost Hills, Basham 25, Peters Funeral Homes Shafter. & Lara Funeral Care, Shafter. Dustin Lee Colvard Shafter. Mary Nunlist, 77, Jamison, 30, of Wasco, Maria Torress de Ley- Shafter, passed away Jan. passed away Jan.15 in Was- va, 84, of Buttonwillow, 26, Peters Funeral Home The Shafter Press and Wasco Tribune newspaper co, Basham & Lara Funeral passed away Jan.20 in But- Shafter office is moving to a new location on February 1, 2021 The new office will be at: 455 Kern Street, Ste E, Shafter (Corner of Kern and Central Ave – next door to Shafter State Farm) VISIT US ONLINE! Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-1pm 661-292-5100 SHAFTERPRESS.COM Proud to Serve the Shafter – Wasco Communities & WASCOTRIB.COM With local news and advertising. SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY!</p><p>Quality gas for a very low price!!! Purchase 10 Gallons or more and get a free Fountain Drink!!!</p><p>Breakfast & Grill 3AM-12PM Call in your order Hot Deli All Day 127 S Shafter Ave, Shafter, CA 93263 at 661-746-6082. Ice Cold Beer Open Mon-Sat 3AM-2AM • Sunday 5am-1am Western Union, Money Orders, Pay Bills Authorized for City of Shafter and PG&E Bills UPDATES ONLINE ATTHESHAFTERPRESS.COM AND WASCOTRIB.COM Periodical Postage PAID Inspire FREE! Shafter, CA The Shafter Press and Wasco Permit 491700</p><p>Vol. 93 No. 28 • Shafter, California Thursday, January 7, 2021 Tribune are looking for a 10% of city has coronavirusVol. 43 No. 28 • Wasco, California </p><p>JAMIE STEWART The Shafter Press The city is still being bombarded by new SHAFTER Utility bills can still be paid at the window. The coronavirus cases, as there were 127 new The city is working hard to slow the During this time, they will not be impos- cases last week. This brings the total of con spread of the virus, with the continuation ing late fees to bills that are not paid by the World firmed cases in Shafter to 2,450. - of the Wear to Care mask campaign, which posted due date. This figure is very high on a case per has gained a lot more support in recent Restaurants in town went back to take- population graphic. For example, in the Ba weeks. The city is also providing sugges- out and delivery options, with a number of kersfield 93308 area code, which includes- tions to prevent the spread of the virus. the businesses offering a full menu. Oildale and northern parts of Bakersfield, City buildings are still closed to the pub- Local stores have stayed open with face they have a population of over 50,000 peo lic, with customers being served at a win- covering and social distancing guidelines bright, creative reporter to ple and have just 600 more confirmed cases- dow at the back, in the alleyway. in place, helping to keep the customers and of the virus than Shafter, with our popula They also are working to repair the dam- staff safe and healthy.SHAFTER tionGRAND of just over 20,000 people. This calcu- age done to the IT system that took place For more information& WASCO on the city’s ser lates to about 10% of our population. - when the system suffered a malware attack vices that are offered in this time of the- OPENING that caused the systems to be shut down. pandemic, call the city hall building at 661- FASHION SHOE746-5001. Shafter is using these digital signs for 252 CENTRAL AVE, SHAFTER, CA. 93263 (661)630-5324 its Wear to Care campaign. 1001 7TH # A WASCO, CA 93263 Publish Your Starting the </p><p>Periodical Postage help cover our communities, PAID AND WASCOTRIB.COM Shafter, CA comebackPermit 491700 year UPDATES ONLINE ATTHESHAFTERPRESS.COM It was a year many of us will remember for all the wrong reasons. Never has there been so much change in so little time. FREE! The coronavirus took us all by surprise, never realizing how it would affect our lives. How could we have expected everyone to wear face masks and asking those close to us to stay away (well, at least six feet). Or the stock market to reach new records every day of the week the last week Vol. 43 No. 29 • Wasco, California Thursday, January 14, 2021 of a year in which we hit over-the-top levels of unemploy full time or part time. ment and spent trillions - Vol. 93 No. 29 • Shaft er, California Book of dollars we didn’t have to keep the economy Today from sinking? And in the OUR VIEW middle, protests and counterprotests throughout the coun try about the treatment of minorities at the hands of institu- Council OKs survey of HighwayBefore thetions,43 deadline, and even they the received movement fi tove “defund police.” - ment Program Program for the city to con- bids. The lowestAnd qualifi then there ed bidwas wasa presidential from election like there JAMIE STEWART SHAFTER struct paved roadway shoulders at Santa Fe Nexus 3D neverConsulting, was before, LLC. withThe bid was The Shafter Press Way between Los Angeles Avenue and Gal- sibility of the project to the needs of the for $22,130.this After environment reviewing andas assessing Highway 43 between Los Angeles and pin Street. This construction funding is in the proposals,a backdrop. staff determined No tra that- Nexus The Bengals becameproject. national cheer champions. the FTIP for the fi scal year 2021-22. Galpin streets may be expanding after the The city has turned to companies to 3D Consulting,ditional LLC conventions,can complete the proj- City Council approved a survey. In preparation for this project, the city ect and hasa experiencecampaign working(mostly) for the city. complete the survey in a timely manner so released a request for proposals to seven “Bring hope Shoulder work will be done along this they will be able to use the funds available. An appropriatewaged in budget social to media cover their pro- route, increasing the safety of the roadway. qualifi ed fi rms to complete the topographic and televisedSee COUNCILdebates, Page 3 In 2019, Shafter received $1.5 million survey. through what With The work has been discussedWasco for months, was full of ups followed by a fractious from the Federal Transportation Improve- with studies being done to compare the fea- vote that extended over you do.” Requirements: Curiosity, writing ability and a month and almost took longer to count. and downs in 2020 This virusEven these ispapers no had to make moves we never expected, combining the strength of two communities into one. JAMIE STEWART But we came through it all, despite it all. We end the jokingyear matter with hope. We’re starting to get vaccines that may al WASCO TRIBUNE WASCO Chuck Soblewski presented two low us to get back to what we remember as normal life.- 2020 will always be referred to options to the council to get rid of as the Year of the Virus, but the city concerned on the increase of crime. Back to being together, sharing meals and special times graffiti. Option 1 includedTONI hiring DEROSA good communications skills with all kinds managed to thrive during the pan- They cited instances of drug-related Wasco Tribune with those that we care about. Being able to see our loved two new personnel, purchasing a demic. crimes, as well as instances of shots Covid-19 isn’t somethingones to share good times and bad. Being able to be there new vehicle and graffiti abatement being fired. They questioned the when we are needed most. Here is a brief look at the year. equipment with Measureto take X lightly. funds, From personal council on how often deputies patrol experi- JANUARY which would cost the city $651,000 the streets and how many deputies WASCO ence, See THERE Page 8 In January, at a City Council over five years or $130,000 per year. meeting, three people said they were are on shift at one time. Option 2 called for addingit can overtimebe terrifying when you Deputy Public Works Director continue having new and dif- See BONDferent symptomsPage 4 on a dailyCity manager blames crime basis. on state moves, Page 8. of people. Bilingual with knowledge of the I am one of the lucky ones who did not experi- ence a high fever to give me Council meets to address rise in Editor’s crime Note Toni DeRosa an idea I had it. The fever is what let me know I still JAMIE STEWART had the virus; however, what I got was a horrible headache Wasco Tribune before I knew I had been exposed and infected. Regular Fresh on the heels of the second ho- WASCO in question and what law enforcement of- See THIS Page 3 micide in the city in a one-week period, a ing community members Hector Moreno, ficials are saying. of Wasco. area a plus. Reliable transportation and roundtable discussion was held to address Orquida Ocampo, Elizabeth Maartinez “In both shootings, law enforcement of- Martinez said that one main reason that the issue. and Tracy Clendanan of the Orange Hearts ficials believe that they are gang related,” is given for the uptick in violent crime in Hosted by council members Tilo Cortez Foundation. said Martinez. “With the way the shooting town is the lenient policies in place when and Vincent Martinez, the Zoom meeting Martinez, who is a former sheriff’s dep- was done, it appearsMayor that it was a gang receiveshit.” it comes to arresting individuals and how had over 20 people in attendance includ uty with the Kern County Sheriff’s Depart- In recent years, the violence has esca- they are sentenced. Martinez gave an ex - ment, gave the group an update on the cases lated in the city, which has residents very ample of one of the suspected shooters. - concerned and frightenedcovid about the vaccine future “The suspected shooter in one of the THE MOST RESPECTED good work habits a must. See POLICE Page 3 The Colours Fun RunH is alwaysi, neighbor one of the favorites of the weekend.! Trenea Smart Drop by anytime. 2720 Calloway Dr Colours Festival Bakersfield 661-431-1780 FULL SERVICE canceledSome discounts, coverages, payment plans and featuresfor are not available in all states,2021 in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington, D.C. 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. © 2019 GEICO</p><p>JAMIE STEWART SHAFTER The Shafter Press Starrh, along with several other The Shafter Colours Committee Photo provided by Ale Garcia. community members, wondered a has announced that the 2021 festival few years ago what would happen Mayor Ale Garcia receives his fi rst covid-19 has been canceled. if they brought together a group of vaccination on Wednesday, Jan. 6 through his “We are sorry that we have had events, all related to a form of trans- employer at Universal Urgent Care in Bakers- to come to this conclusion, but we formed art. They welcomed theater, fi eld. He is scheduled for his second dose on will see you all in 2022,” said Larry One of the awards in the chili PUBLISHING FIRM an art gallery, movies, sculptures, Feb. 3. Starrh, one of the founders of the See COLOURS Page 5 cook-off went to Zeke Smith. For more information, contact the festival.</p><p>Virus surges with over 230 new covidtheir doors to the public,cases with residents supermarkets and stores in town have been required to wear masks in the building, as JAMIE STEWART SHAFTER enforcing the state-recommended policy well as practicing social distancing as rec- The Shafter Press of all customers and workers wearing face paign in place for over two months now, ommended by the state. Adoptions are also The city has seen the number of new coverings. being offered now as well. According to Hard cover and digital distribution with the aim to slow the number of cases Customers at the city buildings can pay cases of covid-19 increase last week, de- in the city. As people are wearing masks in staff at the Shafter Animal Control offi ce, spite campaigns to slow the spread. utility bills and other transactions through a they have no available dogs at this time for growing numbers, the virus has still main- walk-up window located in the alley at the Last week, there were 237 new cases, tained its grip on the city. adoption. publisher, Michael Schroeder, at bringing the total number of confi rmed cas- back of the city building. Dial-a-Ride services have not started up Restaurants are offering take-out and es to 2,698 since the start of the outbreak. Residents who need to see the city man- again, following the rest of Kern County, delivery options, as well as outside dining. ager, building staff, or Public Works are Of those cases, there have been over 800 Hair salons and barber shops have stayed which has halted the services until further cases confi rmed as recoveries and over 500 seen by appointment only. notice. open during this last move to the purple tier, Shafter Animal Control have opened cases assumed recovered. with safety guidelines in place. All of the Shafter has had a face covering cam- Custom designs and illustrations</p><p>Trenea Smart [email protected] geico.com/bakersfield Te ofrecemos más 661-431-1780 que sólo seguros 2720 Calloway Drive, Bakersfield para autos. Full Publicity and Promotion Campaign or call 860-839-3389. Aplican limites. Visita geico.com para ver más detalles. GEICO y afiliados. Washington, DC 20076 © 2020 GEICO 20_259643 Your book made available at all major secular and specialty Christian bookstores including: Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and many more. </p><p>Call today for your Free Publishing Kit! Serving our communities every day. 877-229-0533</p>
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