![New Zealand Gazette](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
fhnnb. 42. 1491 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1H22. '.l}ublisg't'.lt bl'! ~utgorit12. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922. 'ot!: - ",·~-....._ . ,' ' REGISTER '~OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS ACT, 1921-22. 1492 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. TNo. 42 lugi,ter of Licenses iBBued under the Land A.gents Act, 1921-22. Depe.rtment of Interna.1 Affe.irs, Wellington, 25th Me.y, 1922. EREWITH is published for general informe.tlon a copy of the Register of Licenses issued under the Land Agents H Act, 1921-22, as on 31st March, 1922. WM. DOWNIE STEWART, Minister of Internal Affairs. REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS ACT, 1921-22. NoTE.-The Register is arranged alphabetice.lly under the names of holders of licenses; but where an individual holds a license on behalf of a firm or registered oompe.ny, the no.me of snob firm or compe.ny, and not the name of the holder of the license, is pie.cad in its e.lphabetical order. In the case of a firm or company the name of which consists of the Christian no.me or no.mes (or initials) and surname or surnames of some person or persons, the index letter is the first letter of the first surname. Further, where e.n individual holder of a license tre.des under a. particular na.me, the trade-no.me appee.rs in its e.lphabetioal order. Name ot Firm (If any) of I which Licensee lo a Date License No. of Name or Lt-. Member, or Registered Registered Ollloe. Court by which LleeD88. Company on whose Behalf ~ranted. License granted I License lo held. -------~-- --- ·--------- 12322 Elmsley, Che.rleR Joseph Abbott and ElmFley 95 Queen Rtreet,, Auckland 18 Jan., 1922 Auckland. 9012 Dick, John Hughes Abraham and Wil­ Rangitikei Street, Pal­ 24 Jan., 1922 Palmerston North. liams (Limited) merston North 13387 Ada.ms, Alfred Monta.gue A. M. Adams and Co. 12 Panama. Street, Wel­ 21 Feb., 1922 Wellington. lington 12350 Adams, George Joseph .. Queen Street, Auckland 18 Jan., 1922 Auckland. 12310 Aickin, Casement C. Aickin and Son.~ 3 Customs Street Ea.st, 18 Jan., 1922 Auckland. Auckland 12172 Aitken, Arobibe.ld Hen- Gore l Feb., 1922 Gore. derson 12658 Alcorn, Robert Putaruru 16 Feb., 1922 Putaruru. 12412 Alexander, Willia.ro Henry Alexander a.nd 58 Queen Street, Auckland 25 Jan., 1922 Auckland. Dowdy 12560 Allohurch, Harold Beswick Street, Timaru •. 9 Feb., 1922 Timaru. 12761 Allen, Joseph James High Street, Hawera 24 Jan., 1922 Ha.were.. 12353 Allison, Samuel Sam Allison and Co. 16 Wyndham Street, Auck­ 18 Ja.n., 1922 Auckland. land 13378 Ambrose, Spencer James 31-33 Johnston Street, 11 Feb., 1922 Wellington. Wellington 13390 Amory, Charles Frederick 50 Willis Street, Welling­ 23 Feb., 1922 Wellington. ton 12889 Anderson, John George 633-5 Colombo Stffi1t, 30 Jan., 1922 Christchurch. Christchurch 12557 Angland, William Stafford Street, Timaru •• 1 Feb., 1922 Tiroaru. 13594 Brittain, Francis Henry Anglo-Orienta.I 82-90 Endean's Buildings, 20 Feb., 1922 Auckla.nd. Trading Company Auckland (Limited) 12371 Angu•, James Maltroe.n Queen Strei-t, Auckland 18 Jim., 1922 Auckland. 12838 Antcliff, Edward Angus Dannevirke 26 Jan., 1922 Dannevirke. 14121 Appleton, John Guy Te Ke.rake. 8 Mar., 1922 Gisbome. 13026 Apps, William Egbert .• Levin 19 Jan., 1922 Levin. 13576 Arthur, Thoma.s Buddle Richard Arthur (Li­ Elliot Street, Auckland .. 8 Feb., 1922 Auokla.nd. mited) 13347 Ashbolt, Fre.nk Lionel 15-16 King's Chambers, 19 Jan., 1922 Wellington. Wellington 13593 Asher, Jo.mes Parker l Victoria Wharf, Devon- 20 Feb., 1922 Auckland. port, Auckland 13171 Ashton, Norman Hickton ·whitaker Street, Te Aroha. 30 Jan., 1922 Te Aroha.. 13376 Aston, John The Aston Agencies Willis Street, Wellington 8 Feb., 1922 Wellington. (Limited) 13830 Austen, Henrietta Emily C. H. Austen and Co. 16 Frederick Street, Dun- 30 Mar., 1922 Dunedin. edin 14341 Austin, Arthur Lionel Invercargill 2 Feb., 1922 lnvercargill. 14291 Badger, Rona.Id Smith .. 187 Manchester Street, 16 Feb., 1922 Christchurch. Christchurch 12410 Bagnall, Brent Llewellyn B. L. Bagnsll a.nd Co. Queen Street, Auckland 25 Ja.n., 1922 Auckland. 9016 Bagnall, Henry Jorden , • Bagnsll and Keeble 19 Rangitikei Street, Pal­ 24 Jan., 1922 PalmerstonNorth. merston North 12947 Ba.igent, Walter Ja.mes •• Willow Street, Taura.nga 12 ,Tan., 1922 Taura.nga. 12893 Ba.iley, George Edward Ba.iley and Smith 14 North Road, Papanui, 30 Jan., 1922 Christchurch. Ch!'istchurch 14257 Bailey, Eric Stanley Ha.tea Street, Wha.llj!,arei 3 Mar., 1922 Whangarei. 13562 Ba.iley, Frank Robert .. 6 Milford Road, Takapuna l Feb._. 1922 Takapuna. 14255 Bain, William Andrew Ba.in and Christian Whangarei 24 Feb., 1922 Wha.ngarei. Mearns 14293 Be.in, William .• 162 Manchester Street, 16 Feb., 1922 Christchureh. Christchurch 14275 Ba.ker, Leyden West Ba.ker Bros. 168 Manchester Street, 6 Feb., 1922 Christchurch. Christchurch 12340 Baker, Charles Coombe Durham Street Ea.st, Auck­ 18 Jan., 1922 Auckland. land 12946 Ba.ker, Edwin Thomas .• Wharf Street, Tauranga 12 Jan., 1922 Tauranga. 13335 Baker, Horace Danvers .. Horace Baker (Li­ 233 Lambton Qua.y, Wel­ 14 Jan., 1922 Wellington. mited) lington 13804 Baker, Lilla Elva 35 -Opper Dowling Street, 19 Jan., 1922 Dunedin. Dunedin 11757 Baker, Shirley Edward Ribble Street, Oamaru .. 25 Jan., 1922 Oa.roaru. Wesley 12137 Balharry, David Queen Street, Ha.stings .. 18 Jan., 1922 Ha.stings. 12724 Bsll, Frederick Robert , . Peel Street, Gisborne 23 Ja.n., 1922 Gisborne. M.n 25,' TRE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTK 1493 RBGJSTBB OIi' LJOIIJIIS'.BS IIISUBD UNDIIIB THE LAND AGBNTS AOT, 1921-22--continued. ----~- -·-----·-· N,me of Firm (lf any) of which Licen'lr.e is a Li~~;:. I Name or Licensee. :ft[erubcr, or R1~glstered Company on whrnu~ Behalf ___ __!. __ License is held. 12428 Balla.rd, J a.mes Queen Street, Auckla.nd 25 Ja.n., 1922 Auckla.nd. 13240 Ba.rker, Hubei:t Lea.n Ashburton 24 Ma.r., 1922 Ashburton. 14146 Barclay, George .. Duke Street, Cambridge .. 16 )far., 1922 Cambridge. 12495 Ba.rltrop, John Edward .. Feilding 19 Ja.n., 1922 Feilding. 13382 Ba.rnett, Ernest James .. 94 Willis Street, Welling­ 11 Feb., 1922 Wellington. ton 13813 Barr, Lennox Ma.cmillan 58 Princes Street, Dunedin 24 Ja.n., 1922 Dunedin. 9011 Spear, Elliott Vernon .. Ba.rraud a.nd Abra­ 39 Ra.ngitikei Street, Pal­ 24 Jan., 1922 Palmerston North. ham (Limited) merston North 14449 Bates, Harry Dalton Wakefield Avenue, Sumner 30 Mar., 1922 Christchurch. 12637 Ba.ttersby, Helen Eliza.- Ba.ttersby .a.nd Co. 25 Dowling Street, Dun- 17 Jan., 1922 Dunedin. beth edin 121/i2 Beamish, Henry Eva.neon King Street, Ha.stings .. 8 Feb., 1922 Ha.stings. 12157 Bullon, Alfred Edward .. Bea.rd, Bullen, a.nd Station Street, Ha.stings 1 Mar., 1922 Ha.stings. Co. 11275 Cato, Ja.mes Wa.tson Beckett a.nd Cato Taka.pa.u 21 Jan., 1922 Napier. (Limited) 12726 Beere, Aloxa.nder Gerald Lowe Street, Gisbome 4 Feb., 1922 Gisborne. 11279 Beha.rrell, Noel Wa.rren .. W a. r re n Beharrell Na.pier 28 Jan., 1922 Na.pier. a.nd Co. 13269 Bell, Allen Ka.ita.ia. 13 Feb., 1922 Ka.ita.ia. 13"271 Bell, Leona.rd Henry Bell a.nd Matthews Kaitaia 13 Feb., 1922 Ka.ita.ia.. 12452 Bell, Charles Langley 116 Trafalga.r Street, Nel- 16 Ja.n., 1922 Nelson. son 2260 Bell, Thoma.a de Charles Bell, McKa.in, and Ma.in Street, Lower Hutt 11 Jan., 1922 Lower Hutt. Co. 12725 Bell, Robert Milton Peel Street, Gis borne 26 Jan., 1922 Gisbome. 13097 Bell, Thoma.s Willia.m •. Ma.nurewa 31 Ja.n., 1922 Pa.pa.kura.. 13357 Benge, Onslow Hillier .. 0. H. Benge and Co. Boulcott Cha.mbers, Wel- 26. Ja.n., 1922 Wellington. lington 12309 Bennett, Cha.rles Frederick Queen Street, Auckland 18 Jan., 1922 Auckla.nd. 12374 Bennett, John Henry 38A Khyber Pa.ss, Auckla.nd 18 Jan., 1922 Aucklsnd. 13079 Bentley, Richard James Bentley and Kent .. The Stra.nd, Wha.ka.tane .. 14 Feb., 1922 Wha.ka ta.ne, 14305 Best, Philip . 621 Colombo Street, Christ- 16 Feb., 1922 Christchurch. church 13126 Bethune, Walter Ellis J. H. Bethune and Featherston Street, Wel­ 12 Jan., 1922 Wellington. • Co. lington 12075 Betty, John 104 Queen Street, Ma.ster­ 2 Feb., 1922 Masterton. ton 13392 Bird, George . • West Quay, Wa.itara .. 8 Feb., 1922 Wa.itara. 9383 Birnie, Willia.m Ra.nkin .. Birnie, Coombs, and 38 Rangitikei Street, Pal- 31 Ja.n., 1922 Palmerston North. Wilson merston North 12704 Bishara, Sa.muel Ta.umarunui 16 Feb., 1922 Taumarunui. 14122 Bla.ckbum, Charles Lowe Street, Gisborne 10 Mar., 1922 Gisborne. 14145 Blaokman, Arnold Thornton Road, Cambridge 16 Mar., 1922 Cambridge. 12142 Bla.ke, John Thoma.a Station Street, Ha.stings 26 Ja.n., 1922 Ha.stings. 12382 Bla.nchfield, Gerald Robert 116 Grea.t North Roa.d, 25 Ja.n., 1922 Auckla.nd. Auckland 14126 Bloore, Charles Grosvenor 72 Lowe Street, Gisl:orne 31 Mar., 1922 Gisbome. 12379 Thoma.s, Samu"l F. Bluck a.nd Son Brown Street, Avondale, 25 Jan., 1922 Auckla.nd. Auckla.nd 3547 Bohm, Francis Joseph .. High Street, Waima.te .. 7 Feb., 1922 Wa.ima.tc. 12329 Bollard, Benjamin Irwin Queen Street, Auckla.nd .. 18 Jan., 1922 Auckla.nd. 14032 Booth, Ernest .. King Street, Temuka. 14 Ma.r., 1922 Temuka.. 1271 Bott, Ernest Edgar Wa.ipa.wa. 19 Ja.n., 1922 Wa.ipawa. 12563 Bowker, George 117 Sta.fiord Street, Tima.ru 15 Feb., 1922 Tima.ru. 14271 Heslop, Harwood Walter Bowker's La.nd 778 Colombo Street, Christ- 6 Feb., 1922 Christchurch. Agency church 12626 Bowling, Warren Allen .• Bowling a.nd Avent Stock Exchange, Dunedin 12 Ja.n., 1922 Dunedin.
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