THE CRANFORD CITIZffiJ,.AND CHRONICLE, iTrtURSDAV. JUNE 21. 1951 of satisfaction from having done B'nai Brith Prize* mittee members • incliided Ken |0,| |{f>rillUtIa Cruise of Bermuda. The trip ^7^1 them. I Reck. Caesar» Hapliim and Alex- George M Linzer. proprietor of sored by the Philco torn f 1 Esclienlauer Wins $25 Prize Practice" the principles of Rood ander GmelirijSf the Cranford Pho- leading dealers in New J the Cranford Radio, 34 North ave- m M citizenship right in our own^homes tographic Society. nue, west, is on a week's cruise to Linzer left Saturday and — Our qountry is composed of Bermuda this week on the Queen turn tomorrow. for Essay on Democracy many, many families, apd good ,- Arthur Eschcnlauer of 1<S Ra-protection against injustice,-intol families add up to a great nation. Awarded U.S. Patent leigh wenve, won first prize of $25 crancc, and persecution. It is our duty to teach democracy William T. Knox. Jr., of 6 Pine in lliiv annual B'nai Brith high Respect'and obey all laws — to our children in all the activitle* Strett, along with two associates ifh IT at of the Process Division of the Stan- J"* *"** '' ~ iw mado by of the home. Just as democracy. be mi "Mjj StaKv in Denibcfaci/." through our representatives,. orlgij)ates~in^the"home,-it ia- ri^ QilPl^gny tscht'nlaucr iso jmiior at Cranjord by one man or a few men. or by •thut it can be enjoyed. After all, have, invented a method- for in- High School. some appointed group. No person your other democratic duties have creasing the efficiency of the pro- • Brent Stearns, a senior, won sec- ! is so big that he can disregard the been performed, your home, is cess used in terating lubricating ond prize of $15. while the $10 I law, and at the same time no plan yours— free from the danger of oils to better their viscosity-tem- Offers you the services and knowledge 18 Pages — FIVE CENTS third prize went to Gertrude Ravi-' i' is so small that he cannot look'to confiscation and your family safe perature relationships for which '.$cu, a ninth grade student. the law for protection. Since we from .the threat of concentration they have been awarded a United of more than a quarter of a century of camps and'firing squads. • States patent. • t The essay, contest is sponsored are the people who made the laws, Chronicle Deadlines annually bji B'nai Brith to foster j it is our duty to see that they are As long as we all perform these practical building experience: and "know Camp Town Continues to Grow: Nielzels Early Next Week Offer Part a better appreciation of dcpiocracj/. obeyed. basic duties, our democracy wilt Rollinan Wins Patent how" in your construction problems. Cranford to Mark "''Oiiiotip liifjfi school Sludi-nls. I Pay taxes' understanding^ if nourish and the United States will The Citizen and. dhroniclc will A United States patent has been • ' • . • v ' 356 Births to 277 Deaths Prhes were presented to the 1 not. cheerfully — Taxes represent never need to fear any .outside n be published as Usual at 6 a. m. power. ' ' . granted Walter F. Rollman, a mem- winucrsat the Awards Day assetn- I tli-.> lust of the government's bene- Furnishing bur customers with quality Births outnumbered deaths by >f pneumonia and infectious hepa- Take Prize next Thursday. Because of In- Of Sewer ' b'ly at Cranjord Wgh School Tum- i tils to us,, and -aiy tax money, do- rof the staff of the Process Di- wo to one in Cranford last year, titisJ i Forty-five cases of dog bite dependence Pay, the office, and Fourth of July ision of the Standard Oil Devel- day. ,.. i pond our safety, health, security, building materials and service has been Health Officer William P. Smith md two cases of cat bite also were Piano Teacher to End opment Company for a method for plant will be closed all day • Kabbi Jordan I. Ta.ron was local land convenience-. These taxes are iccording'. to the annual report of cported during the year. ; recovering constituents used in the our motto for more than 30 years. In Parade Wednesday. ' ' For Sale chairman of !))<• airttrds' comi/iiftiv. determined by people whom we Career at Pupil Recital ' —Photo Dy John Merrill /hich was submitted to the Board Plumbing Inspector William E- select inv our elections', and if we manufacture of resins. Mr. Roll- To Lead liras" Fivrworks Display, The committee received coopera- Marking the final recital to be -. ', ' Rabbi Jordan. I. Taicon of Temple Beth El is shown pre- f Health-Monday night. There lourley made 231 inspections dur- Deadlines for news and ad- feel they are spending money un- given by piano pupils of Mrs. Cur- man lives at 2 Indian Spring road. vertising copy will be moved up Concert Tc Feature tion of Dr. Howard R. Best, snpcr- senting awards Tuesday afternoon to Ace Eschenlauer, Brent 35 Registered for:-^i .ere a total of 356 births, 177 ing 1950, issued. 161 permits and Osterheldt Award to Township Considers I'bhig principal; G. Fravl; Zimmer- wisely, we have the power to re- tis Culin, 215 Holly street, who is Stearns and Gertrude Ramsey; wifiners of the B'nai Brith essay First Contingent; 4 licenses and investigated 31 accordingly as follows:' • • Program Weduesday man, principal of Cranford Hiflli move them from office.'"This sys- ending her music teaching career, awarcjs. .High School Principal G. Frank Zimmerman is at right. Men in Service eaths and 164 marriages 'recorded nuisance complaints. A total of Cherokee Roud Pair News and society pictures; Disposal of Rahway School, and Frank, Marti, dim-tor tem of taxation with representa- a 'program will be offered ..this 7 Openings Remain n the township in 1950. • $1,793. was collected by' his office. li a. m.'Monday. Cranford will celebrate, the tion is far superior to the eonttsca- Jack L. Gregory, seaman recruit, One hundred of the deaths were At Sunny Acres Joint Trunk Surplus 175th anniversary of the Signing Of secondary {•duration. [iflernbon at her home. ' . USN, of 206 Retford avenue, has With the largest advance regis- The Board of Health collected Classified advertising, 10 a. m. rV system of-a dictatorship. Sunday' afternoon. More trian 3,500 . Lumber ^Millu>ork*-]llaaon Materials ue to arteriosclerosis and • heart $1,936 in license fees with scaven- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nietzcl of Tuesday. • Township Committee received a • . The uunniiifl i'snay .follows:.-. A similar afternoon recital was- Many Attend Exhibit completed recruit training at the jfation in its 25-year history, the at the Declaration of Independence Work for peace but accept re- presented yesterday. Each pupil Visitors attended the exhibit, ac- rHQNES: CBaaford C-S5SS — 9-UHf isease and 21 were due to cancer. ger licenses of $900 accounting for Cherokee road won the Mayor Display advertising, 12 noon communication from .the. Borough By ARTIII;K KSC11KNLAUKR F. George Walton, Xr. of Cran- U. S. Naval Training Center, Bain- corge E. Osterhcldt grand award with a three hour program next Despite the fact that iivos.t Amer- sponsibilities in time of war —" has invited "two guests, and re* cprding to Mrs. Mildred L. Ruli- Cranford Boys' Camp located on Diseases of the nervous system the bulk of the funds. Tuesday. Mountainside Tuesday night : 'qrd was chairman of the Union bridge, Md. Gregory attended 94 HIGH STREET . .CRANFORD Wednesday evening in the Brook h\ our country, nobody can send freshments will be served on the Silver Lake; near Hope, will open Miss Dorothy A. Saucr, maternal rophy in the Sunny Acres eighth Press representatives and sec- requesting a joint meeting of the icans are familiar with, their -rights County Photo Exhibit at Trailslde son, nature supervisor for the Un-.Cranford High School before 'en- nd sense, organs accounted for 34 rinual baby parade Sunday aft- Section.of^Nomahegan Park under and privileges, tlwy often foi'jfol us to war except our chosen rep- lawn. • seven weeks' season on Sunday and child health nurse attached to retaries 61 locql organizations arc wo governing bodies to "establish Museum, Watchung' Reservation ion County Park System. Com- tering the Navy. eaths, and diseases of the respira- rnoon. Their winning float was a of the Cranford Memorial their duties and responsibilities in rosentatives in Congress. Also fiiv- Among her other musical activ- he board, reported that she made requested to cooperate by getting a more equitable arrangement" for en- to this representative, group' is afternoon", it was announced yes- 6ry system claimed six lives. Hansel and Gretel scene featuring their news copy in as early as making our derivricnicy work to the ities, Mrs. Culin will serve as music :he following Visits and examina- the purchase of apportion of Cran- and' Independence-Day Committee. the power to abridge some of our tcnlay by President J. Walter "If a further extension is to be ions during the' year: Infants, 785; their ' daughters, Barbara, four possible. ,' best advantage. Our form of gov- chairman for the fifth district of 'ears old, and Joanne, three ford's space in the Rahway Valley Harold A. Glovier, general chair? . liberties for the common 'good. It he New jersey State Federation '' Colfce. made in life expectancy against pre-school children, 129; school, man and master of ceremonies, said ernment derives its power, from the, cart disease, arteriosclerosis and "Statue of Liberiy and Our Joiht Trunk Sewer. iN-l>ur. Christian duly to pray earn- :if Women's Clubs. ' Tliiity-five boys are registered 117; miscellaneous, 608; delivered !> jwsterday the committee' U making bottom up rather than from the estly for deliverance from the rancer, a new approach must be 343 birth certificates, and gave 231 Uncle Sam was the winner in the The original agreement, entered top down, and without the iSiipporJ, Playing yesterday were the fol- tor the initial week and there still arrangements to accommodate be- "scourge of future war".
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