No.STC-O2(Mining Plan)/201 8 /=e< Directorate of Geology & Mining Govt. of Maharashtra, regional office Central Administrative Bldg. F azilpura, Aurangabad.43 1 001 . Dated:-ZgF[BZC1B Kunal Enterprises At post- Kolgaon , Tahsil- Shrigonda, Dist- Ahmednagar Sub :- Approval of Mining Plan of Stone Quarry of Gut No. 2911 Parl of area of 1.91 ha. in Village- Kolgaon , Taluka - Shrigonda, Dist.- Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. Ref. :- Your RQP letter dated 2710212018 Sir, In exercise of the power conferred by Government of Maharashtra vide Industries, Energy and Labour department, Mumbai, Notification No. MNG/1004/P.K.610/lnd-9 dated 161612004 under rule 22 (BB) of Mineral Concession Rules 1960 the authorization given by Director, Directorate of Geology and mining, Government of Maharashtra, Nagpur Notification No. STC/2651412016/3443,dated 30/1212016 | hereby approve the said Mining Plan. This approval is subject to following condition. 1)The Mining Plan along with PMCP is approved without prejudice to any other laws that applicable to mine/area from time to time whether made by Central or State Government or any other authority. 2) That this approval of Mining Plan along with PMCP does not in any way imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provisions of the Maharashtra Minor Mineral Extraction ( Development and Regulation ) Rules, 2013 including environment protection Act-1986 and the Rules made there under. 3)Relevant clearances should be obtained as per Environment protection Act -1986 and EIA notificarron dated 2110111994 and 0410912006. 4) lt is further clarified that the approval of the Mining Plan along with PMCP is subject to the provisions of forest (conservation) Act-l980, Forest conservation rules, 2003 and other relevant status, order ano guidelines as may be applicable to the lease area from time to time. 5) The execution of Mining Plan along with PMCP shall be subject to vacation of prohibitory order/notrces, if any. 6) This department does not undertake any responsibility regarding correctness of the boundaries of the lease area shown on the ground with reference to lease map and other plans furnished by the lessee. 7) That if anything found to be concealed, in the contents of Mining Plan and the proposal for rectification has not been made, the approval shall be deemed to have been withdrawn with immediate effect. 8) That Mining Plan along with PMCP is approved without prejudice to any other order or directions for any . courl of competent jurisdiction. 9) The financial assurance should be submitted to District Collectorate before the execution of the said mining lease as per rule 30 of Maharashtra Minor Mineral Extraction (Development & Regulation) Rules, 2O'13. 10)This approval of proposed mining operations and associated activities is restricted to the mining lease area onry. I 'l) The approval is without prejudice to any other order or direction from any court of competent jurisdiction. 12) This approval is given for the received proposal as applicable from this date onward. 13) At any stage, if it is observed that the information furnished in the documents are incorrect or misrepresent facts, the approval of the document shall be revoked with immediate effect. 14)The DMO is directed to verify pit size vis-A-vis the royalty paid by the lessee. The difference of royalty if any should be recovered from the lessee. 15) The approval of the above said Mining Plan is subject to the compliance and to fulfill the requirement as mentioned in Maharashtra Minor Mineral Extraction (Development and Regulation) Rules, 2013. 16)Whatever production capacity of the area in consideration is shown or calculated in the Mining Plan it is recommended to restrict the annual production as per Environment Depadment guidance. Hence, you are not permitted to excavated annual production of the material (Stone) beyond prescribed limit by Environment Department and Collector's order. 17) Use of blasting, if any, should be with prior perm.ission of the concerned authority. Encl.- Approved Mining Plan (2 Copies) Deputy Director Directorate of Geology & Mining Government of Maharashtra Aurangabad Copy to :- 1) The Director, Directorate of Geology & Mining, Head Office, Nagpur. 2) The Collector, Collector Office, Ahmednagar, along with the copy of approved Mining Plan. 3) Shri. Girish B.Ballari, Ganga nagar Curti, Ponda, Goa - 403401 9> Deputy Director Directorate of Geology & Mining Government of Maharashtra Aurangabad T ,9'A nl ,t\l APPROTTED 'l M|NING PLAN & ^I --l PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN I Prepared and Submitted under Rule 20123 ot ".1?.\| I !!!ehar.aa!t*ra tli a ar tf iaaraf Ev*raa*ian -l-r\l rrrcr rct| ct:'t trt cr trilt iva ttaal aiti cti E^i,faiuii(jii -i ( Development and Regulation) Rules , 2013 ; FOR 't J I -l KOLGAON STONE QUARRY -l Gat No.29/1, Lease Area 1.910 Ha. "-1 f,flnrria . lf rtfrr..trarr Tqlttb.; .Shrir.rarr:l.r rrr\rrrJrt . r\rrrltcrrrt I , I srr\rr\cr .\ri aa iltlri iL-€ I .] District. : Ahmednagar, State : Maharashtra- -l I I -^l OF I M/S. KU NAL ENTERPRISES, .l Kolgaon Village -l Shrigonda Taluk --1 l AHMEDNAGAR MAHARASTRA I PREPARED BY .-l SHRI. GIRISH BALLARI .] GANGA NAGAR CURTI I PONDA GOA Regn.No:RQPlGAA/L55 /2OO3 / A .] "] I "l l"] Index Sr Particulars Page Nos No 01 Introduction 07 -09 02 General,Location &Accessibility 10- 15 03 Geology and Reserves 15-16 04 Mining T7.T9 05 Drilling 19-20 06 MINE DRAINAG 2I 07 2I HAULAGE AND TRANSPORT 08 Site services 21 09 Employment Potential 21 10 Environmental Management Plan 2I-27 11 Progressive Mine closure Plan 28-42 LIST OF PLATES Sr No PLATES Scale 0l Location Map 1:50000 02 Google Map 1:660 03 Surface Plan & Sections 1:1000 04 Geological Plan and Sections 1;1000 05 Production and Development 1:1000 Plan and Sections 06 Land use plan 1:1000 07 Conceptual plan & sections 1:1000 List of Annexures: Sr. Annexures No 01 Copy of Lease Application 02 Sat Bara Statement 03 Collector Letter 04 Shot Fireman Certificate 05 AADHAR CARI) 06 Pan Card 07 Gram Panchavat NOC 08 RQP Certificate 6Pffi H ffij$ff,b?'* CERTIFICATE The provisions of Maharastra Mineral conservation and Development Rules 1988 have been observed in the preparation of Mining Plan for Kolgaon stone Quarry over an extent of 1.910 Ha SITUATED IN sy No : 29 /1 KOLGAON VILLAGE SHRIGONDA TALUKA AHMEDNAGAR DISTRICT MAHARASTRA STATE. wherever specific permissions are required the Lessee will approach concerned Government Authorities. The provisions of Mines Act,Rules and Regulations made there under have been observed in preparation of tllis Mining Plan.whereever specific permissions is required,the Lessee will approach DGMS for approval.it is also certified that information furnished in t]le Mining Plan is True and correct to the best of mv Knowledge. Place :Kolgaon ciriK^rhri Date: 30 /0L/2018 B-Tech MiningMBA[Marketing ) RQP/GO Al1s5/2003-A Mobile ;94496927 05 TUneT@ dqt.- Ttt qfrflr *dq FFret (8. com.) rlt. ;f. qu??q9q,\Ro vift:- qr*S, qidW, q*arnq, iTt. SrTtEt, fu. eEqei=rw, fq{ {. utlsoq qr.F'. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the mining pran for korgaon stone quarry over an extent of 1.910 Ha situated in sR.No:29/t, Kolgaon Village, shrigonda Taluka, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra state, has been prepared by recognized qualified person of lndian Bureau of Mines for Preparation plan of Mining and agree to implement the same in accordance with the law. lr- i/1 Place: Kolgaon *#ry*' Date: 3O/0t/2O1.8 M/s. Kunal Enterprises Girish Ballari B-tech Mining plan Engg MBA (Marketing) Rep 944692705 #ffi% sTrncT@ stqt.- ut. Ttfuff i+dq Fmg (8. com.) TJT. ;[. JYQQq9\\?O wTt:- tTrdSIt, ffi, i[t6rlrr[, Ht. .ffi{t, fu. ef,6{+{tR, flst i. uRlgoq qI.lF'. CERTIFICATE The Provision of Mines Act, Rules and Regulations made there under have been observed in the plan Mining for Kotgaon stone quarry over an extent of 1.910 Ha situated in sR. No:29/1., Kolgaon Vilrage, shrigonda Taluka, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra state complies and taken in to consideration all statutory laws, regulations, orders made by the central or state government, statutory organizations, court etc and wherever specific permissions are required the Lessee will approach concerned authorities. give lalso an understanding to the effect that all the measures proposed in this closure plan will be implemented in a time bound manner as proposed. Place: Kolgaon rc*slry+t Date: 30/01/2018 M/s. Kunal Enterprises *Hj {ragamt !^ MINING PIAN FoR M/s. KUNAT ENTERPRISES ovER AN AREA oF 1.910 HECTARE IN SURVEY NO: 29/T AT KOLGAON, TALUKA: SHRIGONDA, DISTRICTAHMEDNAGAR IN THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA PART I 1.0 INTRODUCTION Basalt commonly known as Deccan Traps in western India is mostly used as a construction material for buildings, road and varied uses all over the state. The abundance of basalt and its growing demand has promoted fhe entrepreneur to apply for the mining quarry in this area. M/s Kunal Enterprises is registered organization and they have proposed a stone quarry for an area 1.910 Hectare in Survey Number of 29/I of Village- Kolgaon, Taluka- Shrigonda, District- Ahmednagar, and State- Maharashtra. Lease area falls under Patta Land. Now, as a statutory requirement Mining Plan includes "Mine Closure Plan" showing the systematic development of the mine for the next twenty years and to address the mining related issues till conceptual stage, required to be prepared and submitted to Dy. Directorate of Geology and Minirifi, Aurangabad for approval. Hence, a mining plan is prepared for the period of five years. / .Klt Girish B*llari B Tc;ch Fll!ning RqpiGJ,l-tf 55/20C3.A 7 1.1.
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