• - ■ .-V j, 'X' •X ; MONDAY, OCTOBER 20i 1962 .. .yA t. FACE FOURTEEN' miiMhrstfr lEornind V^fltUk^ A Y cn c* DfUly NttT*rM| Ron ...........' iM rw> tho WMk Badod * ,X Ths Weather ’ ,„Th#.,,Tyl« ..eij-cle. ^ the North along wHh Pascal Maatrangelo la Oct. 18, IMS - .—.Mr. and. Mr A Michael Guraki of.. '.5\: V'.-'.iriSfc-’. ■ roraeaat af.,U.’.a..Wts>R9S'^ <110 Goncxaaa atraat. waca.plcaaanl>t :M«niiK*nioaiai'aiof«.. »l)t .meet running uw'tw o .town :coinniittee Abrat ly iurpriaed to receive a viait frbm nesday nightn ig h.at t 7:4,8.................. at the.............. church. affair!, ’ aim^nte'd' lK8t Mra. Jennie Smith apd her aon am} Members are asked to‘come pre­ Charles Prybism, father of Stan­ ley Prybispn, Democratic candi­ Fair, not quite an coM tonight. daughter, alt from Sanford. Fla..' pared to make' candles. Anyone’ Three Rallies Memhor of tha AndU , i V -Tl» WMhlnfton PTA ^-Ul iw t wishing further information may date for congrcasn^-at-large, has Fair and warmer Wednesday. tomorrow at 8 p.m; in the »cl)ool over the week end. Mra. Smith and Bareha at Otrealatioaa Mre. Guraki were childhood friends call Mrs. Mary Warren or Mrs. been secured as guest:.gpeaker for CHATHAM’S M ancheiter-"-A City of Village Charm ■H» « . MlM Juie Hayden, tedcher. Etta Miner. the meeting Sunday. o f tka third frade at the acheol. in Austria and came to this' coim- ffairs Next Week try>-40 years ago. They had not o-lU tall o( h*r trip to Kluropa this Monday night, Bayer skid, At- seen each other for 37 yeara. Temple Chapter,'No. 53, 'OE8, t Candidates paat auBuner and hhow alides. tilio .R. Frassinelli, who is a^lve VOL. LXXII, NO. 18 (ClmoaUtod AdvorUiiiig w Paga MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1932 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) will observe Robert Mqrris night in Democrtitic politics in Stamird. PRICE FIVE CENTS St. ^rl8topher*a ifotheri Circle at its meeting in the Masonic State's Legislature Springs, will be the guest speakd Ttm Saltation Army Womjn'a will Bibet tomorrow night at 8 Temple, Wednesday at 8 p.m. A At each of the meetings. Town group of paat. matrons and patrons; Local Democrats, making a de­ Homa' Uidcok. wUl.-hold a::baker>’ o'cloclt at the home of Mrs. Helen Counsel John D. LaBelle. candidate Casavant. 31 Columbus street. Co- of Ivanhoe Chapter, No. 10, of ■ termined effort to carry the town aala at tha citadel on Saturday. for state senator from the Fourth Oct as. hosteaa will be Mra. RosetU Bot- Hartford,' will exemplify the ritual ] in the approaching state «nd na­ u . s . ;k s aa*it was in effect in 1868, wear-! tional elections, are holding three District, and Attorney Anthony BIANKET lum. J. Gryk and Mrs. Katherine D. Hambers of Anderaon-Shea Post, ing costumes appropriate to that | rallies in three days’ next week, at Sales at the Mancheatcr Auc­ period. A cake walk will be hri'l each of which their candidates for Bourn, who are running for the vrw,V rw , and AuxiiiiAuxiliary will meet to- town's . two state representative R e d ^ C h iV ii tion Mart yesterday totaled in the banquet hall in charge of | the state legislature will be .fca- X \ Blfht at 7:80----- I atthe tl l/eclerc Funer- seats, will discuss the issues in i'62.22. There were 214 one-half Past Matrons Misi Mabel G. Trot­ t i i ^ . \ a l home, in trtribute to Harry ths campaign, Bayer said. a member of bushel basr.cta of tomatoes sold at ter and Mrs. Marjorie Morrilon. The Democratic town «>mmlt- KimMe, who wi a high of T3..30. a low OLI2.4S and Mrs. Jna. Hohenthal ..ancLhec com­ tS T P o ^ tee is sponsoring tw-ofHhem,-qne an average of »2.79. od'd 194 crates mittee will serve refreshments. on Sunday at 3 p. m. in the of cauliflower went for a high of LIthuanlan-American C3uh on Pittsburgh, Oct. J2.10 and a IpW^t fl.70. The Profi ssionsl Women's Club 1 Oolway street, and the other the , 21—^5iin—The coal strike spread uneli United Nations, N. Y.. Oct. will meei tomorrow night at 81 following night at 8 o'clock qt the WANTED ployment among railroade^today as more than .322,000 : 21— (/p)— The United Statfls Miss hlgrCha Bell is chairman of o'clock at the home of Helen and ItaHan-Ameriegn 0u b on Eldridge ers carried their protest walkout into its second da.v. Th«''Bal- today blocked a Russian at­ the committee appointed to con- Gertrude Carrier. 38 Cambridge street. / X, timore and Ohio Railroad, an impo; tempt to issue an immediate riucVA rummage sale for Daugh- street. The speaker will be Ray­ The .Manchester Federation of CcM|Miit«rs, C orpM ten' mond E. C oo^ r, w ho will discuss. Lec^ Ann Gunoerson 1,200 workers and the Norfolk and- X of Liberty No. 17, i-OM< Democratic Women has scheduled \ Weatern told another 300 workera ’ \ invitation to North Korea ^ u r'sd a v riioming in Orange Hall. "A Stron.qer United Nations, an a meeting fbr Oct. 28 at 8 o'clock Htiptrt m d Labertrt there will be no mpre paychecks . and Communist China to ' Members of the committee w ill be Idea Whose Time Has Come."' One of the vocalists in- the Ro­ tary Club Minstrel will be Mrs. in the Verplanck School. Tom f o r . them until the minera return take part in United Nation.s A d l a i ^ e e s iW ill a Jovial Mti^don New England Tour at the hall Wednesday night to re­ Dodd, Democratic candidate for to the pita. ! ir s St. Ellrsbeth's Mothers Circle Lee And Gunderson of 115 Olcott debates on germ warfare. Hollis Firm ceive goods. drive. The show, will be held congress from the first district, The Virginian Railway aaid it, ..The U. S,_ did this through a .will meet 'Wednesday at 8 p.m. at has~also<hecn invited to t-hls^oncj< 'w ill lay off 600 shop workera i f { the home o f Mrs. Anthony Kra- Friday and Saturday at the Wad­ procedural motion shutting off de­ The Measlah Chorus, willch dell School, and proceeds will go as well as the Republican' candi­ the strike .continues through Fri- > O f f e r bate immediately after the 15-na- IkeLackilig I regularly rehearses on Tuesday cunas, 64 Turnbull road. On^idea of into Rotary'a, scholarship fund dates running against Dodd and fiRVIS REALTY GO. dajr. Uon .steering committee had Xvenlnga at Center Church, will for. local stCidenta going to col­ the local Democratic leglslathr^ Win Aftoct Thousands i voted, 12-2 with President Lester , piacUce on Friday,fvenlng of this The Gleniiers group of the South lege. candidates. 5 Dover Rood Thousands of Pennsylvania Rail-; Methodist WSCS will hold a rum­ B. Pearson of Canada not voting, U. S. PoUcy 1 wee\ at 8 o clock, under the direc- Although a comparative, new­ ■ Attorney Philip Bayer, who /a completely road employes face reduced work­ to recommend inclusion of an ‘ No Deals* ' tlon o f Organist' Andrew Watson. mage sale Thursday at the church comer to Manchester, coming here days in the walkout lasts more> ___ at 0 a.m. Anyone wishing to do- American request for UN investi­ three years ago. the talented MrA than a few days. That railroad hasl gation of Red germ warfare Springfield. 111., Oct.* 21— jOur Lady mf Victory Mothers note articles may call Mrs. Doro­ Gunderson has been active with new kind of blanket an automatic plan to cut doJ^ I Washington, Oct. 21-—(>P) B y T h e a s s o c i a t e d P l U ^ thy Kissman, Mrs. Edith Smith charges on the assembly agenda. Circle will tneet Wednesday at 8 several chpral. and dramatic work days during a coal ^ike. — Sen. Wayne Morse (R., (fl>—Gov. Adlai E. Steven­ or Mrs. Mina Wiley. y The adjournment of debate mo­ Aboard The EisenhowiP. p.m. with Mrs, Jean Willard of groups in this area, inriudihg the Cial minera are refusing ^ w o r k Ore.) said todai'y he was of­ son, given a howling gfeetilv^ Special in New England, 209Menry atre^ Manchester Center Thespiwts, the at ..a sweet and low pr^c because the Wage ''-Sti^Hzation tion was carried 11-2 (Poland and fered a “very-high i^ t" by Russia) with one absention and by a hometown audience last '21—(flP)— Dwight D. Eiaea- ' ■ ---- / Ml* Wilfred Crotsen of 137 Beacon Player\ of the 'Tiiivelers board reduced their recently nego­ the Truman administration Pearson not voting. night, described Gen. Dwight Mystic'Review. Nd^ 7, Woman's North Earn strept, entertained a Insurance Co., the Travelers tiated 81.90 aNtoy h y « t to 81.50. hower warned today thgt group of children in the neighbor­ YonTl *leep like a kitten under Chatham’! Benefit AsW lation, will meet to- Choral Society and the Associated making their new^j^ic dally mini­ several months ago but .. Russia’s Andrei Gromyko called D. Eisenhower as a man with Communist Russia is strikiiiv hood, Saturday afternoon, mark­ **Puirey” blanket because it’s made q l 88% rayon this a "‘cowardly move" and "no policy, no program and irtorrow at 8 p.m., inxpdd Fel­ 'Little Theater group. She ia / mum wage 817.8.5 turned it down because he “ at the jugular vein of fr«a- ing tha first birthday .of her young currently rehearsing for the Bea­ served notice that he would raise lows Hall.
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