FEDERAL REGSTER 1 9 3 4 ¿ f i ’ VOLUME 9 *« ahted^ NUMBER 230 Washinffton, Friday, November 17, 1944 The President hereby find and declare that competitive CONTENTS conditions have not been restored; and (2) do hereby specify June 30, 1945, as THE PRESIDENT PROCLAMATION 2631 the termination date within the meaning Proclamation: Page of subsection (h) of the Renegotiation Contract termination date as Specification of the Termination D ate ^Lct/ as P rovided in the R enegotiation provided in Renegotiation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Act, specification of______ 13739 Act unto set my hand and caused the seal of BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES the United States to be affixed. REGULATIONS AND NOTICES OF AMERICA DONE at the City of Washington this 14th day of November in the year of our Alien P roperty Custodian: A PROCLAMATION Lord nineteen hundred and Filing notices of claim under WHEREAS subsection (h) of the Re­ [seal] forty four, and of the Inde­ vesting orders, extension of negotiation Act (section 403, as amended, pendence of the United States time for_______ <■_______ 13741 of the Sixth Supplemental National De­ of America the one hundred and sixty- Vesting orders, copyrights of fense Appropriation Act, 1942, approved ninth. certain foreign nationals: April 28, 1942 (56 Stat. 226, 245), as F ranklin D Roosevelt Austria (5 documents)—___ 13765, 13766,13772,13773,13779 amended by section 701 of the Revenue By the President: Act of 1943, enacted February 25, 1944 Belgium (2 documents) _ 13780,13781 (58 Stat. 26, 78) ), provides in part: E. R. S tettinius, Jr„ Czechoslovakia (2 docu­ Acting Secretary of State. ments)_________ 13780, 13781 This section shall apply only with respect to profits derived from contracts with the [F. R. Doc. 44-17571; Filed, Nov. 16, 1944; Denmark (2 documents).__ 13780, Departments and subcontracts which are at­ 11:45 a. m.] 13781 tributable to performance prior to the termi­ France (4 documents)______ 13768, nation date. For the purposes of this sub­ 13772, 13773, 13779 section— Salabert, Francis________ 13765 ***** Regulations Germany (6 documents) 13765, (2) The term "termination date” means— 13766,13772, 13773, 13779, 13781 (A) December 31, 1944; or Holland (2 documents). 13780,13781 (B) If the President not later than De­ TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Hungary (4 documents)____ 13765, cember 1, 1944, finds and by proclamation declares that competitive conditions have Chapter VII—War Food Administration 13773, 13779, 13781 not been restored, such date not later than (Agricultural Adjustment) Kodaly, Zoltán__________ 13767 June 30, 1945, as may be specified by the Italy (5 documents)________ 13765, President in such proclamation as the termi­ Part 722—Cotton 13766, 13773, 13779, 13781 nation date Casella, Alberto_________ 13767 * * * * * COTTON MARKETING QUOTAS FOR 1945-46 Messaggerie Musicali S. A— 13766 except that in no event shall the termination MARKETING YEAR AND NATIONAL, STATE, Japan (2 documents) __ 13773,13779 date extend beyond the date proclaimed by COUNTY AND FARM COTTON ALLOTMENTS Norway (2 documents) _ 13780,13781 the President as the date of termination of FOR 1945 Poland (2 documents) _ 13780,13781 hostilities in the present war, or the date F ederal T rade Commission: specified in a concurrent resolution of the Whereas, the Agricultural Adjustment two Houses of Congress as the date of such Act of 1938, as amended, provides for the Cease and desist orders: termination, whichever is the earlier.; Calvert, Robert M„ et al_____ 13741 proclamation of certain data concerning Togstad, C. L, Co., et al_____ 13742 AND WHEREAS hostilities in the pres­ the supply and consumption require­ Hearing, Master Engravers ent war hfve not terminated, and the ments requisite to the establishment of a Guild__________________ 13764 continued necessity of devoting a very national allotment for cotton and mar­ I nterstate Commerce Commission: large proportion of the production of the keting quotas for cotton, and Box cars, closed; demurrage nation to the successful prosecution of Whereas, said act further provides that charges________ 13761 the present war has prevented the the powers therein granted shall not be Cotton shipments, appointment restoration of competitive conditions: used to discourage the production of suf­ of agents (2 documents)__ 13785 * NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ficient supplies of foods and fibers to Mines B ureau: ROOSEVELT, President of the United maintain normal domestic consumption, Diesel mine locomotives, tests to States o r America, under and by virtue taking into consideration current trends determine permissibility for of the authority vested in me by the stat­ in consumption and export and the quan- u s e ____________ 13742 utory provisions above set out, (1) do (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 13739 13740 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, November 17, 1944 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— War P roduction Board—Con. Page FEDERALlpEGISTER Continued. Page Heating equipment, extended ‘V »3« Flour mixes (RSR 1, Am. 84)__ 13761 surface (L-107, Rev. of Sch. ^Onmo*' Prepared (FPR 1, Am. 1 to I ) — ---------------------------- 13753 Supp. 3; MPR 280, Am. Rubber, synthetic rubber, balata 51) (2 documents)_____ 13758 and products (R-l, App. Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Fruits and vegetables, fresh n i) ----------------------------- 13755 nnd days following legal holidays, by the (MPR 426, Am. 70)_______ 13761 War Shipping Administration : Division of the Federal Register, The National Judicial sales (Rev. Supp. Order “America,” vessel ownership Archives, pursuant to the authority contained 10)____________________ 13757 determination___________ 13792 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Lamb and mutton carcasses and 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., cuts (RMPR 239, Am. 15) __ 13758 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Meats and edible by-products at tities of substitutes available at fair Administrative Committee, approved by the President. Distribution is made only by the wholesale, variety (MPR prices, and Superintendent of Documents, Government 398, Am. 5)_____________ 13759 Whereas, said act further provides that Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Power laundries, Minneapolis- quotas shall be terminated if it is deter­ The regulatory material appearing herein is St. Paul area (RMPR 165, mined that such action is necessary in keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Am. 2 to Supp. Service Reg. order to effectuate the declared policy of which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant 14)________________ ____ 13761 the act or to meet a national emergency, to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Regional and district office or­ and amended June 19, 1937. ders; community ceiling k Whereas, an investigation has been The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 prices, list of orders filed (2 made which reveals that it is necessary, per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ documents)_______ 13788, 13789 in order to meet the present emergency vance. The charge for individual copies Rubber goods, mechanical (MPR and to effectuate the declared policy of (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the 149, Order 41)__________ 13786 the act, to dispense with marketing size of the issue. Remit check or money Sugars, direct consumption quotas for cotton for the marketing year order, made payable to the Superintendent (RPS 60, Am. 13)_________ 13757 beginning August 1, 1945, and with na­ of Documents, directly to the Government Securities and Exchange Commis­ tional, State, county and farm acreage Printing Office, Washington, D. C. There are no restrictions on the republica­ sion: allotments for cotton for the 1945 crop. tion of material appearing in the F ederal Hearings, etc.: Now, therefore, pursuant to the fore­ R eg ister. Burco, Inc_____________ _ 13789 going authority and in accordance with Central New York Power Executive Order 9322, as amended by Corp ______________ 13789 Executive Order 9334, it is hereby deter­ NOTICE Mississippi River Power Co., mined and proclaimed that: et al_____________ ■___ 13790 § 722.601 Findings and determina­ The Cumulative Supplement to Treasury D epartment : tions. In order to meet the national the Code of Federal Regulations, Offering of bonds, notes, certifi­ emergency and to effectuate the declared covering the period from June 2, cates: % Percent, Series H-1945, due policy of the act, cotton marketing quotas 1938, through June 1, 1943, may be December 1,1945______ ! 13764 will not be in effect with respect to the obtained from the . Superintendent marketing year beginning August 1,1945, l lU Percent, Series C-1947, and no national, State, county or farm of documents, Government Printing due*September 15, 1947__ 13763 acreage allotments for cotton for the Office, at $3.00 per unit. The follow­ 2 Percent, due December 15, 1945 crop will be established under the ing are now available: 1954_________________ 13762 provisions of Title IH . of the Agricul­ 2V2 Percent, due March 15, tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as Book 1: Titles 1-3 (Presidential doc­ 1971_________________ 13761 amended. uments) with tables and index. Veterans’ Administration: Book 2: Titles 4-9, with index. Insurance, death benefits; en­ (32 Stat. 38, 45, 56, 58, 64, 203; 33 Stat. Book 3: Titles' 10-17, with index. titlement and payment 1125; 7 U.S.C. 1940 ed. 1301, 1304, 1342, (Corr.)________ *_______ 13761 1343, 1345, 1372; E.O. 9322, March 26, Book 4: Titles 18-25, with index. War F ood Administration: 1943, as amended by E.O. 9334, April 19, Book 5, Part 1: Title 26, Parts 2-178. Cocoa beans and products, con­ 1943) ■ Book 5, Part 2: Title 26, completed; servation and distribution. 13741 Issued at Washington, D. C., this 15th Title 27; with index. Contract schools, Marine hos­ day of November 1944. Book 6: Titles 28-32, with index. pitals, and maritime acad­ Marvin J ones, Book 7: Titles 33-45, with index.
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