Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Ancroft Parish Council Held on Wednesday 10th October 2018 at Scremerston First School Scremerston at 7.00p.m. Present: Chairman S Greenwood Vice- Chairman B Greenall Parish Councillors J Greenwood J Turner & C Greenall Clerk I Hunter 1 member of the public Public Question Time: - A member of the public asked the following questions: • Is there any update regarding speed wire checks and speed warning signs? The Chairman replied we are still trying to organise a site meeting with Northumberland County Council Highway’s Officers. • Is there any update regarding the petition of speeding concerns for Derwentwater Terrace area? - The Clerk replied Northumberland County Council would respond direct to the lead petitioner • Is there any update on trying to reduce the speed limit on the A1167 from 60mph to 40mph. The Chairman replied. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact the Highway’s Department of Northumberland County Council. • Will Ancroft Parish Council support the campaign for “A Better Hospital for Berwick” The Parish Councillors agreed they supported the campaign. Community Police – No report. Apologies for Absence: Parish Councillors G Britain K Henriques & R Henriques. County Councillor R Lawrie. Declaration of Interest: Parish Councillor C Greenall declared a Personal & Prejudicial Interest in the request for support from St Peter’s PCC. Request for Dispensation- None Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting: The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st August 2018 previously circulated were agreed as a true record then signed by the Chairman. Min 1406 (Min 1387) - War Memorial – The Clerk advised the meeting that Robertson Memorials have said the hopefully the work will be completed W/c 22nd October providing there are no unforeseen circumstances. Parish Councillors raised concerns about the length of time to complete the works as the payment had been made in August as per Robertson Memorial’s instructions, the payment was required ahead of any work being undertaken. The Chairman informed the meeting that she has cleared the weeds from around the War Memorial. Page No 309 Ch’s Initials ________ The Clerk informed the meeting that so far there has been no reply from Greenwich Estates about the clearing of the area surrounding the War Memorial. Parish Councillors asked the Clerk to follow this up. Parish Councillors ratified the payment of £54 for 2 wreaths. The Annual Remembrance Day Service will take place on 11th November at 11am followed by refreshments in St Peter’s Church. The cascade of poppies will be erected on 5th November, and the A4 poppies will be placed on the lamp posts ahead of Remembrance Day. To date the piper has not been confirmed. Parish Councillors considered the request from Rev L Chapman for a contribution towards the Remembrance Day refreshments. Parish Councillors agreed to contribute £25. Parish Councillor J Greenwood suggested having metal stands made to take the wreaths at the Scremerston War Memorial. Parish Councillors agreed that there is insufficient time to have stands made for 11th November, it was agreed to see if the wreaths could be wired this year after the service on the condition the War Memorial is not damaged. Min 1408 (Min 1388)- Highway speed warning sign- Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact the Highway’s Officer and organise a site meeting for a Monday. Min 1409- Financial Statement: Barclays Community Account £ 8573.89 Barclays Premium Account £ 403.69 Barclays Cemetery Account £ 42110.28 Min 1410- Accounts For Payment: • M & M Contractors £ 86.11 Grass cutting • Robertsons Memorials £ 686.22 Repairs to War Memorial • M & M Contractors £ 43.06 Grass cutting • Royal British Legion £ 54.00 2 wreaths • E I Hunter £ 221.68 Salary 28.25 hours @ £9.808 per hr • HMRC £ 55.40 PAYE • M & M Contractors £ 86.11 Grass cutting • St Peter’s PCC £ 25.00 Contribution – refreshments Remembrance Day Min 1411- Planning Applications: 18/02845/FUL- Replacement dwelling (C3 use) -Windyridge Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 2RJ. Parish Councillors had already submitted the following Objections: 1- The design and appearance of the new building is not in keeping with the surrounding area. 2- The development is on the edge of the AONB and will have an impact on the AONB. The views from the sea running parallel with the proposed development will be seen from a great distance down the coast. Page No 310 Ch’s Initials ________ 3- The development is neither sympathetic or blend in to the surrounding area, to the eye and it looks nothing like slatted castle windows or a lighthouse observatory. It is understandable that the landowners wish to maximise the fantastic views of the wonderful coastline, however the proposed structure will have a regrettable detrimental impact on the area for the life of its presence. 4- This type of building is acceptable in the correct location i.e. in an urban location. The proposed building is not suitable for this rural location, which overlooks Cocklawburn. 5- The proposed building should be in the same footprint as the existing building. 6- No trees should be removed as part of the development as this will have an impact of the nature and wildlife in the surrounding area. 18/02770/LBC- Listed building consent for external and internal refurbishment to former fishing shiel- Cheswick Shiel Cheswick Northumberland. Parish Councillors had already submitted No Observations. 18/02769/FUL- External refurbishment to former fishing shiel- Cheswick Shiel Cheswick Northumberland Parish Councillors had already submitted No Observations. 18/03048/FUL- Proposed maintenance hub- Haggerston Castle Berwick-upon- Tweed Northumberland. Parish Councillors had already submitted the following Observations: • Any trees removed should be replaced elsewhere on site. 18/03356/FUL- Retrospective Application for the installation of CCTV Cameras- 3 Camp House Farm Cottage B6354 Ford Bridge Junction to Tweedmouth Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 2NQ. Parish Councillors agreed to submit No Observations 18/03151/FUL- Change from woodland to garden ground, to include secure container. Timber fencing to boundary (Retrospective) 2 Camp House Farm Cottage, Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 2NQ. Parish Councillors agreed to submit No Observations Min 1412 – Planning Approvals: 18/02223/FUL- Replacement of existing roof- Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 2PA 18/02224/LBC- Listed Building Consent for replacement of existing roof- Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 2PA Min 1413- Correspondence Page No 311 Ch’s Initials ________ • CAN- Newsletter • War Memorial Trust- Reply to say not successful grant • Scremerston PCC- Letter of thanks • Clerks & Councils Direct- Newsletter • NCC- Annual joint meeting Town & Parish Councils 18/10 Min 1414- Annual Audit- The Clerk informed the meeting that because the Parish Council had agreed and submitted a Certificate of Exemption there will be no report from the External Auditor this year, and as there have been no issues raised by residents this concludes the Annual Audit for 2017/18. Parish Councillors agreed the Annual Audit for 2017/18 is now concluded. Min 1415- Wickety Footpath- Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact the contractor and ask for a date for a site meeting 4pm ish on a Monday and available Parish Councillors will attend. Min 1416- Annual Insurance Premium- Parish Councillors agreed to agree the 2018/19 Insurance premium via e-mail and ratify the decision at the January meeting. Min 1417- Northumberland County Council- Parish Councillors agreed not to respond to the current Council Tax Support Scheme consultation. Min 1418- Budget- The Clerk reminded Parish Councillors they will need to set the 2019/20 budget at the January meeting. Min 1419 (Min1401)- Fly Tipping- The Chairman asked the Clerk to resend her e-mail to Northumberland County Council. The Clerk informed the meeting that Greenwich Estates would support a CCTV camera at the bridge area on Inland Pastures road, however, they would like to know the costs involved. Parish Councillors agreed there has been more fly tipping in this area, and asked the Clerk to ascertain from Northumberland County Council what the law is for locating a CCTV camera on private land. Parish Councillors agreed that anybody can report fly tipping to Northumberland County Council via their website. ANY URGENT BUSINESS Min 1420- Broadband- Parish Councillor C Greenall informed the meeting that she continues to liaise with Inorthumberland about the upgrading to superfast broadband for Restoration Cottages, Derwentwater Terrace & Deputy Row in Scremerston. At the present time only, Restoration Cottages are to receive superfast broadband, however Parish Councillor C Greenall said she would continue to push for Derwentwater Terrace and Deputy Row to be upgraded to superfast broadband. Min 1421- Dog fouling- Parish Councillors agreed dog fouling has increased all over Scremerston. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact Northumberland County Council and ask for more “No dog fouling” signs to be erected in Scremerston, including the Village Green, and grass area at Restoration Cottages. Page No 312 Ch’s Initials ________ Min 1422- Street Lighting- Parish Councillors queried when the street light upgrade programme for Scremerston will be completed. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact Northumberland County Council Street Lighting Department. Min 1423- Litter Bins- Parish Councillors asked the Clerk to contact
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