'2.00 The INDEPENDENT Commodore Users' Magazine No. 26 JANUARY 1984 For the Commodore 64 and VIC TORPET'S FAMILY OF THE YEAR Gord and Marty Campbell with Lori, Bradley and Derick .ful (On'ilttailidl -W.:irdlPrr.-fil.. format. 1"Etr and DISK ~ well as aH the 61d SUndbys such as RENUI'1 and. SEARCH & MAlLPRO. SPELLPRQ 3n'd PAL are' REPLACi. lncl~s MorePower 64. ayailabl~ (or (:Gmmodore 8032 comJ)uters $4J.95- equi~ with jither 'CommOdore 4().4() or- TOOL BOX §4 8050 Disk Drives. further" inrormation on . Is the ultimate p!'Qgrammer's utility · reqoest. =(; package. I n()lu~s Pal 64 assembler Distributed in Canada by: and Power 64 BASIC soup· up kit all PACO ELECTRONICS LTO . .together in one fully integr3ted and to Steelcase Rd., West, UnIt 10 economical package. ' $19.9S· Markham. Ollt., L3R 182 4 16·4 7 S·07~ ;J.:~fex 06.?f,66SS U.,S. Dealer, Distributor: inC(LIiries i(lYl~ed : • are 1n U.S, Dtlllars, slightly Pri~e~ show .. higfier In Canaa;. -+ Coml)lOdOre 64.111d Col)1modore Ire trademarks of Commodorf B'Ullness • /'1achl~J~ . PAGF TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 letters to the Editor. ............................................_ 3 Contest Rules : . • • • • • . • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • 3 TPUG Bulletin Board PASSWORD. ••••...•.•••••..•.•••••.•••••••.••.• 3 TPUG Calendar . .....•..•.....•.••.•.....•.....••.•....••.••....• 4 EDITORIAL In Praise of TPUG • • •••.••••••••....••••••••••••• Bruce Beach 5 TPUG'S President's Message. •••••...•••.•..••••••...• Michael Bonnycastle 6 Commodore's 25th Anniversary Bash. ....•••.••.•••••....•.••. Leslie Wood 9 Icing on the Commodore Birthday Cake. • ......•••...•••••..•••. Brian Lunt 15 Programming the Commodore 64 Function Keys . ... Paul Thompson and Ron Radko 19 Book Review- Wordpro for Commodores • . ••....•.••••••...•.••• G. R. Walter 19 Word Processor Review- TOTl Text •.....•••....••.•••.•.••• Rich Westerman 20 CHIPP! . ...•........•.......••.......•........•.... Mike Richardson 21 VIC Aid. .....•........•......•.•..............•...•... Paul McClay Z7 A REVIEW: Logo for The Commodore 64. • •••••..•••••••..•• Dr. Efraim Halton 34 COMMODORE'S Magic Desk • . ••••...•.•.•......••••....•..••.•.••.•• _ 39 HARDWARE HACKER. .••...•.•••••..•.•..•...•.•.••. Hank Mroczkowski 40 Used Furniture for Your Computer ..••••.•....•••....•••••. David H. Mcleod 41 ASSEMBLER: Putting It All Together . ...•.•......•••••..•••• LIlfJY Goldstein 44 Commodore Telecommunicates. ••....•.••.•...•.•.....•. Robert Kobenter 45 Pedisk 8 is Great! ..••••••••..•••••••.••••••••••••••••.••• Terry Taller 51 Game Reviews • . ..•...•......••.••....•.••.....•••••. Rich Westerman 53 16K Expander for PET. ...........•........•....••.•.. Sheldon H. Dean 55 Paperclip Update. •••••••••••••..•••••••..•••••....•••••• Ian Wright 57 Printing a Disk Directory with Paperclip. .•.••....••.••.•.•••••• M. J. Winter 58 This N' That • . • • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • . • . • • . • • . Doris Bradley 63 HELP. ..••.•.•..••.•••...••.•.....••••.....••••.... Doris Bradley 64 EDUCATION DISK CATALOGUE . • ••••....••.....•.••.•.•••••••.•.••••. _ 94 Classified Ads ................................................,._ 95 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS ..•....•.•••....••••.•...•.••..•.•••••.••.• IS~N # 0821-1809 published by The Publisher Horning's Mills, Ontario Canada lON 1JO (519) 925-5376 Use above address tor both manuscript submission and advertising U.S. Address: The TOAPET 1 Brinkman Ave., Buffalo, N.Y .. 14211 Bruce M. Beach, Publisher and Editor Bruce Hougham, Associate Editor Published monthly (except April and December) Single subscription rate - $20.00 per year Honorary Editorial Committee: Jim Butterfield. Associate Editor of Compute, Toronto, Onl Dave Williams, Contributing Editor of Info Age, Toronto, Onl Elizabeth Deal, well-known contributer to Commodore Magazines, Malvern, Pa. Jane Campbell. Former San Diego User's Group President, San Diego, Ca. Special bulk rates to clubs Printed In Canada Canadian Second Class Mailing Permit Number 5918 Mailed at Shelburne. Ontario U.S. Second-Class Postage paid at Buffalo, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to The TOAPET, 1 Brinkman Ave.. Buffalo. N.Y., 14211 TORPET January 84 page 1 l etters to the EDITOR I would like to tell you that I really like the List Me I would like to know why the August, September, and October issues of the TOR PET arrived at the newsstand that yo~ now put in The TOR PET magazine ~~k?ng with G. WI Walter's article on the 64 -- Torpet, September 83. during the 1st week of the month and my copies arrived Frank Bessler 1Fti848 during the last week of each month three weeks later. I stanton, california don't believe that's proper and jf it's happening to me it's got to be happening to other members as well. I have belonged to TPUG tor over a halt year now and enjoy reading the TORPET. The October issue Thanks for the article by Farquharson on RAM. Some (11=24) was especially informative and timely tor myself as I people I know WOUldn't believe what I tried to explain un­ am considering the purchase of a printer. til they read it in print My negative comment about the club concerns DOUBLE THANKS for the articles on CPM. They documentation tor the programs on disk/tape. Not living in served to clarity a tew pOints for me and enlighten some the T.O. area, I cannot attend the meetings where these friends of mine. programs are introduced. Without instructions, some of the George Dennis #5868 programs cannot be run. I would be most interested in in­ Van Nuys, California formation on the Turtle programs of disk VB - VIC Feb/83. J. A. Bach 15571 Kingston, Ontario tvtore On Deal I have just fjnished reading the article by Elizabeth After several years of hearing about TPUG being Deal on disk drive formats. This was a very informative the best ot all Commodore user's groups, I have finally article. As I read this it reminded me ot several problems decided to join. I am looking forward to all the great ar­ that I have had with my 1540/1541 disk drive. At the time ticles in TORPET. I didn't think of the tormat difference. Boyd Hammond #11015 Gretna. Louisiana As Elizabeth writes, the disk will self-destruct in time. Don't I wish I had had backups tor all the programs Six months have passed since I happened to walk I lost trom self-destruct! into an exhibit at 'Lion Country' and was introduced to the world of computers. My first purchase was a membership The problem started to occur when I got the subscription to the TPUG. This happened, not because I upgraded ROM for my 1540 disk drive. Atter checking knew what I was dOing, but due to your participating some ot my older disks formated using the 1540 ROM It member's persuasiveness. However, I have no regrets tor appears that the 1540 drive is formated the same as the my membership. Each issue of TORPET gives me a tew 4040 drives (fills the entire disk with zeros). I would sug­ more pointers and hints to get more out of my C64. gest to anyone that has upgraded their disk drive to copy • Mack Biederman #7729 all old disks to new disks formated on the 1541 ROM. Woodland Hill.. california I enjoy the magazine very much and would ap­ I believe this will save a lot ot headaches and preCiate more articles describing some of your better frustrations when your disks self-destruct programs, especially utilities for both C64 and PET 2001 Dave Crossett n588 with upgrade BASIC. Deltona. Florida Bill Rutherford ''3658 Kolawno, Indiana The article by Elizabeth Deal, "Detecting Disk Format" (lOR PET Oct '83) is very timely, as much com" Just a quick note to say thank you for your tine mercial soHware is being .et up on 4040 disks, but tor periodical. And also thank you for not forgetting us PET ~se on 1541 drives. It (as in some games) there is a disk own.,. ot the world. Your articles are interesting and easy write involved somewhere along the way, then watch out! to understand. One que.tion however? Is Commodore still makl"g the 8010 modem? I own a 4032 (Fat Forty) and I The solution Is to do a 1541 backup (it possible) of C!iln't seem to tlnd one anywhere. every disk. Boring, so save it tor a rainy ~y but don't Phillip loyd "149 wait too long. Cherry Point. North Carolina One minor point From my reading ot the DOS, the Thank you tor your help. I think your organization sectors in track 1 start"OO 01 01" etc.. first bytes being lWoVl".. a t.rritic service and a very readable newsletter. different Heaven knows why! So it you use T=l S::() In the . John Michell 1n568 little program the result will be different Calgary, Alberta Don't torget that 'scratched' tiles leave all their junk It is a real joy to see so many avid users of on disks untouched - only the directory track is altered. Commodore computing products and a whole library avail­ Sectors may be 'free' but without reference to BAM, you able to TPUG members. may never know. Danlal Plamondon .11819 ottawa, Ontario Paul Blair Australia page 2 TORPET January 84 CONTEST 1984 TPue Associate Club Chapter This contest is going to be a little bit dif­ Meetings ferent. and hopefully will provide some fun PET Educators Group (Windsor) for the members as they try to beat the - meets at Windsor Separate School Board Media Centre. 1485 Janette Ave. on the 3rd Wednesday of each month rules. The contest prize of a Commodore (not July & August) at 7:00 p.m. 64 (or suitable substitution. at the discretion Contact John Moore 51.253-8658 of the judging committee) will be awarded for the BEST 10-LlNE BASIC PROGRAM. London Commodore Users Club - meets at the University of Western OntariO, in Room 40 of the School of Business Administration on the last The rules are as follows: Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Dennis Trankner 519-681-5059 1. Use line numbers 0 to 9 only. Genesee County Area Pet US8f'S Group (Michigan) 2. Program to be written In BASIC and be - meets at Bentley High School on Belsay Rd. on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
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