Fox Theatres Offer Special College Approves Optional Meal Plan Student Price Wettond Meals, Stemming from an action lait Cash Breakfast fall to 1 o ok Into whether or not local theatre prirea could be re­ In New 'Plan B' duced for Poly atudenta, ASH Prea- tdent Bob Orlme thla week received Students and administrative a letter and contact from Pox cooperation has brought about a choice of two meal programs Jludent affairs council ta l— under next year’s revised thla matter at Tueeday'a meet­ Vol 1* No. 26 ing In order to get more fctudent'a FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1956 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA room and board system, it was reaction. A few HAC member* disclosed this week. were In faror of the propoaal Chttrltadtr Candidates Final approval of ’’ Plan B," sub­ and eome were not. Students are mitted in April by a group of requested to expreae their feel* Meet Early Tomorrow students representing those who Inga, either written or orally, to [ Orientation of those wishing Rodeo Team Cops Title; obJected to the original plan, was A n B Secretary John Trexel. to try out for cheerleader next granted by the Foundation Board Lettera may be left In the ASB year will be held tomorrow on the of Directors this week. football field at 10 iBO a.m* It has The new program Includes both been announced by the rally com­ the original plan— three meals Fox Went Coast's propoaal Is to mittee. Interested atudenta ar\> Roberts Top Cowboy a day Monday through Friday laaua admission cards to atudenta asked to attend, either as groups and eaah on weohoado and tha which will allow them admlaalon or as Individuals. optional plan—luneh and dinner to any Fox Weat Coaat theatre In Compiling over 8,000 points teammate Jack Marshall won sec­ throughout the season. Poly’s rodeo ond In the saddle broncs and third Monday through Saturday, din­ California or Arlaona at a reduced Phllbln Explains Summer ner en Sunday and eaah far price, Except thoae theatrea charg­ team has won the Paetrio Coast eon* in the bull riding. Marvin Roberts ference championship, and Marvin breakfaata. ing 50 centa or leaa and exeopt VA Expense Procedures won firsts in bull dogging and team those theatres presenting a road Roberta, Junior AH maJor from Upon board approval, Gene Bren* roping events, Ed Hays won second •how engagement. Students registered under PL 848 Salinas, has ooppsd the all-round dlln, foundation manager, said, "I Term% o f the agreement arei who are not eligible under the Re- oowboy title in the western region In bull dogging, and Ed Berryeasa am quite pleased with the plan 1, Student admlaalon cards, In enlistment a ot,T L 190, will have of the National Inter-oolleglate won second in the team roping and Its preeentation, as la the entire all benefits terminated July 88, Rodeo association. board." form satisfactory to you and thla events. company, will be printed by ua 1968, announces Registrar Leo Results were confirmed at the Different color wallct-aiscd meal (Fox west Coaat agency). Phllbln. recent regional anorlation finals Arlaona Btate edged out Pierce card* to be shown at each meal 8. Only one card snail be Issued Students registering thla sum­ at Pteroe Junior oollege, Canoga at the Canoga Park show, with Cal will distlngutch tha two plans, slim* mer for the four week term only, Park. Poly taking third. Jack Marshal) Inatlng accounting and auditing to any one student; a card shall July 20, will not be affected by this not be used by any person other Third At Pierce won first in the saddle bronc riding problems. date, says Phllbln. Cal Poly took third place at the and seoond In bull riding. Roberts than the student to whom It li Students who enroll for the full Studenta submitting ths optional Issued; upoiupon presentation. ______ at any o:_ Pleroe show, but had the champ ion- won first in bull dogging, second In plan to ths; board include George 10 week term, however, supply ship already sewed up on total ribbon roping, and second In one Volton, Robert Bostrom, John the Fox West Coaat theaters above costs will be prorated and a refund described in, California or Arlaona. points. go round of calf roping. Hays won Martin, Jim Hugee, Clyde Manut, made for the portion' tie YatoMSl second In one go round of bull dog- Charles Cavanaugh and Dan an admission tloket shall be Issued administration will pay. Publle Law Washington State placed sec­ to the student presenting the card ond within the western region, ging and fifth In the bareback Clifton. 848 students registering for the brono riding. upon payment of an admission six week term only will also pay with third going to Idaho State In their written propoaal tha trice equal to the prevailing "Jun- nnd fourth to Arisons State. Team members going to the group pointed out that mauy own fees and reoelve a prorated Pierce rodeo were Marshall, Hays, Jor Admission Price" (70 oents refund. _ Mle McCarty, Idaho State, placed engineering and arts and selenes locally) at the theatre, which will second In the all-round. Ken Mc­ Roberts, Tom Ellery, Ed Berryesaa, students do not sst brsskfast, but be approximately 88 percent less Rae, Washington State, won the and Charlie Leavell. would he Interested In a plan that than the regular admission price. FACULTY FLING third spot. Fourth, fifth, and would offer luneh and dlnnsr and 8. The term of this agreement * The annual Spring Filng of the sixth went to Poly m*n Ed Ber­ carry thsm ovsr ths weekends. shall commence on September 1. Faculty riub will be held at the ry sasa, Tom Klleiv and Jack WIN AT FRESNO "On the other hand there are 1950 and end on June BO, 1057 and l’olettl ranch, Approximately three Marshall, respectively, Four Cal Poly students won the many atudenta who prefer to go the student admlaalon cards shall miles north of Cayucos tomorrow, Ellery Second trophy in a match roping contest home or eleewhere on weekends be good for the same period. A faculty gqlf tournament In the Individual regional stand­ at Fresno State this weekend, the and would prefer the program es­ 4. The student admission cards scheduled for the morning ings, Tom Ellery took second In first to be hbld between the two tablished by the Hounl of Direc­ (Continued on page 8) Morro Bay, the bareback bronc riding, while colleges. tors," the letter stated. Silver Fox Hughes Says 56 Gridiron Squad Loaded For Bear Cunha, Nutrition Specialist, G it Class Offices Is "Alumnus of the Year" Mustang grid Coacl? Soy Tlufifteg la beaming a smite Gordon Kennedy and Maynard Tony Cunhs, presently director Cunha attended Cal Poly from thesele days anaand w h hy y ------shouldn't__ ------ he?— T h e-------- Silver. Foxa- _gridiron Ksplsr wars sleeted to_ Senior class of animal nutrition at Unlvsrstty 1988-1939, at which time he traafi - iquad appeara to be loaded for bear and ready for the '5fi and Junior class presidenciesresidencies re­re- of Florida, was selected as "Alum­ ferred to Utah State college and spectively this weak, with the key nus o f ths Year," Lester Grube of obtained his bachelor and master season right now! aonhomore class position left va­ Sen Joss, national Alumni associa­ of science degrees. Hs later It's fairly safe to say that never before In Muatang pig- cant by disqualification. Complete tion president, disclosed this wash. attended University of Wisconsin, skiif history has so much talen tf results wars si follows: Through Cunha's direction, the where he received a doctorate In Senior Cisco—President Gordon animal nutrition. been aplenty. E v s r y Indication Florida college has grown into on# Kennedy from Arvin; vie# presi­ Hs Joined ths staff of tho Wash* points to a strong -possibility of of the nation's leading universities Free Senior Party dent, Doug Maddox from Laton; doing graduate work m the field of lngton State college animal hue* snothsr championship team. You secretary, Mike Simmons from animal nutrition, according to Cal bandry department In charge of name It—the Silver Fox seems to Madera; treasurer, Malcom De­ Poly Doan of Agriculture Vard animal nutrition after leaving At Avila Beach Young from Leesburg, Florida; M. Shepard. Wisconsin. Richard Johnson. Boa have Itl That'e the way the story a n d S.A.C. representative, Vic oe* Judging from the spring prsc- Free tickets for the senior bench Miller and Tom Mayors, all in* party and senior breakfast are now Walker from Santa Barbara. ‘ structors In Cal Polys animal hus­ f lc* and last Friday's Inter-squad Junior Class — President, May­ tilt In whlrh ths Mustang Whites available In the ASB offloe to class bandry depart merit, were atudenta edged, the Greens, fl-0. card holders. Guest cards may bs nard Kepler from Fresno; vJee ‘New Era’ Theme of Cunha’s at Washington Stats, as purchased for both events accord­ president, Ken Beatty from West­ well as two former lnsructors Jack I’laycd under game-like con­ ing to Bob Krshblsl, chairman of morland; secretary, Paul Mdver Algeo and Dr. Dean Ltndley. dition*, the tuesel w*» cli»*c be- arrangements. from Lancaster; treasurer, Gary For Homecoming esu*e Head Coarh Hughes Left Washington The beach party will take plsco Rose from San Leandro; and S.A.C. Cunhs left Washington Stats In divided hi* squad as evenly as at Avila beach, reports Rodney representative, R o g o r Packard Tentative theme, "A New Ere," pn**lhle, a far cry from using a ha* been choeen for the 1968 1948 to Join the A.
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