Certfficate of Inspection

Certfficate of Inspection

Department of Homeland Security Serial #: C1-1701110 United States Coast Guard Dated: 29-Mar-17 Certfficate of Inspection Curgo Authori$ Attuchment Vessel Name: E2MS 306 Shipyard: TRINITY MARINE PRODUCTS, INC Official #: 1277193 Hull #: 5269 46 CFR 151 Tank Group Characteristics Cargo Environmental Tank Group lnfomation Cargo ldentifi€tion Tanks S0ectat Keoutremenls Transfer uontrol Frre Carqo rnrl Hull Seo Prpe Handlrng Protection Matenals of rEtec Temp Tanks rn Densrty Press renp TYPe Vent Cont Prouded Gq Grcup rvp ra;k Gauqe Class Ianks Space'l General Constructton Haz Cont A #1 P/S. #2PlS. #3P/S 13.6 Atmos. Amb. ll 1ii lntegEl Closed ll G-1 NR NA Portable .50€0, .50-70(a), 55-1(b), (c), (e), (f), NR No 2ii G€vity .s0-70(b), .sc73, (.J),56 1(a), (b), (c), .s0-81 (a), .5G (d), (e), (f), (q) 81(b), Notes: 1. Under Environmental Control, Tanks, NR means that the tank group is suitable only for those cargoes which require no enMronmental contrcl in the cargo tanks that the ressel does not hare a cargo control space, and this requirement is not applied. equipment located in a hazardous lrcation List of Authorized Ca Cargo ldentification Conditions of Carriage Chem 6.uo Sub Hull App'd VCS Special Requirements in 46 CFR Code No Chapter GEde Type (Y or N) Category 15'1 General and lv]at'ls of Authorized Subchapter O Carqoes Glyphosate solution (not containing surfactant) Gro 7 D/O E No N/A Sodium acetate solution SAN 34 D/O 3 # No N/A Acetonitrile ATN 37 o c Yes 3No Acrylonitrile 152 Yes 50 70ia). 55-rle) No G Adiponitrile ADN 370EilA Yes 1 Alkyl(C7-C9) niirates AKN 3420NAiltA No N/A 50 81 5G86 G 55 1(b) G Aminoelhylethanolamine AEE 80Eilt A Yes 1 Ammonium bisulfite solulion (70% or less) ABX 4320NAiltA No N/A 50-73 5c1(a) (b),1c) G Ammonium hydroxide (28% or less NH3) AI\i]H 60NAiltA No N/A sG1(a) (b), (c), (r) (s) G Anthracene oil (Coal tar fraction) AHO o NA il NO N/A No G Benzene BNZ .72 o c llt Yes 1 5060 G 50 60 G Benzene or hydrocarbon mixtures (having 1 0% Benzene or more) BHB 322 o ilt Yes Benzene or hydrocarbon mixtures (containing Acetylene and 10% BHA 322 o C lil Yes s0 60. sa1(b) (d) {i) (g) Benzene or more) Benzene, Toluene,_Xylene mixtures (10% Benzene or more) o B/C Yes 50-60 1 Butyl acrylate (all isomers) BAR 14 o D ill Yes 2 s0-70(a) s0€1ia) (b) G Butyl methacrylate BMH 14 o D il Yes 2 s0-70(a) soi1(a) (b) G s5 1(h) G Butyraldehyde (all isomers) BAE 19 o ilt Yes 1 Camphor oil (light) cPo 18 o D il No N/A No G Carbon tetrachloride CBT 36 o NA ilt No N/A No G Caustic potash solution CPS 52 o NA ilt No N/A s0-73.5r10) G C"rrf"."O" *fL,ti* acc a 2 o NA ilt No s0 73 sr1(j) G Chemical Oil (refin-ed, containing phenolics) COD 21 o E il No NiA 50 73 Chlorobenzene CRB 36 o Yes Chloroform CRF 36 o NA Yes G Coal tar naphtha solvent NCT 33 o D Ill Yes 50-73 G Creosote ccw 21 2 o E ilt Yes Cresols (all isomers) CRS o Yes 50,73, st1(b) G Cresylate spent caustic _-- .-- o NA N/A 55-1(f) G Cresylic acid tar CRX 21 o E ilt Yes 1 Crotonaldehyde cTA 192 o c il Yes 4 5s 1(h) G NO G Crude hydrocarbon feedstock (containing Butyraldehydes and cHG 192 o c ilt Yes 1 Ethvlproovl acrolein) *** Thisdocumentisonlyvalidwhenaftachedto,andreferencedbyacurrent,validCertificaleoflnspection. *** Department ol Homeland Security Serial #: C1-1701110 United States Coast Guard Dated: 29-Mar-17 C ertificate of Insp ection Curgo Aathori$ Attuchment Vessel Name: E2MS 306 Shipyard: TRINITY MARINE PRODUCTS, INC Otficial #: 1277193 Page 2 of 8 Hull #: 5269 Cargo ldentification Conditions of Carriage por Recovety I Compat Special Requirements in 46 CFR '15'1 i lnem 6roup Sub -qull Tank App'd VCS General and Mat'ls of I CoOe No Chapter Grade Type Group (Y or N) Category Construction , CqH 18 O D lll A Y"r 1 !1tl Cyclohexanone, Cyclohexanol mixture cYX 182 O E lll A Yes 1 56 1(b) G Cyclohexylamine CHA 7 O D lll A yes 1 sG 1(a) (b). (c) (g) G Cyclopentadiene, Styrene, Benzene mixture csB 30 o D lll A Yes 1 s0€0 sa1(b) G iso-Decyl acrylate lAl 14 O E lll A Yes 2 s0-70{a).50€1(a).(b) 551(c) G Dichlorobenzene (all isomers) DBX 36 O E lll A Yes 3 s6-1(a) (b) G G 1 ,1 -Dichloroethane DCH36OClll AYeslNo 2,2!Dichloroethyl ether DEE41 ODII AYesl5s-1{f) G Dichloromelhane DCIVI 36 O NA lll A Yes 5 No (b) (c) (s) 2 y'-Drchlo,rophenory"991'gq"ld, q!g!g!9l9rl!! DDE 43 O E lll A No N/A 56 1(a) 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, dimethylamine salt solution DAD 0 1 2 O A lll A No N/A 56 1(a). (b) (c) (s) G 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, triisopropanolamine salt solution DTI 43 2 O E lll A No N/A 56 1(a) (b) (c) (s) G G 1 ,1 -Dichloropropane DPB36OClll AYes3No 1 ,2-Dichloropropane DPP36OClll AYes3No G 1 ,3-Dichloropropane DPC36OClll AYes3No G Nn 1 ,3-Dichloropropene DPU 15 O D ll A Yes 4 Dichloropropene, Dichloropropane mixtures DMX 15 O C ll A Yes 1 No G Diethanolamine DEA 8 O E ill A Yes 1 55 1(c) G 55 1(c) G Dielhy!9lnile .. DEN 7 O C lll A Yes 3 Diethylenetriamine DET 72 O E lll A yes 1 ss_1(c) G Diisobutylamine DBUTODilt AYes355-1(c) G D iisopropa nola m ine DlPSOElll AYesl5s-1(c) G Diisopropylamine DlATOClt AYes3ss-1(c) G N,N-Dimelhylacetamide DAC 10 O E lll A Yes 3 s1(b) G Dimethylethanolamine DMB 8 O D ilt A Yes 1 56-1(b) (c) G Dimethylformamide DMFl0ODlll AYesl5s-1(e) G D i-n-propyla m ine DNA 7 O C ll A Yes 3 55 1(c) G Dodecyldimethylamine, Tetradecyldimethylamine mixture DOT 7 O E lll A No NiA 56 1(b) G EE Glvcol Ether Mixture EEG 40 O D lll A No N/A No Ethanolamine MEA 8 O E ilt . A Yes 1 55 1(c) G Ethyl acrylate EAC ,14 O C lll A yes 2 5a7a\a). s0€1(a).(b) Ethylamine solution (72% or less) EAN 7 O A ll A Yes 6 5s1(b) G N-EthylbutVlamine EBATODlll AYes3ss.1(b) G N-Ethylcyclohexylamine ECCTODllt AYes1ss,1{b) G Ethylene cyanohydrin ETC200ElllAYeslNo G Ethylenediamine EDA 72 O D lll A Yes 1 5s1(c) G Elhylene dichloride EDC 362 O C lll A Yes 1 Nn Ethylene glycol hexyl ether EGH 40 O E lll A No N/A No G Ethylene glycol monoalkyl ethers EGC 40 O D/E III A YES 1 NO G Ethvlene qlvcol propvl ether EGP40OEIII AYeslNo G 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate EAI 14 O E lll A yes 2 5a7a@). s0€1(a).(b) Ethyl methacrylate ETM 14 O D/E Iil A Yes 2 5a.7aQ) G 2-Ethyl-3-propylacrolein EPA 192 O E lll A Yes 1 No G Formaldehyde solution (37% to 50%) Flvls 19 2 o D/E ilt A Yes 1 55-1(h) G Furfural FFA 19 O D lll A Yes 1 s5 1(h) Glutaraldehyde solution (50% or less) GTA 19 O NA lll A No N/A No G He solution HMCTOElll AYesls5-1(c) G (c) H examethylen eim in e HMI 7 O C ll A Yes 1 56 1(b) *** Thisdocumentisonlyvalidwhenattachedto,tndreferencedbyacurrent,vulidCertificateoflnspection. *** Department of Homeland Security Serial #: C1-1701 1 10 United States Coast Guard Dated: 29-Mar-17 C erttficate of Insp ection Curgo Authori| Attuchment Vessel Name: E2MS 306 Shipyard: TRINITY MARINE PRODUCTS, INC Ofiicial #: 1277193 Page 3 of 8 Hull #: 5269 Gargo ldentification Conditions of Carriage vapor Recovery i compat speciat Requrrements in 46 cFR I Chem 6rcsp Sub Hul Tank App'd VCS I 5.1 Geleral and l/ai ls ot lnsp. Name 'Code No Chapter Grade lypg Group (Y or N) Category 6ens11s611sn penod Hydrocarbon 5-9 HFN 3'l I s0-70(a). 50€1(a) 1b) lsoprene IPR 30 o ilt Yes 7 so'7ala), s0€1(a) (b) G lsoprene, Pentadiene mixture IPN 30 o B ill No N/A .50-70(a). 55 1{c) G Kraft pulping liquors (free alkali content 3% or more)(including: Black, KPL o N/A s0-73 5G1(a) (c). (s) Green, or White liquor) lvlesityl oxide MSO 182 0 D ilt Yes 1No G Methyl acrvlate MAM14OC ilt Yes 2 50-70(a). 50€1(a), (b) Methylcyclopentadiene dimer MCK30OC ilt Yes 1 No G Methyl dielhanolamine MDESOE ilt Yes 1 56 1(b) (c) G 2-[/]ethyl-5-ethylpyrid ine MEP9OE ilr yes 1 s5 1(e) G Methyl methacrylate MMM14OC ilt yes 2 5a7a@), so€](a),(b) G 2-Methylpyrid ine MPR9OD ilt Yes 3 5s 1(c) G alpha-l\/lethylstyrene MSR 30 Yes 2 5a 1a\a). s0€1(a), (b) .1 Morpholine MPL 72 O D Yes 55 1(c) Nftroethane NTE42OD il No N/A s0,81 sG1(b) G 1- or 2-Nitropropane NPM42OD ilt yes 1 50 81 G '1,3-Pentadiene PDE30OA ilt YeS 7 s0-70{a) 50€1 G Perchloroethylene PER 36 O NA ilt No NiA No G Polyethylene polyamines PEB 72 O E lil Yes 1 55 1(e) G iso-Propanolamine MPASOE ilt Yes 1 55 1(c) G Propanolamine (iso-, n-) PAXSOE ilt Yes 1 s6-1(b) (c) G iso-Propylamine IPPTOA il Yes 5 s5 1(c) G Pyridine PRD9OC Yes .l 55-1(e) Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (3% or more Sodium SAP5O No N/A 50 73 s51U) Hydroxide) Sodium aluminate solution (45% or less) SAU5ONAIII A No N/A 50 73.

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