TOWN OF ESSEX SELECTBOARD Online Essex Junction, VT 05452 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Monday, June 7, 2021 6:30 PM E-mail: [email protected] www.essexvt.org Phone: (802) 878-1341 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely . Available options to watch or join the meeting: • WATCH: the meeting will be live-streamed on Town Meeting TV. • JOIN ONLINE : Join Microsoft Teams Meeting. Depending on your browser, you may need to call in for audio (below). • JOIN CALLING: Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 351 279 122# • PROVIDE FULL NAME: For minutes, please provide your full name whenever prompted. • CHAT DURING MEETING: Please use “Chat” to request to speak, only. Please do not use for comments. • RAISE YOUR HAND: Click on the hand in Teams to speak or use the “Chat” feature to request to speak. • MUTE YOUR MIC: When not speaking, please mute your microphone on your computer/phone. 1. CALL TO ORDER [6:30 PM] 2. AGENDA ADDITIONS/CHANGES 3. APPROVE AGENDA 4. PUBLIC HEARING a. Public Hearing on revisions to Title 7, Motor Vehicles, Traffic and Parking, of the [6:35 PM] Municipal Ordinance 5. PUBLIC TO BE HEARD a. Comments from Public on Items Not on Agenda 6. BUSINESS ITEMS a. *Interview and potential appointment: Dorothy Bergendahl, Energy Committee b. *Interview and potential appointment: Tom Yandow, Zoning Board of Adjustment c. **Consider approval of first-class liquor license: 1st Republic Brewing Co, LLC dba 1st Republic Brewing Co, LLC d. **Consider renewal of first- and third-class liquor license: Fong LLC dba Joyce’s Noodle House e. Discussion and potential action on request to invite Secretary of State to upcoming Selectboard meeting to discuss Open Meeting Laws and Public Records Act f. Consider approval of final passage of revisions to Title 7, Motor Vehicles, Traffic and Parking, of the Municipal Ordinance g. Consider approval of COVID true-up bonuses for employees h. Consider approval of revisions to Town of Essex Personnel Guidelines i. Presentation, discussion, and potential action to update Community Development fees j. ***Legal discussion on Village of Essex Junction’s proposed separation from Town of Essex **Selectboard will be acting as Board of Liquor Control Commissioners during this agenda item 7. CONSENT ITEMS a. Consider authorizing the Town to apply for the 2021 VTRANS Bike and Pedestrian Grant to complete final design and construction of a segment of a path on VT Route 15 b. Consider awarding bid for construction at Allen Martin Drive and VT Route 15 c. Consider awarding bid for purchase of replacement road grader d. Approve minutes: May 17, 2021; May 24, 2021 - Joint e. Check Warrants: #17864 – 5/21/21; 17867 – 5/28/21; #17871 – 6/4/21 8. READING FILE a. Board member comments b. Email from Jenny Willingham re: June 19th award ceremony honoring Mountain View Cemetery Commission for Restoration of the Common Burial Ground Cemetery c. Letter from Barbara A. Higgins re: Resolution to Investigate an Amicable Separation d. Email from Liz Subin re: Supporting Equity Work in Essex e. Essex Juneteenth Celebration f. Upcoming meeting schedule 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. *An executive session may be requested to discuss the appointments of public officials Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF ESSEX SELECTBOARD MEETING AGENDA – June 4, 2021 b. ***An executive session is anticipated to discuss legal matters Members of the public are encouraged to speak during the Public to Be Heard agenda item, during a Public Hearing, or, when recognized by the Chair, during consideration of a specific agenda item. The public will not be permitted to participate when a motion is being discussed except when specifically requested by the Chair. This agenda is available in alternative formats upon request. Meetings of the Selectboard, like all programs and activities of the Town of Essex, are accessible to people with disabilities. For information on accessibility or this agenda, call the Town Manager's office at 878-1341. Certification: _______________________ ________________6/4/2021 \\ETO05\town-manager\Documents\Legislative bodies\SELECTBOARD\AGENDAS\2021\20210607 SB Agenda.docx Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF ESSEX SELECTBOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING June 7, 2021 6:35 p.m. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. Available options to watch or join the meeting: WATCH: The meeting will be live-streamed on Town Meeting TV. JOIN ONLINE: Click here to join the meeting. Depending on your browser, you may need to call in for audio (below). JOIN CALLING: Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 351 279 122# PROVIDE FULL NAME: For minutes, please provide your full name whenever prompted. CHAT DURING MEETING: Please use “Chat” to request to speak, only. Please do not use for comments. RAISE YOUR HAND: Click on the hand in Teams to speak or use the “Chat” feature to request to speak. MUTE YOUR MIC: When not speaking, please mute your microphone on your computer/phone. The Selectboard of the Town of Essex shall hold a public hearing at 6:35 p.m. on June 7, 2021 online at https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_YWI3MTkzZTUtZDNkNi00NTdhLWE2N2YtMjU2YTQ1NzVmMmU1%40thread.v2/0?co ntext=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ecf8d528-f923-4497-9342- 6544108d0637%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227d2b52d1-4870-4b4c-8056-abdf32a00af0%22%7d. You can find the link at www.essexvt.org or join via conference call (audio only): 802-377-3784 – Conference ID: 351 279 122# The purpose of the public hearing is to consider final passage of revisions to Title 7, Motor Vehicles, Traffic and Parking, of the Municipal Ordinance. The Selectboard of the Town of Essex hereby ordains that changes be made to the Municipal Ordinance, Title 7, Motor Vehicles, Traffic and Parking. The purpose of the revised provisions is to provide updates to ordinances that have not seen a major change in more than 20 years, including a new section to unify violations into one section; adding language for non-payment of fines and detailed procedures; adding exemptions to winter parking; correcting language to match an upcoming Public Nuisance ordinance; increasing distances of parking restrictions near intersections; and making updates to sections about traffic control signals, stop signs, yield signs, speed limits, and no parking zones. Full text of the proposed revisions may be examined at the Essex Town Offices, 81 Main St., Essex Jct., VT, or online at www.essexvt.org. Should the Town of Essex Selectboard adopt these ordinances, they will become effective immediately. Citizens have the right to petition for a vote on the ordinance at an annual or special meeting pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1973. Five (5) percent of the qualified voters of the Town of Essex, by written petition filed with the Town Clerk no later than forty-four (44) days following the date of adoption by the Selectboard, may request that the voters of the town disapprove of the Selectboard’s action at a duly warned annual or special meeting. Please direct questions to Lt. Robert Kissinger at [email protected] or 802-878-8331. Andy Watts, Chair Essex Selectboard Title 7 MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAFFIC AND PARKING Chapters: 7.01 General Provisions 7.04 Traffic Lights and Stop Signs 7.08 One-Way Streets and Turning Movements 7.12 Speed Limits 7.16 Weight Limits and Control of Thru-Truck Traffic 7.20 Parking 7.24 Towing 7.30 Closure of Highways for Flooding and Other Emergency Events 7.40 Special Occasions—Town Highway Maintenance 7.50 Severability 1 Chapter 7.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sections: 7.01.010 Adoption Authority 7.01.020 Purpose 7.01.030 Definitions 7.01.040 Enforcement 7.01.050 Violations – Penalties 7.01.060 Severability 7.01.010 Adoption authority A. Pursuant to the provisions of Title 23, Chapter 13, Subchapter 1 and Title 24, Chapter 59, Vermont Statutes Annotated, and the Charter of the Town of Essex, the Legislative body of the Town of Essex hereby ordains that the following Motor Vehicles, Traffic and Parking Ordinance is adopted for the Town of Essex and is designated as a civil ordinance. B. The adoption of this ordinance shall not effect prosecution for violations committed prior to the effective date of this ordinance, does not waive any fee or penalty due or not paid on the effective date and does not affect the validity of any bond, letter of credit or cash deposit posted, filed or deposited pursuant to the requirements of any other ordinance. 7.01.020 Purpose A. In the interest of the public health, safety and welfare of the Town of Essex, this ordinance is adopted to establish special traffic and parking regulations on the public highways within the Town of Essex, Vermont. 7.01.030 Definitions A. Word and/ or phrases when used in the ordinance shall, for purposes of this ordinance, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them herein, except when the context otherwise requires. B. Whenever any words and/ or phrases used herein are not defined, but are defined in the state statute regulating the operation of vehicles, any such definition therein shall be deemed to apply to such words or phrases used herein, except when the context otherwise requires. C. The definitions of Title 23, section 4, Vermont Statutes Annotated are incorporated herein by reference. 7.01.040 Enforcement A. This is a civil ordinance and shall be enforced by enforcement officials in the Vermont Judicial Bureau in accordance with Title 24, Chapter 59 and Title 23, Chapter 13, Vermont Statutes Annotated. 2 7.01.050 Violations – Penalties A. Any person who violates any provision of this Title 7, Chapters 7.04 through 7.16 shall be considered to have committed a civil traffic violation that falls under the jurisdiction of the Vermont Judicial Bureau and penalties shall be assessed according to the Judicial Bureau Waiver Penalty schedule of fines in effect at the time of the violation, as the same shall be amended from time to time.
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