Page 6B East Oregonian COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, August 25, 2015 PEANUTS BY CHARLES M. SCHULZ DEAR ABBY Wife won’t share her workday after husband shuts her out Dear Abby: I have been married ican Institute of CPAs’ Tax Execu- for 36 years to a woman who is a pedi- tive Committee, may I offer some atric physical therapist. A number of FODUL¿FDWLRQWR\RXDQG\RXUUHDGHUV her youngsters are disabled or abused, about your answer in your July 13 and their lives can be a struggle. This column titled “Couple Deep in Tax FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON results in emotional, intense workdays Hole Need Help in Climbing Out”? for my wife. She brings these stories In fact, THREE groups of tax home and shares them with me. preparers have unlimited practice Over the years on three or four Jeanne rights under Department of the Trea- occasions, I have either told her I Phillips sury regulations to represent their didn’t care to hear an emotional story Advice clients on any matters before the that day, or ignored her when she ,56²FHUWL¿HGSXEOLFDFFRXQWDQWV tried to tell me. The last time I said attorneys and enrolled agents. it was last year, and now she refuses to tell 1RQH DUH PRUH TXDOL¿HG WKDQ &3$V me anything about her workload. She’s very CPAs are licensed by state regulators and stubborn, and although I am interested in must meet minimum education requirements what she does, she won’t let me apologize. to sit for their national licensing exam and She says she will discuss it only with her WKHQ IXO¿OO RQJRLQJ FRQWLQXLQJ HGXFDWLRQ B.C. BY JOHNNY HART fellow therapists at work. requirements, as well as abide by a code of Abby, what can I do to convey to her that I professional ethics. Attorneys have a gener- want to share her experiences? — Regretful ally similar system. In Georgia Enrolled agents are often former IRS Dear Regretful: If you haven’t been able employees who are licensed by the IRS to get through to your wife by now, probably after passing an exam. Enrolled agents are not much. competent and respected tax professionals, There’s a saying that a joy shared is twice but the fact they are licensed by the IRS a joy and a burden shared is half a burden. GRHV QRW PHDQ WKH\ DUH EHWWHU TXDOL¿HG RU :KHQVKHWULHGWRFRQ¿GHZKDWZDVZHLJKLQJ superior in serving clients than are CPAs or on her mind or heart on those occasions, your attorneys. response was, frankly, unkind. Further, if IRS.gov has a page explaining the the treatment she’s giving those children is different types of tax return preparers and PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE covered by HIPAA regulations, it’s possible WKHLUTXDOL¿FDWLRQVZKLFKPD\EHKHOSIXOWR that the only people she should talk to about your readers. — Troy K. Lewis, CPA them are her colleagues. Dear Mr. Lewis: Thank you for the I wish I could be more helpful, but it looks FODUL¿FDWLRQDQGIRUH[SDQGLQJP\UHSO\WR OLNH\RXPD\KDYHWR¿QGDQRWKHUZD\WREH that letter. It was not my intention to imply intimate with your wife besides discussing WKDW &3$V DUH OHVV TXDOL¿HG WKDQ HQUROOHG her workload. agents — and if I created that impression, I Dear Abby: As chairman of the Amer- sincerely apologize. DAYS GONE BY 100 Years Ago debris covered roads in many places. Some BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER From the East Oregonian were not passable late Monday, though hard Aug. 24-25, 1915 pressed county road crews were clearing the Word has been brought in that the muck and silt as fast as possible. Eightmile Round-up bucking stock, which has been road was reported washed out completely kept on the McComas ranch on McKay creek between McNabb and Olex. IRUWKHSDVWVL[PRQWKVLVLQ¿QHFRQGLWLRQ 25 Years Ago every horse looking sleek. Livestock Director From the East Oregonian S.R. Thomson will go after the animals soon Aug. 24-25, 1990 and bring them in to the Round-up corrals Mary Pearce Pengelly and other people WRJLYHWKH¿QLVKWRWKHLUFRQGLWLRQ³$QJHO´ who grew up in this area have a lot of ques- and “Rambling Sam,” the two outlaws that tions now that the federal government has were lost for two years are now at the corrals confessed to releasing massive amounts of and are in perfect trim. The herd of Mexican radioactive materials into the air and water GARFIELD BY JIM DAVIS steers are up in the “Horse Heaven” country in the 1940s. Pengelly and all seven of her of Washington and will also be returned soon. brothers and sisters have thyroid disease, The tryouts of bucking stock will commence which may have been caused by exposure to about two weeks before the show. iodine-131, the most prevalent form of radia- 50 Years Ago tion released from Hanford between 1944 and From the East Oregonian 1947. A member of the Downwinders support Aug. 24-25, 1965 group, Pengelly now lives in Kirkland, Wash., A sudden storm between 4:30 and 7 but she was in Pendleton Thursday night for p.m. Sunday wrought havoc with Morrow a public meeting with the technical steering County roads in the Blackhorse Canyon and panel for the Hanford Environmental Dose Eightmile districts, then traveled into north Reconstruction Project. The panel is over- Morrow County. It was the same area which seeing a study of past radioactive releases suffered such a beating in December, again in at Hanford, where the U.S. government for BLONDIE BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE January, and then last month. Several bridges more than 40 years produced plutonium for were reported washed out, and rocks and nuclear weapons. THIS DAY IN HISTORY Today is the 237th day of by Allied forces after four Today’s Birthdays: 2015. There are 128 days left years of Nazi occupation. Game show host Monty Hall in the year. Romania declared war on is 94. Actor Sean Connery Today’s Highlight in former ally Germany. is 85. Actor Page Johnson History: In 1958, President is 85. TV personality Regis On August 25, 1985, Dwight D. Eisenhower Philbin is 84. Actor Tom Samantha Smith, 13, the signed a measure providing Skerritt is 82. Jazz musician DILBERT BY SCOTT ADAMS schoolgirl whose letter to pensions for former U.S. Wayne Shorter is 82. Movie Yuri V. Andropov resulted in presidents and their widows. director Hugh Hudson is 79. her famous peace tour of the In 1965, former base- Author Frederick Forsyth Soviet Union, died with her ball player-turned-doctor is 77. Actor David Canary father, Arthur, and six other Archibald “Moonlight” is 77. Movie director John people in a commuter plane *UDKDP ZKR¶G EULHÀ\ Badham is 76. Rock sing- crash in Auburn, Maine. played in only one major er-actor Gene Simmons is 66. On this date: league game (for the New Rock singer Elvis Costello In 1718, hundreds of York Giants), died in is 61. Movie director Tim French colonists arrived Chisholm, Minnesota, at age Burton is 57. Country singer in Louisiana, with some 87. Billy Ray Cyrus is 54. Rock settling in present-day New In 1975, the Bruce musician Vivian Campbell Orleans. Springsteen album “Born (Def Leppard) is 53. Rap THE WIZARD OF ID BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART In 1825, Uruguay to Run” was released by DJ Terminator X (Public declared independence from Columbia Records. Enemy) is 49. Alternative Brazil. In 1981, the U.S. space- country singer Jeff Tweedy In 1916, the National craft Voyager 2 came within (Wilco) is 48. Television Park Service was established 63,000 miles of Saturn’s chef Rachael Ray is 47. within the Department of the cloud cover, sending back Thought for Today: Interior. pictures of and data about “Tradition is what you resort In 1921, the United the ringed planet. to when you don’t have the States signed a peace treaty In 1989, Voyager 2 time or the money to do with Germany. made its closest approach to it right.” — Kurt Herbert In 1944, during World 1HSWXQH LWV ¿QDO SODQHWDU\ Adler, Austrian-born War II, Paris was liberated target. conductor (1905-1988). LUANN BY GREG EVANS STONE SOUP BY JAN ELLIOT ZITS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE.
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