ON THE TATE MODULE OF A NUMBER FIELD II SOOGIL SEO Abstract. We generalize a result of Kuz'min on a Tate module of a number field k. For a fixed prime p, Kuz'min described the inverse limit of the p part of the p-ideal class groups over the cyclotomic Zp-extension in terms of the global and local universal norm groups of p-units. This result plays a crucial rule in studying arithmetic of p-adic invariants especially the generalized Gross conjecture. We extend his result to the S-ideal class group for any finite set S of primes of k. We prove it in a completely different way and apply it to study the properties of various universal norm groups of the S-units. 1. Introduction S For a number field k and an odd prime p, let k1 = n kn be the cyclotomic n Zp-extension of k with kn the unique subfield of k1 of degree p over k. For m ≥ n, let Nm;n = Nkm=kn denote the norm map from km to kn and let Nn = Nn;0 denote the norm map from kn to the ground field k0 = k. H × ≥ Huniv For a subgroup n of kn ; n 0, let k be the universal norm subgroup of H k defined as follows \ Huniv H k = Nn n n≥0 univ and let (Hn ⊗Z Zp) be the universal norm subgroup of Hk ⊗Z Zp is defined as follows \ univ (Hk ⊗Z Zp) = Nn(Hn ⊗Z Zp): n≥0 The natural question whether the norm functor commutes with intersections of subgroups k× was already given in many articles and is related with algebraic and arithmetic problems including the generalized Gross conjecture and the Leopoldt conjecture. See for example, Bertrandias and Payan [1], Coleman [4], Gras [5], Gross [6], Jaulent [9], Kolster [10], Kuz'min [11] and [12]. Many applications are mainly for the global units and the global S-units for a set S of finite primes of k. In spite that it is very simple to describe the problem, it is very difficult to find solutions even in simpler cases. In [15], [16] and [17], we try to give certain informations on these problems up to torsion, that is, the ranks of various groups. The difficulties occur in the infinite class field theory with its complicate idele topology over k1=k. We will search for a criterion over which the two functors of the universal and the intersection commutes exactly for the global units and the global S-units of k. Firstly we will generalize a result of Kuz'min with a new and clear proof. Secondly we will apply this result to the question mentioned. For a finite cyclic extension K=k and for a finite set S of primes of k, let Uk(S) be the global S-units of k. Let S0 be the set of primes of K lying over each prime 1 2 SOOGIL SEO v 2 S, S0 = fwjv ; v 2 Sg: 0 0 We will often write UK (S) for the S -units UK (S ) of K. Let Y Y × × JK;S = Uv kv w2 =S0 w2S0 be the S-idele group where we identify UK (S) with a subgroup of JK;S via the diagonal imbedding ϕK;S : UK (S) −! JK;S. For K = kn, we write Un(S) = Ukn (S); ϕn = ϕkn;S: We have the following exact sequence −! −! −!ϕn b 0 1 ker(ϕn) Uk(S) H (Gn;Jkn;S) where Gn = G(kn=k) denotes the Galois group of kn=k. Then Hasse's local-global norm theorem for k× and the fact that every global norm is a local norm imply that ⊂ \ × NnUn(S) ker(ϕn) = Uk(S) Nnkn : By tensoring with Zp, the exact sequence induces −! ⊗ Z −! ⊗ Z −!ϕn b 0 1 ker(ϕn) = ker(ϕn) p Uk(S) p H (Gn;Jkn;S) together with ⊗ Z ⊂ ⊗ Z \ × ⊗ Z Nn(Un(S) p) ker(ϕn) p = (Uk(S) Nnkn ) p: We let \ \ ⊗ Z ker(ϕ1(S)) = ker(ϕn) = (ker(ϕn) p) n≥0 n≥0 for the intersection over all layers. Let Γ denote the procyclic group G(k1=k) and for each n ≥ 0, let Γn = n G(k1=kn) be the unique subgroup of Γ with index p . Let S = Sn be a finite set of primes of kn. Let Cln be the ideal class group of kn and let Cln(S) = Cln=hcl(v)iv2S be the S-ideal class group of kn where cl(v) 2 Cln is the ideal class containing v. We define the S-Tate module Tk(S) of k following Kuz'min as the inverse limit of Cln(S) with respect to the norm maps Tk(S) = lim− An(S) n where An(S) = Cln(S) ⊗ Zp. For the group In(S) of fractional S-ideals of kn, let ⊗ Z I1(S) = lim− im(In(S) p) be the inverse limit of the image im(In(S) ⊗ Zp) of (In(S) ⊗ Zp) with respect to the norm maps inside An(S) induced from the exact sequence 1 −! Pn(S) ⊗ Zp −! In(S) ⊗ Zp −! An(S) −! 1 where Pn(S) denotes the S-principal ideals of kn. The following theorem is a generalized version of Kuz'min's result for any set S of primes of k. Hence when S is empty, then the Tate module can be described in terms of the global units. We will prove the main result in a totally different way ON THE TATE MODULE OF A NUMBER FIELD II 3 using genus theory for p-ideal class group via cohomology theory rather than the infinite class field theory as was used by Kuz'min. The advantage of our proof is that it describes clearly the isomorphism and it is easy to generalize for an arbitrary set S compared to Kuz'min's proof. Let On(S) be the ring of S-integers of kn. For each generating class (cl(an) ⊗ 2 Γ 2 × − O 1)n Tk(S) and αn kn such that (γ 1)an = αn n(S), let × ⊗ Z univ \ ⊗ Z Γ ker(ϕ1(S)) (k p) (Uk(S) p) 1 ! (S): Tk(S) univ = univ (Uk(S) ⊗ Zp) (Uk(S) ⊗ Zp) be defined as 1(S)((cl(an) ⊗ 1)) = Nn(αn) ⊗ 1 which is well defined modulo Nn(Un(S) ⊗ Zp) for all n. Theorem 1.1. Let k be a number field and let S be any finite set of primes of k. Then 1(S) defines an isomorphism Γ ∼ × univ Tk(S) = (k ⊗ Zp) \ (Uk(S) ⊗ Zp) 1 ! (S): Γ univ : I1(S) (Uk(S) ⊗ Zp) Let Sk(p) be the set of primes of k dividing p. Since the universal norm group and the norm comparable group are identical over the compact subgroups, Theorem 1.1 can be written as the following corollary. Corollary 1.2. For a finite set S of primes of k, Γ ∼ × ⊗ Z univ \ \ ⊗ Z Tk(S) != (k p) (Uk(S Sp) p) Γ univ I1(S) (Uk(S \ Sp) ⊗ Zp) Γ Tk(S \ Sp) = Γ : I1(S \ Sp) Γ We remark that the statement that for the set S of the primes dividing p, Tk(S) is finite is an equivalent version of the generalized Gross conjecture (see [6], [9] and [10]). Note that for a set S with S ⊃ Sk(p), it recovers the result of Kuz'min ∼ × ⊗ Z univ Γ != (k p) Tk(Sp) univ : (Uk(Sp) ⊗ Zp) When S \ Sp is the empty set ϕ, Corollary 1.2 contains information on the global units Uk since Uk(S \ Sp) is equal to Uk. By comparing these cases that S \ Sp = ϕ and that S ⊃ Sp, we have the following proposition. Proposition 1.3. Let S be a finite set of primes containing all the primes dividing p. If the primes in S are principal over all intermediate layers, then the identity map induces the following isomorphism × univ × univ (k ⊗ Zp) \ (Uk ⊗ Zp) ∼ (k ⊗ Zp) univ = univ : (Uk ⊗ Zp) (Uk(S) ⊗ Zp) In particular, it follows that univ univ (Uk(S) ⊗ Zp) \ (Uk ⊗ Zp) = (Uk ⊗ Zp) and univ \ univ Uk(S) Uk = Uk : 4 SOOGIL SEO 2. Proofs of the main results Let L=k be a finite Galois extension. For a finite set S of finite primes of k, let Ik(S);Pk(S) and Uk(S) be the group of S-ideals of k, the subgroup of principal S-ideals in Ik(S) and the S-units of k respectively. Similarly we define IL(S);PL(S) 0 0 and UL(S) as the the group of S -ideals of L, the subgroup of principal S -ideals 0 0 in IL(S) and the S -units of L respectively where S denotes the prime ideals of 0 L dividing the prime ideals of S. Let ClL(S) = IL(S)=PL(S) be the S -ideal class group of L and A (S) = Cl (S) ⊗ Z : L L S p Z Over the cyclotomic p-extension k1 = n kn of k, let Tk(S) = lim− An(S) the inverse limit of An(S) with respect to the norm maps which will be called the S-Tate module. For the group In(S) of fractional S-ideals of kn, let ⊗ Z I1(S) = lim− im(In(S) p) be the inverse limit of the image im(In(S) ⊗ Zp) of (In(S) ⊗ Zp) with respect to the norm maps inside An(S) induced from the exact sequence 1 −! Pn(S) ⊗ Zp −! In(S) ⊗ Zp −! An(S) −! 1 where Pn(S) denotes the S-principal ideals of kn.
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