- / teg. No. ICL/TV(N)/12 R- - Govcrnment of Kerala 1088 L 'KERALA GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORTY 2nd January 1988 Vol. XXXIII] Trivandnim, Saturday s. [No. S 12th Pousha 1909 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Labour and Rehabilitation (E) Department NO TT F ICAT JO N G. 0. Rt. No. 4188/LBR. Dated, Trivandrwn, lstjanuar,y,1988. The followin'g Draft Rules further to amend the Kerala Shops and Corn- juereial Establislunent Rules, 1961, which the Government of Kerala propose to-make in exercise of ti4e powers conferred by section 34 of Kerala Shops and Conirnei-cial Establishments Act, 1960 (34 of 1960) is hereby published as required by sub-section 4 of the said section for the information of all persons likely to be affected. Notice is' hereby given that the said Draft Rules will be taken up for 4tonsideration on or alter the 15th day of March, 1988. Objections or suggestions, if any, shall be addressed to the Commissioner and Secretary, Labour (E) Department, Government Secretariat, Trivandrum-l. DRAFT RULES 1. Short title and cornnzencement.—(l) These rules may be called the Kerala Shops and CommercialEstablishments (Amendment) Rules, 1988. I (2) They shalt come into force at once. 33/13/88/MG. 2. Amendment of the Rules.—( 1) In the Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishment Rules, 1961, in sub-nde (3) of rule 2G, for the words 'fiye rupees',thords 'ten rupees', shall be substituted. C By order of the Governor, C. P. NAIR, Commissioner and Secretary to Government. / Explanatory Note (This does not form part of the Notification, but is intended to indicate the general purport). In G. 0. Ms. 7/85/LBR dated 26-2-1985, Government have revised • the rates of fees payable under Rule 20 (1), (2), (3) and (4) of the Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1961, with effect form 1-3-1935- Government in the Notification No. 13108/E2/85/LBR dated 13-1-1936 have issued Draft Notification for giving statutory effect to the said revision of fees. In the said Notification amendment to Rule 20 (3) was not included due to omission. By this Notification, Government intends to give statutory effect to the revision of fees under Rule 20 (3) also. This Notification is intended to achieve the'aflove object. 0 J'flJNTED AND lUBLISI-EED BY THE S. G. P. AT TijI-- UOVI:.I; EEL. TItIVANDItUM, 1988 - 12 vernmcnt of Kerala - 1979 KERALA GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th September 1979 Vol. XXIV] Trivandrum, Monday, — — — — — — — - [No. 656. 26th Bhadra 1901 SECRETARIAT OF THE KERALA LEGISLATURE NOTIF1 CATION No. 6606/LA4B/79. - Dated, Trivandrum, 17th September, 1979 The Kerala Shops & Commercial Establishments (Amendment) Bill, 1979 together with the Statement of Objects and Reasons and the Financial Memo- randum is published, under Rule 69 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Kerala Legislative Assembly. DR. R. PRA5ANNAN, See retar_y, Legislative Assembly. - --4 I PRINTED AND PTJflLISH BY THE S. G. P. AT TIE GOVERNMENT PRESS, - ft TRTVANIIRIJM, 1979; 33/3377fMC. Fifth Kerala Legislative Asse r BillNo. 117 SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS (AMENDMENT) BILL, 1979 ' A BILL amend the Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1960. —WHEREAS it is expedient further to amend the Kerala Shops cial Establishments Act, 1960 for the purpose hereinafter N Ba it enacted in the Thirtieth Year of the Republic of india as follows: - Short title and commencement. —(I) This Act may be called the Kerala hOPS and Commercial Establishments (Amendment) Act, 1979, r (2) It shall come into force at once. 2. Amendment of section 18.—In section 18 of the Kerala Shops and Com- mercial Establishments Act, 1960 (34 of 1960), after sub-section (4). the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:- "(4A). In directing the payment of compensation under sub-section (3) or sub-section (4), the appellate authority may include as part of the com- pensation the wages of the employee for the period he was kept out of employment.". -A STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS Sub-section (2) of section 18 of the Kerala Shops and Commercial Esta- blishments Act, 1960, provides that an employee whose services are dis- pensed with may appeal to such authority and within such time as may be prescribed. Sub-section (3) of that section provides that the appellate authority may, after giving notice in the prescribed manner to the employer nd the employee,-dismiss the appeal or direct the reinstatement of the em- ployee with or without wages for the period he was kept out of employment or direct payment of compensation without reinslatemen t or grant such other 2/3376/MC. it deems fit in the circumsta of tI e case. section (4), in directing the reinstatement ofAn employee the shall also direct the payment of such adiount of compe: specified by him in case the employer thils to reinstate accordance with the directions. 2: in the judgment in W. A. No. 79 of 1975, the Kerala Hi the attention of the authorities to the need for a suitable amcnd' section (3) of section 18 of the said Act so as to clarify the positi&. where only compensation is granted, back wages may stflh e inq element in the compensation. It is, therefore, propose amen\ to make it clear that in directing payment of compensatioi 1hder. sub the appellate authority may include as part of the compensat,on of the employee for the period he was kept out of employment. proposed to snake a similar provision in respect of the compensation under sub-section (4) of section 18. 3. The Bill is intended to achieve the above objects. FINANCIAL MEMORANDUM The Bill, ii enacted and brought into operation, would not involve expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of the State. M. K. RAGHAVAN A- IICfl o / • 'and COIn mmercjajercise of EstabJis the Powers Coerred hy section 25 of the KerW;j S5io Act, 195 (Act 34 of 1960) and in super. 9$ session. Kera hercb of all appoint the previous the ofljccn no0 specified on the subject the Gorcjnment of to be the fled in 1fl3Pector for th0 in COlumn (3) of the Purpose of the coL,said (2) of the schcyJw Act for the "teas sped. SCHHDULE SI. Dreas (1) (2) 1. sntLa Officer, (3) l)isj• Headquart 8 2. rrivandrum Do. Trivandrum I Dufr; 3. Do. do. - Quilon Do. do. Aáleppey Quilon do. d0 Do. XOttay3j Alfeppey do. Do. do. Kottayam do. •\iwa)'e do. Do. do. S. do. Trichur Do. Palgbat do. do. Palgbat 10. Mulappuram do. Do; do. Kozhikode Malappuraw do. do. Carmanore Kozh&od do. Caunore do. / - F(1) I (2) (3) M As!istant Labour Officer, Neyyattin- Ncyyattinkara Munr kara cipal area, Pancha- yat areas of Pans- sala, Balaramapuram and Kattakada. Do. Trivandrum Division Nos. 6 to 9, East 13 to 24, 35 to 38, 45 and 46 of Tn- vandrum City Corporation, Do. Trivandrurn Divisiou Nos. Ito 5, West lOto 12, 25 to 34 and 39 to 44 of Trivandrum City Corporation. Do, Neduinangad Panchayat area- Nedumangad, Karakulam, Anad, -. Manikical, Vithura, Aruvikkara, Vella- nad, Aryanad, Poovachal, Kallara, Nannyyode, Penn- gamala and Pullam- para. - Do. Attingal Municipal area, Attingal Panchayat area—Chirayinkil, Varkala, Kadakka- voor, Vethoor, Vakkom, Anjengo, Azhoor and Cheru- nniyoor. 16.Assistant Labour. Officer, (Coin) Chirayinkil Attingal Municipal area & Panchayat Varkala,area— Chirayiokil, Kadakka- voor, Vettoor, Vakkom, Anjengo, - Azhoor and Cheru- nniyur. 17. Assinant Labour Officer, Qui1on Q,uilon Municipal Town. 7 1 (2) (3) * 18. Assistant Labour Officer (Coir) Paravoor Quilon Municipal P Town & Panch3yat areas of Paravoor, Eravipuram, May- yanad, Sakthi- kulangara and 4 Vadakkevila. 19. Assistant Labour Officer Kundara Panchayat areas- Sakthikulangara, Paravoor, Eravi- puram, Mayyanad and Vadakkevila. L0. Kottara- Panchayat area- bra Kottarakara. Do. Ptrnalur Panchayat areas- Punalur, Pathana- piram, Vilakud 1, Anchal, Yerur and Thenmala. Do. Moor Panchayat area- Adoor. Do. Patbanam- Panchayat areas- thitta Pathanamthitta, Kozhencherry, Ranni, Pazhavan- gadi, Ranni Angadi, Ranni Thottamon, Vechuchira, Konni, Mylapra, Vadas- serikara, Eiamthur, Naranganam, Ranni-perinad, Omallur & Cheru- kol. Do. Karunaga- Pancbayat areas—. pally Karunagapai1y Qachira, Chavara & Thekkurnbhagam. Do. Kayam- Kayamkulam Munici- kulam pal area & Pancha- yat area of Haripaci, Krishnapuram and Devikulangara. I EJ (1) (2) (3) ft''26-Assitant Labour Officer, ') "Changanacherry Changanacherry j Municipai - area". - t' Assistant Labour Officer (Gait) do. Kayamkulam' Munici- pu area & Pancha. yatareaofKaru- nagapallv, Oachira, Chavara, Thekkum- bhagom, Haripad, KrishGapuram, Devikulangara and Karthikappally. Assistant Labour . Officcr, Maveli- Municipal area - kara M velikara and Panchayat area of Pandalam, Thonnal- loor, Chennithala, Thrippuranithura, Thazhakara, Bharani- kkavu & Noornad. Do. Thiru. Thiruvalla Municipal valla town and Panthayat area of Kozhimukku. Do. Chengan- Panchayat area- nur Chengannur,Munnar, Kulanada,Mulakuzha & Thiruvanvandoor. Assistant Labour Officer, Alleppey Alleppey Municipal (Town) area. Asiistaot Labour Officer, Alleppey Panchayat areas- (Rural) Ambalapuzba, Mararikulam South, Mannamcherry, Aryad, Punnapra & Purakkad. Assistant Labour Officer, (Goir) Ambala- Alleppey Muricipal area puzha and Panchayatarca of I alapuzha, arikulani South,h, Mannamcherry, Aryad, Punnapra, and Purakkad. (2) (3) () 34. Asshtant Labour Officer s Sherthaiai Sherihallai Municipal aea and Panchayat areas of ICuthiyathode, Kodamthuruthu, Thuravoor& Pattana- kad. DC. C]hangana- Changanacherry cherry Munidpal area and Panchayat areas of Chirakadavu. sststant Labour Officer, Kottayazn Kottayam Municipal (Town) area; . 37. Assistant Labour Officer, do. Panchayat area of (Rural) Ettumanoor, 38. Assistant Labour Officer, Kanjira- Panchayat.—Kanjira. pally pally. Erumeli and Mundakayam. 1 - - "39-Assistnt La~our Offiacr, 1 "Pan ch a y at s- Peermade Peermade j (Pnrin,-r Dnrha.,ai „4' • i;;;a: i'va •' perwar”. Do ?' - Munnar Junnar téwn and Munnar rancnayat. Palai Municipal area—.-Palai -) — and Panchayat area • $ce. of Erattupetth. Vajko,i Vaikorn Muni&pal area ta and Panchayat area tee.. a11 aj 'Thalayolaparambu. Assistant Labour Officer EnlaK*j..
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