Transportation Research Record 896 7 Manual, Sediment Committee, Hydraulics Divi­ bors, and Coastal Engineering Division, ASCE, sion, ASCE, New York, 1975. San Francisco, 1975. 24. Task Committee for Preparation of Sedimentation 28. D.E. Overton and M.E. Meadows. Stormwater Mod­ Manual. Sediment Transportation Mechanics: eling. Academic Press, New York, 1976. Sediment Discharge Formulas. Journal of Hy­ 29. M.T. Tseng and others. Evaluation of Flood draulics Division, Proc., ASCE, Vol. 97, No. Risk Factors in the Design of Highway Stream HY4, April 1971. Crossings. Office of Research and Development, 25. W.A. Thomas and A.L. Prashuhn. Mathematical FHWA, Rept. FHWA-RD-75-54, June 1975. Model of Scour and Deposition. Journal of Hy­ 30. V.R. Snyder and K.V. Wilson. Hydraulics Design draulics Division, Proc., ASCE, Vol. 103, No. of Bridges with Risk Analysis. Office of Re­ HYB, Aug. 1977. search and Development, FHWA, Jan. 1980. 26. H.H. Chang and J.C. Hill. Minimum Stream Power 31. Design of Encroachments on Floodplains Using for Rivers and Deltas. Journal of Hydraulics Risk Analysis. FHWA, Hydraulic Engineering Division, Proc., ASCE, Vol. 103, No. HY12, Dec. Circular 17, 1981. 1977. 27. Y.H. Chen and D.B. Simons. Mathematical Model- ing of Alluvial Channels. Proc., Symposium of JUblication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Hydrology, Hydraulics, Modeling Techniques: Vol. 1--Waterways, Har- and Water Quality. Abridgment Stream Channel Grade Changes and Their Effects on Highway Crossings STEPHEN ARNE GILJE Stream channel degradation and aggradation are significant hydraulic problems affected, whether in meters or kilometers, is dic­ at river crossings. Degradation is lowering of the streambed, independent of tated by the physics of the situation involved. scour caused by obstructions or constrictions. Rapid or long-term degradation Degradation or aggradation that is significant is usually due to a significant change in normal sediment-transport relations. enough to be of engineering concern is caused by Aggradation is stream infilling and occurs when more sediment is supplied to a major changes in the river environment. stream than the stream is capable of transporting. Problems caused by stream degradation are far more common than those caused by aggradation. If actions HIGHWAY PROBLEMS DUE TO GRADE CHANGES are to be taken to protect a highway crossing against grade changes, early rec­ ognition of these hazards is imperative. Techniques for determining whether a crossing is experiencing degradation or aggradation are observation of stream The extent of stream degradation and aggradation in characteristics (geomorphology), anticipation of gradation changes based on the United States is demonstrated by a 1978 Federal watershed activities, and measurement of pertinent stream dimensions. Streams Highway Administration (FHWA) research study <!>· in areas of high sediment yield are most prone to grade changes. Severe grade Data from 224 sites that were experiencing various changes are often due to human intervention in natural stream processes. The hydraulic problems were assembled and carefully problems associated with degradation and aggradation warrant special attention analyzed. Thirty-nine of these sites (17.4 percent) because protective measures effective against local hydraulic hazards are inef­ had undergone changes in streambed elevation. fective for protection against grade changes. Degradation is the lowering of a stream channel; therefore, a problem at crossings is the exposure of footings, pilings, and foundations (see Figure 1). Degradation is lowering of a stream channel caused Undermining of channel banks or highway fill results by a significant change in normal sediment-transport in failure of bridge approaches, revetment, and relations. It is independent of scour created by other countermeasures. Undermining of channel banks isolated obstructions or constrictions. Aggradation causes general stream instability and exacerbates occurs when more sediment is supplied to a stream debris problems (5). Channel instability is often a than the stream is capable of transporting. To deal clue to future degradation problems; on the other with grade changes, it is necessary to understand hand, some instability problems (channel cutoffs) what causes them and how to recognize their features. result in degradation. Degradation alters crossing The processes of streambed grade changes have conditions so that hydraulic hazards that under de­ been defined differently by various authors (.!_-1.l • sign conditions pose no significant threat to the The differences in definition stem from differences integrity of crossings become critical. For ex­ in the limitations on temporal and spatial perspec­ ample, local scour considered acceptable under de­ tive; as a result, grade changes are sometimes con­ sign conditions could cause bridge failure when fused with scour and fill. superimposed on a degraded channel. The pervasive nature of grade changes is often Aggradation--general infilling of a stream described in terms of a long time and great dis­ channel--causes a reduction in the flow area avail­ tance. This is an accurate description of many case able at crossings (see Figure 2). In extreme cases, studies but fosters the misconception that all grade the flow area is less than that necessary for design changes progress similarly. When basic stream­ discharges, which results in overtopping of the forming factors are altered, the stream response is roadway or bridge deck. During flooding enough hor­ to change channel geometry. The direction of izontal or turning movement can occur to cause change, whether vertical or lateral; the rate, bridge damage. Aggradation increases stream insta­ whether in seconds or in decades; and the distance bility because excessive sediment carried by an ag- 8 Transportation Research Record 896 grading stream is prone to deposit in point and 80 percent of serious grade changes were caused by lateral bars. As these bars grow, stream sinuosity human int ervent ion i n nat ur al s tream p r ocesses (3). increases and flow is redirected into stream banks In fact, it was difficult to isolate severe gr'ide (located on the outside of meander bends across and changes that were caused naturally and were unaf­ slightly downstream from point bars) • The most fected by human activities. dramatic--and, fortunately, uncommon--aggradation Recurrent gravel mining or dredging, reservoir­ ha:i:ard occurs when a stream is filled sufficiently regulated flows. and land use changes can have con­ to cause floodwater to overflow streambanks and seek tinuing effects (see Figure 3). This is in contrast a new channel. In evaluating grade problems nation­ to natural and other human-induced causes, the ef­ wide, it was found that for each aggradation hazard fects of which are most severe following the impact identified there were three degradation hazards but diminish thereafter <2l • The magnitude of the identified 131. impact is easily underestimated, as is the stream In the evaluation of highway problems, more than distance affected. Many streams have degraded more than 5 m ( 8). Grade changes have pco9ressell many kilometers ;n smal l streams and hundreds of kilo­ meters on ma j or rivers. Figure 1. Degradation and resulting channel erosion at Middle Creek crossing of 1-80 near Lincoln, Nebraska. EARLY RECOGNITION OF DEGRADATION AND AGGRADATION Technique s that c an r e adily be applied to determi ne whether a crossing is experiencing a grade change are observation of stream character is tics (geomor­ phology) , prediction of a grade change based on watershed activities , and measurement of pertinent stream dimensions. Evaluation should be based on experience with the stream in question, analysis of aerial photographs taken at different times over as long a period as possible, and field investiga­ tions. Hydraulic hazards can be recognized by draw­ ing on experience with crossings elsewhere on the stream or on streams of a similar nature. A signif­ icant change in t:he chaLacte:r of a st:ream--a change of any type--is often the first signal that a per­ vasive hydra ulic hazard is i mm ine nt (see Figure 4). Aerial photographs can be used to analyze long reaches at different periods in the past. Klingman (9) discusses the use of aerial photography in high­ way design. All stream sites should be evaluated in Figure 2. Aggradation on Badwater Creek at US-20 near.Shoshoni, Wyoming. the field after review of maps and aerial photo­ graphs. Observation of Stream Characteristics Degradation and aggradation are opposites. Because degradation is a more common problem, the emphasis here is on the characteristics of degrading streams. Direct observation of degradation in the early stages is difficult under perennial flow condi­ tions. In addition, the dynamic nature of streams normally creates channel fluctuation; which OC'n he mistaken for a progressive change. It is commonly easier to recognize the geomorphic effects of a degrading channel in the early stages than the bed change itself. An exception to this guideline is when degradation occurs as a headcut or sharp. A headcut is recognized as a local high slope area on a stream and in many cases is exhibited as rapid~ u1 Figure 3. Degradation due to gravel mining upstream and downstream on falls. This type of degradation is more common on Amite River at LA-37 near Grangeville, Louisiana. small, ephemeral, or intermittent streams that have channels composed of relatively cohesive bed mate­ rial or armor. Headcuts are uncommon on larger perenn ial streams or streams with erodible beds. Degradation can occur solely as downcutting (minor degradation where banks are resistant, well­ vegetated, reveted, or in very small streams), as downcutting resulting in bank slumping (moderate degradation and cohesive bank materials) , or as downcutting associated with severe bank erosion. All of these stream aspects are observable in aerial - photographs or, as shown in Figure 5, in the field - (note in the figure the slumping of the banks, the - erosion on the convex section o f the meander, and the toppled tree in the background).
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